Love is a Fire

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Love is a Fire Page 6

by Lyssa Layne


  Katy hadn’t answered him yet when Lisa walked in and hugged them both. Relieved that Nick wasn’t mad, she looked into his beautiful blue eyes, and could tell he was scared, but not because they were betrothed. No, he was scared she would go running for the hills, which she’d be lying if she didn’t admit that the thought had crossed her mind.

  Lisa spoke. “Katy, I know you said you don’t have much family so would it be okay if you all got married here? I can start calling halls and caterers tomorrow. What religion are you? Do you—”

  Nick cut her off and put his arm around his mother’s feeble shoulders. “Mom, don’t push. Let’s let it all sink in now and we can discuss later, ok?”

  She smiled, but looked embarrassed. “Okay, okay, I’m just excited.”

  Katy touched the thin skin that covered Lisa’s hand. “I would love for you to plan the wedding. I don’t have much free time with work.”

  Lisa grinned and put her other hand on top of Katy’s. “Okay, future daughter.”

  Katy smiled as it’d been awhile since anyone called her that.


  Katy insisted they take Duke with them for the next couple days and stay at her place. Nick drove down the dark road, Christmas carols playing on the radio. They’d only driven about ten miles when Katy directed him down a couple side streets and announced they’d arrived.

  He looked at the place she called home and saw a split-level house. It was hard to see much in the dark, but he could tell that the yard was mowed and the house was well cared for. Briefly, he thought that this would be the perfect place for him and Katy to settle, especially with his parents just a few minutes away to watch the kids. He shook his head, reminding himself that he still had to convince her to marry him.

  Katy was already out of the car with Duke and unlocking the front door. Nick followed behind them locking his SUV although it probably wasn’t necessary in this area. As he stepped inside, he quickly realized this had been her father’s house. There were plaques and FDNY memorabilia up and down the walls. Nick closed the door behind him.

  Katy twirled in a small circle, holding out her hands. “Home sweet home.”

  Nick nodded as he looked around. “I like it.”

  She walked toward him and kissed his neck. “Shall we finish what we started in your bedroom?”

  Nick felt his manhood screaming yes, but he pulled back. “Can we talk?”

  Katy sighed and walked to the couch where she slipped off her black Calvin Klein pumps. She pulled her legs underneath her and waited for him to say something.

  Nick took in the room and tried to picture Mike Malone there, sitting in the recliner, ballgame on the television. Then he pictured himself sitting there, Katy on his lap as they watched their kids playing on the floor. Whoa, he was still getting ahead of himself.

  He sat beside her on the couch and took her hand, playing with the ring he had placed on her finger, not exactly sure what to say.

  She whispered, “You didn’t scare me off.”

  He looked up hopeful. “I didn’t?”

  She shook her head as her eyes met his. “No, I want to be Mrs. Nick Garrity.”

  He grinned. “You do?”

  “I do.”

  He almost jumped on top of her as she said those two words and he bellowed a deep, manly hoot. She giggled as she pulled his shirt open, breaking off the first four buttons. She pushed him back to sit on the couch, his well-defined chest on display. She stood up and turned on the stereo, soft rock filled the room. She walked back to Nick and stood between his legs.

  She unbuckled her belt, slid it from its loops, and with a soft snicker, dropped it to the floor. Nick rubbed his hands up and down the back of her thighs. She started swaying her hips side to side with the Bellamy Brothers, leaning down to kiss him occasionally. She raised her dress over her hips then dropped it again teasing him. Nick smiled and slipped his fingers into the waistband of her leggings.

  She lifted her dress again and Nick tugged her leggings down exposing her. She leaned forward and held on to his shoulders as he pulled them off. He rubbed her bare bottom and jerked her onto his lap. They started kissing slowly, rubbing themselves against each other and both groaning in desire. He pulled her dress over her head and they continued their foreplay on the couch.

  Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. He rolled her over, laying her down on the couch. As he stood beside her, Katy’s hands worked quickly on his zipper and he tugged off his shirt, tossing it aside. Nick still couldn’t believe this sexy woman agreed to be his wife. Without waiting any longer, he dropped his pants and boxer briefs throwing them in a pile with her clothes.

  Katy reached for his pants to get his wallet. She raised an eyebrow mischievously as she pulled out a condom out. She licked her lips and mumbled, “Mmm…grape.” Nick watched as she seductively placed it in her mouth and leaned forward. Nick closed his eyes as his fiancée rolled the rubber over him. He let out a muffled moan as he wondered what other tricks his future bride had up her sleeve.


  After another round on the couch and one on the living room floor, they had finally made it to the bedroom for sleep a little after midnight. Katy had been exhausted from the emotional ride the day before and the physical celebration all night. Deep in slumber, she felt Duke’s cold nose on her back and jumped. She rolled over, looked him in his big brown eyes. He panted his warm Milk Bone breath in her face while she scratched him between his ears.

  The sun shined through the curtains as she lay in bed thinking about the turn her life had taken in the past three weeks, she heard a car pull into the driveway. She got up to inspect. As she peeked out the blinds, she saw it was Jeremiah. She panicked, knowing he had a key. This was not the way she wanted to tell him about Nick.

  Katy grabbed the first thing she could find which happened to be Nick’s shirt with the top few buttons missing. She ran downstairs and opened the door as Jeremiah was about to unlock the door. She held the shirt together with one hand. “Hey…” she said, unsure of how this was about to go down.

  Jeremiah looked past her and then at Nick’s Yukon in the driveway. “Who’s here?”

  Katy stood up a little taller. “Excuse me? Last I checked, this was my house, not yours.”

  Jeremiah nodded taking a deep breath. “You’re right. Sorry, Knockout.” He kissed her lips and sidestepped her into the house.

  Katy closed the door and spun to face him, amazed at his audacity, although it was a typical Jeremiah move. “Can I help you?”

  Jeremiah let out a long sigh as he spoke. “I’ve barely seen or talked to you in three weeks. Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I switched shifts so you wouldn’t be alone at the hospital. I got there and it turned out you had taken off. When my shift ended, I drove out here to see if you wanted to spend the day with my family and no one was home.”

  Jeremiah raised his eyebrows. He had told Katy on more than one occasion that he could handle her sleeping around as long as he was the one that wound up as her husband. Katy understood why he hadn’t given up on their relationship. In the two years since her father passed, Katy had sent him many mixed signals, although since the last anniversary of his death, she had made it very clear that there was no chance they would get back together. She knew she would have to tell him about Nick sooner than later but right now, right this moment, was not the time she wanted to have that discussion.

  Katy glanced over his shoulder at the stairs. Jeremiah followed her gaze hearing movement upstairs. As they both kept their eyes on the staircase, Nick appeared wearing only his boxer briefs. When he reached the last stair, he rubbed his eyes and noticed Jeremiah in the room. Both men turned their attention to Katy.

  Katy, who suddenly felt naked in just Nick’s shirt, shifted uncomfortably. Jeremiah walked over to Nick extending his hand. “Dr. Jeremiah Thomas, nice to meet you.”

  Nick shook it tightly causing Jeremiah to squirm. “Nick Garrity. You work with K

  “Yes and—”

  Katy jumped in. “He was checking to make sure I was okay since I normally work Thanksgiving and he didn’t see me at the hospital.” She grabbed Jeremiah’s hand, letting go of the shirt, forgetting it wasn’t buttoned and giving him an eyeful.

  She pulled him to the door ushering him out. “Thanks for coming by. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  Jeremiah looked over her shoulder again at Nick who was staring him down. He looked back at Katy and glanced down at the wide open shirt exposing her flat mid drift, leaving the rest to his imagination.

  He put his hand on her bare hip and leaned down kissing her softly on the lips. She quickly pulled away, opened the door, and practically shoved him out the door. Jeremiah turned around with a cocky grin on his face for one last look before Katy slammed the door shut. She didn’t have to look to know Nick was fuming. She could feel his stare from across the room.


  Nick counted to ten in his head so that he wouldn’t follow the doctor who was pawing and kissing his fiancée . He balled his hands into fists and released them as he slowly said, “What…the…hell…was…that?”

  Katy casually turned around and Nick saw what Jeremiah had. Her perky round breasts peeking out of his frayed shirt . He couldn’t blame the guy for being turned on, but did he not know boundaries? He’d have to talk to Katy about answering the door like that, if it wasn’t someone she knew, she could have been in danger. Hell, the way this Jeremiah guy had undressed her with his eyes, she was already in danger.

  Katy moved across the room to him. She started to reach up and kiss him but Nick took a step back. He wasn’t in the mood to be distracted by her sexuality. He wanted to know who the jerk was that waltzed into her house and kissed her in front of him.

  She pulled the shirt back together and Nick scoffed. She glared at him. “What?”

  Nick felt his blood pressure rise and tried to keep from yelling but it didn’t work. “What?! Who the hell was that punk walking in here, acting like he owns you? And what were you thinking answering the door in that?”

  Katy’s threw her hands up in frustration. “Don’t yell at me! This is my house. And why do you think you can tell me how to dress?”

  Katy’s breasts peeked out of the shirt as she yelled back at him. He took a deep breath knowing that yelling wouldn’t solve anything. He nodded and in a calmer voice, he said. “Just tell me what the hell’s going on.”

  He took her hands and kissed them gently. He saw her face soften and her muscles relax. She took a deep breath and answered, “Jeremiah’s my ex-fiancé.”

  Nick stood there stunned. It was just one blow after another with her. Maybe Jesse was right and he’d jumped in too quickly. He dropped her hands and walked to the couch, not sure what to think or even say so he kept his mouth shut for fear of what might come out. Katy followed him and sat down next to him on the couch. She began to tell him their history, every detail. Some things he didn’t want to hear, but he knew she was telling him everything so that he couldn’t say she say she hadn’t left anything out.

  As she finished, Nick couldn’t believe what he had heard. How did he think their three-week relationship would stand up next to an eight-year courtship, engagement, and no real reason to break-up other then she didn’t want to hurt again? He stood up.

  Katy watched him walk away from her. “Nick? Talk to me. Please.”

  He shook his head, he knew he should respond to her, so he said what he was honestly thinking. “I…I don’t…I think we’re moving too fast. I don’t even know you…”


  Katy couldn’t believe what he’d just said. Granted, it was true, but she was still hurt by his statement. Not about to let him walk out on her, she put every inch of five feet, four inches against his six feet plus stature. Then with all the confidence and gusto she could find, in one breath she said, “Nicholas Garrity, you don’t mean that. Yes, things have moved fast and we don’t know every single detail about each other. But don’t sit there and tell me that you haven’t had lovers and other women in the past, which is what it is-the past. I made decisions that I thought were best for me and last night, when I told you I’d be your wife, I meant it.”

  Nick looked bewildered, but Katy took a breath and continued. “So if you want to walk out on me and give up on love then fine, go ahead, but you would be giving up something special.” Katy motioned between the two of them, indicating the love and passion she knew they both felt.

  Katy wasn’t sure what had flipped in her mind, but she’d gone from wanting to live the life of a recluse to this moment where she wasn’t sure how she’d function if this man walked away from her. She bit her lip nervously, still not sure how he’d react.

  Nick watched her lips as she nervously chewed on the lower on. Smiling, he walked toward her, leaned down, and kissed her. “You’re right,” he said and pulled her closer, “but we’re changing the locks on the door.”


  The days flew by as Katy and Nick fell deeper in love. Katy would stay at Nick’s, even when he was working so that they could sneak in any spare time they could find. Nick also encouraged this so that Jeremiah couldn’t stop by her house when he wasn’t there. Katy had let down her guard and told him everything about her family, something she’d never been able to do with Jeremiah. And in the bedroom, it was good, it was better than good, it was amazing. Katy had never experienced such toe-curling, cry-out-his-name, never-want-to-get-out-of-bed sex in her entire life. However, they both knew they couldn’t continue to spend all their time working and making love. They had to figure out life as a couple so they started to make their own routine.

  She hated when Nick worked and she didn’t. Not because she didn’t like being alone, in fact, she welcomed a break from Sports Center and taking a nice long bubble bath. No, it was because constantly she worried about his safety. She knew he’d promised he would be safe, but she also knew there was no way he could guarantee that.

  Katy walked into eighties night at O’Malley’s. Nick wanted her to hang out with the crew so they could get to know her. She knew by crew that he really meant Jesse. The other guys all adored her and begged Nick to bring in more of the cookies she baked. Jesse still was skeptical of their whirlwind relationship and hadn’t warmed up to her yet.

  As she walked in, she saw college co-eds dancing in spandex and leg warmers as the band played Journey with their teased hair held in place by an entire can of Aquanet. Katy spotted Nick and made her way to their table. As the guys recognized her, they all cheered and called out her name.

  Nick stood up, grinning and pulled her tightly against him as he kissed her passionately igniting more hoots and hollers from the guys. Katy laughed as she leaned back to say hello to the guys, Nick’s arm possessively around her waist. She glanced over and saw Jesse was the only one not joining in on the shenanigans.

  Murph pulled out a chair for her to sit and the drinks started flowing. Jesse got up and left the table to flirt with a girl at the bar. Each firefighter got more and more animated with every beer they chugged and every shot they downed. After a couple drinks, Nick kissed her cheek and excused himself to the bathroom.

  Katy looked over and saw Jesse standing against the mahogany bar alone. She made her way to him and squeezed between him and another burly firefighter named Chambers from Engine 75. The guys had been making fun of him all night.

  Jesse glanced over at her, but didn’t say anything. Katy looked behind the bar to order another drink, the bartender immediately made his way to her. She ordered two beers and two shots of whiskeys.

  Jesse scoffed. “You don’t strike me as a whiskey drinker.”

  Katy shrugged. “Looks can be deceiving, can’t they?” She raised her eyebrow as she said this. She’d caught his attention and he turned to her.

  “Why don’t you like me?”

  Jesse rolled his eyes and finished his beer as he muttered, “Women…”

He started to walk away from her, but Katy grabbed his wrist, taking him by surprise.

  “You’re his best friend. Don’t be a coward, tell me what you’re thinking.”

  Jesse stared at her hand gripping his wrist and then looked into her eyes. He stepped against her, trapping her against the bar, obviously trying to intimidate her. Katy straightened her shoulders, not moving her eyes off his. She wanted him to know she wasn’t about to back down.

  “I’m a doctor, Jesse. He’s a firefighter. It’s obviously not about money or power.” Katy knew she sounded cocky as she said that, but she had no idea what else Jesse’s concern could be.

  “He wants more than you can give him.”

  Katy looked at him confused.

  “You’re a doctor. You don’t have time for a family which is what he wants. You’re only going to hurt him in the long run, Kate.”

  Katy smiled, glad he finally admitted his worries. She leaned up and kissed his cheek. “I appreciate your honesty and I’ll do my best not to hurt him. Trust me the last thing I want is for either of us to end up burned.”

  The bartender set the drinks on the bar. Katy picked them up and handed Jesse one of the shot glasses. “And I’ll let the ‘Kate’ thing slide this time.”

  Jesse laughed as he clinked the glass with her and they both downed the whiskey. The guitarist started the intro to a Rick Springfield song and the crowd cheered. Jesse grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. “Come on, Kate, they’re playing my song.” Katy laughed as she followed him, knowing she had a new nickname.


  Katy put the finishing touches on the Christmas tree she’d decorated in Nick’s living room. He was working a tour at Engine 75 so that he could get the weekend off to see his mother. Every day was touch and go with Lisa and the doctors didn’t know if she’d even make it to Christmas.

  Her phone rang and she recognized his number. “Hey sexy,” she answered as she sat on the couch admiring her decorating skills.


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