The Curvy Girl’s Cowboy Orgy (Western, Gangbang, BBW)

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The Curvy Girl’s Cowboy Orgy (Western, Gangbang, BBW) Page 1

by Steele, Mallory

  The Curvy Girl’s Cowboy Orgy


  Mallory Steele

  Copyright © 2013 Mallory Steele

  First Published 2013 by The Blue Bouzouki Press

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transferred in any form without prior written permission from the author or her representatives. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters appearing in this work are aged 18 or over.

  Also by Mallory Steele:

  Cowboys and Curvy Girls: Four Western BBW Erotica Tales

  The Curvy Girl’s Cowboy Orgy

  Things had been getting rougher with Kane. Not just in the bedroom, but outside it too, and it was starting to scare her. She’d always hoped that he’d calm down after they got married, cool his tempers a little once they settled into life together, but it hadn’t worked out that way. Kane Fury, that wild, intemperate, aggressive man, had only gotten worse as time went by. But maybe what scared Cathy most of all was that she still found him so irresistibly attractive, and maybe – and she could scarcely admit this to herself – maybe now she desired him even more so. But still, something had to give. There was a difference between the excitement of fantasy and the excitement of real, tangible danger. Her husband had already raised his hand to her in threat and she feared it was only a matter of time before he actually really did lash out in anger and strike her. And after that she knew he would never stop – it was in his nature – and maybe a serious beating would only be the beginning. She was starting to realize that Kane was probably capable of much, much worse.

  And now here she was, lying in the luscious king-sized bed that they shared together, her almost naked body pressed against the soft silk sheets and expensive pillows that could do nothing to ease the roughness and the harshness of what was to come. Around Kane Fury everything turned mean. The dusty leather belts that fastened her wrists to the bedposts – they were the truth of this moment. They were the truth of Kane.

  And sure, this was what she wanted. He’d been adamant in making her admit that before they begun, and it was true, she could not deny that aching, grinding heat in her loins, the tender, tantalizing spark of being so powerless and beneath his control, but behind that pounding lust and dripping desire something else gnawed at her soul. It was fear. Fear and the sense that even if she hadn’t wanted this, even if she hadn’t consented on her own terms, maybe Kane would have made it happen anyway. Kane, as he’d so proudly boasted on their first date together, was the kind of guy who made things happen.

  Cathy had had a boring life. She knew it was the truth and she wasn’t afraid to admit it. After all, in the town of Dancers’ Outpost most people did. But Cathy was different, if only a little. She’d always been a dreamer, a reader, a fantasist who always kept her eyes to the horizon, waiting for that wild roving knight to come and sweep her off her feet on some marvelous adventure. Though it wasn’t like she’d ever expected that to actually happen. She was a fantasist sure, but in Dancers’ Outpost to survive you had to be a realist too. And that went for everybody.

  But still, when she’d met Kane’s eyes that night in the Saddle and Whip Roadhouse a fire had been kindled inside her that even to this day hadn’t quite gone out completely. There were plenty of other women in the bar that night and most of them, Cathy didn’t mind admitting, had been much better looking (not to mention slimmer) then she was. But it wasn’t any of those girls who Kane’s steely blue eyes were staring at. It was her. And when he walked over to her table, slow and dominant and totally in control, Cathy’s heart had nearly jumped right out of her mouth and onto the floor. When she found out he was the joint-owner of the place she wasn’t one bit surprised. Everything about him intimated power and ownership. Soon he would own her too.

  He didn’t ask her out on a date, he told her where to be at the prerequisite hour. That first evening he took control of everything, he ordered her meal for her, her drinks (BBQ Ribs, taters and biscuits, not quite her first choice though at least he’d gotten the drink right) and when they went out for a walk along the boardwalks to the edge of town to watch the sun set over the rocky horizon, he had placed his strong arm around her waist in a way that let her know in no uncertain terms that as long as she was with him no one else would ever dare to hurt her. If only the same had been true for him.

  A date was set for the wedding and soon after that she met Bud Sundance. Bud was Kane’s best friend since childhood and his joint partner at the Saddle and Whip. They had a close bond that seemed to traverse beyond mere friendship and on to the realm of brotherhood. Kane Fury didn’t have a conscience, instead he had Bud, and as such theirs was a partnership of necessity. Bud was single though he’d had his heart broken at some point in his past (Cathy didn’t like to pry and Kane only ever sneered in derision when the topic came up, as if he could never understand how a man could base his feelings on the opinions of a mere woman to begin with) and when Cathy was first introduced to the handsome blonde cowboy she couldn’t help but think: if I’d met you first…

  Bud was as much of a manly man as Kane though he spoke a whole lot less, seeming to be more at ease and comfortable with himself and his own personal kingdom. For Kane it was as if there was always some usurper or rebel waiting in the shadows to depose him of his throne, whereas with bud it was like he knew nobody could ever get to him anyway so he could just relax within himself completely.

  Or so Cathy imagined anyway, because though Bud was always kind to her when they were together, they’d never shared all that much time in conversation. Like all his possessions Kane watched over Cathy’s every move around other men with a jealous rage that he could barely contain and neither seemed to have much desire to either. It was a testament to the strength of his and Bud’s friendship that he ever let them be around each other at all.

  At the wedding Bud was the best man. Cathy had felt ashamed of herself just for having the thought that yes, he really was the best man. It wouldn’t be long before she realized how right she’d been to think that. It should have been him. It should have been Bud all along.

  But Kane was always ready to remind her that no other man could ever want her – not frumpy, overweight Cathy, who had been so blessed to have Kane rescue her from obscurity – and for the most part Cathy had believed him. When someone tells you the same cruel lie every day, sooner or later you start to accept it as part of life’s truth.

  Life with Kane was far from the fairytale story she’d imagined for herself. He expected her to live up to her wifely duty in every sense of the word and accepted nothing less. If his dinner wasn’t on the table at five pm on the dot every evening, if it wasn’t the right meal for the day, then Kane once again lived up to the fury of his name. And even that wasn’t enough for him. Even though they were never left wanting for cash, Kane soon insisted that Cathy take up work in the Roadhouse as a bargirl. It was only fair, he said, after all that he had so selflessly given to her.

  But every cloud has its silver lining and this one was called Bud Sundance. The cool, wistful cowboy who seemed to keep his distance from everybody even as he treated them with kind equanimity soon became all that Cathy could think about. For her he embodied all that was missing from Kane’s soul and as time went by she realized the true extent to which her husband relied on his intelligent, handsome partner. If Bud wasn’t there to be the voice of reason – the only one Kane ever really listened to – then her husband’s untamable aggression and hatred for the world would have prevented him from ever achieving anything of any worth at all. Not like he�
�d ever admit that fact, although Cathy sensed that he knew it himself on some deep level.

  And as for Bud, what did he have to gain from the friendship? Well he never said, only hinting from time to time at some terrible moment in the distant past when his friend had rescued him from insurmountable damage. Unlike Kane who’d had a fairly privileged upbringing, Bud had risen from a broken, tumultuous home. It was counter-intuitive how their different personalities had formed.

  But even though it was the company of Bud, such a rare and valuable commodity, that Cathy looked forward to every evening she went to work in the Roadhouse, it was to Kane’s dark castle that she returned again every night. It was to his needs that she tended without complaint.

  And now here she lay, for another fiery and wild, yet completely loveless, brief moment of passion. He could still drive her wild and she knew that here in these moments was the closest she could ever get to reaching the real him. And maybe that was for the best. Because even at his most tender, Kane was an animal.

  She watched his powerful chest heaving up and down with each slow deliberate breath. His eyes were like those of a desert wolf as he looked at her with furious lust and a desire that could barely mask the derision behind it. He had never seen her as anything more than a thing to be possessed. Possessed and then conquered completely.

  His thick belts were tight around her wrists and they chafed the skin as she squirmed with the heat of her want. For now it was strong enough to trump the doubts of her fear. Kane moved towards her with the slow sleekness of a panther. His muscular thighs flexed as he mounted the bed, bending his powerful knees as he lowered his forehead and moved towards her. Cathy trembled.

  He took her thighs softly in each strong hand and then without any care he yanked her legs roughly apart, grunting with desire as he opened the way for himself to that which was all that he really desired in her. She knew not to complain, there was no point. And despite the humiliation of the moment she still wanted him. Her passion had defeated her heart once again and there would be time enough for regretful reflections later on.

  But now he was hurting her, more than ever before. Deliberately. His fingernails dug hatefully into the flesh of her thighs as he leaned forward and smelled her heat with animal lust.


  He ignored her. He might as well not have even heard her.

  “Kane, you’re hurting me.”

  His fingers dug deeper as he reached back with one hand and frantically unsheathed his iron-hot manhood. His chest heaved faster now and she no longer wanted this. A threshold had been building towards her for weeks now and suddenly she was over it. The fear had won and rightly so.


  Slowly, cruelly he raised his head towards her. There was evil in his eyes.


  “Kane, I don’t want to do this,” Cathy said, “I don’t want to do this.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  She needed to be tactful. She was tied up in a spider’s web and the wrong word now could lead to agonies untold.

  “I… I’m sorry baby,” She said, “I feel sick. I think it’s my ulcer again.”

  “So what?”

  “So just let me go, ok? I’ll make us some cocoa, and then maybe later I’ll be feeling better and we can try again.”

  Kane narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean let you go? I haven’t made you do anything.”

  Cathy forced a smile that she did not feel. “I know sugar,” she soothed, “I know, but I can’t exactly let myself go, can I?” She pulled her wrists against the burning binds and smiled, hoping that the display of submissiveness would assuage his rising temper.

  Kane sighed. “For fuck sake girl,” he said, “You know I got all kind of stress in my life. I need this.”

  Cathy said nothing and when Kane reached forward and began unfastening the belts on her wrists she tried her best not to show her relief.

  “I’m sorry baby,” she said and moved forward to kiss his cheek.

  Kane pushed her away with disgust.

  “Get off me. Go get your damn cocoa then, as if you don’t have enough to eat and drink anyway.”


  “I’m sorry,” Cathy said, hating herself a little for not standing up to him. “Like I said, maybe I’ll feel better later.”

  “Maybe you will,” Kane snorted, “but I won’t. You’re failing me again Katy-girl. I don’t know why I put up with you.”

  You and me both bub, Cathy thought but dared not say. “Come on, go sit down on the couch and I’ll put on the TV and then get you something to drink.”

  Kane looked back once more at the binds, now hanging useless like his almost flaccid-again dick on the king-sized bed. The expression on his face was like that of a spoiled child who’d just found out that Christmas had been cancelled. Selfish prick.

  “Go on get then,” he said, “useless bitch.”

  Cathy bit her tongue, but in that moment her mind was made up. She would leave him – she had to. For the sake of her own sanity. But first she had to be careful. First she would bring him his cocoa and placate his wild fury.

  Kane sat in his silky white boxers and dressing gown, taking up most of the couch as he flicked to the sports channel and stuffed his hand down his underwear to scratch himself. What had she ever seen in him, she wondered? Her eyes looked to the rippling abdominal and chest muscles on his powerful body and then she remembered.

  As soon as it was ready Cathy brought him his hot cup. In her mind she ran through various scenarios of how best to escape him. Kane was sitting up straight now transfixed on the battle on screen, the warriors of football who were railing against each other and raising Kane’s tempers dangerously high again.

  “Here you go honey,” she said holding out the mug of cocoa to him.

  “God damn get your fat ass out of the way girl!” Kane roared and reached up to brush her aside roughly – maybe forgetting his own strength, maybe simply not caring, as he knocked her on her knees and sent the cup of steaming liquid flying out onto his rock-hard naked chest.

  On the screen Kane’s team missed their play. It took him a moment as the nerves and synapses in his mind pulled together before he registered the burning liquid that had been spilled all over him. He leapt up with a blood curdling roar and spun towards her, all of his rage unleashed.

  “YOU STUPID FAT CUNT!” he screamed, reaching down to grab a handful of her hair and then yanking her towards him. “It’s high time I laid down the law around here!”

  Cathy couldn’t even feel it. In that moment something else took over. Her own fury that had been trodden on and suppressed for so long. The other cup still in her hand, its contents now spilled out on the floor, she swung her arm towards him and smashed it against his face. With a cry of pain and anger Kane released his hold and clasped his hands over his bleeding face.

  Cathy stared up at him and perversely all she could do was laugh at this naked, fallen Hercules, burnt and scarred, almost naked and mad with rage. She jumped to her feet and ran, before the joke would be on her.


  She waited in the parking lot, safe in the cabin of her truck and the darkness of the night. Her whole body still trembled but she couldn’t go inside yet, not while the last customers of the night were still spilling out from the Roadhouse. She was only in her underwear and boots and it would be shaming enough for Bud and the other guys to see her like this, let alone the patrons of the bar. Dancers’ Outpost was a small town and word spread quickly whenever there was scandal to speak of.

  But it had to be here, it had to be Bud. Nobody else would be strong enough to face down Kane. Nobody else had ever been able to calm him. One thing was for certain anyway, Kane Fury was not going to take a humiliation like that lying down, not from a woman. She only hoped he might be too ashamed to confront her in public – he would have reason of his own to fear those treacherous rumors. The mighty Kane Fury beaten by his short, chubby wife in
a domestic dispute? The shame alone would kill him. Even as she trembled with unquenchable fright and excitement Cathy couldn’t help but laugh. It came out in manic, choked guffaws. She was in shock.

  Kane would think that she’d gone to her mother’s. Cathy only hoped he wasn’t so insane as to do anything to her mom when she told him that she didn’t know where Cathy had gone to. He wouldn’t believe her, of course, Kane was just too paranoid, but surely not even Kane was so rotten inside as to hurt a helpless old lady. Was he?

  Cathy had to fear the worst. Otherwise she’d never forgive herself if something happened. She had to get to Bud. He’d know exactly what to do.

  Outside she watched as the last young couple left the bar and Chip Mulpeter, one of the guys who worked there, locked up the doors. As the neon lights above the door shut off into darkness Cathy watched the couple as they stumbled half-drunk and laughing arm in arm towards their car. She wondered how their love would end. Would it be like hers and Kane’s, slowly breaking down into distrust and hatred and eventually madness? Right now, she could see no other way.

  She waited for the car to pull out of the parking lot before taking a deep breath and preparing herself for what she would say to Bud. Her mind was drawing blank on that one, but there was no time now to settle it. She opened the driver door and stepped out on shaking legs. It was a warm night but even still in her shock and nakedness she trembled as she set off towards the Roadhouse.

  The lights were on in the backroom and Cathy prayed that it would be Bud alone who waited there. She peered through the window as she came round to the side door and thanked God that it was just as she’d hoped for. In the rec-room the muscular masculine figure of Bud Sundance sat hunched over a pile of receipts, shot glass of bourbon in one hand as he muttered to himself the numbers and figures of the day’s earnings. Cathy tried the door and found it open. She stepped inside.


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