Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices Page 13

by Unknown

  “I’ll see you at work tomorrow, Flynn.” She watched him run after his mistress, and Lily couldn’t help but laugh. Her mate approached her and rested his hand on her shoulder.

  “What are you doing, Lily?” he asked, wondering what was going on. “You know them?” he asked, taking her hand in his.

  “I do know them, Mal. The human is my partner. I didn't know his girlfriend was a vampyre.” She smiled again. “I knew something was off.”

  “Really? His Mistress is powerful. I heard the others whispering, and everyone is worried. She’s now the strongest on the council and poised at the top of the food chain. This isn't good.”

  She patted his cheek. “I wouldn’t worry, Mal.”

  Yeah, that was easier said than done. “Come, my love. We’ll leave for home in a bit.”

  Lily followed. She had to admit that now, more than ever, she was curious about her partner and his family.

  “Hurry, Flynn,” urged Jacques from the back of the H2. Jolie was pale and barely coherent.

  “Will she be okay?” he asked, driving like a maniac. When he got to the vehicle, he could tell that there was something seriously wrong. Jolie wasn’t able to speak, and her head lolled around like that of a broken doll.

  “She’ll be okay if we can get her home and get more blood into her.” Jacques called to the family, warning them to be ready. At their reply, he went back to taking care of his mate. “Jolie, can you hear me?” There was the light tickle of her trying to slip into his head.


  “Flynn, drive faster,” he said urgently. “Jolie, talk to me.”

  “The knives are poisoned. I can’t move.”

  “What can I do?”

  “I need to get home and rest. You need to pull the daggers out now. The longer they stay in, the worse it’ll be.”

  “You could bleed to death.”

  “I trust you to save me, Jacques,” her voice faded.

  Jacques knew they were almost home, even though he never looked away from the lifeless body of his mate. Reaching down, he pulled the silver from her flesh. It had to be incredibly painful, but she didn't flinch.

  That alarmed him.

  Quickly, he pushed energy into her, praying it would be enough. Now, he needed her to fight for her life. “What’s wrong?” asked Brogan, knuckles white on the steering wheel.

  “The daggers were poisoned.”

  “Shit!” He slammed into the driveway, and then jumped out to get to their side. “She took those daggers for us. She could have dodged them but I would have died.”

  “I’m aware.” Jacques stomach turned. She was dying for them, specifically their human.

  “Be at peace my love,” she whispered through his mind.

  “Don’t leave me!”

  “I need more energy to fight to wake up. Then, I’ll need lots of blood.”

  Jacques carried her inside, Flynn racing at his heels. They needed to get her to their room, where they could begin to work on her.

  Once inside, Balzac appeared behind him. “What can we do?” he asked.

  “I need energy, and then I need blood.”

  He was ready. “I’ll donate my blood for her. If the mistress needs to be fed, her family is willing to offer all we have.”

  Both men spoke, “No!”

  Jacques clarified. “Jolie isn't drinking from anyone but us. Just feed me, so we can supply all that she needs.”

  The room hushed.

  Balzac answered, “What are you saying, Jacques? Is Jolie only drinking from you both?” The vampyre knew that meant only one thing.

  Since Jolie professed it in front of the council, Jacques figured that he might as well go with it. She had openly declared her love for Flynn to their peers.

  Her decision was made.

  He got the picture. They were taking this further, and now it all hinged on their bonded human. In that moment, if it meant keeping her alive, he’d willingly share her. Half of Jolie’s heart was better than none.

  “You heard me. We’re her mates, and that’s how it has to be.” When Balzac still didn't offer to feed him, Jacques focused on Chloe. Immediately, she rushed to his side without a comment. He held her hand and carefully drained her of the energy. “Thank you, Chloe.”

  “If you need blood later, Jacques, please call,” she offered, bowing before leaving the room.

  Brogan didn't know what to say. At first, he believed that Jolie was only claiming him in front of the council to ensure their safety, but now the family was being told too.

  This had to mean something, right?

  Jacques sent more energy into her body, and she desperately drained it from him. He glanced over his shoulder, and Mina was there, waiting to donate.

  “Let me help, Jacques,” she offered, walking forward.

  “Thank you.”

  He took the energy from her, and then immediately sent it into Jolie. It wasn’t long before he could feel her stirring

  Her eyes flickered. “Jacques,” she whispered.

  “Jolie, drink,” he demanded, lifting her head to position her mouth against his pulse. Once her fangs finally broke free and sunk in, the steady gulping began.

  Jolie was starving.

  She drank from her mate, grateful to be alive.

  When Jacques had given her all that he could, he pulled away. “Do you need more?” he asked, willing to let her drain him dry if need be.

  Her eyes were open, but she still didn't speak. Instead, she glanced over at Flynn, needing him. Without hesitation, he moved toward her.

  “I’ll feed you, Jolie,” he offered, taking her from Jacques’s lap. Gently, he cradled her head in his large hand. “Come on, baby. Have some blood.”

  Greedily, she buried her fangs in his throat. Delina’s words kept echoing in her mind, and she wanted to weep. Had she lost, her poor, sweet men would have been tortured.

  That sickened her beyond words.

  Flynn held her firmly against him as she slowed down her swallowing. It signaled that she was nearly done. When he felt the slide of fangs being removed from his neck, only then did he pull away.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, as he lowered her to the center of their bed.

  Already Jacques was pulling the tattered and blood soaked leather from her body. With sick plops, it fell to the floor beside their bed.

  “Are you feeling better, Mistress?” asked Balzac, touching her leg. Suddenly, Jacques turned his head and hissed. Brogan pushed his hand away from Jolie. Family or not, they weren’t to touch her.

  “Yes, Balzac, I am. Thank you for your concern.” Jolie had heard the conversation, and since no one in her family objected to her taking both men as her mates, that made her life easier.

  “I take it that the evening didn’t go well?” Balzac asked cautiously.

  Jolie opened her eyes, looking around at the disappointed faces.

  “No. We’re in another council. I earned us our protection from what chases us.” She took a deep breath before continuing, “I killed the challenger and earned the prize.”

  “We’re safe then?” asked Zola hopefully. The family had been warned about the possibility that Genevieve would be searching for them.

  They knew what might be coming.

  “Yes, for now,” replied Jacques, kissing Jolie's forehead. “We have also inherited her family, so be prepared. I imagine that they’ll be coming to us tomorrow when they realize that their mistress is dead.”

  “What do you wish for us to do?” Balzac asked Jolie, ignoring Jacques and the human.

  Jolie opened her eyes when she felt her mate’s anger. Immediately, she backed Jacques up. She was the mistress, but he and Flynn were part of her. They were the masters of this family, whether Balzac liked it or not.

  It was already decided.

  “You’re to do anything that Jacques instructs you to do.” Jolie closed her eyes and reached for Brogan’s mind.

  “I wish to bathe. Can you get me out of he

  “Anything, Jolie,” he replied, lifting her into his arms. Before he left, he nodded at Jacques, and it didn't take long for him to hear the water turn on in the other room.

  Jacques focused on the family. “I want you to be nice to the new vampyres when they arrive. Welcome them, but don’t invite them in without myself or Flynn being here to guard Jolie. Until she is recovered, we need to remain secure and cautious.”

  Balzac nodded his blonde head before turning to leave in a snit. It was quite clear he was dissatisfied. At one time, he had hoped to inherit the family, but now with the human addition, he was further down the food chain.

  Devin and Zola nodded, before following closely behind, glancing worriedly over their shoulders.

  Jacques couldn’t blame them. He was a little on edge himself. Heading to the bathroom, he found Brogan holding Jolie as he tried to figure out how to get her into the water and get undressed at the same time.

  “I’ll get in,” he offered. It didn't take him long to strip before stepping into the steaming water. It was almost hot enough to boil them alive. Why she liked to cook in her baths, he’d never know.

  Brogan passed her off and began stripping in order to join them. When Jacques lowered her into the water, she sighed in contentment.

  That was enough for both men to endure the heated water. When Brogan got in, she rolled her head to watch him.

  “Do you need something, Jolie?” he asked, taking her floating hand in his.

  “I believe I was right,” she offered, winking at him.

  “Excuse me?” he stated with a grin on his face. “I hope you aren’t talking about this debacle you call a victory.”

  When he brought her palm to his lips, she melted inside, and it wasn’t from the steaming water. As Jolie managed to laugh, her body was wracked with so much pain.

  “Are you hurting, bébé?”

  “Only when Flynn tries to be funny,” she reassured.

  That made him grin.

  Jolie wanted to run her fingers across the dimple in his cheek, only she was far too exhausted. When he lifted her hand to his face, she was at peace.

  Obviously, he was in her mind.

  “What was on the daggers?” he asked, getting serious fast. Whatever it was, he didn't want to encounter it ever again. This was a little too nasty for a repeat performance.

  “The only thing that can paralyze us from the inside out is mercury,” answered Jacques. “She poured it in her dagger sheaths before arriving at the council tonight.”

  “Are you going to be okay?” asked Brogan, rubbing her knuckles with his lips.

  It was very much a Jacques thing. He did that all the time when they were together. Lines were being blurred as each man continued to pick up traits of the other.

  “Yeah, I just need to rest.”

  Hands began sliding over her body, as both men took turns with the large sponge. They delicately washed the blood from her torso and skin.

  It felt magnificent.

  Had she been feeling a little better, she might have enjoyed this very much. Here, she was in the water with two incredibly sexy naked men, and she was too weak to splash around.

  Yeah, fate was a bitch.

  When Jacques’s had brushed against her breasts, she could only manage enough energy to tease him. Into his mind, she flooded so many erotic pictures of them together from over the centuries.

  “Behave,” he growled, biting her ear.

  “Do you two want to be alone?” asked Brogan, grinning.

  Jolie refused to relinquish his hand. “No. Stay.”

  His heart skipped.

  “She’s going to rest. Please get her a towel, Flynn,” said Jacques, returning more erotic pictures right back to her. He saw her skin flush, and he started to laugh. “You take her, mon ami. I need to dry myself off.”

  Jacques handed Jolie over to Brogan before reaching for his own towel. He watched the detective gently dry Jolie’s body, like she was porcelain and delicate.

  Yeah, the man doted on her much like he did.

  If that wasn’t love, he didn’t know what was.

  Brogan was edgy, and he didn't want to take any chances. “I’ll watch over you both tonight.”

  “I knew you would,” said Jacques, following them to their bed. Once there, Jolie was placed in the center. She didn't move, and that spoke volumes to her state.

  “Thank you,” Jacques offered, as he watched their human slide his gun beneath the pillows. He was taking the task very serious, and that he appreciated.

  “I don’t bite, Flynn,” said Jolie with her eyes closed. “Come closer and cuddle with me.”

  Hey, who was he to argue with that?

  Pulling her against his side, Jolie rested her head on his shoulder. When her hand rested just above his groin, low on his belly, his body tensed.

  “Uh, is this… I don’t know… if this is… I mean.” Flynn felt Jacques slide into the bed to spoon Jolie from behind, his arm inadvertently brushing his body as he settled into place.

  Immediately, he shifted, only ending up more against the vampyre.

  “It is alright, mon ami,” Jacques whispered into Brogan’s mind. “I’m okay with you touching me. I won’t snap your arms off,” he teased. Generally, no one messed with the alpha, but Flynn was a whole different situation.

  Brogan relaxed.

  “I love you both,” she whispered, calling for death. The blackness came fast, pulling her under.

  There was silence in the room.

  “Jacques?” he said, softly.

  “Yes, mon ami?”

  Brogan didn't know how to say it.

  “Just ask,” he stated.

  “She said I was her mate. I don’t know what that means.” He had hope, but Flynn didn't want to assume too much. If he did, and was wrong, it would hurt.

  “It means that Jolie has decided that you’re very important to her.”

  He swallowed.

  “When you met Jolie, did you feel immediately drawn to her?” Jacques asked. Already, he knew what his mate had felt, but he never looked into Flynn’s mind.

  Jacques had been too afraid.

  “Yes. The second I touched her hand to shake it, there were little shocks of energy, plus I felt like I needed to be with her.” It wasn’t easy saying all this.

  “You were meant to be her human mate. Fate picked you for her.”

  The words were said with such sadness. Brogan couldn’t let the man hurt.

  “Yeah, but she personally picked you. From where I sit, that matters a hell of a lot more. Jolie was willing to challenge the universe for you. That’s a hell of a lot of love.”

  He didn't think of it that way. “Oui, it certainly is.”

  “Goodnight, Jacques,” he said, grinning in the dark.

  “Thank you for that, Flynn.” Jacques was already attached to the man beside him. His previous fears of him betraying them were a waste of energy.

  This was a very good man.

  Flynn closed his eyes. In all honesty, he didn't mind helping Jacques’s heart heal.

  After all, that was what family did.

  ∞ Chapter Seven ∞

  Thursday Morning

  The beeping of his alarm pulled him from sleep. The sound reminded him that he needed to drag his ass out of bed and head to work. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he counted the paltry four hours that he’d been able to rest.

  Yeah, it was going to be a long day.

  Focusing on the room around him, it was still black as night. The dark curtains blocked out the sunlight, so they could rest with death, but he could still hear the chirping of the birds. At one point, he wondered if he would ever get used to this life. His body’s clock was all out of whack.

  Stretching, he could feel the chilly press of flesh to his side. Jolie was tucked peacefully against him. Taking a moment, he gazed down at her. Jolie’s lips were pressed against his chest, but no breath left her body.

  She was tru
ly dead.

  A shiver went through his body, not because he was scared, but because she was cold. In fact, so was Jacques. Their legs were tangled up together so much so that Brogan could feel his limbs twined with theirs.

  He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about the situation. Flynn was drawn to Jolie, and he was in love with her, but could he share her with another man? Let alone at the same time? It was definitely something to think about.

  His brain was on overload as he tried to make a list of pros and cons. Maybe he was overanalyzing it, and maybe he wasn’t. All he knew was that something had to be done.

  Flynn wanted her.


  He slowly began extricating himself from their bodies and untangling his watch from her hair. When his fingers ran over the long, black silky strands, the spicy scent of her bath oils drifted up, catching him off guard.

  His heart skipped.

  Yeah, he was in love.

  Leaning down, he ran his lips across hers in a gentle kiss. How he wished he had the power to wake ‘Sleeping Beauty’ from death’s cold clutches. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Pulling away, his entire body went taut as he visualized rolling around in bed with her. The more he dwelled, the more overheated he became.

  Yeah, something had to give soon.

  “Geez, it’s like I’m sixteen again,” he muttered, as he reached under the pillows for his gun. When his fingers touched the cold steel, he paused. Maybe having it under his pillow was a bad idea. There was that niggling worry that something would happen to one of them.

  What if he accidently shot Jolie?

  From here on out, the gun was going to be under the bed. It was better safe than sorry.

  Heading to the shower, Flynn wasn’t exactly thrilled. He knew that the cold water would be the only thing that welcomed him into the day. What he wanted was the warm press of flesh, not the icy chill of abstinence.

  This was his morning ritual, and he was getting damn tired of it.

  Without this icy shower, he’d be thinking about her all day, and that would make work a difficult task. Just as he stepped under the spray, he could feel someone near. Spinning, he prepared to defend himself.


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