Trickery & Envy

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Trickery & Envy Page 6

by Johnson, D. C.

  “I have good news Jennifer and unfortunately some bad. The good news is that the lump that was found in your left breast is benign.”

  Jennifer exhaled a sigh of relief squeezing Charles hand that was in hers.

  Dr. Howard went on to say, “The bad news is the tumor in your uterus is malignant. You have uterine cancer, stage II. The cancer has already spread from the body of your uterus to the cervix. What needs to be done now is a plan for treatment to possibly prevent it from spreading outside the uterus. You also have the option of having a second opinion.”

  Jennifer was stunned as was her husband. It took them several seconds before either of them spoke. “How did this happen? Dr. Howard I have cancer of the uterus.”

  “Jennifer cells normally grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. Sometimes this process goes wrong and new cells form when the body does not need them. Old cells do not die when they should and when that happens additional cells can form a mass of tissue, which it has in your case. You began menstruation at a very young age; ten years old. The risk factor is also higher for women who haven’t had children.” Dr. Hasina paused and then said, “According to your records you also have a history of Endometriosis in your twenties. Though it was a benign condition it did affect your uterus. It’s the reason for your pain during intercourse.”

  “Is this cancer curable?” Jennifer asked and then looked at Charles while dabbing at her nose with her free hand.

  Dr. Howard handed Jennifer some tissue. She tried to be as sensitive as she could in her explaining. “Jennifer there is no cure for cancer. We can only slow down the process. We try to catch it in time so it doesn’t spread from its original place to another part of the body. The goal is to kill off bad cells with hopes the cancer will go into remission.”

  Charles just as concerned with Jennifer’s state of mind tried to assure her that everything was going to be okay. He tightened his grip while still holding her hand.

  “Doctor Howard, what are the methods of treatments?” he asked.

  Dr. Howard crossed her arms thinking. “There are many treatment options. Most women with uterine cancer are treated with surgery. They have surgery to remove the uterus. During the surgery, the fallopian tubes and both ovaries are removed. The lymph nodes near the tumor may also be removed to see if they contain cancer. There is also radiation therapy where high-energy rays are used to kill cancer cells. And depending on some uterine cancer both radiation and surgery is needed.” She paused then said, “You also have the option of hormonal therapy also known as systemic therapy. It’s a type of progesterone taken as a pill. This is generally used when someone is unable to have surgery or radiation therapy.” Dr. Howard intertwined her fingers, and while looking at Jennifer said, “Lastly, you can also take part in a clinical trial. But what I highly recommend is you take some time to let the news set in before making a decision. I can tell you that you’re going to experience different emotions which are normal.”

  Charles nodded at Dr. Howard and then looked over at his wife. “Baby, it may not be a bad idea to get a second opinion.” He looked back at Dr. Howard and said, “Is there a doctor you can refer us to for a second opinion?”

  “Absolutely, I know a couple of specialist in your area. I’ll leave the information with the receptionist. If either of you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me.”

  Dr. Howard picked up Jennifer’s chart and before leaving the room gave a slight smile to them.

  Jennifer barely made it to the parking lot before she broke out in gut wrenching tears and nearly collapsed in Charles arms.

  “Here I was worried about having breast cancer and I find out I have cancer of the uterus. Oh Charles,” she wailed turning into his chest and causing him to lean back against their black Lexus for support. He too was emotionally affected by the news. Even so, he stayed strong, and held back tears.

  “Baby, I can assure you that we are going to get through this. You can’t think the worse. You do have options. We have options,” he said, his arms wrapped around her tight.


  It had been a few days and Toni was still in high spirit about the intimacy he shared with Vivian. He was visiting Barbara at her home. They were in her basement sitting at her four chair leather bar.

  Barbara was playing bartender pouring him Bourbon on the rocks.

  “Barbara I was nervous. This woman wanted me and I was scared to get down with her,” Toni confessed.

  Barbara inserted a brown drink stirrer into his drink. “I don’t know what to say, but that’ll be six dollars,” and she extended her hand to Toni.

  Toni chuckled some. “I don’t believe you really charge your family and friends for drinks?” shaking his head at Barbara as he went into his front jeans pocket for money.

  “You ought to be glad I don’t charge for water and ice. I have buddies that would drink a bottle of wine if I let them. Who’s going to replenish my stash? Me.”

  Toni handed Barbara a ten dollars bill and she turned and put it in a jar sitting on a small shelf behind her.

  “Y’all should be glad I give a discount,” she added. “Have you been out to a bar lately? Back to Vivian, why were you nervous?”

  Toni reared back. “Excuse me,” he said.

  “I asked why you were nervous to sleep with her.”

  “And I said excuse me may I have my change?”

  “Really,” Barbara answered. “It must have been a while since you’ve had a drink here,” and she reached down for a sign and placed it on the bar. It read, “EVEN CHANGE OR NO CHANGE”

  Toni’s head fell back in laughter. “You’re really tripping now. I can’t believe you, but I hear you,” he said to Barbara and still a little tickled.

  They collected themselves and Toni went on to say, “I don’t know. Probably because of the size I am. I don’t want to disappoint her. I also was uncomfortable about getting completely nude. That has definitely got to change as I’m feeling her big time and I haven’t even known her long.”

  Toni then had the soft daydreaming stare people get when they are falling in love with someone.

  “Still you’re playing with fire,” Barbara said, twisting the top off a cooler for herself. If you prolong telling her believe me, what could be taken as deception is going to stand in the way once you do.”

  Toni’s dreamy gaze suddenly turned gloomy. He wrapped both hands around his glass of bourbon. “I also don’t want to scare her off. How would you respond if we were about to make love and you discovered I have breasts, a penis, one testicle and a uterus?”

  Barbara almost gagged on her drink after taking a swig from her cooler bottle.

  “I’m sorry my friend, but that would certainly freak me the hell out. Then again, I guess it could depend on the influence you’re under. You know people would do just about anything when they’re near drunk.” Barbara chuckled. “If she was a freak she may respond with talking about the best of both worlds, then you won’t have a problem if she enjoys it.”

  “See you tripping,” Toni grinned and then took a sip of Bourbon. “I’m just going to be honest with her. If she feels we should stop seeing each other then so be it.”

  Toni’s mood changed again and he now seemed dejected. He looked at the near empty drink in his hands.

  Barbara sort of ventured off as she tried to understand what Toni was going through. She only learned Toni was a hermaphrodite just a few months ago. Toni never shared that part of his life with Barbara. It was at a party that they went to and ran into a mutual friend Barbara found out from. Trina had pulled Barbara to the side after Toni left to speak with someone else he knew there.

  “What’s up,” Trina said smiling. “Did you dump me? We hardly ever hang out. What you do, go off on the deep a hermaphrodite,” and Trina took a gulp from a can of beer she was drinking.

  “A what, and for the record, Toni and I are friends,” Barbara said, her lips twisted a bit at Trina.

nbsp; “Don’t act like you didn’t hear me. I said he’s a hermaphrodite.” Trina eyes grew large at Barbara not comprehending. “Born with both sexes,” she said. “He used to kick it with the sister of a female I know. She said it freaked her out; said something about they were grinding, and she felt a lump pressing up against her.” Trina started laughing then said, “She said she grabbed to see what it was and ole boy gasped like a dude that just got kicked in his nuts. Man, she had me busting up laughing. Then she said her sister asked him if she could see it.” Trina laughed some more. “She said it freaked her out more because ole boy didn’t have but one big ass nut,” and Trina then laughed hearty.

  Barbara tried to muffle her laugh to avoid sharing a chortle at Toni’s expense. “Your friend’s sister should be shame of exposing him like that.”

  Barbara waited some time before asking Toni if it were true he was a hermaphrodite. He confirmed he was and had quickly moved to a different subject. Barbara respected he didn’t want to talk about it further and had let the topic go until now as she look at her friend unhappy. Man I really feel for him. She then wanted to learn more about what he was going through.

  “Toni do you mind giving me some insight on what it’s like to be a hermaphrodite? I like to be more educated on the subject.”

  “What is it that you want to know?”

  “What’s it like? How do you deal with being different, mentally?”

  Toni glanced and saw that Barbara was serious. He clasped his hands behind his head. “Let’s see,” he said, looking up at the ceiling. “If you want to take it back to biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. Well in humans a person can have both X and Y chromosomes, that’s not to be confused with typical XY Chromosome of males. A hermaphrodite has both testicular and ovarian tissue which is somewhat confusing. It’s rare, that’s why most people sort of freak out when they come across someone born this way.”

  Toni looked at Barbara whose mouth had dropped in total amazement.

  “Damn...,” Barbara said astounded by his knowledge of the subject. “I see why you’re a Clinical Research Associate. You are so medically inclined.”

  Toni smiled. “Well you wanted to know.”

  “Doesn’t the person usually choose their sex then have surgery to eliminate the other?”

  Toni shrugged his shoulders, leaned forward on the bar. “Most do,” he said. “I could have chosen, but choose not to despite I feel more male than female. It’s innate, part of who I am. Like they say, God don’t make any mistakes. I believe there’s a lesson in all His creations that He shaped all of us differently. Some people just have a hard time accepting what isn’t like them. Don’t forget they stoned “I AM” because of who He was. He said I Am the son of God and was rejected. Well, I am the son of I Am.” Toni paused a second then softly said, “Barbara I believe my mother had the same beliefs. Perhaps it’s the reason she didn’t choose what sex she wanted me to be and why she gave me a unisex name. So that it would be conducive to whatever gender I chose. My choice, I’m not going to tamper with what I know is God’s creation.”

  Barbara was hesitant to ask, but did. “Have you ever had penis sex with a woman?”

  Toni grinned and moved his head from side to side.

  “I can always count on you being direct. No, I haven’t had intercourse with a woman.”

  “So which one is on top,” Barbara wanted to know.

  Toni looked confused a moment then drew back from the bar tickled.

  “Man, you’re really getting personal and what you mean which one is on top,” he said as if he didn’t know what she was asking.

  “You know...your cookie or your pickle?”

  Toni burst into laughter, placing his hand on his stomach he was so tickled.

  Barbara couldn’t help but laugh a little too, though she was serious in wanting to know.

  “My cookie or my pickle, you’re too funny. Has anyone ever told you...?”

  Barbara cuts Toni off. “Yeah, yeah, you should have been a comedian. But what do you expect? It’s freaking me out and I want to know. I want to be empowered with knowledge about hermaphrodites. Who better to learn from than from one?”

  “I hear you, but I’m not going to answer that ridiculous question” and shaking his head at Barbara.

  “Can I see?”

  “You know what; you don’t need anything else to drink. As a matter of fact,” he said and removed Barbara’s cooler sitting in front of her near his drink. “You need to have a bottle of water because the little alcohol in this cooler has gone to your head.”

  “You’re right. I did get a little personal.” Barbara waited about three seconds and said, “Just a peek?”

  Toni tilted his head to the side. “You’re not going to quit are you. I know how to end this conversation, I’m leaving,” he said pushing back from the bar and he stood. Toni then moved Barbara’s cooler bottle back near her. “Seriously, I need to be going. I’m meeting Vivian this evening for dinner. I’m falling for her Barbara. I always find myself thinking about her. I can’t count the times she’s crossed my mind while sitting here.”

  Barbara finished her drink then stood and dropped the empty cooler bottle into the wastebasket behind the bar. She then followed Toni up the steps from the basement.

  “You’re not mad at me for getting too personal are you?”

  “You know we’re cool. I just hope things work out when I tell her. Actually, this is one for the Lord. I need to be talking to Him.”

  “That is a fact,” Barbara responded and as they reached the top step and then adding, “Fruit of the Looms or Hanes?”

  Toni giggled again at her.

  “You’re sick, Barbara, very sick. I would seek help if I were you,” he told her.


  Vivian sat behind her desk sporting a stylish red silk pantsuit and sensible shoes. It was the end of the day. She was waiting until all of her beauticians had finished their clients before executing a plan. She had decided this morning that she would end her day firing Tracie. Tracie’s tardiness and constant days off had earned her an unpleasant reputation. It was time for her to go. Whatever, or whoever was keeping her from coming to work to take care of her clients would have her full attention now.

  What none of the stylist knew was that at any minute they could be under surveillance. The peek-hole on Vivian’s office door was a hidden camera. All she had to do was switch the computer monitor on her desk over to video to see what was going on outside her office. Though the camera wasn’t recording or connected to an outside monitoring company, Vivian had the capability of spying on her stylist. It was rare that she did that, but occasionally she would.

  Shortly after opening her salon expensive shampoo and conditioner she kept in her display counter disappeared. After Vivian gathered her stylist around her and eyed them all suspiciously the culprit never struck again.

  What also deterred the guilty person from striking again was what Vivian said. ‘Ladies, just because your eyes are closed doesn’t mean you still can’t see. Don’t let it happen again,’ she had warned. Vivian then walked away and back into her office where she searched the internet for surveillance equipment.

  Vivian flipped a switch on her monitor and saw that Tracie along with another beautician was about to leave. She flipped the switch back then rose and went over and opened the door to her office.

  “Tracie, can I see you in my office?” she said.

  Tracie nodded in response and told her co-worker she was about to go out the door with that she’ll see her tomorrow.

  “Have a seat,” Vivian said ignoring the sadness now displayed on Tracie’s face. That pitiful look is not going to change my decision.

  Tracie laid her multi-colored shoulder bag in her lap after taking a seat. She seen the help wanted sign in the window when she arrived late this morning, but was uncertain if it was her chair up for rent. There had been talk tha
t Vivian was considering filling another chair with a stylist. Even so, Tracie glanced off and on at the sign while doing her client’s hair. She now had no doubt that the sign was associated with her chair.

  “Ms. Fowler, please, I know what you’re about to do. I ask you to please just let me find another job first. You don’t know my situation. I’m in a stressful and sometimes abusive relationship that I’m trying to get out of. I wish I could share it with you.”

  Girl, I’m not interested in your drama.

  Tracie said, “You know how good of a stylist I am. I’m begging you to please just give me one more chance.”

  “Tracie you’ve only been here five months and have taken eight days off. How much longer did you think I was going to put up with your having clients wait due to you being late or calling off? The other stylists have their own clients to tend to. They don’t have time to be working your clients in.”

  “I know, I know Ms. Fowler, believe me, I’m going to improve. I just need you to give me another chance or at least let me find another job first. My relationship is what’s causing me to be late most of the time. I’m trying to find a way out of it.”

  “I’m sorry but you have grated on my last nerve coming and going as you please.”

  “Ms. Fowler you just don’t know what I’ve been going through. I’m trying to get out of a bad situation. Please, Ms. Fowler, I need this job. I’m saving to move to L.A. I have relatives down there. I had planned to leave at the end of the year. It’s the only way I feel I can get away from my boyfriend. I know I’ve been taking off.”

  “Tracie what would you do in my position. You came to work late today and then informed me that you need next Friday off after missing a day last week.”

  “Please Ms. Fowler. I have a doctor’s appointment next week. You don’t understand the position I’ll be in if you let me go. I’ll be stuck here and I know it will make things worse with my boyfriend. I’m begging you, please let me find another job first.”


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