Going Down

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Going Down Page 14

by Vonna Harper

  “Stand straight,” he ordered as he continued to pummel her. “Spread. More! Wide! Take your punishment, take it! You don’t want to make me angry, do you?”

  “No!” she gasped, although the thought of his anger being directed at her made her half wild with wanting.

  “That’s right, you don’t. This cunt I’ve claimed is turning bright pink. It’s also getting wetter. You love this, don’t you?”

  More slaps, a barrage of them raining on tissues that felt as if they might fly apart. Wise in the ways of a woman’s sex, he peppered her from mons to ass.

  “Answer me! You like this, don’t you?”

  “Yes!” she nearly howled. “Yes, Master, I do!”

  “Of course you do.” He punctuated each word with yet another blow, and when instinct again tried to close her legs, he redirected his palm to her inner thighs, stopping her. “Because you’re a slut, a cunt. Tell me what you are.”

  Mindless. “A slut. I’m a slut.”

  “Yes, you are.” His hot breath curled around her ear, making her shiver. “And this”—three rapid-fire blows—“makes you even more so, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes. Yes!”

  “You want me to stop before you lose your mind.” He pressed his hand against her heated core, forcing her back onto her toes. The pressure continued; she tried to rub herself against him. “And yet you don’t because you’re such a cunt.”

  “Yes, yes.”

  “How does that make you feel?”

  “Master, please, I’m going to come.”

  “No, you aren’t.”

  His harsh tone barely penetrated. What made an impact was that he was now running his sex-drenched hand over her cheek. Whimpering at the loss to her pussy, she tried to press herself against his cock.

  “No!” Gripping her shoulders and shaking them, he backed away. “There’ll be no pleasure for you until or if it pleases me to watch you come.”

  “Master, please.” A volcano raged through her; nothing short of sex or plunging into an icy lake would silence it. “Anything. I’ll do anything.”

  “Of course you will, my little slut. You have no pride left. Like a bitch in heat, only one thing matters to you.”

  He could call her anything he wanted; she didn’t care. But even as she struggled to gather the courage to tell him that, the raw edge of her hunger blunted a little. A single touch from him would bring her to the brink again, maybe beyond.

  “What do you want?” she asked in a low and hungry tone. “What do I have to do?”

  “I haven’t decided.”

  “Suck your cock? I can make you happy, Master.”

  “I should trust you? No chance you’d bite me?”

  Maybe, if I was climaxing. “No, Master. You’d punish me if I did.”

  “Yes, I would.” He closed his still-sticky hand around her throat. “Do you have any idea how much I love feeling your blood pulse? To know I have the power of life and death over you is nearly as good as sex.” His hand tightened a little. Alert but not alarmed, she held still. “A question. Assuming that I truly have that much power, what are you willing to do to ensure I don’t make good on my threat?”

  “I—don’t understand. What do you want?”

  “Proof that you know I’m not bluffing. Your task, to keep from angering me. How do you go about that?”

  She hadn’t heard that tone from him before. It wasn’t as stilted as when he was talking to the camera, but neither did it have the ring of honesty. A role he was playing? “By pleasing you.”

  “Hmm.” Relaxing his hold on her throat, he closed his free hand over the elbow closest to him. “Wise words, slave. And how would you please me?”

  A thousand images crowded her mind. Her bent over and anchored to a low post with her ass in the air. Her hog-tied at his feet. Her taking him deep into her throat while he whipped her buttocks. And most appealing, straddling him with his cock buried in her while they both laughed and kissed and nipped.

  “Can I show you?”


  “Thank you, Master. Thank you. First, I must get rid of your clothes.”

  When he nodded, she wasn’t sure whether she was excited or overwhelmed. After all, she couldn’t use her hands. Calling on all the resourcefulness at her disposal, she slipped to her knees, her face inches from his crotch. Freeing the button at his waist with just her teeth took concentration and effort. By the time she’d completed her task and tugged down the zipper, her mouth ached, and her pussy no longer commanded her full attention. Fortunately his hips were slim and his buttocks taut, which made sliding his shorts down relatively easy. By repeatedly changing her teeth-grip on his shorts, she got that snug fabric to follow his shorts’ path while he did his part by pulling off his shirt. After he’d stepped out of the garments, she allowed herself her first true up-close look at his cock. Straight and strong with large, dark veins, it gave off a single and undeniable message; worship me.

  Yes, soon!

  Although she hoped he’d again help her stand, he did nothing more than provide the necessary support for her to lean against. Grunting from the effort, she rested her head against his chest. “If Master would lie on the bed on his back, I will do the rest.”

  “And what would that rest be?”

  “I would like to surprise Master, if he will allow me to.”

  By way of answer, he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. His eyes became an incredible deep chocolate, his emotions adding to their depth. She both worshipped and feared that depth, and no matter how unsettled returning his stare made her, she refused to break the contact. She wanted to kiss him, needed to feel his mouth on hers.

  And yet kissing spoke of a brand of trust and intimacy they couldn’t possibly ever achieve.

  When he released her, he did more than just let go of her hair. He also shoved her, causing her to stumble back. By the time she’d regained her balance, he was sitting on the bed and putting on a condom. Then planting his hands behind him, he studied her. Because she’d seen herself in countless bondage positions, she knew what he was seeing. And because a number of men had waxed carnal about how much studying a captive woman turned them on, she had little doubt of what was going on inside his mind.

  Could he sense the invisible ropes between them? Did he understand that she could no more turn her back on what was happening than she could stop breathing?

  “Relax.” She swallowed. “Your slave lives to please you.”

  A quick shake of his head said he doubted that. Perhaps she should tell him she was simply following instinct and didn’t know where this was going or how it would end, but it was safer to hide behind silence.

  Caught in thoughts of how dependent she was on him, she climbed onto the bed, stood, and straddled him. He fell back, his hands on her hips. Looking down, she assured herself that cock and cunt were in alignment. Despite the strain to her thighs and calves, she didn’t hurry her descent.

  This moment was fantasy and truth. She’d crossed a line she’d never thought she would. After years of dancing at the edges of a fascinating and foreign lifestyle, she’d entered it, at least briefly. Doing so was taking her into a space she hadn’t known existed, a space defined by one man’s ultimate control over her. She willingly submitted to the ropes lacing and confining her upper body, but there was no guarantee he’d remove them. And even if he did, he might and probably would replace them with other restraints. There’d be no going home at the end of the day, no stopping at the grocery store or logging time at the gym, no working in her yard or talking to her sister. The activities she’d always taken for granted were now denied her.

  Because that was what the man under her wanted.

  Hot and shaking, she arched her back, her gaze now fixed on the wall instead of the man she intended to skewer herself on. With every inch of descent, a new shiver attacked her body.

  Reeve’s silence was as dense as her own, his hold on her unrelenting. When she guessed she was within
three or four inches of her goal, he steadied his cock with one hand and guided the last of her descent. At the moment of contact a new and fleeting thought distracted her. There’d been nothing forceful about his role. In contrast to the way he’d bound her, he’d let her take the lead and control the tempo of their mating.

  Ah yes, mating. Fucking. His cock relentlessly penetrating and filling her.

  Unlike her earlier descent, there was nothing controlled or graceful about the way her buttocks settled on his groin and her inner thighs scraped his hip bones. He’d bent his knees and splayed his hips, and as a result, she was fully impaled on him. Taking that knowledge with her, she started rocking forward and back. Feeling him move within her took her even deeper into the world they’d created. They weren’t separate human beings. Maybe, in ways that defied explanation, they’d never be again.

  This wasn’t role playing or a game devised by two people who’d grown to trust each other. Insane or not, she’d willingly turned her cunt over to her captor at the same moment that she’d captured his cock.

  When he lifted his head and stared at her, she ended her perusal of the wall and answered his gaze. Those were a cougar’s eyes, a wolf’s.

  Time spun around her and took her back to a forgotten childhood memory. Her parents had taken Hayley and her to a wildlife preserve dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of predators. While her sister had been fascinated by the lions and tigers, she’d stood frozen before an enclosure holding a wolf with its broken hind leg in a cast. Although she’d been assured that the wolf would recover, the look in its eyes spoke of a profound loneliness.

  Reeve was lonely, a loner who’d let down his barriers enough to allow her to venture where maybe no one ever had.

  Shaken by what she’d just learned, she redoubled her efforts. Back and forth, back and forth, her pussy muscles clamping down on him, her thighs straining and relaxing only to do so over and over again. Her labored and loud breathing blended with his, and when he began lightly slapping her jiggling breasts, she howled her delight.

  “You like this?” he demanded, raking his nails over her taut thighs.

  “Yes, yes!”

  Reaching behind her, he gripped her buttocks. “And this!”


  A slap, nails on her belly, fingers clamping around her hips and forcing her against him as he powered himself up and into her. “Fight me, slave! Show me how much you hate this.”

  “I can’t. I can’t!”

  “What’s this?” Capturing her nipples, he forced her down so her breasts now rested on his chest. Looping his arms around her, he held her in place. “You like not being able to move?”

  “No.” Although it would do no good, she tried to fight free. And as she suspected it would, struggling brought her within a breath of climaxing. “I can’t—let me—”

  “What’s this?” Squeezing, he again drove his cock deep. “The slave is trying to order me?”

  “No. No. I’m sorry, Master.”

  “As you should be.” Leaning to the side while still holding her, he ran his teeth over her shoulder. “Take your punishment. Take it!”

  “Yes, yes!”

  Sweat from both their bodies threatened to seal them together; she loved the hard scent. In truth she loved everything about her body pressed against his. Although she managed a quivering action that allowed her pussy to sing and cry, it needed more—harder—if she was going to find the release she so badly needed.

  “What’s this, slave? You aren’t strong enough to satisfy your master?”

  “I’m sorry. So sorry. Please, let me try—”

  “Try? It’s time for results.” That said, he shoved her upright. “Get off!”

  Although she could barely comprehend what he’d just ordered her to do, the creature she’d become hurried to obey. As soon as the union between them was broken, he sat up, all but knocking her off the bed. Fortunately, he caught her, holding her in place while he planted his feet on the floor and stood. He didn’t have to explain what he had in mind as he guided her to kneel at the edge of the bed with her back to him and her legs spread.

  His hand through her ropes in back now, he pulled her upright and then forced her to lean forward until her cheek rested on the bed. “What’s it going to be, slave? This or the night alone?”

  “Master! You know what I want.”

  “I want to hear it.”

  “I need you to take me like this, from the rear.”

  “You won’t fight?”

  “No. Never.” Never?

  “Good.” The word rolled slowly out of him as if he didn’t want to say it. “As for why I’m doing it this way, I’m the master, not you. I don’t do on the bottom.”

  She could have pointed out that having her pummel him while all he had to do was lie there and enjoy hardly made him subservient, but if he wanted to plow into her this way, it was fine with her. More than fine.

  Leaving her with her head down, he spread her ass cheeks. “What a sight,” he said as he drew her cunt lips apart. “So swollen. Hungry.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You’re so dark in there, the ultimate mystery.” He buried his thumb in her pussy. By turn he pushed even deeper and swept his finger about as if judging its contours. Mentally leaving her body, she stood beside him. Because of the way his hand was positioned, she could barely glimpse her external sex. Each time his thumb pressed against her inner core, she moaned and tried to lift her head. Her legs trembled, the smell of her arousal permeated her nostrils.

  “You’re so easy to control, slave. Your responsiveness is your greatest weakness; you can’t deny that, can you?”

  Despite the battle raging inside her, her cunt muscles closed down around him. “No, Master, I can’t. Master, please, I need—”

  “I know what you need”—he slapped her right buttock with his open palm—“better than you do. Don’t you ever tell me what to do, do you understand?”

  “Yes, yes.”

  “I figured that was what you’d say. And if I had no interest in fucking you, I’d spend hours forcing you to be patient. Your lessons will come, never doubt that. But the one thing you have to do now is please me. You’re going to do that, aren’t you?”


  “And why is that?”

  “Be—because it’s what you commanded.”

  “Not good enough,” he muttered, massaging her ass with his free hand. “Go into yourself for the truth. Why are you pleasing me?”

  “Because it’s what I want.”

  He didn’t speak for just long enough that she sensed her answer meant a great deal to him. “We want the same thing.”

  “Do we?” she ventured. “Your thumb—surely you can’t be content with that in me when it could be your cock.”

  “Content, no.” On the tail of a low sigh, he pulled out. The sudden loss of all that warmth shook her, and although he hadn’t given her permission, she sat up so she could look back at him. Watching her pensively, he wiped his thumb on her buttocks, then took hold of his cock, the message unmistakable. She responded by shoving her ass at him.

  “An incredible sight, all that soft, white flesh waiting for me. You are patient aren’t you, slave.”

  “If you wish me to be.”

  “Ah, a slave’s proper answer, but is it what you want?”

  “No, Master.” She inched as close to the edge of the bed as she dared. “Master, I offer my cunt as my gift to you. Please take it, please.”

  Planting his hand on the small of her back, he forced her down again. Her vision started to blur so she closed her eyes and waited. Scant seconds later, he spread her labial lips and touched his cock to her opening. He grunted, perhaps in response to her unbidden gasp. When he grasped her around her hips and anchored her in place, she silently thanked him. The whisper-soft touch became an inch-deep penetration. And although she’d started trembling again, she willed herself to be patient.

  He slipped in so smooth
ly that for a moment she wasn’t sure. Then, although she readied herself for a fierce assault, he simply remained in place. Taken aback by his self-control, she stopped concentrating on her own battle. His hard and hot arousal buried in her said something about closeness, but she knew better than to read too much into the message.

  There it was, that primal rolling strength charging throughout him. Caught off guard by the timing, she gasped. As the sound broke free, she fed off it. Reeve was power and possession. Something she’d been searching for her entire life.

  More an extension of him than a separate human being, she offered her sex to him. He held her in place via the hand around her middle while the other clenched the ropes at her back and turned her into his mount, his animal. Head thrashing, she whined her desperate need. He kept plowing into her as if punishing her for something, and yet she fed off that power. Her head nearly bursting and her pussy in flames, she lost touch with reality. In her mind she became the slave he’d called her, not just a slave but willing feminine flesh under assault.

  He kept coming at her, driving into her as if his life depended on fucking her, grunting and growling. Feeding off his energy, she screamed. Although her throat felt raw, she continued screaming. Otherwise everything that had backed up inside her might drive her insane. Despite her useless arms, she found a deep-seated strength. There was power in captivity, courage and joy.

  One moment he’d pulled her up off the bed, the next, he’d flattened her onto it. It didn’t matter. Only him on his way to explosion did. Her release was right there, less than a heartbeat away and yet just out of reach. The why didn’t matter, and despite her screams, she loved the anticipation, the sweet pain of frustration.

  Something shifted. It had no definition or form, no beginning. All she knew was that it had slammed into her. Feeling as if she’d been caught by a sneaker ocean wave, she let go. The wave pushed her up, then slammed her down, threw her skyward again and kept her there. Her climax became an endless downhill ski run with the wind tearing at her.

  “Master, Master, thank you!”


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