Dirty Maverick (The Maxwell Family)

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Dirty Maverick (The Maxwell Family) Page 10

by Alycia Taylor

  “I mean . . . yes, but that doesn’t mean . . .”

  I put a finger to her lips and leaned in to kiss her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Part of me knew that I would end up kissing Max. I was fighting it too much, and he was flirting too much. It was inevitable that I would end up giving in. The moment his lips were against mine, I knew that I had been expecting this moment for a long time. I didn’t even bother pulling away. Instead, I leaned in and savored the moment. The moment I did, my towel fell down, and I gasped. I was just about to pick it up when Max stopped me.

  “Leave it,” he said.

  “That’s not fair,” I said as I pointed towards him. He was fully clothed while I was standing there completely naked in front of him. I was surprised by how comfortable I felt.

  “Well, we can change that,” he said and started unbuttoning his shirt. “By the way, Madi, I always knew you had a rocking body under those clothes. I may not remember much, but from the moment I woke up from the coma and saw you sitting there I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I’m certain I thought that before the coma too.”

  “I’m not sure,” I said. I was sure that he had no feelings for me over the years. He’d been flirting with me for the past few weeks, but before that, he had never flirted with me at all. But I didn’t have much time to think about it. The only thing I could concentrate on was the fact that I was about to see Max without any clothes on.

  “Trust me, Madi. You’re beautiful.”

  I reached out and pulled off his unbuttoned shirt. Max, the man who claimed to hate going to the gym, had a body that any man would be envious of. I ran my hands over his muscular chest and then looked up and smiled at him.

  “I hate to admit it, but you’re sort of beautiful too.”

  “Just sort of?” he said as he pulled off the rest of his clothes.

  I quickly looked down and saw how hard he already was, and the sight made me happy. I blushed slightly, feeling a little bit like a schoolgirl with a crush. Max was interested in me. Max found me beautiful. Max was standing in front of me without his clothes on.

  “More than sort of,” I choked out.

  He pulled me back toward him, and it was the first times our naked bodies had touched. I felt a shiver of pleasure run through me as we started to kiss again. The kiss turned from something gentle to something a lot more passionate. Soon, he was sucking my neck, and I was groaning in pleasure. It was nice to know that we were far away from the world and that nobody could walk in on us.

  “Come on,” he said and pulled me towards the bedroom after we realized we were both still standing by the bathroom doorway.

  It took us forever to even get to the bedroom because we kept stopping to kiss, almost as if we were afraid that if we stopped for too long, one of us would decide not to go through with what was happening. The moment we got inside the bedroom, we fell onto the bed.

  “You’re right, this bed is comfortable,” he said and grinned at me.

  “Don’t be jealous of my sleeping quarters,” I mumbled just before his lips found mine again. I sighed in pleasure as he moved from my lips down to my neck and stopped at my breasts. He put my nipple in his mouth and sucked gently, moving his tongue around in circles. He slowly made his way down, until his tongue had made its way down in between my legs. I looked down, and for a brief moment, I couldn’t believe that Max’s head was where it was. Max was seeing and touching and tasting so much of me. I almost pulled back in a moment of vulnerability, but then his tongue did something amazing, and I couldn’t pull away. When I did, eventually, push him off it was because I was too close to orgasm.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Do you have a condom?”

  He grinned. “That’s the best question you’ve ever asked me in my life,” he said and then groaned. “But I actually don’t know if I have one. Shit.”

  He got up and looked through his wallet and his bag while I searched the bathroom. I came out holding a stack of condoms, and we both burst out laughing.

  “I wonder if the chief did this on purpose?”

  “I’ve never loved the chief more in my life,” Max said as he took one from me and put it on.

  I was glad the brief moment apart hadn’t been enough for either of us to change our minds. We fell immediately back onto the bed, and within seconds, Max had pushed himself inside me. My legs were wrapped around him as I pulled him in closer. I wanted him to go as deep inside me as possible, and the more he pushed himself, the more I wanted him. I held onto him as he thrust inside me. I closed my eyes and cried out with pleasure. I hadn’t had sex in a long time, but even then, it hadn’t been as good as it was right at that moment. Max felt incredible inside me. When I opened my eyes, I saw that he was looking at me. For a few seconds, I held his gaze, and the feeling that ran through me was electrifying. I could see that Max wanted me more than anything else, and that made me want him even more. I closed my eyes just as I was about to come and finally allowed the feeling of complete ecstasy to overtake my entire being. Just as I was nearing the end, I felt him shudder inside me. I looked up and saw that his eyes were also closed as he let go.

  Afterward, we fell back down on the bed, and he pulled me in so that my head was resting in the crook of his arm. I could feel his heart beating in his chest, and heard it slow down the longer we lay there. There was something very peaceful about that sound. The longer we lay there, the more unsure I was about what had just happened between us. It was inevitable that it was going to happen. We probably both knew that. But now that it was over, I wasn’t sure if we should’ve let it happen. This wasn’t the Max that I had worked with for the past few years. That Max would’ve never let his guard down and never allowed this to happen. I wasn’t even sure if that Max liked me. It irritated me that I had given in to him so easily. He was, after all, still my partner, and there was a big chance that his memories were going to return. Would that memory be one of him not liking me at all? Max had been my partner and my best friend for a very long time. What if I had just ruined things now? What if I had crossed the line? And Max and I still had a long time together at the safe house. Things were going to get very awkward if he suddenly realized he didn’t want to be with me.

  “You know, you certainly went out of your way to try and get in this bed,” I said and tried to make light of the situation. If there was one thing I knew how to do well with Max, it was to maintain a joking relationship. “But you did very well. You got me. You’ve got the bed. I’ll get the couch tonight. You won this round fair and square.”

  I was just about to get up when Max pulled me back towards him.

  “Or, you know, you could just lie here. This bed is pretty big. And, I wasn’t lying when I said that couch was uncomfortable.”

  “Nah, I’m tough. I don’t mind.”

  “Okay, but just lie here for a little while. I like it.”

  I didn’t say anything, but I didn’t get up either. I closed my eyes and moved in closer. Maybe lying in his arms wasn’t the worst place to sleep. That couch really did look terrible. I’d figure things out in the morning. Things were always a lot clearer in the light of day.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. I sat up and started panting as I tried to figure out what was going on. I felt a hand on my arm, and when I looked next to me, I saw Madison looking at me with kind but worried eyes.

  “Max, Max, it’s okay. It’s okay. You’re safe here,” she said. Her voice was calm and soothing, and I immediately felt better.

  I shut my eyes tightly and opened them up again as if trying to regain some control. I was a little embarrassed that Madison had seen me this way, but I was still glad that she was there. It would’ve been so much worse if I were at home.

  I smiled gratefully at her. “Thanks, Madi. Sorry about that.”

  I noticed that she wasn’t wearing any clothes
, and in the light of day, she was even more beautiful than the night before. I knew from the moment I had seen Madison on the hospital bed that she would have the perfect body, and I hadn’t been wrong. Madison clearly worked out. She was muscular, and toned, with small, pert breasts that suited her small frame. I felt aroused just looking at her again. She must’ve noticed because she quickly reached out for a t-shirt and put it over her head.

  “Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong. Did you have another nightmare?”

  I nodded. “I don’t know what’s going on, but when I dream, they seem to be so vivid. When I wake up, I get confused.”

  “Want to know something strange? You used to tell me that you could never remember your dreams.”


  “Yeah. I’ve always been a big dreamer. I’d always come into work and tell you about my dreams, and you’d laugh and tell me that you didn’t dream at all. I used to argue and say that you did dream but that you just didn’t remember it.”

  “Wow, we argued a lot.”

  She chuckled. “Oh yeah. All the time. But in a good way. So, what was the dream about? Did you remember something more about that night?”

  I shook my head. “No, it wasn’t about that night at all. I almost wish it was. I . . .” I struggled to find my words because I could feel myself getting emotional. “I’m sorry . . . it’s . . .”

  “Oh, Max. What happened?”

  “I dreamed about my parents. About their funeral. And I don’t think I made this up. I think this really happened. I think I got a memory back. In the dream, I was at their funeral. They died in a car crash, and the whole thing was just so sudden. I mean, you just never expect something like that to happen. My brother took it really hard. I think he was still living with them. I think; that part I’m not entirely too sure of. Anyway, I had to be strong for him, and I don’t think I let myself cry at the funeral. I just tried to be there for him.”

  “Max, that’s awful. I’m so sorry.”

  “I’ve probably told you all this before, haven’t I? I keep forgetting that I have probably told you these things before. Just stop me if I’m repeating myself.”

  “Max, you can tell me anything you want to. And no, you actually didn’t tell me that. You and I had a strange relationship. We worked well together, and in some respects, we were very close. People used to always say that they felt left out when they hung around you and me. Not that we would exclude anyone, but it’s just that we always understood each other. And yet, despite that, we barely spoke about personal things. Like we didn’t just sit down and have a conversation about each other’s lives.”

  “That’s strange. I wonder why?”

  She shrugged. “Oh, I think we’re both just very closed-off people. It’s hard for us to open up.”

  “We’re doing a good job of it now,” I said.

  She chuckled. “Yeah, I guess all it took was for us to get holed up in a safe house.”

  “What if we’re actually on a reality show right now?” I said.

  “What do you mean?” she said and leaned in, obviously intrigued by my observation.

  “Well, what if you and I are on a TV show and we just don’t know it. Imagine there are cameras all around us now. Hidden cameras. And people are watching to see how we react to being closed off from the rest of the world.”

  Madison giggled with delight. “Yes! And soon funny things are going to start happening. Like a weird knock on the door or a strange sound at night. And they’re all watching to see our reaction.”

  “Maybe the public is voting to see what we will do in different situations. Maybe one of us will walk away with a million dollars.”

  She laughed. “You’re mental, you know that?”

  “Yes, I probably am. So, should I make some breakfast for us?” I said. “I’m starving.”

  “I’m starving too. Come on, let’s see what there is.”

  We made a simple breakfast of toast and peanut butter, and drank coffee. I watched TV while Madison read a book, and I realized that neither of us had spoken about what had happened the night before. I didn’t know what it meant, or if it was ever going to happen again, but I knew without a doubt that I would sleep with her in an instant if she wanted to. Maybe I’d broach the subject later on, but for now it was nice just sitting with her and enjoying our morning together.

  “I haven’t felt this relaxed in a long time,” she said suddenly, and I looked up at her and smiled.

  “Yeah, me too. I think we really needed a holiday.”

  “We should attempt cocktails later,” she said.

  “That’s a great idea. Remember, we have the world watching us. We have to give them something to watch. How about we each make a different cocktail tonight and we get the public to vote on which one is better?” I said.

  She chuckled. “Wow, just a day in and already we’re imagining things that aren’t really happening. It didn’t take long for us to become crazy.”

  “It probably helped that we were already crazy.”

  She smiled. “Yeah. Hey, I have an idea. Do you want to play a board game? I saw Scrabble on the bookshelf and I haven’t played that game in years.”

  “Loser makes the dinner tonight,” I said. Might as well make the game more interesting.

  “Ooh, you have yourself a deal.”

  We got everything set up in the living room, made more coffee, and started to play.

  “If I lose, it’s only because I’ve lost my memory. It’s actually kind of unfair that you’re playing against someone who has problems with his brain. I’m not the man I was before, and you are taking full advantage of that.” I almost said that I wouldn’t mind if she wanted to take advantage of me in other ways, but I decided to keep that one to myself.

  “Hah! Don’t use that as an excuse. You’re speaking perfectly well, which means that your English is still intact. Don’t make me feel bad if I win either, because let’s be honest, I will win. You’re obviously very scared that you’re going to lose to a woman.”

  “Oh, I’m not scared at all. I hope you’ve thought about what you want to make tonight. I have a feeling I’m going to be very hungry.”

  “Nope, I haven’t thought about it at all because I’m not making anything. I plan on sitting back and drinking my cocktail.”

  This went on for the next two hours, with both of us cracking joke after joke after joke. I was almost certain that I didn’t even enjoy Scrabble, and that I usually got bored within the first ten minutes of the game. But I was having a lot of fun with Madison, and the game was a lot more interesting with her. We both kept trying to outdo each other, and we were both constantly trying to put down words that didn’t really exist and get away with it.

  “No way, I’m calling bullshit on that one,” she said.

  I laughed. “What? But it’s a word.”

  “Oh yeah? You’ll be pleased to know I saw a dictionary on that bookshelf. Let me go and get it quickly,” she said and was about to stand up when I stopped her.

  “Never mind,” I said as I quickly took the letters away. “I found another word to use,” I said and put down a much smaller word that gave me less points.

  She laughed. “You’re such a cheater. Now, watch this,” she said and put down a long word that included the letter z. She flipped her empty letter tray down and chuckled. “And just like that, I’m done! Oh yeah, I won. I won. I’m not cooking tonight!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “And you’re really rubbing it in. You know, after everything I’ve been through, you won’t even let me win a simple game of Scrabble.”

  “Most definitely not. That’s how badly I don’t feel like cooking tonight,” she said. “I mean, I know I made something nice the other day but I’m not sure if this lucky cooking streak of mine will continue.

  “You do realize that it was my turn to cook anyway, don’t you? We didn’t actually need to play Scrabble to get me to cook. I was going to do it anyway.”
/>   She laughed. “Yeah, I realized that. But I’m still glad I kicked your ass.”

  “Revenge tomorrow?”

  “No problem. I’m confident.”

  I chuckled. Who knew a safe house could be so much fun? I was just about to ask her when she wanted to start the cocktail making when I heard my phone ring from the bedroom. I ran to get it and saw that it was Xavier.

  “Hey, I heard about the safe house.”

  “You did?” I asked.

  “Yeah. The chief called me, and he called Madison’s sister. He wanted to make sure we were aware of the situation. So, how’s it going? I can’t believe that you’re in hiding like this.”

  “Yeah, crazy, hey? The house is being guarded. The chief has a team of people out there looking for the guy.”

  “It must be driving you crazy to be away from all that.”

  I smiled at the thought of Madison. “Not really. I mean, it’s kind of like being on holiday. So, I think my body is thanking me for it. There’s nothing to do here but just relax.”

  “And how are you getting along with Madison? I mean, that’s some close quarters you’re in.”

  “Oh, we’re getting along just great. She’s so easy to be around. Although, I still don’t understand how Madison and I were never a thing. I mean, she’s beautiful. How did I stop myself when I was around her?”

  “Has something happened?”

  I thought about telling him but decided to wait until I knew what was happening myself. The whole thing was still a bit confusing. “No, but she’s very pretty to look at,” I said instead.

  “She is. But just be careful with her,” Xavier warned.

  “Careful? What do you mean?”

  “She’s made it pretty clear that she doesn’t want anything to get in the way of your professional relationship. I know that the partnership you guys have at work means a lot to her. I know you like her right now but just tread carefully. Soon you’re going to have to go back to work together, and you don’t to screw up what good thing you have going.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I lied. “I’ll keep my thoughts to myself.”


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