Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 12

by Lee Morgan

  A few moments later Mark and Kara appeared and started walking down the hall and so did the Brandersons soon after. All received keys that were right next to the other.

  They found their room easily enough. As she handed the key to Connor to open the door Sarah spoke to the others. “We’re going to the bath house to get cleaned up first. We’ll meet back here and go get some food after.”

  Connor unlocked the door and opened it. He went inside first and she followed. The room they received had a queen sized bed with a white cotton overlay and the bed frame was four posted and flush up against the windowless wall. There were four pillows on the bed. The floor was made of hardwood. One large dresser sat off to the right side of the room and a small nightstand rested against the other wall. A lone light switch led to a single light in the center of the room and the room lit up to reveal light blue painted walls. That is all there was. It wasn’t fancy, but no one comes here just to stay in bed.

  Sarah finally took her cloak off and sat it and the backpack on the edge of the bed. Connor quickly followed her lead and began shedding too. She opened her pack and grabbed the last clean pair of clothes and folded them neatly so she could carry it all in one arm. Sarah also grabbed her hair brush. Connor stopped moving as she took her top off and laid it on the bed. She first slid her armguards off and put them in her bag. Sarah then quickly slid her second skin of chainmail off her torso and put it away. She did the same things with the greaves. She slid her long sleeved black shirt back on and scooped up the clean clothes and brush, with her left arm. She turned to look directly at him. “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to accompany me?” His immediate answer was to do exactly what she did with his armor and clothes. She also left her weapons in the dresser.

  They walked together, up to the bath house that felt more like a stadium. Connor opened the seventeen foot tall door for her and followed after she passed. The front desk operator was a female Keeper that looked exactly like Veronica except for her pale blue eyes and a red robe with a leather belt. She entered their mind as her ageless eyes looked down at Sarah. “Welcome. Here is your human cleaning supplies, Hatchling.” She handed over a small basket of scented soap, deodorant and shampoo with two towels on the bottom. “And here is yours.” She gave Connor the male equivalent of supplies minus a towel, but plus a straight razor for shaving. He really needed to shave off his four day’s growth of beard. He bowed and she smiled. She bowed slightly back to him and said “Thank you for that, little one. I rarely get respected doing this line of work.”

  Connor smiled; went right and entered the men’s area and Sarah took the left. She opened the women’s door and was assaulted by a warm blast of steam. She enjoyed the new sensations compared to the frozen wind they’ve ran with for the past three days. She walked over to the pink plastic baskets and chose the smaller ones because a Keeper will get angry if the younger races put their clothes in their larger baskets. Sarah stripped down until she stood stark naked and then wrapped the towels around her midsection and entered the bath with the essentials. Before walking through the second door she saw where the bathroom stalls were and relieved herself. She exited and went into the bathing area. The entire floor and walls were all made of white marble flooring and it was huge. All over the flooring were metal drains to collect any runoff. Off to the right she saw the shower stalls, to the left was a sauna and in front of her sat a massively heated pool, but it was more like the largest bathtub ever created and as far as Sarah knew, it was. She walked over to the shower stalls and hung her towel and supplies on the platform. She turned the hot water on and the streams that came from the faucet invigorated every cell in her body. Before long she felt like a new woman.

  It was bliss.

  She also saw about six other women bathing at the edge of the pool along with two Keepers swimming up and down the pool’s length. They used their tails like rudders to swim and used their long arms to propel themselves forward, doing the breast stroke. It became mesmerizing to watch. Sarah shook her head and started shampooing her drenched hair. While she was rinsing the suds out of her hair she heard “Sarah!” the voice was undeniable.

  “Over here, Kara!” She waived her hand above the opaque shower stall.

  She maneuvered instantly next to Sarah and entered the next oversized stall. “It feels great in here doesn’t it?”

  “Mhmm.” She admitted through her nose.

  Sarah then lathered and quickly finished rinsing her soapy body and started drying off. As she was putting on deodorant in the stall and covering her torso Jillian quickly took her daughter’s shower stall and started freshening herself up. Sarah walked into the first room and put on all of her remaining clean clothes, socks and boots. She put the wet towels into the clothing bin, sat the basket on the table and started brushing her hair as she stepped into the front room with her clothes, shampoo, soap and deodorant; all wrapped together.

  Waiting on the long aluminum bench sat her man. He might have just been sitting, but two other men sat on the opposite end of the bench as well. Connor radiated authority and power even though she could see it and others could explain why they looked insignificant. It seemed the other men were too frightened to sit any closer to him. Sarah stopped to see him freshly shaved and his hair seemed wavy from finger brushing it back. His strong jaw and his intense and observant eyes scanned everything. He then smiled as he spotted her. He stood up and grabbed his dirty clothes in one hand. He opened the door for her and they headed back to their room together.

  Kara and Mark came back first and they dropped their old clothes inside their room. They came out wearing only their leather gear. Mark wore only his brown leather pants with a flap in the back for when he grows his tail and he didn’t wear shoes. Kara wore her brown leather pants of the same style and was also shoeless, but she also had on her leather top to cover her breasts and the back of her small top has a cross strap for when she grows out her wings. Her hair hung loose behind her shoulder and Mark’s black hair remained short and spiky.

  Jillian and Jack showed up ten minutes later. He wore a sea blue sleeveless shirt and she attired a deep red sleeveless shirt with a low neckline. They both wore brown pants and their only pair of hiking boots. Both Jillian and Jack had their hair pulled back and tied with a string.

  About fifteen minutes later the six of them were gathered and finally smelling pleasant and not feeling like dirty animals.

  Sarah suddenly took his hand and her green eyes sparkled. Connor looked at everyone as they looked back to him. “Ready to go get some grub?” Everyone smiled in obvious reply.

  Connor slipped their room key in his back pocket as they walked down the hallway. Liz eyed them as they left out the front door. As they made their way to the central pillar his best friend stepped up to walk beside them. He elbowed Connor saying teasingly “You guys are so lucky.” Connor looked down at him and waited for further explanation. “I don’t know how they are powering this place, but it’s better than last time I was here. This is the first time that a meeting has been powered before. In the past everything was lit by torches and things weren’t nearly as sanitary. About a week into a meeting, everything would reek from body odor and burning pitch. My nose is very grateful for the technological upgrade. I’m glad that it won’t be that way, like in the past.”

  “I know.” His silver eyes shot up to Connor. “When we first entered the open area, everyone here except Kara, took a deep breath through their noses. I knew that you were all taking one last breath of fresh and clean air, without even realizing you did it.” Mark then formed a one sided smile on his lips.

  Sarah gently squeezed his hand. “Can we hurry up? I’m hungry.”

  Soon they made it all the way to the solid central pillar. This time Connor led the group down the stairs. As he took each step down he felt like he was taking one step closer to finding an answer to their situation. The central pillar was starting to get thicker. He knew they took more steps to get to the th
ird level and understood the concept that it meant that the pillar supported more weight further down the lower levels and that those levels would be even larger.

  He wasn’t wrong.

  The third level was much larger than the first two. The smell of food became intoxicating. Twelve large pillars held the ceiling of this room and they lined six on each side. On the far wall sat a gigantic stage that was at least three to four square acres of white stone. Music playing below saturated the room and from what he saw showed it came from playing their instruments in the center of the stage. Violins, three piano’s, clarinets, flutes, a harp, trumpets, oboes and French horns all played magically on the stage, making a perfect melody. They were playing old school classical music. Connor guessed that those musicians probably lived during those times and they were good at it, but he could see that most of their instruments were new. Off to the side of the stage is a large six story building that met the cave ceiling. A short line of maybe five people and three Keepers stood waiting at the front. One person began walking away with a huge tray of food and Connor knew that was where they had to go. As he continued walking down the steps he saw four long wooden benches, that were actually made in separate pieces, line the entire room. The tables were all the same and were large enough to incorporate anyone who wished to sit. Step ladders were made for some people to climb up onto the bench, but a Keeper could easily get in and out. Connor saw that the species separated and gathered amongst themselves to eat. Fifteen Keeper’s huddled at one table, twenty one Changers sat at another row and twelve Balancers sat off on another area.

  Before they hit the bottom of the level Connor asked “Mark, I see that Changers sit with others. Are you and Kara going to join them?”

  “Hell no.” He said instantly and evenly. “I’m not like them. The only thing we have in common is that we manipulate our bodies. We’re gonna stick around with you guys.”

  He looked over Connor’s shoulder and his silver gaze explained that he wouldn’t even consider another option. He was prepared for the consequences. Connor said “I’m glad you feel that way, Bud. It would feel odd if we didn’t hang out like normal.”

  He grinned and showed his brilliant white teeth.

  They made it down to the next level and got off the stairwell. Sarah continued holding his hand as they got in line behind the two Keepers. The silent giant’s didn’t turn around the first time as they waited along with them. Connor ignored them as well and decided to watch his mate just casually talking with her parents. Around fifteen minutes later the Keeper’s grabbed their trays of food and walked away.

  Connor stepped up to a windowless counter that stretched about ten feet across and stood about four and a half feet high. The top was shiny and looked to be finely lacquered. Over the counter hung a large brass bell with a cord for someone to reach it. Heat and loud noises from pots and pans came billowing from the kitchen. There was a double, two way door that separated the front from the kitchen. He then understood why this building was so large. It was like a giant refrigerator. A young looking woman walked out and he saw that the kitchen was immaculately white with a lot of stainless steel and modern technology. He saw several people and two Keepers inside and cooking many meals.

  The woman walked up to the desk. She was barely a head taller than the table. She had dark black eyes and the blackest hair he had ever seen. She had dark caramel skin with a strangely familiar petite frame. Her jaw was strong and sharply defined, but it showed her femininity. She wore a black robe which was sleeveless and tied together with a white sash that was knotted in the front. On the center of her robed chest was an embroidered golden pentagram that looked to be made of spun gold. She looked up at Connor and was patiently waiting for something. Her black eyes looked like a bottomless abyss and her ageless expression said that they were.

  Suddenly he felt Mark’s firm hand on the back of his head and he forced his friend’s head down into a deep bow. Connor didn’t struggle, but felt humiliated. Once he let go Connor looked over at him and noticed he too had bowed down. To the other side revealed that Sarah and her parents were also bowing. Connor raised himself up and annoyingly asked Mark “What did you do that for?”

  He pointed at the woman behind the counter and spoke in a lecturing tone. “Connor, she is one of the ten Elders on the Balancer’s council. Her robe is like a crown or beacon. Didn’t anyone tell you that the Elders always wear robes with a symbol of their banner?”

  He looked down at the Elder in a new light. He bowed again and then raised himself back up. Connor then spoke apologetically “Please forgive my ignorance, Elder. It seems like my companions like to play games with me.”

  The Elder’s expression softened. Her voice was soft and somewhat rich and strangely he had never heard such an accent, probably because it was from an ancient language that is long forgotten. “You’re forgiven, Child. I am known as Elder Adela and my mate is Elder Alexander. Remember our names next time. It will help lessen further misunderstandings.” She smiled softly. “How old are you, Child?”

  “I’m nineteen.” He smiled down at her. “But I’ll be twenty in two weeks from today.”

  Instantly she said “Ah, so on January tenth it will be your birthday. I will personally make you a birthday cake.” Her smile suddenly and strangely altered into a grin. “That means this is your first meeting.” She looked over and her eyes sat upon his left. Her eyes widened. “Sarah? Is that you my dear?”

  Sarah released his hand and stepped forward. She bowed politely. “Yes, Elder Adela… or should I say Twenty Seventh Great Grandmother?”

  Elder Adela jumped over the front table with ease. She hit the floor and barely made a sound upon landing. She walked right up to Sarah and Connor stepped back to give them some room. She was about three or four inches shorter than even Sarah and then she gently grabbed Sarah’s forearms. The only jewelry the Elder wore was two solid gold bracelets with fine engravings. “My Dear, so you have finally chosen a mate?” The black eyed Elder looked back at him.

  “Yes. That is my new mate, Connor May.” Sarah spoke with pride.

  The elder released her hold on Sarah. She walked up to him and had to stretch her neck back as she looked up. “My… you’re a big one.” She looked back at Sarah. “He looks to be a fine mate and will bring large babies to our house. I’m glad you finally chose. As my youngest descendant I’m glad that you have found your love.”

  “Thank you for your kind words.” Sarah said timidly while her face beamed bright red.

  “Elder Adela?” She turned to look at Jillian. “Have Amber and Ben arrived here yet?” The small elder shook her head slowly.

  Elder Adela then jumped back over the table and asked “What would you like to have for supper, Connor?”

  He simply said “Whatever will fill me up.”

  “Good answer.” She looked back at Sarah with a smile. “What would you like?”

  She placed a hand on Connor’s forearm. “Whatever he’s having plus fifteen apples.”

  “Coming right up!” And she then literally skipped back into the kitchen. She spoke in a language which Connor learned to be French thanks to Sarah allowing him to enter her mind to learn the language. Adela gave an order that sounded mouthwatering. She came back out and grabbed two large and clear plastic mugs. She asked “We have only water or Honeyed Mead in stock so far. We’ll have a wider variety when the next shipment comes. Which would you like?”

  At the same time they said “Water.”

  The elder smiled and walked over to an ice chest and scooped in some ice before filling the mugs full with water. She handed them the mugs and he was thirstier than he originally thought. Connor downed the entire mug in seconds. To his surprise again, so too did Sarah. The elder smiled brightly and refilled the glasses. “You two must have just gotten here.”

  He said “Not just us.” and took a sip. “They also just arrived.” Connor pointed behind himself to show everyone else.

  “Well then yo
u must all be as thirsty as they are.” She spoke behind him. “What would you all like to drink?”

  Mark and Jack each got a mug of mead and had it refilled twice. Kara and Jillian both took the option of water and they too received a refill.

  Kara said “Thank you for the water Elder Adela. It was refreshing.”

  The elder’s black eyes zeroed in on his little sister. “I’ve never seen you before either. Are you a newcomer?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Is there some kind of problem?”

  Connor felt a chill creep his spine suddenly when Sarah said “Oh man… It completely slipped my mind.” He turned to look at his mate. Her expression shown worry. As she looked back up at him she said “I forgot that Elder Adela has this thing and makes all newcomers show what they can do in exchange for their first meal. That’s her rule she’s enforced for thousands of years...”

  Suddenly Connor heard the loud, piercing chime of a bell. It was too loud for him and it dropped him to his knees. He held his ears to diffuse the next strike, but it didn’t help all that much. It rang another three more times and quit. The room became eerily silent as he pulled his hands away. There wasn’t any more music or people chatting. Sarah stood over him with a worried expression. She entered his mind. “Connor, what happened?!”

  He stood back up saying “It was the noise. It was too much for me to handle so suddenly. The same thing happened when I went to your dad’s garage.”

  Their mental conversation cut short when the elder yelled for everyone in the room to hear her. “Listen up everyone!” A pin dripping could have been heard falling on the other side of the room. “We have two new members for this meeting! You know my rule!”

  Every person in the room yelled boisterously “Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick!...” The sound echoed repeatedly within the room and fists slamming on the table made the floor vibrate.


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