Giver of Light

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Giver of Light Page 37

by Nicola Claire

  “If I'm yours, then why haven't you kissed me yet?” I breathed in reply.

  His lips quirked a little at that. “Perhaps I wish to take things slowly.”

  “We don't have time for slow.”

  His smile widened and he flashed a hint of amethyst in the deepened blue that had returned to his eyes. “As always, ma douce, you are correct.” He rose up and wrapped me in his arms, his lips smoothly finding mine, softly brushing against my mouth and then quickly deepening when my own lips parted, letting him in.

  He softly groaned against my mouth and pulled me off the padded seat I had been perched upon and into his lap, regardless of the less than clean floor he was kneeling on. His hand running up my back into my hair and wrapping around the strands, anchoring himself there, the other smoothly stroking over my hip and stomach and coming up to find my breast and nipple under my T-Shirt.

  His lips began spraying my face with feather-light kisses, across my cheeks, over my jaw and then down to his new mark at the base of my neck. His face nuzzling in against the colourful Sigillum there, his voice muffled as he spoke.

  “I want you so badly, ma douce, but we simply do not have time. I promise I will make it up to you when this night is through. But, for now we must regroup and attack before they realise we have returned.”

  Logically, I couldn't argue with him, even if my body screamed out in protest against his hard, broad chest. I wanted him so badly, I didn't give a toss we were in some old mucky shed in the middle of the city within spitting distance of evil and the threat of the Dark. I even resented a little, the fact that Michel was a master tactician, a warrior at heart, that even with me in his arms he was thinking of the battle, survival at all costs. It was unfair of me, Michel would devour me in an instant, if it were safe for us to entertain such pastimes, but it was not. I should have been grateful that at least one of us was thinking with their head and not some other part of their body, but I wasn't. I'd nearly died while he was gone, he'd nearly died while he was gone, I wanted to feel alive and I wanted to feel it with him.

  “Oh, ma douce, you are breaking my heart.”

  There was a knock on the door, before I could even formulate an answer to that statement. I wasn't sure if Michel had planned it, telepathically ordered a vampire to interrupt. Maybe he didn't have the strength to deny me on his own and needed a little help to pull away. Either way, it worked. I stiffened, he pulled back and the door opened to reveal Jett.

  “Master. We need to discuss plans. The night is progressing and we may not remain safe here for much longer.”

  “Of course,” Michel answered helping me to my feet and brushing a kiss over my forehead. “Bring the others in.”

  Jett turned away and Michel lifted my face up to his with a tilt of my chin. “I will make it up to you, ma douce,” he whispered, low enough for only me to hear.

  “Promise?” I asked, letting a small smile play on my lips. I couldn't stay mad at Michel for long.

  “Cross my heart,” he said with a wink and even did the action over his chest, as five of his top vampires piled into the little shed. I could still sense twenty more out in the night and knew he probably had more further afield as well.

  Michel spun towards the others as Jett closed the door behind him and someone flicked the light switch in the corner of the room. The vampires spread out and made themselves comfortable around the room, all of them looking in top condition. You'd have no idea they had recently fought a battle in America, but then they'd had a flight on a luxury jet to recover since then.

  Michel sat down in the padded seat I had been on, the only real chair in the room and pulled me back into his lap, his arms coming around my waist protectively. He may not have allowed our passions to take over, but he wasn't prepared to let me out of his touch.

  I glanced around the room taking in the vampires, the ones he usually had at his side when business called, be it his run of mill every day operations, or in times of crises, like now.

  One of them was Doug. No surprises there. He was the highest ranking vampire in Michel's line left behind, the one in touch with what had been happening in Auckland in his absence. I absently thought Erika was usually at these meetings, but then maybe she had been left behind in America, to clean up the mess there. I'd get a chance to ask after her in due course, for now, Michel's men had started giving their reports.

  “Latest report from Enrique, is the Nosferatins have been released and attended to. They will be sent to their respective homes in due course,” a vampire by the name of Arturo offered from the corner, his big bulk squashed between a work bench and a packing crate.

  “Another twenty of our line are to land within the next two hours. The final amount will depart America when Enrique has secured Denver to his satisfaction,” Jerric, a blonde Scandinavian looking vampire added.

  Michel nodded in reply to each update, then turned to look at Doug. “Tell me,” he commanded the bartender. “What happened?”

  Doug flashed me a look that spoke volumes, his anger at my approaching Sensations still not entirely disappeared, then squared his shoulders and held Michel's gaze.

  “Jonathan has some twenty men with him, all level one or two. We were simply out gunned and then Lucinda...” He paused, trying to pick his words I think.

  “Rode to the rescue,” Michel offered. I tried to glare at him but he just kept his attention on Doug, a small twist in his lips the only indication he had sensed my outrage at all.

  “Yes.” One word, full of anger. I blew a breath out in a loud sigh to make my point. Move along boys, move along.

  Michel huffed a small laugh, then repositioned me in his lap.

  Doug continued as though nothing had happened. “She did bring the ghouls with her and that tipped the scale in our favour. At least long enough for us to be released, her to be kidnapped again by Jonathan and then for us to escape and start to track them.” He said all of this quickly, no doubt hoping it wouldn't hurt so much if said in a rush, but Michel, who had undoubtedly already ascertained most of this information before, still managed to growl at him anyway. A sure sign of his disapproval at the events that had unfolded.

  Doug hurriedly went on. “She escaped him, Samson found her, then we took refuge in one of Pete's safe houses, only to have either Jonathan or the Queen use the ghouls against us. We all escaped and here we are.”

  Silence followed the last of the summary.

  “Where is Jonathan now?”

  “We're quite sure he is near Sensations, no doubt hoping for our return and the Queen is in the Town Hall, down by Aotea Square at last report.”

  Michel ran a hand through his hair, then returned it to my waist, absently stroking my hands in my lap.

  “Well. We need to take care of Jonathan before we face the Queen. I don't want him jumping out of the woodwork while we are distracted by the Dark.”

  “Jonathan and the Queen are connected,” I finally provided a bit of Intel to add to the reports.

  “How?” Michel shifted to look up at me.

  “I'm not sure, but he has met her and somehow managed to convince her I wouldn't be a threat if he had me drugged.”

  Michel's low growl reverberated around the room. There was no hiding his anger at what Jonathan had done. Right now I was picking Michel's emotions were very much near the surface, hiding them, like shielding his thoughts earlier from his line, was damn near impossible. His vampires bristled in response to his anger and pin pricks of fire started dancing across my skin, targeting me from every corner of the room. The Sanguis Vitam escalated, as though one vampire's response to Michel, triggered off the next and soon I was gasping for breath and squirming around in Michel's lap trying to get away from the onslaught of power that washed against me with relentless intent.

  “Michel,” I managed to get out between gritted teeth.

  Immediately his power swept all the others aside in the room and his hands came up to cup my face. “Ma douce, ma douce, I am so sorry.”
He kissed me briefly on the lips, then slid me off his lap into the seat and began to pace the small space in the middle of the room.

  I've seen Michel pace before, it doesn't happen often, only when he is on the thin edge of a cliff, about to teeter off. I took a steadying breath in and when Michel didn't say anything to his men all waiting patiently, I stood up and cleared my throat.

  “Can you give us a moment?” I said to the room at large, but not removing my eyes from Michel. The vampires dutifully slid out of the room, the door shutting quietly at their backs.

  I watched Michel continue to pace for a while longer then stepped in front of his path.

  “What is it? What has got you so upset?” It seemed like a stupid question. I mean, we'd had a call to arms from the American Families, Michel had left me behind to face the threat, thinking I would be safe, only to have the American King trick him and come directly here to me, capture me, almost have me killed by ghouls. And now the Queen of Darkness, a presence we have long known we would have to face, is now tied up with Jonathan. What wasn't there to be upset about? But I knew this was more.

  “Jonathan,” he replied simply and for a moment I didn't think he would elaborate further. The name pretty much summed it all up, but still I got the sense that there was more.

  Michel finally stopped pacing and turned to look at me, his face a mask of determined aggression.

  “He had a spy, Lucinda.” His voice was surprisingly quiet, considering the rage that fluttered across his face. “From the moment he first met you, he has planned it all and played me like a fool. I thought now, at least, I had finally out guessed him. The spy has been dealt with, his Families are in disarray, the only threat remaining is him and I will soon have him dead. But, then he manages to surprise me again. In league with the Queen of Dark.” He laughed a little bitterly. “And even though he poses such a threat, he actually managed to protect you from her. Something I have not been able to do, despite my fervent desire to do just that.”

  Oh. It made sense. He felt he had failed and Jonathan had succeeded where he had not.

  “I don't want his protection, Michel. I would rather have to face her, than live like that. It wasn't a safe place, it was a lie and the only way I will ever be free is if she is dead.” I stepped closer when he didn't say anything, until I was directly against his chest and having to look up into his face. “I need you, Michel, I can't do this without you by side.”

  Finally, his face softened, his eyes allowing a little of the deep blue to seep back in. He reached up and ran the back of his fingers down my cheek. “Then I shall never leave your side again.”

  Thatta boy, I thought, seeing a flash of amusement cross his face.

  “So, let's go deal to the little creep and then slaughter the hell out of Darkness,” I added, taking a step towards the door.

  He reached out before I could touch the handle and spun me back against his chest, planting a bone melting kiss against my lips. When he had me sufficiently panting, he moved away, offered a mock bow and opened the door, to allow me to head through.

  “So, who was the spy?” I asked, ignoring the chivalry and not in the least expecting it to be a vamp I knew.

  He stopped in his tracks and my heart sunk. Why the hell did I have to ask a stupid question like that right now?

  I almost said it doesn't matter, tell me later, but it was too late.

  “Erika,” he said, a look of infinite sadness crossing his face.

  I couldn't even comprehend the depth of betrayal he felt. I felt numb with shock and disbelief myself. Erika was a friend, she shared my house, she taught me how to wield a sword, she was a shoulder to cry on when things got too hard. Shit. My friend. Michel's little one. A spy.

  I tried not to think the thought, but it was already tumbling through my head before I could block it from him.

  “No,” he said in answer to my silent question had he killed her? I felt a moment of confused peace. She was alive, maybe it was a mistake and she wasn't all bad. And then he ruined it with his next words.

  “Jett killed her, not me.”

  Chapter 38


  Jett must have sensed we were talking about him, because he glanced our way as we exited the shed. One look at whatever emotion was playing over my face must have told him all he needed to know and a look of what I could only call a survivor, covered his stark features. Someone who was still waging a war with their demons and determined to win.

  There was no time to offer condolences, or a comforting word of support, we would have time enough to grieve later, now my destiny was due. Corny, but true.

  God this sucked! How many friends would I lose to this battle? How much more would I give up to fight the Dark? I wasn't sure I had the strength to face that answer, but I couldn't stop it swilling around inside my head. Michel had gone to speak to a few of his men, last minute plans and instructions, revisions of what they knew and what to expect. I was just stuck in a mental loop of self pity. Despising myself, all the while unable to shake the doom and gloom.

  Eventually it was time to move out, first stop Sensations and I used what little mental fortitude I had left to banish the dark thoughts and ready myself for what was to come. I knew in my heart I wasn't ready for this, in a perfect world I'd get a bit of sleep, a little more food and then tackle the monster. Hell, in a perfect world, Darkness wouldn't threaten to steal your soul. This was not a perfect world and I did not have the luxury of a spa treatment to recover my strength. So I sucked it up, like all good vampire hunters do and palmed my stake, letting the weight of it settle my nerves and chase away the last of my fears.

  By the time Michel reached my side, no doubt a well planned circuitous route, giving me time to pull my shit together, I had myself under control. I was on the hunt, my senses open and alert. Objective one. Dispose of Jonathan. Objective two. Face the Dark.

  Easy peasy.

  Yeah right.

  We flowed through the darkened streets of Auckland, quickly approaching Karangahape Road and the club. All the while my senses flowed out in front of me, around me, behind me, checking on potential threats, assessing the number of vampires nearby, acknowledging they weren't all ours. It was quickly becoming obvious we were walking into a trap, but what could we do? Jonathan was in control of the CBD and the Queen of Darkness wasn't budging an inch until I showed.

  Perhaps we could have stalled for more time, somehow lured them from the central city, but the end would have been the same, we would have to face them both and why not keep it on territory we were familiar with? I knew every alley, every shadowed spot, every possible location for an ambush and still I walked willingly into a trap.

  Enough was enough. I had lost people I cared about, I would not lose my city too. That was it, I was done. I was tired of running from this Prophesy. I had denied it, argued with it, doubted it and hidden from it, but no more.

  A calmness I had no right to feel, settled in my soul. I stopped in the middle of the intersection of Queen Street and K Road, and let the unnatural stillness of the night wrap around me. No Norms out on the streets clubbing, no taxis or buses crowding the lanes, even the fire trucks and ambulances on nearby Pitt Street were all tucked up in bed. Auckland City knew the fate of the world rested on tonight. It held its breath, a bit like us.

  “What is it, ma douce?” Michel whispered next to me, all of the vampires around me coming to a halt when I did. Unable to sense exactly what I sensed, or feel exactly what I felt, or know exactly what I knew.

  “Jonathan is in the club waiting, he has twenty vampires around him, some upstairs in the offices, two across the street from the door.”

  “I sense this too.” I heard the unasked question in his voice, what else?

  “If I go with you she will win,” I said simply, unsure where exactly that knowledge came from, but knowing with every fibre in my body that it was so. “She will destroy this street and everything on it, we would not stand a chance.”

  “So, we face her first,” Michel offered quietly, a small amount of tension evident in his tone.

  “No,” I said adamantly. “I must go alone.” There is no way in hell I wanted to face her alone, but I felt the urge to face her now too strong to deny and like Michel said, Jonathan would take advantage of our distraction and attack. It was too great a risk to leave him now.

  Michel was in front of me in an instant. “Non!” He spat the French word with unyielding force. “We will not be parted again.”

  I took a deep breath in readying myself to argue. Finally I looked up into his face, fully prepared to make my point, but when I looked at him, I couldn't do it. My heart missed a beat, my throat went dry and my breath caught in my mouth. He took full advantage of my silence.

  “We will face whatever happens together. If Jonathan wishes to join in the fun, so much the better. We will be together to face it. You, me, our men.”

  I blinked slowly, trying to see if Nut would offer a small glimpse of what she wanted me to do. All I knew was, I had to face the Queen now, tonight, before it was too late and that nothing could get in my way from achieving this. If it was Nut telling me this little gem of knowledge, I couldn't tell, but it was strong and deep within me.

  It ends here.

  I nodded up at Michel, the look of utter relief washing his face making him seem so much more handsome than usual, brilliant yet vulnerable, strong yet close to the edge. A humanity to his features which was becoming more and more a part of who he is. I couldn't see the vampire I first met when I came to Auckland, the one who ruled his city with an iron fist. Who summoned me to his office when he simply wanted to play with the little vampire hunter, who commanded my obedience whilst trying to fight the attraction we shared. Who held on to his control until it shattered about him and made him who he now was. Humane. Vampire. Mine.

  “Together,” I said, reaching up to brush my lips against his.

  “Together,” he murmured against my mouth.


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