Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 30

by Lee Morgan

  He laid a hand on her smoothly scaled head. She immediately realized he just touched her and she slowly lifted her head to look at him with her large gold eyes. She slowly let her held breath out and her mental voice was worried. “Connor, please let me do this. It is my choice like you once said.”

  His disarming smile made her blink. He continued to use his voice and telepathy on everyone so they could hear what he had to say to her. “Veronica, why are you prostrating yourself to Damian?” He could see the Changers in the audience and the Elders reeling as they finally noticed that he had entered each and every one of their minds.

  She looked up behind him and back to him with a confused look. He could tell she was also speaking to everyone as well. “Because he is the Head Elder and the leader of this meeting. He is the highest authority of our world.”

  “Well then you are being fooled, my friend. Damian is not the Head Elder.” Connor straightened his left arm and pointed to the end of the Keeper dais. “He is the Head Elder.”

  Her jaw dropped nearly to the floor, but she followed his finger up to the platform. Connor pointed to the Keeper at the end with closed eyes.

  The eyes of the Keeper finally cracked open for the very first time. His large eyes were brown near his slit pupils and mixed with blue to reveal hazel eyes as large as grapefruits. They seemed familiar. He no longer slouched in his chair but sat completely erect. His shoulders moved back to reveal a large chest. His head lifted proudly to reveal his true authority. He turned his head to look straight at Connor and his leathery lips drew back to reveal his smile. A purring rumble came from his throat and Connor finally got a feel for his mind. His mind was the most powerful he’s felt since arriving here. It was as powerful as Sarah’s, but vaster from his knowledge throughout the ages. His mental voice was deep and extremely calm. “Very good, Connor May. You are exactly right! I am the real Head Elder.”

  He stood up from his chair and Connor realized instantly that he was the largest Keeper he has ever seen. He was at least fifteen or sixteen feet tall and his robes weren’t loose against his flesh, but clung to his extensive muscles. He grabbed the safety bar with his right clawed hand. His knees bent and he jumped over the bar with ease. He let go and dropped to the marble floor landing, but despite his size and weight he made almost no sound. He took one step in their direction with a look of longing in his deep eyes.

  Damian stood and looked over the railing with astonishment. “Father, what are you doing? What about the secret plan we’ve clung to for the past thirty million years?”

  The real Head Elder stopped and looked up. “My Son, how easily you forget. This was exactly how the plan was supposed to go. I allowed you to be the temporary Head Elder for one reason… do you remember why I did that yet?”

  Recognition lit in his brown eyes a few seconds later. “You mean he’s a…”

  “Yes,” The True Head said in interruption of his son. “He is my brother. Now if you do not mind I must have a word with him. It has been long overdue.” Without another debate he turned and started walking again. He stopped about five paces away and Connor looked up into his calm and knowledgeable eyes. He then realized this creature’s extraordinary age. Connor poured energy into his eyes so he could understand what he was understanding by look at his aura. His aura of this Keeper revealed itself as a pure white color and was as large as his own and Sarah’s. The enormous Keeper got down on one knee and asked “Before we have a discussion, can you guess my age?”

  Connor smiled and spoke physically and mentally again. “Yes I can. I estimate your age to be just over sixty million years old.” His head reared back as he roared out in laughter. The sound was defining, even in his echo. He fell onto his massive backside and panted once he was finished laughing so hard. “Now it is my question.” He turned his head on the ground to look at Connor with a twinkle of curiosity. “You know my name, but I do not know yours.”

  He smiled again and sat up. He crossed his tree trunk like legs as he looked down upon his sibling. “You are correct and I apologize for not telling you sooner. I am Head Elder Sorono, but since we are siblings you can just call me Sorono.”

  In his eyes Connor could tell his words were true. Connor hoped for a miracle to his many questions and finally found a creature with the answers in the fathomless depths of his gaze. He leveled his tone and with all his remaining courage asked with his voice alone “Do you know what I am?”

  His mind shifted and Connor knew that only the two of them were linked. “Yes, I do.” He leaned forward and they were face to face. “Like me, you are a Harmonizer!”

  Knowledge and Ignorance

  In his head Connor kept repeating over and over what exactly the true Elder just said. His word felt oddly familiar. I am a Harmonizer… Really? What is a Harmonizer? I found an answer, but now I have so many new questions…

  Sorono remained in Connor’s mind, but said nothing. He allowed the young one time to think without hindrance or judgments for such a momentous event. The look in his large eyes said he went through the same feelings and processes a very, very long time ago.

  Veronica lightly tapped Connor’s shoulder with one claw and he turned to look at her. “Um… Connor what is going on?”

  “I found what I have been searching for, but I still need to look for more answers. You know how it is. Just when you learn something valable, more questions seem to arise.”

  She looked at him and then turned to Sorono and her mental voice quivered. “Um H…Head Elder…?”

  “What is it, young one?” His tone was calm and relaxed as he spoke.

  “What is to happen to Connor and myself? What is to be our punishment or fate?” Her eyes dropped under his calm gaze.

  He looked over her shoulder and Connor couldn’t help but do the same.

  Everyone in the crowd watched the stage with highly curious eyes. Never before has something like this transpired. Fights were common but not during meetings. Most have never heard anyone talk back to an Elder as he had done. Connor could tell that the peace of the gathering was being held on by only a thread. Many were whispering so that if anything else was said they would be able to eavesdrop on this unprecedented situation. He then turned his attention to Sarah and the others. Their eyes were also curious about what was happening, but they continued to remain battle ready. The other Elders were no longer shaking, but they were still hiding behind their seats. He wasn’t sure if he should let the captive Guards go, but he didn’t take the chance yet.

  “Hold onto that thought.” Sorono effortlessly unbound his enormous legs and stood up with grace and a physical strength that exceeded the normal bounds of his body. He took a step and stopped to look down at Connor. “If you wouldn’t mind, please release the guards from your powers. They look rather uncomfortable hanging in the air and set in stone.”

  He walked towards the front of the stage with both of his arms behind his back. He became all authority right now. Connor decided to do as he politely asked.

  Connor pulled the Cheetah’s bindings to the forefront of his mind as he walked and stopped the flow of cool flowing energy and the water rope splashed against the cool marble. She realized she was free and slowly stood and rubbed her wrists from her struggle. To quickly alleviate the pain her eyes began to glow. She didn’t make a single move against him as she watched his movement with frightful eyes. He stopped once he made it over to where he needed to be.

  He stopped under the three solidified Pressure nets. Each of the captives eyed Connor and stopped struggling again. He brought their images forth and stopped the flow of the first net. The woman screamed as she plummeted, but before she landed he opened his arms, caught her and sat her feet first on the floor to say “I wasn’t going to let you hit the ground.” She didn’t reply, but looked up at her dangling mate. Connor moved under him and stopped his net’s supply of energy. He didn’t scream as he knew Connor was going to catch him as well. He put the ancient man on his feet as his mate rushed up
to hug him. He nodded once as thanks and they backed away from the boy of immense power. Connor looked up at the last aerial captive. “Ready to come down, Big Guy?” In answer he grunted like an actual gorilla. He stopped the flow and caught him. Once on the ground he walked with his knuckles, like a true gorilla. He made his way over to the Cheetah and took her hands and kissed them. Connor didn’t notice before, but they were also mates. She nuzzled him before standing at his side

  Now to the last victims, Connor walked over to where Cassie and Marik were still buried and he imagined the compacted marble dust spreading and separating from their bodies. As the power flowed along each of his outstretched arms, the dust began separating. He offered his hand to Cassie first and she took it because she wanted out more than anything, definitely claustrophobic in tight spaces. He did the same for Marik as well and once he was out he brushed the dust from his clothes and his from the broadsword strapped to his back. Marik asked “This is twice that you have outmaneuvered us. I won’t try a third time.”

  “That is a wise decision.” Connor turned around and made his way back to Veronica. By that time Sorono made his way to the end of the stage.

  The crowd was starting to get louder until Sorono stopped all chatter when he held up his right hand. “I am sorry for the deception young ones, but you will listen to what I have to say to you all and save your anger for another time.” Connor could have heard a feather land in this silence of the room. “I will explain why I had my son pretend to be the Head Elder for so long, but not today. We will hold a special meeting tomorrow morning and I will explain everything then. For now, the meeting of today is dismissed. You may do as you like for the remainder of the day, but any riots and fights during now and until tomorrow will mean instant death to the guilty party.” Sorono looked over at Connor’s family. “Sarah May?” She brought her blades up into a battle stance and her husband felt instant pride in her. “Very good, Hatchling. That is the spirit. But your defensiveness is not necessary… I would however, like for you and your entourage to please make your way up here and stand with your mate. We have personal and private matters to discuss.” He looked at the Guards before him and said “Firon, hand me your mother’s egg.” Firon wasn’t about to offend his highest ruler so he cautiously walked before Sorono and carefully laid his unhatched sibling into Sorono’s awaiting arms. “Now there is something I need for you to do.” Firon puffed out his chest proudly. “Withdraw all Immortal Guards and tell them to get down here immediately. All other orders are now suspended until I say otherwise. They will be among the first to hear what I have to say to understand the full nature of the situation.” He looked back to the crowd. “You are all now dismissed. Please make your way back up the central spire until tomorrow morning and have a pleasant night.” He turned around and walked back, carrying Veronica’s egg. Connor looked up at his friend and she was frozen in place.

  He then looked up and saw Sarah flying over Sorono’s head and directly at him like a bullet. Sorono only glanced as she flew overhead. She wasn’t slowing down as she made her approach and she was aiming at her love with frightened and angered eyes. Connor opened his arms just as she shoulder tackled him. He jumped back to soften the blow and be able to catch her in an embrace safely. She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed. She finally managed to look up at him and her eyes were filled with unshed tears. “Why did you have to scare me like that, you big brute!” She began pounded her fists against his chest and her blows weren’t soft. “You could have killed all these people. Didn’t you think you could have warned me? Why did you tell Mark to keep me safe? Don’t you dare start another fight being outnumbered and expect me to sit out again.”

  He smiled and brushed her hair back. It brought her rampage to an end. “It worked, Princess and I finally found out what I am.”

  Her lips quivered as she tried keeping her tears from flowing out of control. “Really? Then what are you?”

  “Sorono just called me a Harmonizer.” Her mouth opened and he knew what was to come next, but before it happened he continued. “That is all he said and he promised that he’ll explain more, but for now just be patient and hold on to me.”

  “I wasn’t planning to let go.” She buried her face into his chest once again and didn’t move.

  Mark and Kara began flying over to them just as Jillian and Jack were running up the ramp. They ran around Sorono and he only smiled as they passed. Mark landed first and came right up to them. He reared up to walk on his back legs and looked around before speaking. “Dude… When you do something, you really do it big.” He grinned and held his furry fist up. Connor couldn’t help but smile and push his fist to Mark’s.

  Jillian and Jack came up to them just after Kara landed behind Mark. Jillian said “Connor, have you lost what sense you had left?”

  Kara barked out a laugh and said “He wouldn’t be Brother if he had sense to begin with. Brother that was an awesome fight…!”

  Her speech cut short as Sorono finally made his way up to their group. Veronica hadn’t moved even when Connor jumped back to catch Sarah. Sorono bulk eclipsed Veronica proportionally like Connor does with Sarah. She looked so frail and weak compared to him. He looked at the egg in his arm, but Veronica spoke first. “Head Elder…”

  He held his right hand up for her to stop after looking her directly in the eye. “Please, call me Sorono, Veronica. I do not use my title unless we are in a meeting. I adjourned today’s meeting so call me by my given name.”

  She bowed slightly and it came out awkward. “Alright…Sorono…” She raised herself back up and looked into his eyes. “About my earlier question? What will be the punishment for Connor and myself for the disruption?” Sarah tightened her grip around her mate without looking up.

  Sorono chuckled and shook his head. “You’re more worried about your friend rather than the safety your child?”

  “I’m not worried for the safety of my child. I can tell you will not hurt it.” Sorono grinned at her answer and Connor saw lost passion pass before the ancient one’s eyes.

  “That is a rare quality I haven’t seen in an extremely long time.” Sorono now smiled softly. “Do not worry about any form of punishment, because what Connor did only comes natural to him.” Sarah released her tight hold on him and turned around to look at their dear friend. “I will answer all questions soon enough, but will you permit me to ask you a very personal question?”

  “Only if I may have my egg back?”

  Sorono chuckled and placed her egg, with care, back into her awaiting arms. “Now may I ask my question… I know you have applied and have been granted to choose a mate.” She nodded cautiously, unsure where this was leading to. “Well may I place my name within the roster?” His tone was nothing but confidence. Connor knew immediately that they would be a good match.

  “Father!” Everyone turned to Damian as he and the other Elder Keepers dropped down to their level. Connor assumed to get a closer look at all of them. “How can you ask her that? We must check the bloodlines so no genetic mutations occur within our race.”

  Sorono’s eyes lit with rage and his voice rang with clear authority. “Do you think that I am ignorant of the law I and my brothers created…? I thought as much. Listen to me carefully Damian. I know every bloodline and offshoot for every Keeper that has ever lived. I have memorized every name and even the names of the brethren that have fallen throughout the millennia’s. If you are to succeed me in the time of my fall, you too will need to learn all of the charts yourself. Now back to Veronica’s bloodline, her line holds not a single link to me and since the passing of your mother was over twenty million years ago, I think that I deserve a chance to fall in love again after all this time. Don’t you?”

  “Yes, Father.” Damian bowed respectfully. “Forgive me for my worries. You’ve mourned long enough by any standard.”

  Sorono tilted his head as forgiveness enough. He returned his gaze down and softened his tone. “I haven’t seen a female so
strong willed in so many centuries. And an ever rarer quality is that you would risk your life for another. What do you say, Veronica? May I?”

  “I’m not…” Veronica’s voice and stature became timid.

  Before she could do something she’d regret Connor ran around Sarah before she could stop him and he jumped up and kicked Veronica solidly in her right posterior. Silence came from everyone as he landed. “Have you forgotten our agreement so soon, Veronica?”

  It took her a moment to remember. She smiled as she rubbed her bottom. “I do and thanks for the painful reminder.” She winced. “That really hurt you know. Be prepared for double the payback when you forget your pride.” He grinned up at her. She took a deep breath and returned her eyes back up to a confused Sorono. “The answer to your question is, No.” He blinked a few times but Veronica continued speaking before he had a chance. “There will be no need to write your name down. What higher honor could I have than to be the mate with the Head Elder himself? I choose you. Do you accept me?”

  He grinned down at her. “I do.” They looked at each other and smiled.

  “Congrats Veronica. Enjoy the new man in your life.” Connor turned around to walk back to Sarah, but his instinct alerted him to look down.

  He did, but too late. A long tail snaked between his legs and suddenly went up. “This is how a Keeper receives her congratulations.” Veronica lifted Connor with her tail and brought him up so her right hand could get a hold of him. He didn’t dare struggle as her sharp black claws wrapped around his torso. She brought him up to eye level and she grinned evilly. He knew immediately he wasn’t going to particularly like what is about to happen next.

  Veronica pursed her leathery lips and in an instant, kissed the entire side of his face. Feverously hot and wet lips were the same as her humid breath. It was only one kiss, but one he’d never wanted to receive again. She sat him down and he looked over to see Kara and Jillian doubled over, laughing as never before. Connor looked up and said “Hey Veronica. Kara just said Congratulations as well.” Veronica grinned even more.


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