Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: The Duke of Hearts (Historical Regency Victorian Duke Romance) (Historical Regency Fantasy Romance)

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Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: The Duke of Hearts (Historical Regency Victorian Duke Romance) (Historical Regency Fantasy Romance) Page 6

by Lisa Andersen

  “Me too, old man. My aunt had me trail up here on a wild goose chase.” Bertie answered and Badger pulled the cord that brought a man servant rushing to see what was required. Relieved that the master was not furious that his guest was unannounced the servant retreated to find food and drink and the two friends sat down to catch up.

  “I must say.” Badger commented eyeing Bertie’s extremely tight trousers. “Those are not pantaloons. They are very revealing.” Bertie stood up and did a sort of twirl around to display his up to the minute fashion. “You really do have to get up to date, Badge. These are all the rage in town.” Badger was not impressed because he was a fan of country pursuits and tradition. He laughed off his friend’s suggestion and asked if Aunt Agnes was well.

  “In rude good health.” Bertie answered “And as annoying as ever.” He paused “But she never told me that Lady Tupperham had passed away. She was a great old girl and I never knew she had gone.” Badger nodded and said that it was sad. “The estate now belongs to her only living relative.”

  “I met her this morning. Caroline Carstairs she said her name was and told me I was trespassing.” Bertie said with a wave of his hand and his friend laughed out loud. “Indeed the woman can be bold and she is unusual. “He smiled “But is exceedingly pretty.”

  “I never noticed.” Bertie said dismissively and Badger laughed it off.

  “That I do not believe and you two should get on well. She is the most fashion conscious and up to date person you will ever meet.” Bertie looked at him incredulously and brushed the assertion aside. “How could she possibly be up to date stuck up here away from everything?”

  “Ah but she has lived in London all of her life up till now. She has made some amazing changes to the house already.” Bertie was sceptical and said so but Badger was not to be changed. “I have been very nice to her but I know she thinks I am old fashioned.” Badger smiled at himself and Bertie said “Well you are old fashioned. You were old fashioned when you were ten years old.” He clapped his friend on the back and went on to say that as he had come all this way on a wild goose chase, he would make some modernisations to the house. “There are some new items for the kitchens but-And he paused dramatically. “Have you seen the new flush away waste systems?” Badger Timkins gave a grin that threatened to split his face in two. “Well yes, actually, I have.” He was rewarded by the stunned look on the face of Bertie Collins Margrave and he laughed out loud with glee. “You see.” He added with a sort of flourish. “The young lady who has taken over Lady Tupperham’s house has installed not one but two in The Grange.”

  “Well I’ll be damned.” Bertie replied and sat down into a nearby chair with a sudden thump. Badger told him that Caroline had made other changes but it had only been three months and some things were taking more time. “She apparently wants the decoration to be like the top houses in London. Her clothes have come down specially and I hear that some of them come from Italy and France.” Bertie could find no suitable reply. Badger was pleased to have the better of his friend for once and told him that Caroline was an excellent horse woman. “No doubt you noticed that she is also extremely pretty.” He finished and Bertie realised that he had indeed noticed that the dark blonde hair and blue grey eyes were part of a slender and rather delicious package. He thought to himself but did not say to Badger that he also noticed that the riding clothes were very similar to the choicest apparel worn around the city. It was a lot to take on board and then he reminded himself that she was also arrogant and had ordered him off her land. “Hmph.” Was all he managed in reply and Badger was delighted. They sat and talked about other things that interested young men of the time and Bertie made an arrangement to go riding the following day. Badger had thought to include friends and make the occasion a bit more of a social occasion. His own sister would have been furious if he had not told her that Bertie was back in the area. Bertrand himself, took his leave and rode back to his stately home by the road. This took considerably more time but he had no notion to be caught trespassing again.


  Bertie arrived home and left the horse to be tended, threw the top hat on a chair and strode through the house to find his aunt in the sitting room that she used the most because it let out onto the garden. The garden was a source of delight to Agatha and Bertie wisely left her to make all decisions in that regard. He knew she would be there but stopped short in the doorway when he realised she was not alone. Sitting taking tea with his normally grumpy old relative was the new neighbour-Caroline Carstairs.

  “Ahh Bertie.” Aunt Agatha said. “Come and meet out new neighbour.” Bertie walked inside and said that they had already met. His aunt wanted to know how and Caroline stood up to meet Lord Haverbrook. “She held out a hand in greeting and said “We may have got off on the wrong foot, Lord Haverbrook. It is lovely to meet you” Bertie knew his manners and came across, took her outstretched hand and raised it to his lips. Once again he felt the jolt of excitement through his body at the touch of her hand but nothing showed on his face. “Good day, Miss Carstairs. Let us start again.” She rewarded him with a radiant smile that lit up her features like a shaft of summer sunlight and Bertie Collins Margrave was stunned. For once he was lost for words and his aunt saved the day by telling them both to sit and take some tea. “Caroline has two wonderful attributes that you could do well to learn from.” She told him severely and he waited to be instructed with a good grace and kept his eyes on the visitor. His London eye told him that the afternoon dress she was wearing was straight from the capital city and she wore it with confidence and style.

  Aunt Agatha held a book and waved it in the air. “See this new printing system is making these books available to all of us and Caroline is introducing me to a whole world of reading.” Caroline joined the conversation and told him that his aunt was enjoying the books but in return was allowing herself access to her gardens and she was taking inspiration to create a garden of her own. Bertie too, enjoyed some of the new literature available and although they liked different types of reading the three of them found a discussion relaxing and entertaining. Bertie felt comfortable and sat back to enjoy himself. In the end his aunt directed him to take Miss Carstairs into the garden. “The gardeners will remove anything she might like to choose.” This was amazing in itself because his aunt was normally desperately possessive of her plants. He stood and offered the visitor his arm. “My pleasure, Miss Carstairs.” He said and led the girl out of the doors onto the terrace that overlooked his aunt’s pride and joy.

  Caroline Carstairs took the lead in saying that she had heard that he preferred to live in London and he told her that was indeed the case. “But Lord Haverbrook, do you not desire to bring some of the London style and fashion to this part of the world?” Bertie had never given this any thought before and was surprised to discover that he enjoyed talking to someone about the things that could be brought up to Derbyshire. The conversation ranged from the latest books and magazines, clothes and activities to the household equipment that could make life easier for all concerned. The two of them were deep in animated talk and found themselves having walked slowly a long way from the house. “I am sorry. This is a long way for you to walk.” Bertie suddenly realised and was surprised when his companion laughed. “I love to walk, ride and in the garden, I like to actually work with the plants. A little walk will do me good.” She had turned towards him and they were suddenly very close to each other. Bertie took her face between his hands in a spontaneous gesture and kissed her on the lips. After the initial surprise Caroline returned the kiss with a passion that surprised even herself. There was a sudden and complete connection between them and the kiss deepened and lengthened into something that neither of them expected. It was not that Caroline Carstairs had never been kissed but rather that she had never been kissed in a way that took her to another world. A kiss that sent her head swimming and leaving her knees quite weak. Bertie found his senses first and pulled away. “I am so sorry.” He stuttered.
“I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me for taking advantage.” Caroline looked at his face and the shock that the kiss had inflicted on both of them. She smiled that stunning sunshine smile and pulled his head back towards her. “I am a new woman.” She told him and this time she took the initiative and started the kiss. “I think, Miss Carstairs.” Bertie said in the end. “That we had better walk back to the house.” She laughed and took his arm and they strolled back in that direction but both of them were still a little bit shaken by the intensity of the connection. Caroline brought herself to her senses and told him that she had a carriage and he found someone to go and ask for the vehicle to be brought to the front of the house. The couple waited in the extensive hallway until the carriage was brought around and he helped the girl into her rather smart and up to date transport. “I enjoyed the walk and the company.” He said and she leaned forward and told him that she had felt the same. Bertie resisted the urge to take those delightful lips again and he told the driver to start the journey to her home. Then Bertie Collins Margrave stood for quite a long time on the steps of his stately pile remembering the feel of those lips against his own.

  He found his aunt happily reading her latest book and she stopped long enough to query if he found the new neighbour pleasant. Bertie knew his aunt of old and gave her a smile. “I know your matchmaking habits, dearest aunt and I am not going to fall into any trap.” She gave a knowing half smile and returned to her reading. He paused at the door and told her he was going riding with Badger the next day.

  Late in the morning Bertie set off on his favourite horse to meet up with his old friend Badger but when he arrived, via the road so not to trespass again, he found a gathering of friends. They were all collected in the hallway and reception room of Badger’s beautiful but old fashioned house and Badger’s sister, Arabella, flew towards him with arms outstretched. He grinned at her and held out his arms in response and the two hugged each other and both spoke at the same time. “Oh how wonderful to have you home again.” Arabella told him. “We do miss your company you know.” He set her back on her feet having swung the girl around in the air. These two had been friends since childhood and as Arabella had been as keen on the outdoors pursuits as the boys she had been included in their growing up. Badger often wished and indeed, had told Bertie, that a marriage to his sister would be an excellent idea. Both Bertie and Arabella disregarded this suggestion and continued to be the best of friends. He held her out at arm’s length and told her she looked wonderful. “I know I am more up to date now that Caroline has moved into the Tupperham house.” And to his surprise he saw that she was pulling Caroline towards her. “She tells me all about these wonderful shopping emporiums and we have magazines with the latest styles. “That is obvious.” He said and admired the burgundy coloured riding outfit that Arabella was wearing.

  Bertie looked around and said his greetings to the others. Badger had sent messengers to the local people of their own age and sent servants off to the garden pavilion with picnic food. The party had all arrived on horseback and mounted up with excitement for an unexpected visit out. The young ladies all rode side saddle with the skirts of their outfits elegantly spread over the horse’s flanks. They were all accomplished at this seat on their horses and were helped up by footmen and servants. Badger, Bertie and their two male friends climbed aboard easily and with a tinge of dislike Bertie saw that Arielle Pernicier and her cousin Bernice were along as well. “That will be because Toby Marsden-Smythe would like to be part of her rich and influential family.” Bertie thought to himself but his innate good manners made him greet them pleasantly enough. Toby was riding beside Arielle and she was ignoring him as she always had. Isabella Germaine was included in the group and Bertie smiled to himself. “Good morning, Isabella.” He said as he rode alongside her. She was a pleasant young woman with a mass of red curls that were usually out of control. Isabella was dressed in a dark blue riding outfit and he has seen it a few times before. Bertie always noticed clothes. He might not notice other things but he had an eye for what people were wearing. He wondered to himself if the family had money problems. Isabella’s parents were aristocratic but not wealthy. He had always liked the girl and hoped things were not too bad. The party shouted to each other as they prepared to enjoy the ride over Badger’s extensive grounds to the garden pavilion. Once there they dismounted. Tethered the horses and spent a very happy afternoon lounging on day beds and eating if they felt like it. The girls talked endlessly about fashion and it seemed that Caroline was the purveyor of the latest information. Bertie felt a bit annoyed at this because in the past he had brought the information from London to the shires. He slipped onto the seat beside Caroline. “What about the fashions in houses?” He joined in. Caroline smiled at him and the talk turned to the latest in artwork, books and theatre. Badger came and sat beside Isabella. “You are saving dances for me at the ball, aren’t you?” He asked her and she nodded and said that of course she was. He turned to Bertie. “The Callander’s Ball.” He said. “They will expect to see you there.” Bertie said he wouldn’t miss it for anything and asked if Caroline was invited. She said that she most certainly was and her second cousin was coming as her escort for the evening. Bertie laughed and said that no doubt his aunt would expect him to be her escort.


  The ball was two days later and duly dressed in the latest and best that money could buy in London, Bertie Collins-Margrave, Lord Haverpool escorted his aunt to their waiting carriage at the front steps and they rode in stately fashion to the enormous home of The Marquis of Callander. It was ablaze with lights. Servants were everywhere and rushed to help his aunt from the carriage. The Callander mansion was very large and very ornate. The carriages were being ushered away as new ones arrived and Aunt Agatha and Lord Haverbrook alighted at the foot of the carpeted steps that led into the foyer and then the ballroom. An orchestra was already playing at the far end and the room was already full of beautifully attired guests. There were seats for the older folk and Bertie escorted his aunt to meet the hosts. Once greeted, he took her to seat with a good view of proceedings and she joined some friends who were obviously set for a jolly good gossip.

  He looked around and spotted Badger with a glass in hand and headed in that direction. The house was, in Bertie’s opinion, over the top with decoration. The walls were overdone with plasterwork and marble and there were so many plants in pots that it was difficult to navigate the room. In each corner there was a sort of pavilion effect as if the place was set up to watch a medieval jousting tournament. He fleetingly wondered if the host was going to sit under one like a sort of King Arthur. The two men stood and surveyed the assembly and Bertie thought that Badger had come up to date. “I say, Badge, you are wearing the new tight trousers.” Badger grinned at his friend and told him that his sister had made him read the magazines that Caroline had introduced. “Well I must say, it looks good.” Bertie concluded. He scanned the room and noted that some of the younger ones were clad in fashionable gowns and some were still a little dated. Most of the young ladies were wearing the empire line dress which had been popular for some time and was quite flattering. The material gathered under the bust line and fell away to the floor. Some of them had a small train which could be hooked up for dancing and some of them were very delicately and ornately decorated. The colours were so varied that it almost looked like a collection of butterflies in the garden. The young women held fans that they fluttered and lots of them held up the skirt with the other hand. Most of them had their hair swept up and caught into small curls clustered to the head. The older ladies like his aunt wore bonnets. An old friend who was a military man came over and greeted the two men. The military jackets and very tight trouser always caught the eyes of the opposite sex and William Grey was very aware of the eyes on him as he strode across the floor. “Smart as ever, old boy.” Bertie greeted the man and the they talked of what was happening in the military world.

  The dancing was underway and
those keen to start were out on the floor in formation for the well-known and well-loved quadrille. The fans held by the ladies were on a ribbon around the wrist, long skirts were held up and everyone was very stately and could show off their elegance as they moved from partner to partner. Bertie and Badger stood this one out and saw their friends out on the floor. Arabella managed a smile for the boys as she moved around in the dance and Bertie saw Caroline Carstairs looking wonderful in a dark burgundy coloured outfit that was not over embellished but stood out as the best that London could produce. Hi eyes followed her progress around the room and he felt a tingle in his lips as he thought about that kiss in the garden.

  The dance ended and the man whom Bertie too to be Caroline’s second cousin escorted her from the floor to a seat beside Arabella and Bertie with Badger in tow moved over to join the party. It was a pleasure to meet the man who turned out to be a member of a club to which Bertie already subscribed. They found that they had a few friends in common and the man was a pleasant companion. His eyes were very obviously drawn to Arabella and that young lady was not unaware of the attention. Like his cousin, Marshall Carstairs was dressed in great style and showed an elegant calf in his well-tailored clothes. His hair was cut shorter on the top than Bertie’s and he did not have the sideburns but he was a very attractive man with a pleasant personality. He asked if he would be allowed to accompany Arabella in the next quadrille and Bertie offered to take Caroline so that Arabella could accept the invitation. The little group were happily enjoying a conversation when along to join them came Arielle and her cousin Bernice. Bertie inwardly groaned. He really did not Like Arielle Pernicier. He suspected she was looking to cause trouble but the two girls joined the conversation about the dancing and all seemed innocuous. The next dance began and Bertie offered Caroline his arm. She smiled as she accepted and he walked her into the middle of the floor to join the pattern for another quadrille. It gave him a little thrill of pleasure to feel the touch of her hand and she must have felt the same because she lifted her other hand and patted his arm as she walked. They smiled at each other and took their places in the dance. Arabella and Marshall did the same and Bertie smiled across at his friend’s sister. She knew he understood. The dance was elegant, stately and everyone was able to look their best.


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