Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: The Duke of Hearts (Historical Regency Victorian Duke Romance) (Historical Regency Fantasy Romance)

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Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: The Duke of Hearts (Historical Regency Victorian Duke Romance) (Historical Regency Fantasy Romance) Page 8

by Lisa Andersen

  That is where she had met young Dick, a son of a Captain of one the ships, and good friend to her father. The pair had grown up together, close as best friends could be. He was blamed for most of the trouble they got into, but truth be known; most of it was her idea. Then puberty had hit and both had looked at each other differently. Falling in love had not been hard, but the social consequences where staggering. They simply could not be together. The princess could no more marry her love than marry a goat. Now she would be expected to go to the stupid ball and dance with stupid suitors, all who grew up with silver spoons and haughty attitudes. Each year they got worse. And now, with her birthday here and her age advancing, she would be expected to wed soon.

  The idea of marrying any of those pushy men made Bobbie’s stomach sour. Just spending this evening with them was misery enough. Biting her tongue at their mean remarks, missing her beloved William … who at the moment was rubbing her neck and shoulders. It felt wonderful, and even though she was mad at him, she felt her body relax against his hands. Bobbie rolled her shoulder so Dick would have better access. “My mother hates my birthday as much as I do. It is a reminder that she is another year older as well,” Bobbie said grumpily.

  She felt his hand slid along her body and a fire lit deep in the core of her. He leaned in close to her ear, inhaling her scent, a blend of body soaps and lotions along with a mix of womanly musk and something so unique it was only found on her. It was a realness and a willingness to get dirty and laugh and play and it was crazy how that was a scent, but he could smell it on her and it drove him to his knees. The electricity between the two was undeniable.

  He murmured in to her ear “The woman I love is turning twenty three today. If she were my wife, I would take her to bed and not get out all day. She would not leave till she knew how much I love her. She is not, so I must show her how much I love her in other ways. So I painted your beauty on a church in town. The angels must be so glad to have something to brighten their day! God himself must fawn over your beauty; both he and I know it isn’t skin deep with you. If I were a poet, I would have written a thousand sonnets. If I was a musician, one hundred songs. Never has God allowed such a perfect muse walk the earth, so I must celebrate doing what I do best.”

  Dick’s lips had brushed across her neck as he confessed his love. The warmth of his breath and yearning in his words made Bobbie’s anger wane. “Dick, you can’t paint anything on a church! It isn’t right. The church is for God and God only.” The pressure from his hands got harder. He made circles on her shoulders, savoring the silky feeling of her skin. ”God made you princess and me a poor artist. I think he has punished me already. And after this ball, and you pick a prince to live your life with, I can worship at the church my one true love forever and always.” Her heart broke at the pain in his voice, and the truth in his words. All she wanted was to spend the rest of her life with the one person she loved. She felt warm little kisses on her neck. Dick nibbled and kissed on her neck and earlobe as if he was paying some sort of reverence. Each kiss was an unanswered prayer, each carrying devotion and adulation. Despite the fact that she could never truly be his, he would love her, adore her, and worship her till the day he died. His loyalty was as strong and unwavering has his love. He didn’t feel cheated in this, for the pleasure of her company and knowing her love was more than any man could ever hope for. Their time together was worth any price. Even on the eve of his misery, he had no regrets.

  Bobbie sighed. Dick’s hands were warm and gentle. His fingers teased Bobbie’s skin. Lightly he traced the lines of her shoulders and neck. She admired the talents that were in those big hands. Dick was a passionate artist. His work was known far and wide as the most beautiful and feeling provoking images ever put on canvas. He was a sensitive soul, and his feeling leaked out all over his work. The man could no more bridle his feelings as he could stop his love for Bobbie. She sighed again, more worried than relaxed now. The idea of a life without him, without love … it was unbearable. And yet, she knew that tonight she would be asked to choose from a long list of suitors. Marriage was not for love, it was a tool to gain power or wealth. Or both, if she chose correctly. And Mother would see to that. Mother had big plans for Bobbie’s future. She was a good woman, but like most woman, she was materialistic. The idea of more of everything was favorable to her, and she wasn’t against using Bobbie to get it.

  Dick sensed the change in Bobbie’s demeanor. “My love, do not worry about tonight. Enjoy this moment with me. I still have not been able to properly wish you a happy birthday.” He drew her up into his lap. “May I kiss you?”

  Dick’s big eyes looked straight into Bobbie’s. His hands had settled on the lace of her dress. “How long does it take you to get dressed? All of these petticoats and slips and buckles, how do you have time for anything else?” He teased Bobbie, but he just wanted her mind off of finding a new love. But looking at all the clasps on her dress made him think of getting her out of it. He refused to deflower her, knowing that it could bring her shame. But thoughts of her silky skin were never far from his mind. He had kissed her, touched exposed skin, but he could go no farther. A night with Bobbie was all he wanted for the cold life he would lead without her, but to take her innocence would be unforgivable. Bobbie ignored his question, and pouted on his lap.

  “Will you be at the ball tonight, Dick? Perhaps we could meet somewhere secret, and then the night would not be a total waste,” Bobbie said wistfully.

  “Yes, there is a Duke that will be there tonight that has requested that I do a portrait of his daughter. I am to meet them both tonight. Mayhap I could meet you in the garden and dance once with you?”

  “Of course!” Bobbie hugged him. “I would meet on the moon if you requested it,” she said as she slid in closer to him. “Maybe this birthday shall still yield some good.”

  “And with that promise, I must bid you ado. I need to prepare myself for my meeting tonight and find the perfect gift for my beautiful Angel.” Dick smiled the smile that melted the wits right out of Bobbie and scooped her up out of his lap. Holding her tightly, he kissed her innocent lips and squeezed her body tightly. In truth, there wasn’t much he needed to do to ready himself for his meeting, and Bobbies gift was wrapped and waiting. But the hot sting of lust had creeped into his loins. He needs to be away quickly before he did something he would regret. With one last kiss on the top of her head, he made for a hasty exit.

  Wide-eyed, Bobbie tried to figure out what had just happened to her. One moment they were snuggled as close as two people could be, and then … she was dumped like a sack of taters and alone. She frowned. Would she ever understand that man? All she had wanted to do was get closer and enjoy his warmth. It was amazing how large and strong his body was. Working in the Navel yard since he was a young boy had caused his body to mature into a very strong, powerful device. Bobbie flushed as she thought about how he had felt under her, how easily he had tossed her around. It would feel divine to be held in those strong arms and led around the dance floor. For one moment in time, she would pretend that she could have the man she loved, and he could have her. Finally, something to look forward to. She skipped down the hall on her way to the bath. She couldn’t wait to have a dance with William at the ball. She didn’t care at the moment that she would be force to marry a man she didn’t love. She was content with the fact that she would have one last dance with the man she loved so desperately.

  Never had the castle looked so exquisite. The chandelier was overloaded with crystals from floor to ceiling. Strands of pearls hung with large flowers. There were unreasonable amounts of food in every direction. The good linen was out, and so was the silverware. Jewels seemed to float on the walls as if my magic. There were twinkling candles just about everywhere the eye could see, casting a warm glow over the room that created an amazing ambiance. The room was packed with couples swaying together with the harmony of the music. The gowns of the well-dressed ladies of the upper class shimmered like moonlight on open
water. The room was alive with conversation, music, and hearty laughter. Flowers of all colors adorned the castle walls as well as the staircase. The queen truly had outdone herself with the festive décor that transformed the castle into a garden fantasyland. Everyone looked happy in their best clothing. From the outside looking in, the birthday party of the princess was as perfect at a picture.

  Dick’s heart sank straight into his shoes and filled with nothing but emptiness as he digested his surroundings.

  As hard as he tried, he couldn’t partake in the gorgeous celebration of the birth of the woman he loved. Thoughts of the love of his life dancing the night away with other men made Dick’s blood boil. The anger nearly was more than he could bear. Dick grabbed a glass of brandy from a nearby butler catering to the all guests. He guzzled the brandy down in one gulp despite how badly it burnt his throat. Hesitantly, he grabbed another glass and took another long swig. He felt he had no reason to keep his wits about him. After all, he was going to get to dance with Bobbie only once before she disappeared into another life with another man. Dick searched deep within himself to find the courage and strength he needed to stay long enough to get his prize. After his dance with the princess, Dick felt he could walk away from his love in hopes of doing what he felt was right in his heart.

  “William?” a voice called out not far from him.

  Dick froze. He wasn’t sure who the speaker was, but it didn’t matter. He figured that whomever stood behind him realized that there was a peasant amongst the highest social class in the kingdom. Dick felt as if he had been taken a blow to the gut. Obviously, Dick wasn’t going unnoticed. Chugging the rest of his brandy, he turned around to face what he expected to be a guard ready to lead him to the castle gates.

  To Dick’s surprise, it was not a guard calling for him. In fact, Lord Gibbons was the gent who had called out to him. “I viewed the gallery, William,” Lord Gibbons commented. “My favorite is of our late king. It is nothing short of breathtaking. It is an excellent tribute to a man of his stature. It is a shame our kingdom lost such a fine gent. The queen and princess must be very proud.”

  Dick agreed solemnly with Lord Gibbons. Dick had always admired King Pete for his bravery, but didn’t always agree with his political movements. Lord Gibbons continued by shaking his head and saying, “The passing of the king was dreadful. However, he was an admirable man.”

  Dick felt a tornado of emotions. Of course, he was saddened by the passing of the king as a loyal citizen. That did not change the fact that he was a wee bit envious. Dick’s father had also died in the same battle as King Pete when Dick and Bobbie Josephine were merely children. He wished for others to speak of his own father with admiration. The late Austin Donaldson had inspired Dick to pursue his artistic talents. Dick had loved his father fiercely. Sergeant Donaldson had won many a battle. His strategies and attack tactics helped lead to the victory of the kingdom. Even though he died battling side by side with King Pete, Austin Donaldson was merely nothing more than a peasant with not a penny to his name.

  Dick felt overwhelmed by the memories of his father. He felt anger because his father also died for the kingdom, but died without honor or recognition. Dick knew tonight would be the night he would say goodbye to someone else in his life that he greatly loved. Dick became overwhelmed with a whirlwind of emotions he could not control. Dick felt he deserved the hand of Princess Bobbie Josephine in marriage regardless of the fact that he lacked a noble title. Dick’s artistic skills made him a frequent guest as elite event such as the birthday celebration of the princess. However, it was always made clear to Dick that he did not belong in the ranks of the upper class. Dick was the son of a peasant man and Dick himself would die a peasant man.

  Lord Gibbons noticed the shift in Dick’s facial expression. “What’s the matter, William?” Dick was surprised by Lord Gibbons’ concern. Dick excused himself politely and raced to the nearby double French styled doors to his left. The idea of letting go of his one true love and being considered nothing more than a peasant man had gotten the best of Dick. As he ran out of the ballroom, he rubbed his hands back and forth. This was a habit Dick had developed as a child. It still comforted him even though he had obviously grown into a man. He gulped in the fresh air in hopes of releases his anger and heartache. The cold air felt comforting against his skin. Dick finally felt his jaw relax. He looked up into the night sky that was adorned with an assortment of stars.

  In the distance, Bobbie caught sight of Dick and smiled. Bobbie Josephine knew Dick was the right man for her. She sighed as she wished her mother could see Dick as Bobbie Josephine did. The two locked eyes causing a smile to creep upon both of their faces. Bobbie Josephine took Dick’s breath away. The princess was stunning. Dick was pleased to see Bobbie looking so happy. It had been too long since that gleam of carefree joy had lit her lovely face. Dick would do anything and everything in hopes of seeing Bobbie Josephine’s eyes sparkle if only for an instant. Dick dreaded social events because he and everyone else in attendance knew he did not belong. Just as Dick went to speak to Bobbie Josephine, Lord Ashford stepped between them. Lord Ashford complimented the princess on her beauty. Lord Ashford continued to make advances to the princess while Dick stood nearby listening. While Dick could tell by Bobbie Josephine’s tone that she was not interested in Lord Ashford’s advances, Dick’s blood boiled with jealousy. Dick could no longer contain his anger and jealousy. Dick ran out as quickly as he possibly could. He felt as if he was having a heart attack. That could not be possible, because Dick was a strapping young lad who was as strong as the day is long. Anxious and jealous, Dick passed through the various crowds of people to make his way outside to the gardens.

  The gardens were one of the most beautiful places in the palace. It overflowed with fragrant flowers and a variety of beautiful trees. Beside a large weeping willow tree, there was a stone bench. Dick finally thought he had found a place to calm down. Just at the moment, Dick motioned to sit down and a woman popped out of the bushes next to the bench and willow tree. Dick nearly leapt out of his breeches. Dick was not a man that scared easily, but the woman did look quite beast like. Her dress was torn. She was missing a shoe. Her makeup was smeared and her hair looked like the nest of a rat. Maybe if the girl had not been decorated like a bush she would have been attractive. However, Dick was not in the mood for company even if it was the company of a beautiful woman or even a bush like woman. In spite of his distain of her company, Dick laughed at the predicament of the woman.

  “Oh, my goodness!”

  The woman cried out in a voice searing with frustration and anger. The woman stomped her way out of the bushes, but looked like a monster. The heel of her one shoe had broken off and she waivered as she tried to walk. Her dress looked like she had been in a death match with the local butcher. Mud caked her face and arms. The more the woman tried to assemble her hair back together the more mud she rubbed on her face.

  “I strongly dislike these dresses,” she roared as she picked out twigs from her dress. “My dress is ruined. I look awful. My aunt is not going to be happy with me,” the woman muttered to herself. Dick felt guilty for laughing at the poor woman. He may be a peasant, but at least he was still a gentleman. Dick cleared his throat to announce himself and asked the distraught woman if she needed any help. The woman appeared shocked at Dick’s presence. She thought she was alone and crumbled in embarrassment onto the stone pavement with tears rolling down her face. Dick repeated his offer for help impatiently. The woman rolled her eyes and stared blankly at Dick. She threw her arms up in frustration and grabbed the edge of her dress dramatically.

  “Do you think I need help? A woman in a bush would never require aide from a gentlemen. However, you sir, do not seem to be a gentlemen. Golly, I miss Americans. At least they are not as rude and snooty as you English folk,” the woman replied in a curt formal tone. The anger, sadness, and frustration built up in her voice as she spoke. Dick began losing his ability to be angry with the woman even
though she had clearly just insulted him. She was an American after all. He should not hold that against her. It was possible the woman simply has had too much to drink this evening during the celebration.

  “Let me escort you back to your quarters, madam. A good rest and drink will have you feeling better before you know it. Give me your hand and I will help you up. I mean you no harm, miss,” Dick said in his most patient and kind voice. He felt like he was coaxing a cat out of a tree.

  “You think I am drunk!” she replied with fire in her voice. Finally pulling herself free, the woman began to clean herself up despite the fact that her hair resembled the nest of a bird. Twigs stuck in her hair like decorations. Her gown may have been beautiful at the beginning of the evening, but now it looked shredded and filthy. From her appearance, Dick believed the lady had been drinking. He had a mixed impression of the woman. Her antics amused him, but they also left him annoyed.

  “Do you often spend time sitting in the garden bushes, ma’am?” Dick asked, still amused, shocked, and annoyed with the mess of a woman sitting before him. Dick shook his head from left to right. He was not sure what to say to the woman. Dick was a man of few words, but this woman clearly had left him speechless.

  “I am not drunk and I was not sitting in the bushes for my health! You are ridiculous, sir! Where are your manners?” Dick asked the mystery woman if she had a name.

  “Everyone has a name! I’m Elizabeth Anne Matthews. Now, sir, who are you?” She glared at Dick with a hateful look in her eyes as she continued to say, “I simply tripped over this hazardous ball gown and fell into the bushes.”


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