The Firecracker Gets Her Man

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The Firecracker Gets Her Man Page 12

by Joannie Kay

  “It was just our luck that you had to be in that doctor’s office that day and overhear everything. We didn’t know you were there!” Misty hissed at her. “You ruined everything for us!”

  “He didn’t intend to take you with him, Misty. He was using you and your belly to trick Mr. Payne into opening the bank. Once the vault was open, Cane was going to kill him, and then kill you. He wanted the money for himself, to go somewhere that no one knew him and he could live like a king and be respected. He certainly didn’t intend to marry you, Misty. Parker and Risky told me he planned to rape me, and he didn’t want them going first.”

  Misty’s blue eyes filled with tears. “Damn him! He loved your red hair and the fact you are so slim. I told him I gained weight because of the baby, but I know that he really didn’t want a kid. He told me we would leave and head south and let Parker and Risky deal with you when we didn’t show up. They would have been so mad by then, and they would have taken it out on you! Damn you, Jared! Damn you for killing our baby!” She started sobbing.

  “Let her rest, honey. I don’t think she has any more information to share now.”

  “You’re right, Papa.”

  Misty lost her will to live, and when she went to sleep, she didn’t wake up.

  * * *

  “Did I upset her, Papa, to the point that she died?” Rachel asked, afraid that she was responsible.

  “No, child. She was dying all along, in spite of our attempts to help her; she bled too much. She was so upset at the loss of her baby, and the betrayal of the man she loved that Misty just gave up.”

  “Yes, Papa.” She hugged her father. “Do you know how much I love and respect you? Arnie asked whether you would help Misty since she was part of the gang that kidnapped me. I assured him that you would help, and I am so proud of you for doing your very best.”

  “Thank you. Now, I know what you told Lance, but did those men harm you in any way? There is no need to be embarrassed with your Papa. Are you all right?” he asked, tipping her chin up so he could see her eyes.

  “I am fine, Papa. I was not abused in any way. Threatened, yes, but it was the threats of what Jared intended to do when he got back from robbing the bank that frightened me. That and I feared he would shoot Lance in the back. I prayed a lot!”

  “We were praying too, daughter. Lance thinks that you were very smart to talk to those two men who kidnapped you and make them afraid of Cane. You used your brain as a good weapon.”

  “I used the only thing I had, but it was you who saved me, Papa. You are the one who knew I would not leave my kitchen so messy. Thank you for investigating. Lance was truly impressed that you knew I was kidnapped and not having a childish temper tantrum and disobeying on purpose. You were able to convince Lance that I needed his help. Thank you, Papa.”

  “We make a good team, don’t we, daughter?”

  “We certainly do.”

  “I want you and Lance to go and have some fun now with the festivities. Go and put on a pretty dress.”

  “Yes, Papa,” she replied, and she left his offices, running upstairs to her bedroom. As she was dressing and fixing her hair, she recalled Lance’s promise to spank her. She certainly didn’t want that to happen. She wanted to go and enjoy the rest of the day – if it was possible after the things that had happened.

  Once she was all prettied up, Rachel went downstairs to the parlor. No one, not even her father was sitting in there. She decided to go and visit with Mary and Clay, but as she started to open the door, she caught them in a moment of intimacy, and she quickly backed away. Jack’s girlfriend was with him, and Timothy and Sally Brice were cooing over their baby, and only had eyes for each other.

  Rachel reluctantly returned to the parlor, and carefully placing a pillow on her piano bench, sat down on it and started playing. She enjoyed singing, and soon lost herself in the song. To her surprise, another voice joined in and she smiled when Lance sat on the bench beside her. She led him into another song and was pleased he knew that one also.

  “Do you want your spanking now or later?” he asked when that song was finished.

  “I don’t want a spanking at all!” she argued. “I can barely sit as it is!”

  “You should have thought of that before you went charging into that bank, putting yourself in danger! If I could have, I would have walloped you then and there, and the only thing that stopped me was the fact that Misty needed your help, and making her wait for that help would have been cruel to her. Seriously, young lady, you frightened me.”

  “I’m sorry. My only thought was to protect Mr. Payne. He is a very nice man, and he has five children who need their father. I also knew that Jared Cane would strike quickly, like the snake he was. I wasn’t trying to frighten you, and I am sorry I upset you.”

  “I appreciate that you mean the words, but you rushed into a situation that could have gotten you killed. I tried to call you back, but you ignored me and went charging into that bank like you were wearing a suit of armor. You are not invincible, Rachel.”

  “I know that.”

  “No, I don’t think you do. You are not my deputy; you are the woman I love, and right now I am going to express that love very firmly on your bare backside.”

  “I would rather you make love to me,” she shocked him by saying. “I am shaking and still frightened, and I need to be with you.”

  “Don’t you dare try and tempt me to break my promise to your father, you little vixen. I want nothing more than to hold you in that way, but spanking you is the next best thing at this point!” He gently pulled her from the piano bench and around to where he was seated, and then he put her over his knee and slowly tossed up her skirts. “Did I tell you how very pretty you are? Because you are beautiful this afternoon. Do you know how close you came to being the one who was shot this morning?” he asked, and his hand cracked sharply on the seat of her brand new drawers. “These are very pretty, but they are in the way right now.” He undid the ribbon and slid them down in such a way that she gasped in pleasure. “I will not tolerate you risking your life the way you did this morning,” he said firmly, and his hand dealt her another hearty spank that burned like crazy.

  “Please stop! Please, Lance, I am already sore! Please, don’t spank me anymore. I understand what you are saying. I promise I won’t interfere in your job again! Please!” she begged.

  “No, you will not. I intend to see to it!” He gave her another hard spank, and she cried out in pain, and he was shocked when she started sniffling.

  “I’m sorry, but this was personal, and I had to be part of it. Cane intended to kill me when he shot Doctor Merritt; I had to help bring him to justice. He had to know it was me who stopped him! It was so important to me to see this through. I won’t feel this way about your work normally, Lance. I don’t want to be your deputy!” she insisted, trying very hard not to cry even though her bottom was in pain and already on fire from his large, hard hand.

  “Are you telling me the truth, or just saying what you think will stop this spanking sooner?” he asked.

  “It is the truth, darling. But, I really do want you to stop before I start bawling. I want us to go out and have fun. I want to show you as my beau to the entire town!” she admitted. “I feel properly chastised,” she added.

  “That isn’t for you to decide, Miss Rachel, but this one time I am going to spare this pretty bottom. I want to show you off as my lovely lady too,” he admitted, pulling up her drawers and then standing her on her feet. “Put yourself back together, and we’ll go and celebrate the Fourth of July.”

  Rachel ran from the room, and up to her bedchamber. It didn’t take her long to retie her drawers so they wouldn’t fall down around her ankles while they were walking. She made sure her thick red hair was tamed the best she could, and she grabbed her shawl for later. Rachel felt pretty as could be, and she knew it was because she was in love.

  As she walked down the stairs she noticed that Lance was proudly wearing his badge, letting
one and all know that he wasn’t some aimless drifter without ambition of any kind. He was the law. “You, sir, are the most handsome man I have ever met!” she declared.

  Lance chuckled. “We need to have you fitted for spectacles,” he teased. “The pretty one here is you, and you are beautiful, little one.”

  They walked, arm in arm, downtown to where the festivities were getting underway. Rachel kept getting stopped and welcomed home. She proudly introduced everyone to Lance as her fiancé. When asked when they were to be married, Lance told them, “As soon as possible.”

  Lance found the boys he’d scolded earlier and he smiled and thanked the four lads for helping him. He explained the situation, and the kids grinned, happy to know they weren’t really in trouble. He also gave each boy some money and told them to have fun with it, and if their parents had questions, to come to him and he would vouch for them.

  “Rumor has reached my ears, Miss Rachel.” Reverend Cloud stopped them to inquire. “I heard there is a wedding in the future?”

  “What about today, Reverend?” Lance asked seriously. “I would like to marry my own personal little firecracker today.”

  “Well, now! I am willing, but Rachel, you are not quite twenty-one yet, and I would need Doc’s blessing before I could proceed.”

  “Doc is begging me to take her off his hands,” Lance said, grinning, earning the expected chuckle from the other man, and a smile from his Rachel.

  “Have your pa come and see me, Rachel, and if he gives his permission, then I will gladly perform the service. Are you sure you don’t want a big wedding with the church full of your friends?”

  “All I want is a private wedding in the parlor of our home,” she answered. “I know who I want to invite, and the list is very short.”

  “There is Doc, across the street,” the minister said, and then waved, calling out. “Doc, over here!”

  Caleb turned and saw them; he crossed the busy street with care that he didn’t get run down by the people coming to celebrate. “Well, talking to the reverend about getting married?” he asked with a big smile.

  “We are, sir. Rachel needs your permission to marry since she isn’t of legal age. I know you’ve given us your blessing, but the reverend needs to hear from you too.”

  “I am pleased that Rachel has picked a fine young man, Abraham,” Caleb said solemnly. “He has proven to me that he is the man for my little firecracker. She loves him, and I am pleased to give my blessing to a wedding.”

  “Today, Doc?” the minister asked, making sure that Caleb knew what they were asking.

  “I think today is perfect,” Caleb shocked him by replying. “When it is right, you simply know it. This poor man took one look at Rachel and fell head over heels for her. It was the same for Rachel. I was right there and witnessed the whole thing. It reminded me of when Estelle and I met and fell in love. Her father made us wait for six months before we were engaged, and another full year before we could marry. I made a promise to myself not to put my son-in-law through that particular torture.”

  “We want to be married in the parlor, Papa. I want to ask Mary to stand up with me.”

  “I’m hoping Clay will be my best man; I have a feeling that we will be friends with them for life, especially if they settle here like they are talking they will.”

  “You’re going to stay here in Rusty Bucket?” Caleb asked in surprise. “Truly?”

  “Sir, I intend to turn in my badge. I don’t want a deputy for a wife, and the best way to keep that from happening is for me to retire from the Rangers. I’m not sure yet what I’ll do for a living. I’ve got money saved back to set us up with a business of some sort. I’m not much suited to ranching or farming,” he admitted. “I’d be pleased if we could stay with you while Rachel and I figure out what we want to do?”

  “You can stay as long as you like. I need my nurse,” he admitted.

  “That’s fine for Rachel, but I need something I’m good at.”

  “It’s wonderful to see our town growing. You’ll like it here, Lance,” the minister added his opinion. “What about eight o’clock this evening for the wedding? Will that suit everyone?”

  “It is perfect, Abraham,” Caleb announced. “We will see you then.” When the minister’s attention was drawn elsewhere and he had moved on, Caleb asked, “What do you need, honey? I’ll try to make it work as best as I can. A new dress? A veil?”

  “I am wearing Mama’s wedding dress and veil. I want her to be with us, and this way she will be,” Rachel tearfully whispered.

  “Now, now, no tears on your wedding day! Your mama wouldn’t want that at all; besides, you’ll have me crying too!” Caleb gave her an understanding hug. “Son, your family won’t want to be here?”

  “They are all gone, sir. They’ll be with us in spirit tonight too. I’m afraid there wouldn’t be too many on the groom’s side of the church if we were to marry there. It would make my heart ache, and I want to be happy when I marry Rachel,” he said.

  “Well, I am family for you both. I know that Clay and Mary will be thrilled, and so will our other houseguests. I believe Sally and Timothy Brice are also going to settle here.”

  “They are good people.”

  “I agree, Rachel.” Lance nodded.

  “You are not supposed to see the bride before the wedding, young man,” Caleb informed them sternly, and then laughed as both of them looked at him in horror.

  “Papa, we are enjoying the celebrations!”

  “Sir, I am not superstitious.”

  “You two have fun. I’ll see you at home later. I want some pie, and Callie Harris is holding a piece of her pecan pie for me,” he announced. “I love the Fourth of July!”

  “I love firecrackers, and now I have my very own!” Lance whispered as he leaned down to kiss Rachel.

  “See, Ma! See! She does have a bad reputation! Kissing like that on a public street! Only an immoral woman would do that!” Jeremy dared to say.

  “And Jeremy was wondering how many times you were caught kissing on a public street when you were young, before he was born, ma’am?” Rachel questioned with a perfectly straight face.

  The woman’s face turned purple.

  “You stop that, Rachel Waterford!” Jeremy screamed at her. “You are being mean to Ma!”

  “I do not want you associating with the likes of this fallen woman, Jeremy! Come along now.”

  “Isn’t it true that you were never married, ma’am, and that Jeremy is a bastard?” Rachel asked.

  “Behave, sweetheart. Remember how tender your backside is.”

  “Just giving it back, darling. I’m tired of Jeremy’s snooty attitude; he’s been like this since we were kids. He was the tattletale, and he tried to get everyone in trouble all the time. His ma brought him up to be the way he is. Ridiculous!”

  “He isn’t your problem, darling.”

  “If we are going to be living here, he is. He will come tattling to you if I so much as set foot in the hotel to visit with anyone. His dirty mind will assume I am doing something wrong no matter what, and I am going to put a stop to it the only way I know how.”

  “You leave my ma alone! Can’t you see that you have shocked her?”

  “Jeremy, grow up. Your ma is no angel, are you, Goldie?”

  The woman gasped in shock. “Please don’t call me that!”

  “There was no husband, was there, Goldie? Just a girl in trouble and a man who wouldn’t accept his responsibility?”

  “It wasn’t my fault! He didn’t tell me he was already married. He took advantage of me, and then he gave me money and told me to go away. I tried to raise Jeremy to have morals.”

  “Oh, he thinks he is the conscience for everyone in town, ma’am. He is a pain in the behind and thinks he is better than everyone else. He looks down on every female, with the exception of you. It’s time you reined him in because the next time he accuses me of something I didn’t do, I am going to take my whip to him until you can’t recogniz
e him, and that is a bona fide promise. Bank on it!”

  “I won’t stop her if she comes at you again, Jeremy. Grow up, last warning.”

  “Ma, what are they saying? I had a father, didn’t I?”

  “Grow up, son! You aren’t a child now. I lied to protect our reputation,” she admitted.

  “How could you, Ma? You lied to me!”

  “I did it to protect you, Jeremy.” When he started to walk away, she looked at him in horror. “Where are you going?”

  “Wherever you aren’t!” He took off running, and something snapped inside Goldie as she followed him.

  “I did it all for you, but you don’t appreciate a thing, do you?” She was talking, but no one was listening.

  Down the street, Rachel was telling her fiancé how many times she got into trouble because of Jeremy. Lance shook his head in disbelief, and then said, “I can understand why you are so upset with him and his criticism, but I think it best you simply ignore him. If he comes to me about anything concerning you, I will deal with him. You need to allow me to handle him from now on.”

  “If that is what you want,” she agreed, smiling. “And, I do not wish to talk about Jeremy any more today. This is our wedding day, a day to celebrate!”

  They walked around the town, and Lance met so many people, he was sure he would never remember all of their names. They had supper at one of the many stands selling food, and then they walked back to the house. “I will be back in plenty of time for our wedding,” he promised before leaving to return to the hotel.

  “What can I do to help you, Rachel?” Mary asked. “I have a bath ready for you, but I also thought you might wish to talk to another woman if you have questions?”

  “I’m fine, Mary. One of the advantages of having a doctor for a father and being a nurse is that you pretty much know what to expect. I trust Lance to be gentle with me.”


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