Taming the Whirlwind

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Taming the Whirlwind Page 28

by L. M. Heidle


  Three Months Later

  Derrick and Meg are getting married. That statement used to make me smile, but now I just want to run away screaming. She has dragged me to EVERY dress shop in New York at least once. She wants that instant crying moment where the Earth stops moving like on those reality shows. Those damn shows are making my life miserable. Don’t get me wrong. I love her like a sister and want the best for her, but she is slowly turning into Bridezilla. I had tried on fifty bridesmaid dresses-at least, before she decided she wanted the first one. The first one! Then there was the cake argument. Derrick and Meg had a standoff and didn’t talk for three days over the kind of chocolate the cake should be. Chocolate! Kade thought that was hilarious.

  “Kade, they’re fighting over types of chocolate,” I whined as I flopped on his couch. “It’s not like it’s white or chocolate. No, it’s over strictly chocolate!” He started laughing. I glared at him, “Well I’m glad you think my pain is so funny.”

  “I’m sorry, but you have to admit it’s funny.” I glared at him again. “Or not.” He smartly shut up and let me finish my rant.

  “They haven’t talked in two days! I wonder if a wedding has ever been called off because of cake before.”

  “I doubt it, but there’s always a first. Everything can’t be all bad; you guys got to go shoe shopping.”

  If looks could kill, he would have been a goner. “Don’t bring up the words ‘shoe shopping’ ever again! Or even better, the word ‘shopping’ is off limits.”

  He held up his hands in surrender, but he couldn’t hide the smile he was fighting. “Guess that didn’t go well either.”

  “Go well? She made two sales clerks cry. Two! If she weren’t my best friend, I would slap her. Okay, so I still might. Enough about wedding crap. Tell me about your day.”

  Kade went from playful understanding boyfriend to real estate mogul in less than a second. It always amazed me how fast he could do that. He was notorious for changing topics or emotions before I knew what the hell was going on.

  Brent and Amber are doing great. He has decided to move to New York to be near her. I about passed out when he told me. Brent is actually working with Kade on a few projects now. They’ve become fast friends. I was still laughing about our conversation at dinner last week.

  We hadn’t been sitting down for more than ten minutes before Meg had us spitting our drinks out.

  “Kade, I have a question that I have been dying to ask.” Oh shoot. By the look on her face, I knew exactly what that question was because she wouldn’t shut up about it once they started working together.

  He smiled, “This should be good. By the look on Liz’s face, I’m going to need my drink for this.” I was silently pleading with Meg to stop, but she was purposely avoiding me.

  “Now that you and Brent are becoming good friends, does it bother you that he has slept with Liz?”

  Derrick and Amber were the first to spit their beers across the table. Brent started laughing. I stared at Kade whose beer was frozen midair. He took a long, very long drink before winking at me and sitting his beer down. I felt my entire body relax with that wink.

  He looked at Brent with a mischievous smirk before turning back to Meg. “Do I like it? No, but I don’t like anyone who has even touched her.” As he put his arm around my shoulder, he continued, “I tend to think about it as you have to play in the minors,” he pointed at Brent, “before you can play in the majors,” he finished as he pointed at himself. My face was bright red by now.

  This time it was Meg and Brent spitting their drinks out. Next there were a handful of chips flying at Kade, “Hey, asshole. Who says she didn’t settle for second best? She probably feels sorry for you, if you know what I mean.” He was trying so hard not to laugh.

  Kade was doing a better job of keeping a straight face, but his eyes were giving him away. “I guess that could be an option, but since she told me about how women fake orgasms for male egos, I’m assuming she was talking about you because she hasn’t faked any with me. My neighbors can back me up on that one.” I couldn’t believe he had said that! I don’t think my face could’ve gotten any redder.

  Brent started with his comeback when I put my hands up. “Enough about my sex life.”

  Then there’s Kade and me. So far, everything was amazing. Mr. Control Freak was never far away, but he was relaxing a little more every day. I was shocked at how easy he fit into our little group. He still refused to let me go anywhere without a bodyguard because of the paparazzi and the Andrew situation. I fought him at first, but it was easier just to give in. As they always say, ‘pick your battles.’

  The only real fight we’ve had started two weeks ago.

  “H, sit down. I have something to tell you.” I sat down on the couch, wondering what the hell he was going to say. “We’re moving in together, or rather, you’re moving in with me.”

  “Thanks for asking,” I replied sarcastically. “And no, I’m not.”

  “This isn’t up for discussion. We work in the same building, and you’re here most nights anyways, so I decided it would be easier for you to just move in. Plus, Meg will be moving out when she gets married. You don’t want to live there by yourself. It’s settled.”

  “The hell it is.” I was ecstatic, but he can’t just tell me. “You don’t get to tell me what to do! Plus we haven’t even been dating that long. It’s too fast, and Meg won’t move for months.”

  “No, it’s not too fast. I’ve met your parents and they loved me.”

  “Loved you? My mom, yes. Just because you aren’t dead right now doesn’t mean my dad loved you. It means that mom has gotten better at hiding the guns.”

  “They loved me,” he deadpanned. “I’m sure if you move out so will she.”

  “What about what I want? I’m not somebody you can boss around.”

  “No, but you are mine.” I started to object, but he put a finger over my mouth. “If you argue with that, I will take you to bed to show you just how much you’re mine.”

  “Is that a threat or a promise?”

  “Oh, it’s definitely a promise. Would it make you feel better if I asked?” I smiled and nodded. “Okay H, even though this is a complete waste of time, will you move in with me?”

  I rolled my eyes at him, “Since you asked so nicely, I will strongly think about it.” I went to the kitchen to rinse my glass. He sat on the couch dumbfounded as I walked back to him, grabbing my purse on the way. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I gotta get going. Meg needs my help. I’ll let you know as soon as I decide. ”

  “Strongly think about it? As soon as you decide? You’re kidding me, right? This is exactly why I didn’t ask. You’re just making it more difficult than it has to be. You’re being ridiculous. There is no reason you shouldn’t move in, and you know it!” he yelled. “Give me one good reason you shouldn’t move in.” He gave the illusion of a pause. “Oh, that’s right, you don’t have one! Forget I asked because I’m not. The movers will be there tomorrow to pack your stuff. End of discussion.” I couldn’t stop my smile. “What are you smiling about now?”

  “You. You’re funny when you go on your little rants. Of course, I’ll move in with you, but maybe next time you’ll ask instead of telling.”

  “You are exasperating!”

  I smiled sweetly at him, “I know.” He jumped on me and pinned me to the couch. “So the movers are coming tomorrow?”

  He murmured “Uh, huh” as he kissed up and down my neck. He brought his head up just enough to look into my eyes, “What can I say? I knew I would get my way.”

  “Blah, blah, blah. Now take me to bed and make good on your promise.”

  They say a whirlwind is a very energetic or tumultuous person. That describes Kade perfectly, but I wouldn’t change one thing about him, because he’s my whirlwind and no one is going to change that.

  About the Author:

  Lindsey Heidle has spent most of her life in one part or another
of Missouri, but she’s also had the privilege of living in Texas and Georgia. She has been married to her husband for ten years. They have two beautiful boys, three snakes, and a Rat Terrier, so basically it’s a full house.

  When she’s not reading she loves to spend time with her family and listen to music (mostly country). She also loves watching Bones, Criminal Minds, and NCIS.

  A Message From the Author:

  Thank you for taking the time to read my first book! I can’t tell you how truly grateful I am. Please consider leaving a review on Amazon, I’d love to get your thoughts. Look me up on my website, www.authorlindseyheidle.weebly.com, for up-to-date information on any new releases.


  So many people I want to thank! First, I need to thank God for giving me a way to get through a rough time in my life.

  Next I need to thank my family: my husband of ten years for supporting me and encouraging me through this, my two beautiful boys for all the love, my parents for believing in me no matter what and encouraging me to go for it, my sister for putting up with my craziness and being the responsible one when needed, my aunt who has done nothing but be supportive since she found out about the book.

  Up next are friends: thank you guys for being just as excited as I am.

  Thank you to Julie at Amazing Things Press for giving me a chance and for dealing with the million emails I’ve sent her.

  Last, but not least, thank you to anyone who took a chance on me and read Taming the Whirlwind.

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