Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices Page 15

by Unknown

  “And if that isn’t enough time?” Jacques asked curiously.

  “I’ll quit before I let anything happen to either of you,” he vowed. Once the words were out, he sat up to stare into their eyes. “I swear.”

  “We know.” Jolie took both of their hands in hers, joining them together. “Now, I must get ready for tonight, but first you look like you need a hug.”

  “Yeah I do, and where are you going?

  “We have a date.”

  “Oh, okay.” Immediately, Flynn’s body tensed.

  Jacques got up from the bed and started for the closet. “I’ll get your clothes.”

  Jolie took that moment to explain. She could see the disappointment on his face at being excluded. “Flynn, the date includes you,” she offered. “We’re heading into the French Quarter to find us a Voodoo priestess.” Jolie took his hand in hers to run her fingers over the calluses on the inside of his palm from holding his weapon.

  “Oh, I’m coming with you?”

  “Flynn, you’re too much,” Jolie admitted, leaning forward to press her lips to his. The minute they touched, more stress drained from his body.

  She didn't know how else to offer him peace.

  He knew how she felt, he declared his love…

  Oh yeah, she wanted to climb all over him, but it had to be his move next. There was no doubt he’d figure it out eventually. As of that moment, it was only a matter of waiting him out. She prayed he’d figure it out, and soon.

  As her lips moved over his, Brogan could feel his body temperature rising. Yet, he didn't pull back. He took a chance and pushed forward. As his lips begged entrance to her mouth, Jolie didn't fight.

  Instead, she welcomed him. As their tongues tangled and tormented, Brogan felt her fangs slide into her mouth. Immediately, he froze. This was something completely new. Making out with a vampyre wasn’t as easy as one would think. They had two razor sharp points that needed to be carefully navigated.

  Okay, he could do this.

  When her hands slid up his arms to his hair, Flynn could feel his control beginning to fray. He deepened the kiss, only to slice his tongue on her fang.

  “Ouch,” he said as he pulled away quickly. “Damn! They’re sharp.”

  Jolie tried not to react to the taste of his blood in her mouth, but it was hard. She wanted more from the detective.

  So much more.

  “Oui, it takes practice,” she admitted.

  “Yeah, I guess it does,” he said, touching the blood that was on his lip.

  Jolie leaned forward, acutely aware of his eyes watching her every move. Well, in that case, she’d give him something to be burned into his memory forever. As her mouth met his, she lapped the blood from his lips.

  Flynn’s body shook.

  “You’ll have to practice more,” she offered, as she got up from the bed. “By practice more, I mean exclusively with me, and anytime you want.”

  “Is that an invitation, Jolie?” he asked, feeling his stomach tightening at her words and what they implied.

  Her fangs peeked out as she grinned wickedly. “Yes, it is.”

  When she walked away, his heart continued to pound. Had he gotten up that morning, knowing that he was going to be scared shitless, and then wildly turned on, he would have stayed home in bed with her.

  Today was an odd day.

  Yet, there was one thing for sure.

  Flynn was ready.

  When her laughter slid across his body from the closet, he was forced to swallow.

  “I think.”

  Inside the large walk-in closet, she found Jacques sitting on a settee reading a book. “I was wondering where you went to, my love.”

  He smiled, pulling her down into his arms. “Did I ever tell you how inviting you smell when you wake?”

  “On occasion, you may have mentioned it.”

  “That doesn’t seem nearly enough,” he admitted, leaving a kiss across the pulse in her neck. “I’ve obviously been lacking when it comes to taking care of you.”

  His words made her giggle as she squirmed in his lap.

  “Well, I must pay more attention to you then.” He bit her shoulder through her silk robe as a growl rose from deep within his chest. “I think you need a great deal more attention.”

  Jolie allowed him to kiss her. Just minutes ago, it was a different man, but it still gave her that tingly feeling all through her body. Unfortunately, they had work to take care of in the French Quarter. This would have to wait, despite how alluring the kiss was. It took everything Jolie had to slowly break away.

  “Jacques, we need to get ready,” she murmured, as he left kisses across her face, neck, and chest.

  He knew she was right, but it was so hard to stop. “We’ll have to finish this later.” Regretfully, he let her go. “Will you take a walk with me tonight under the stars?”

  Nothing sounded sweeter to Jolie than that.

  “I would like to look at the flora and fauna with the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  “You won’t try and take advantage of me, will you?” Jolie teased, as she took that moment to free herself from his lap.

  At her words, he grinning wickedly. “I most definitely will,” Jacques promised. “Come here and let me show you my plans.”

  “Jacques, you better behave yourself,” she demanded, trying not to laugh. His eyes were twinkling with mischief, and Jolie knew she was in trouble. When he was playful like this, there was only one thing destined to happen. “Jacques, I mean it!”

  He wasn’t worried or dissuaded by her words.

  Jolie watched every move he made as he approached her.

  Finally, he gave up.

  “Very well,” he said, looking serious. “You’re right, Jolie. We should get ready.”

  She relaxed, letting down her guard. That brief second was all it took to give him the window of opportunity.

  Jacques moved, tossing her over his shoulder as he headed out to the bed.

  “Put me down!” she screamed, struggling to get free. The laughter bubbled up, making it hard to put up a fight. When his hand lovingly rubbed her derrière, Jolie’s body heated up.

  He was out of control.

  “Jacques! I demand that you put me down right now!”

  Well, if she insisted.

  Tossing her onto the bed, he followed, leaping onto Jolie as he pinned her to the mattress beneath him.

  “Let me go,” she screeched, squirming as his hands wandered across the silk of the robe. Before she could get away, he bit her through the material.

  It caught her off guard, and she yelped.

  Both vampyres glanced up as Brogan ran out of the shower, wrapped in a towel with his gun drawn scanning the room. The sight was so funny that they burst into laughter.

  “Christ! You two are trying to scare me to death aren’t you?” He saw that Jolie was trapped beneath a grinning Jacques. “I think I’ll go finish my long, cold shower.” He started backing up to leave them to what he was obviously interrupting.

  “Wait, Flynn,” called Jacques. “I may need your help. Jolie is devious. What do you say to me holding her down, and you tickling her?”

  It took a second to register what he was offering, but once he did, Flynn smiled. “I think I can help you out,” he offered, taking the opportunity that the other man was giving him. This was not only a gift of sharing Jacques’s mate, but also one of friendship and trust.

  It may never come along again, so Flynn was going to go with it.

  “No! Don’t you two dare tickle me!” Jolie ordered, squirming beneath her mate.

  “Is she really ticklish?” asked Brogan, placing the gun on the dresser before heading toward the bed. For some reason, he never even thought that would be a possibility. It amused him that vampyres were like humans.

  “Oui, very.” Jacques grinned evilly.

  “I said no! You two better listen to me, since I’m your mistress. You will listen!” Jolie demanded, having it fall on
deaf ears.

  She looked so serious that both men laughed.

  “No! No! No!”

  Brogan moved closer to the bed. “Can you actually hold her down?” he asked Jacques, “or can she get away?”

  “Oui, I absolutely can. Jolie isn’t much stronger than I am.” He bit her arm again, enjoying the breathy gasp it pulled from her lips.

  “If I get free, both of you will be sorry,” Jolie promised. She squirmed, knowing that she couldn’t escape from Jacques’s grip. “I swear that I’ll get you when you’re asleep.” She tried to push her mate off her body and was barely able to move him.

  She glanced over to see Brogan crawling across the bed toward her. “Flynn, please don’t,” Jolie begged, hoping to sway him to her side. “I’ll give you whatever you want if you help me,” she offered.

  Jacques bit her again on the arm.

  “That’s tempting, Jolie, but technically if we pin you down, I can have what I want anyway.”

  “Good point,” added Jacques, hearing the lust in the other man’s voice. The detective was on the cusp, and it was a matter of seeing if he’d go for it or not.

  “Don’t do this,” she pleaded.

  “Or what?” Brogan asked, running his fingers down her leg to her ankle.

  “I’ll...” Jolie couldn’t think of anything to retaliate against the men.

  They laughed at her lack of words. As she bowed, trying to escape, both men focused on her body, ignoring everything she was saying.

  “So, where is she ticklish?” Flynn asked. “Here on her foot?” He rubbed his fingers across the arch, only to have her squirm as Jolie fought to pull away from them, “Or here?” he asked, tickling the back of her knees.

  “Flynn Brogan, damn you!”

  “Or how about here?” the detective asked, as he went right for her ribs.

  She laughed, cursing them even as she promised revenge.

  Jacques joined in the fun. Leaning down, he nipped at her neck. “Mmmmm… feisty mate has become my favorite flavor.” Glancing over at his partner in crime, he offered to let the man lead the way. “What do you think we should do to her?”

  Flynn knew exactly what he wanted. Leaning down to the opposite side of her neck, he ran his teeth across the sensitive flesh. When she gasped, he licked along her collarbone. “You’re right. Jolie is really delicious.”

  Her eyes dilated when she realized this was far more than being tickled. Flynn was finally making his move.


  He licked his lips before continuing, “I think this part tastes better,” Brogan added, pointing to her exposed collarbones.

  “Oui, you may be right. I think I’ll try it.” Jacques leaned down, mimicking the detective’s actions.

  Jolie moaned again.

  “It’s good, but I like this little spot on her shoulder,” Jacques admitted, lowering her arms to her side to pin them with his knees. “Right here, mon ami,” he said, tugging at the material to get it out of the way. Then, he gently lapped at her shoulder.

  “That does look appetizing, and I did skip lunch,” Brogan said, leaning over Jolie’s body to taste her other shoulder. While his tongue swirled in lavish circles on her flesh, his hand moved to the tie of her robe, giving it a tug.

  If he was going to participate, he might as well see the entire feast before them. When she went tense, he paused to stare down into her eyes.

  There wasn’t fear, but something else. Then, as she began chewing on her lower lip, he became enthralled. The simple action was so innately sexual, that it caused his body to tighten from that alone.

  She gasped as cold droplets of water dripped from his hair onto her chest. The chilliness caught her off guard.

  The little beads of water caught both his and Jacques attention.

  “Please,” she whispered, her body desperate to feel their hands and lips all over her.

  Flynn leaned back down to lap the water from the swell of her breast. When he was finished, a rapturous look settled on his face. “I think you might enjoy this too,” he stated, offering Jacques the same means of quenching his thirst.

  Jolie arched beneath her mate’s mouth before closing her eyes. The intense pleasure was maddening.

  “Jolie, do you want to be set free?” asked Jacques.

  Opening her eyes, it took a second to string an entire sentence together. Her brain and body were on sexy overload.

  Both men stared at her, poised on that one question. Her reply would set the pace for what was to come.

  Finally, she found the ability to speak, “If you don’t finish this, I’ll hurt you both.”

  It was all they needed.

  So it began.

  Jacques slid off Jolie as Flynn took control. His hand replaced Jacques’s knee on the arm closest to him. Really, there was no point, since she was no longer fighting to get free. Leaning down, Flynn kissed her with everything in him. The mating of mouths was hot, filled with need, and spoke volumes of what was going on inside him. When he finally pulled away, he spoke the truth. “God, you taste so good.”

  Jolie licked her lips.

  The bed moved, and they both glanced over to watch Jacques cross to her. He was shirtless, but still in his pants.

  “Let me help you out of that robe, mon amour,” he said, tearing it away from her body with his claws. Jolie and Brogan gasped at the sound of rendering fabric and the claw marks which appeared across her body.

  Both vampyres glanced over at Flynn. The violence startled him. Immediately, they offered him reassurance.

  “I won’t hurt you or her, Flynn.”

  “I believe you. That just caught me off guard. I didn't expect it.”

  “We can stop,” offered Jolie, gazing into his eyes. Not everyone was okay with the way their kind made love.

  “No. No, we can’t. I need you, Jolie. I can’t turn back now, because if I do, I may never talk myself into this again.”

  She offered him so much love with just her eyes. “Then, you should make this opportunity count.”

  It was all he needed.

  After lowering himself to her neck, Flynn began lapping at the sensitive part below her ear. “You smell so damn good.”

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned, still pressed to the mattress beneath him.

  Slowly, Flynn worked his way down to her collarbone again, sending shockwaves through her body. As he glanced over at Jacques, he noticed that the man was occupying himself with her hands. He was busily piercing her fingers, sucking on them and then moving his way up her arm.

  Flynn couldn’t wait.

  Moving back to her mouth, he kissed her again. This time, it wasn’t filled with lust and need, but everything that was in his heart. He wanted there to be no doubt how he felt.

  She was the one.

  His tongue did battle with Jolie’s as the blood pounded in his ears. When he suddenly pulled away, a look of triumph was etched into his features. “Practice?”

  Jolie laughed, getting the meaning. “I told you.”

  Suddenly, fingers wandered across her bare breasts, and she knew Jacques was biding his time. He was being passive, giving the detective the opportunity to adjust.

  “I think both of you are way too overdressed,” Jolie admitted, grinning at Jacques, while whipping Flynn’s towel from his waist. “Payback, Flynn. It’s all about getting my revenge.”

  He leaned down close to her ear, “Maybe you aren’t aware but stripping a man, so he can have sex with an incredibly gorgeous woman, is definitely not payback. It’s a gift.” Before he could add more, all the breath in his body was ripped away as her hand closed around his erection.

  “My God!” he hissed, freezing for a second until he could refocus. This was something he only dreamed would happen.

  Jolie grinned wickedly.

  Yeah, that wiped the sexy smirk off his face.

  Jolie had hundreds of years of intimacy, and she knew how to catch the opposite sex off guard. This may be her first human, but mal
es were predictable.

  Flynn closed his eyes and took a deep breath as her hand slid silkily up and down his erection. When he was back in control, he kissed down to her peaked nipple to worship it. All the while, he was intently aware of the reaction she was pulling from his body. Flynn was fighting hard to control his hips. The glide of her hand was making him insane.

  When the bed moved, Jacques was stripping away the rest of his clothes. Brogan thought it would be awkward, but Jolie stroking him took his mind off of everything going on around him.

  Hell could open, and honestly, he wouldn’t give a shit at that point. As long as these feeling didn't end, he was ready to fall headfirst into the fire and brimstone.

  It was a small price to pay.

  Jacques slid back onto the bed and moved toward Jolie’s other nipple. With tongue and teeth, he began teasing it into a tight peak. He nipped at it and prepared to bite down. Before making his move, he reached for Brogan’s mind.

  “She likes when I bite her. It’s how we mate, so don’t be disturbed.”

  Oh, that wasn’t the word he would use. Flynn was feeling more jealousy than anything.

  “It’s moments like this that I wish I had fangs.”

  Laughter filled his mind.

  Biting down, Jolie arched into his eagerly sucking mouth. From the breathy gasps, Jacques knew she was lost in the pleasure.

  Jolie couldn’t think straight.

  She mumbled something in French as both men continued to torture her. This was the best of both worlds. Jacques was dark and mysterious, and Brogan was light and sweet.

  For her first time with a human, Flynn was doing everything right. He learned incredibly fast.

  It was hard not to notice that the room was filled with the scent of blood and lust. It called to all three of them.

  When she reached for Jacques to stroke him too, he hissed, releasing a deep breath. Unable to wait any longer, he moved toward her mouth and plundered. He could taste her spiciness, and a foreign taste that was distinctly Flynn’s. After finishing with the heated kiss, he pulled back to gaze into her eyes.

  “Je t’aime, Jolie,” he whispered.

  Then, without warning, he sank his fangs deep into her shoulder. Jolie convulsed beneath him as he drank from her.


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