McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 7

by Mysty McPartland

  If a little of what happened between them tonight cropped up every now and then, well, it would be a definite bonus, wouldn’t it? His muddled thoughts vanished when they reached her father’s house. The first thing he did was try the front door, and when the handle turned and the door opened, he grinned.

  He shifted his feet and faced her, tugging on her hand when she fell against him, and wrapped his arms around her. His head dropped, and his lips swooped over hers. After a long, passionate kiss, he lifted his mouth from hers. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, darlin’,” he whispered and let her go.

  Still reeling from the fiery, sensual kiss, Kai couldn’t manage to say a word as she watched River walk away. It was becoming quite annoying the way he kissed her and suddenly walked off, leaving her in such a muddled state. Before she saw him again, she decided she would definitely have to gain more control over herself.

  A cold wind swept over her. Shivering, she silently stepped into the house and closed and locked the door as quietly as she could. She took a few minutes to take off her shoes and tiptoed across the foyer, holding her breath as she climbed the stairs. Only when she reached her bedroom door and shut it behind her did she let out her breath.

  From now on, she would have to make sure that neither of them fell asleep again. They could not risk getting caught. She didn’t like to contemplate what would happen to either of them if anyone found out they were lovers. No, she positively would make sure neither of them fell asleep again. In fact, it might be better for both of them if they set certain days to meet.

  She quickly stripped off her clothes, didn’t worry about trying to find a night gown and slipped beneath the covers. Once she settled in bed, she gave the matter more thought. How many times a week could she and River be together without anyone catching them? Two? Three? Too many would be too risky.

  This business of being lovers suddenly started to become complicated. Well, she would think on it some more and when she decided on something suitable, she would discuss it with River. Yawning, she settled further beneath the covers, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with a worried frown on her brow.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Drowsy after making love to Kai again, River held her in his arms. He didn’t dare fall asleep. Shortly, he would have to take her home. It started to annoy him just as it had last night. Well, he didn’t have any other choice, and even though he wished it could be different, it wasn’t. He’d better stop having such idiotic thoughts.

  “River, I’ve been thinking. I think we should only see each other two or three times a week. If we see each other more than that, people might begin to wonder about us.” Her voice holding a note of determination, Kai decided to broach the idea she thought about last night. She sensed by the stiffening of River’s body that he would argue over her decision.

  Instantly, the contentment he was feeling earlier was swept away, and his body went rigid. What bloody nonsense was she sprouting now? Two or three times a week? Was she joking? He intended to see her every night. “I don’t think either of us will be satisfied with only a few nights together.” His voice was rough with his displeasure.

  Oh, she just knew he would argue with her decision. She just knew it. Well, she didn’t intend to change her mind. “Three times a week, River, and no more. I suggest you choose quickly which days you want.”

  Damn hard-headed, infuriating woman. He wanted to strangle some sense into her. Aggravated as all get out, he shifted her out of his embrace, sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Over his shoulder, he stared at her and saw the mutinous glare she gave him. Turning away, he rubbed his chin as he tried to think of some way to change the mulish woman’s mind. He snarled when nothing came.

  “All right, damn it. Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. Now get up and get dressed so I can take you home.” Exasperation fired his words and, bending down, he scooped his pants up off the floor. He was absolutely furious with her.

  Three blasted nights a week! Was she crazy? He knew for damn sure that neither of them would be satisfied with so little time together. Well, he would let her have her way for now because he knew this damn arrangement wouldn’t last long.

  Kai scrambled off the bed. She knew River was angry with her. She would give him time to calm down and when he did, she was sure he would realize what a good suggestion she’d made. Gathering up her clothes, she hastily pulled them on, hoping by the time they were both dressed he would be in a better mood.

  Finished dressing, River sat down on the edge of the mattress and pulled on his boots. Still aggravated as hell, he stood up and moved around the bed to stand in front of Kai and waited for her to pull on the last of her clothing. “Do you have any more smart ideas? If you do, spit them out now.”

  Roughly jerking on her coat, Kai started to become annoyed. “You’re being ridiculous. If we don’t want people knowing how we spend our time being intimate together, it’s the only way.” She huffed a breath, pushed past him and walked to the door.

  A growl rumbling in his chest, River spun around and stomped after her. As he went through the parlor, he snatched his coat off the chair and caught up with Kai just as she opened the front door. “Damn it, you’re being utterly absurd. No one sees you come and go, so how are they going to find out?” He growled close to her ear while he pulled the door shut and grasped her elbow.

  Oh, the man was completely thickheaded. “And just where do you think people will think we are when we’re never seen in public?” she snapped at him as she hurried to keep up with his much longer stride.

  He ignored her reasoning. “I suppose on the nights we don’t see each other you’ll be going out with other men.” Hot rage blew in his words just at the thought of her spending time with other men.

  She could not miss hearing the anger in his voice or words. Kai peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, saw how tight his facial features were and knew she couldn’t tell him the truth. “I didn’t say any such thing. I just don’t want anyone to find out about us.”

  He swiveled his head around to look at her. “All right, damn it. Have it your way,” he barked out before he turned away and continued to drag her down the street.

  Her breath slipped out of her when he didn’t pursue the matter about her seeing other men. She knew if she told him the truth, he would probably choke her. Her thoughts fled as a voice came out of the darkness.

  “Well, looky what we have here, Slim. It ain’t fair that this here fella got himself such a pretty gal like this one all to himself.” Out of the alley, two men) stepped in front of the couple, blocking their way.

  His whole body going rigid, River stopped and quickly pushed Kai behind him. “We don’t want any trouble, boys, we’re just on our way home.”

  “Won’t be no trouble, Mister, if you hand over that pretty little piece.” Walt moved threateningly forward, his friend at his side.

  “Sure, Mister, me and Walt won’t hurt you or your pretty little piece. We just want to have a little fun with her.” Slim licked his lips in anticipation.

  Kai trembled behind River, wishing now she’d never peeked around him and saw the hot lust glimmering in the men’s eyes. She could feel the blazing fury emanating from River and could feel every muscle in his torso tighten. She knew there would be no way she would be able to prevent him from fighting.

  “No, you won’t be hurting her, and you definitely won’t be having any fun with her. I will only suggest once more that you move away.” River’s voice came out deadly cold, and his eyes shone with black rage. Every muscle and nerve in his body drew tense and ready.

  “Come on, Slim, both of us can take him and then we can have some fun.” Walt growled, and a moment later, he and Slim sprung into action.

  With a swift shove behind him, River made sure Kai would be well out of the way. Just before the two ruffians reached him, he went into action. With a few chops of his hands and well placed kicks, the altercation was over within moments. He smiled grimly down at the
two unconscious men at his feet.

  After she straightened up, Kai stood in open-mouthed disbelief. If she even blinked, she would have missed it. River wasn’t even breathing heavily, and yet with a few slaps of his hand and a few kicks, the men were sprawled out cold on the ground.

  Immensely satisfied with himself, River turned around and grinned at the look of shock on Kai’s face. He reached out and gasped her arm. “Come, let’s get going before those two idiots wake up.”

  “ did you do it? I still can’t believe what I saw. You were spectacular, River. I didn’t doubt you could protect me, but you were amazing.” Kai’s voice rang with pride and respect as she looked up at him, and she could only gaze at him in admiration.

  With an arrogant chuckle, River smiled smugly. “Back at school, I knew a Chinese fellow. He taught me how they fought. As you can see, it’s quite effective.” It felt good to know he could protect Kai when it was called for, and he had to say her astonishment and the way she looked at him stroked his ego.

  Chapter Eighteen

  After the long and frustrating month he’d just spent, River was at his wits end with Kai and her damn stubbornness. He was also furious as hell with her. The damn little witch continued to see other men on the nights she didn’t see him. He wanted to strangle and shake her at the same time, especially at this very moment.

  Her refusal to go to the town dance with him infuriated him. He stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall and watching her smiling and dancing with another man. Be damned if he would put up with this damn nonsense anymore.

  It was over with, and he didn’t give a crap at the moment who found out they were lovers. Enough was enough.

  “Doesn’t look like River is having a good time by the looks of that scowl his wearing on his face,” John remarked to his friend.

  “Mmm, he does look a might aggravated. Has been for the last month. I’d say your daughter is giving him grief.” Carl chuckled.

  “Well, let’s hope he can get her to behave and they get themselves married.” John turned to eye his daughter and nudged his friend, watching as River heading determinedly toward Kai. “This should be good,” he whispered.

  As soon as the music stopped, River straightened up and stalked over to Kai. When she stepped away from her partner, he took her arm and quickly led her out of the hall.

  Seeing River barreling determinedly toward her, Kai let out a sigh of annoyance. The hot glare he speared her with told her he was in a foul mood. When he grasped her arm and forced her to walk beside him, she thinned her lips so she wouldn’t start shouting at him.

  Outside, River directed them around the building and away from prying eyes. He stopped suddenly and pulled her up tightly against him. He held her in a steely embrace as his mouth came down and laid claim to hers. His tongue swirled around the inside of her mouth until she capitulated and started kissing him back.

  Before she could utter a protest, Kai let out a soft gasp but it was quickly smothered. Oh, he was a darn annoying man, but Lord he could kiss and make her feel things no other man could. She knew it would be senseless to fight, so she just let herself be swept away by the passion he ignited inside of her.

  His hands slipped up from around her waist and captured her face as his mouth continued to plunder hers. He wanted only to take her home, to have her naked in his bed and to make slow, sensual love to her. The need for her raged like a fire in his blood.

  After one more long, passionate kiss, he lifted his mouth just above hers. “Come home with me, darlin’.” He was filled with need for her, and the driving hunger nearly consumed him.

  Her breaths coming in little pants, Kai kept her eyes shut to gather her thoughts and the strength to refuse River.

  His lips brushing hers, River licked and sipped at the corner of her mouth. “Don’t say no, darlin’. Come home with me, and let me love you.” He started to grow frantic waiting for her to agree.

  It took a tremendous effort to refuse, but she shook her head in rejection even though she knew River would be angry with her.

  River lifted away but kept hold of her face. “Damn it, Kai, why not? You want to, I know you do.”

  “Just about everyone saw us leave,” she whispered with regret.

  He let her go, took a step back and dragged his fingers through his hair. “I’m getting sick of this damn nonsense, Kai. And I’m damn well sick of you going out with other men. You’re going to have to make a choice, and you’re going to make it now. It’s me only or nothing.”

  Kai stared up at him, hurt and a little angry herself. She didn’t like that she would have to choose, and it wasn’t fair of him to make her. She crossed her arms and raised her chin. “And what if I refuse to pick?”

  Damn infuriating, maddening woman, River thought in much more than annoyance. “Then I would say you have made your choice.” He wanted all or nothing. No matter how much he wanted Kai, he wasn’t going to continue to share her anymore.

  Her eyes grew wide. Kai couldn’t help but notice just how serious River looked. She knew if she refused to stop seeing other men what they shared between them would be over. She did not want what they had between them to end, nor did she like having to make a choice. It just wasn’t fair of River to make her stop seeing other men.

  “Don’t keep me in suspense, darlin’, just spit it out.” His growl whipped out full of unleashed rage. He already knew her answer. He could see it in her eyes. His hands clenched tightly at his sides, and he kept his emotions under firm control.

  Her gaze dropped from River’s intense infuriating one, and Kai twisted her hands together. “I’m sorry, River, but I’m not going to stop seeing other men.” She lifted her gaze to meet his, and what she could read in his eyes frightened her so much she swallowed hard. Thinking the best thing she could do was run, she quickly lifted up her skirts and rushed back in to the hall.

  Even though he expected it, and even had prepared for her answer, it still shattered him. For a heartbeat he watched her take off running before he dashed after her. He caught up with her just inside the hall. “Damn you, Kai. Why are you being so damn stubborn?” He drew in a long, rattling breath. “Very well. If that’s the way you want it. I just hope you don’t regret it.” He was so furious with her he didn’t even realize or care that he yelled.

  “What do you mean regret it?” Kai whispered harshly back. She didn’t like what he might be suggesting with that particular remark.

  River smirked at her. “You’ll find out soon enough.” He spun around and let her chew over his statement. In a furious rage, he thought that if she could go out with other men, well, hell, he could damn well go out with other women.

  Devastated, Kai watched River walk away. Both of them were unaware that everyone in the hall heard their argument and were smiling knowingly. She was much too concerned with the smug, knowing look on his face, and she feared what he meant by his ambiguous words.

  She stood there chewing on her bottom lip. It hurt to think that he might start seeing other women; however, she knew that was exactly what he planned to do. What hurt the most, though, and made her heart ache, was the knowledge that they would never share such beautiful and rapturous lovemaking again.

  Well, she could blame nobody but herself. With her shoulders slumping and her feet dragging she walked out of the hall and went home. She needed to be alone to sort out all that suddenly happened.

  “Well, here we go again.” John commented and let out an unhappy sigh.

  Carl chuckled. “Yep, should be interesting. Come on, John, buck up. You know as well as I do that those two will end up together.”

  John wasn’t so sure but he saw the grinning confidence on his friend’s face. Letting out another sigh he shrugged and he hoped his friend was right.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ever since the night of the dance when he gave Kai the ultimatum, each night that followed had been nothing but a hellish nightmare. A dozen times, he nearly went to find her
and tell her he’d changed his mind. However, he fought hard against the temptation. If she cared anything at all about him, she would have picked him, but she didn’t and that should have told him that there would never be any future for them.

  Nonetheless, it hurt beyond words and even after a week, he still felt miserable and his heart ached for all that he’d lost. It wasn’t just making love to her. It was everything else. Her laughter, talking to her, holding her in his arms and the future he planned to share with her. God help him, every single thing about her he missed. Well, he couldn’t do anything about how he felt, no matter how much he wanted to.

  Even though heart- sore tonight, he intended taking Maryanne out to dinner at the hotel. He was determined to put Kai out of his mind and concentrate on enjoying himself and taking pleasure in being with a woman who wanted to be with only him. He resolutely stared back at his reflection in the mirror. He’d be damned if he would continue being miserable. If Kai could go out with other men, why couldn’t he do the same and go out with other women and damn well enjoy himself?

  With strong-willed determination, he clenched his jaw and finished shaving. He would show Kai that if she didn’t want him other women did.

  He just might kiss Maryanne when he took her home. Be damned, why shouldn’t he? He might not feel any sexual attraction toward Maryanne, but she was pretty enough. He doubted he would find it a chore. Who knows? He might even find pleasure in kissing her. The more he thought about it, the more his confidence grew that he would indeed like kissing Maryanne.

  Finished with his shave, he laid down the straight razor, rinsed his face and dried it on the towel that hung around his neck. He would ignore the pain in his heart, forget how wretched he felt and enjoy himself. He’d worked hard all week so he would stop himself from thinking of Kai. He’d spent his nights holed up in his house unable to sleep and had sunk into depression.


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