Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices Page 17

by Unknown

  He urged her to continue. Jolie’s hand was now clenched in his shirt, yanking out some of his chest hairs.

  “They wanted to buy a spell. It was to remove the soul. That is black magick at its finest, and I wouldn’t do it. The dead only steal souls for one reason, and it’s vile. I won’t help them taint what is normally pure.”

  “What did they look like?”

  As the woman described them, Jolie wished she could slip into the woman’s mind and get a better description for them. Unfortunately, she had bigger issues. She was trying desperately not to freak out over a snake.

  Brogan made a mental note of everything the woman described. Something rubbed against his back, and it didn't feel like Jolie. The snake was now winding itself around him too. It was up over his arm, flicking its tongue at Jolie’s throat.

  Still, she didn't move, trying to appear calm. What she wanted to do was kill that hideous beast and make a purse out of his vile, disgusting skin.

  “Thank you, Priestess,” he said nonchalantly.

  The woman nodded, moving cautiously toward the bound couple. Leroy was wound around her neck and shoulders.

  “Get him off,” Brogan demanded. “Your pet has had his fun, and if you don’t move him, I will.” With that, he pulled the knife from his pocket. “Enough is enough.”

  She stared up at him. “You’d kill a living thing for one of the undead?”

  “I’d kill you for my woman, now do it or get yourself a new pet,” he stated.

  The woman focused on Jolie. “Why are you afraid of snakes?” she asked. “They’re harmless.”

  “Not to me,” she whispered, as Jacques began unwinding the pet from their bodies. He carefully avoided the woman and the herbs all over the ground.

  “Why?” she asked, wondering if the woman would give her information, or lie.

  “When I was a little girl, I was with my brother in the forest where we lived. We were running through the wood while we played, I tripped and fell. In the hole was a pit full of snakes, and it took him a while to get me out. I was in there for over an hour as they crawled all over me.”

  Flynn reached behind him to pull her more firmly to his back. It broke his heart that she had suffered.

  “Then why did you allow Leroy to touch you?” she asked, cocking her head in question.

  “In order to stop the vampyres from killing more children, we need your help. I’m desperate to save some lives, and like you said, that was the only way,” she answered. “Everything in life has a cost. It’s just a matter of if you are willing to pay it for the outcome you desire.”

  The woman threw her head back and laughed. “You are definitely not like the other dead who were here.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Brogan said, as Jacques got the rest of the snake off them. As soon as Jolie was free, she was pressed against Jacques’s body.

  “Come, Leroy,” the woman called, heading back behind her counter. “I feel the need to tell you that you three are hunted. I can sense it around you.”

  She reached into her drawer and pulled out two gris-gris bags. She walked around the counter and handed them to the men. “What comes is something that only you can defeat,” she added, pointing at Jolie. “They can’t help you. It will take cunning and wiles to defeat death.”

  That didn't please her at all.

  Her men weren’t thrilled either.

  Jolie nodded and bowed her head. “Thank you for offering them your protection.” Turning, she touched both men on their arms. “I need to speak to the priestess privately. Can you give me a few minutes?” she asked.

  The men stared at her. They didn't exactly look happy about leaving her alone in there.

  Then, they nodded and headed out.

  When they were gone, the store proprietor spoke, “Please, call me Mambo,” she offered.

  Jolie accepted her hand, hoping to appeal to her, woman to woman.

  “Mambo, the vampyre who is after me is going to try and kill them to make me suffer. What can I do?” she asked. “My safety doesn’t matter. They’re my priority. The last time we met, she nearly succeeded in taking my life, but now she knows how to destroy me. It’s through them.”

  Mambo touched her cheek. “Ah, Jolie, for the undead your heart is true. You feel nothing but regret for the many you were forced to kill. You love your mate and human equally.”

  There was no doubt in her mind. “They’re both my mates. You can’t tell your heart how to love, or who to fall for. I’m crazy about them both, and I’d die to keep them safe.”

  “Death is no joking matter, little one. Once you go there, you can’t return, not the same anyway.”

  She understood. “I can’t lose them. If one of us has to go, I would rather it be me. Flynn is special, and Jacques has fought for me for centuries. This woman knows my weakness, and while I don’t believe that magick will solve my problem, if it will offer an iota of protection, I’ll do it.”

  Mambo listened.

  “She’ll go after Flynn first. He’s the weaker of the two. She’ll want to make him bleed for saving me last time.”

  “I see.”

  “Jacques is a trained killer. He’s probably the best of our species. I’ve watched him slay twenty men alone with only a sword. She won’t come at him head on. She’ll try to avoid that at all costs. Yet, I know that if the opportunity arises, she’ll risk it, but only when he’s weak.”

  Pulling a pouch from the drawer, she rounded the corner to Jolie’s side.

  “Here are two amulets.”

  Jolie opened her hands. The second her fingers closed over them, one was more powerful than the other. “This one is warm,” she offered, opening her fingers.

  “Yes, give that one to your human. I warn you, the magick doesn’t last for long. It’s not going to solve your problem forever, but for now, it will keep them safe.”

  “Thank you, Mambo.” Jolie took money from her pocket to pay.

  “No charge, Jolie. When the spirits insist, I must obey.”

  “Then, I wish for you to think of it as an offering to the Bon Dieu.”

  Mambo smiled impressed. “You know much about Voudon.”

  “Oui, I’ve lived many centuries. It would be ignorance, on my behalf to not be aware of all that is out there.” She dropped the wad of cash on the counter. “It’s enough to thank the Ayza, but not insult them.”

  Mambo had misjudged her. Generally, people scoffed at her beliefs. This was a welcomed sight. “I like you. Jolie. I truly do.” She embraced the woman in her arms and began chanting in a foreign language. When she was done, Mambo drew a symbol on her forehead.

  Energy wavered around Jolie.

  “Bad is coming, girl. You need to be aware that a sacrifice needs to be made to appease your mistress, but you will survive. Have faith in fate and death.”

  “Thank you, Mambo. If you’re ever near my home, please feel free to come there.” Jolie scribbled her address down before placing it in her hand.

  “Go, girl! The men are getting edgy, and Jolie?”


  “They are two of the most stunning men I have ever encountered, if you do not mind me saying so. You got very lucky catching them.”

  “Mambo, you have NO idea.”

  Jolie’s laughter filled the shop. If anything, she didn't start to truly exist until she found the missing two pieces of her heart.

  Now, it was about keeping them alive and hers.


  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Jolie was silent the entire walk back to her car. She was too busy focusing on the area around her and scanning for any surprises. It wasn’t missed that the passing people were openly observing the two men protectively flanking each side of her body.

  Their stares were the least of her concerns at that moment. Something was definitely amiss in the air tonight, and it was making all of them edgy. Around them, Jolie could detect the faint trace of vampyre. Granted, they were in the vampyre capitol of the world, but
still, it didn't bother her until now.

  Reaching into Jacques’s jacket pocket, she pulled out her keys to unlocked the Jag’s doors.

  Without saying a word, she slipped behind the steering wheel.

  Both men exchanged glances but said nothing as Jolie drove through the French Quarter toward their home. It wasn’t lost on them that Jolie was deeply disturbed.

  Jacques reached for Brogan’s mind and voiced his concern over her behavior. “I‘m worried about her. When Jolie was inside talking to Mambo, she blocked me out.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “I fear that the Voudon priestess told her something disturbing. It’s not like her to isolate her mind from me.”

  “I think you’re right,” replied Brogan, staring into her eyes in the rearview mirror. There was no doubt that she was well aware they were discussing her.

  Yet, she made no comment.

  They watched her navigate the Jag into the garage. Once inside, she stepped from the car and headed out the door and into the gardens alone.

  “I’ll go to her,” offered Jacques, as he followed her to the door.

  “I’m going to get ready for bed. I’m taking time off tomorrow, but I have to go in one last day to handle the paperwork.”

  “Good night, Flynn,” he said, as he followed after the woman who owned his heart. Once on the patio, he searched the shadows for his mate. In a moonlit area, he found her at the tea table, surrounded by flowers and hanging blooms.

  She didn’t turn to acknowledge his presence, and that meant one thing.

  Jolie wanted to be alone.

  Oh well, that was going to be a problem for him. When his mate looked this disturbed, it was up to him to solve it.

  “Jolie, mon amour?”

  “Oui, Jacques?” she replied without hesitation.

  “What’s wrong? Did the priestess tell you something that upset you?”

  When she glanced over at him, her face neutral, he opted to approach.


  He needed another way to get through to her. “Do you know that you look like a goddess sitting here in the moonlight? I want to reach out to you and run my fingers across your pale, lovely flesh.”

  Jolie stood. “Jacques, if I asked you to do something for me, would you?”

  He used her title, to prove that he was not only her mate, but a loyal family member. “Mistress, it would be my fondest wish to make you smile again. Just ask, and it’s yours.” He took her hand and kissed it.

  “I have an amulet the priestess gave me. Will you wear it for protection?”

  “But of course, Jolie.” He paused, and then continued, “but that’s not the difficult decision you’re brooding over,” he said, kissing her wrist, knowing her too well.

  “No, it’s not. Would you take a little trip to France and take Flynn with you?”

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “I want you both to leave. Buy a home there and hide for me until this is all settled.”

  “Not without you,” he added, making a stand. If she were to stay, then his place was right at her side. This was their fight, and he wouldn’t bail on her. While he no longer carried the title of guardian, old habits were very hard to break.

  In his heart, he would forever be her protector.

  “Jacques, she’ll kill you both to punish me. Genevieve is crazy with anger over the loss of Cassiel, and I can’t live if she hurts you or Flynn. Please, mon amour! I need you to take him and go.”

  Before he could speak, Jolie tensed and spun to face the approaching person.

  “It’s only me,” offered Brogan. “Jacques called me and asked me to come.”

  It was true.

  Since they were both equal in her life, this needed to be a conversation that they shared. This mattered since their relationship wasn’t just good times and sex. It was about the worries and troubles too.

  “I need you both to leave and go away until I finish her off.”

  “Not without you,” Brogan said, taking her other hand in his to join the three of them.

  “Then, it’s decided, mon amour. We’ll wear the amulets, but we won’t leave your side.”

  Jolie sighed, pulling her hands away from the men. “I didn’t think you would, but I had to try.”

  “Jolie, we love you and will stand by your side through this,” said Brogan, touching her cheek.

  Pulling them toward her, Jolie wanted a promise.

  “I need you to keep these amulets on no matter what,” she whispered, taking them from her pocket to place the first one over Jacques’s head. When it fell to his chest, she tucked it beneath his shirt.

  “I will, mon amour,” he promised.

  The next one was placed over Flynn’s. When it touched his flesh, he noticed something. “It’s warm.”

  Jolie nodded. “You’ll be the one she goes after first, Flynn. It’ll be you who will be her focus,” she admitted, tears filling her eyes. “Please don’t leave me,” she begged.

  “I’ll be okay, Jolie. I’m right here with you. We’re safe at the house, and tomorrow night, I’ll be off from work. She can’t get to me here.”

  She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “Promise to keep it on?”

  He lifted her chin and lowered his mouth to hers in a gentle kiss. “Yes, baby, I promise.”

  Jolie buried her face in both of their chests until the fear abated. The scent of the two very different men assaulted her senses, giving her peace.

  Jolie knew the calm wouldn’t last for long.

  “You should get some rest, my love,” she whispered into his shirt. “You have to work tomorrow.”

  He dropped a kiss to the top of her head before patting Jacques on the shoulder. “I’ll be in bed waiting for you both,” he replied, walking away from his family.

  He knew she needed some reassuring, but in this case, Jacques was the man for the job. He had the advantage of knowing her far better than he did.

  “We’ll be right in,” she called to him. When he was gone, she faced her other mate. “I can’t lose him, Jacques. You have to promise me that no matter what, you’ll take care of him.”

  “Love comes fast and takes hold even faster,” he whispered to her, dropping a kiss to her cheek. “I’ll make sure that Flynn is safe.”

  Jolie was astounded at how quickly she’d fallen for him. It took so many centuries to learn to love and trust. Now that she was open to it, she was doubly blessed.

  Before them, she would have been so very alone.

  Now, she was whole.

  “I love you, Jacques. Please don’t get hurt. I won’t forgive myself if you do.” She pulled his lips down toward hers for a kiss. Falling into it, she wrapped her arms around his neck. The moment they shared was sweet, loving, and soothed the pain that she was feeling.

  “Walk with me, Jolie?” he asked, holding out his hand. “I want to have a moment with you.”

  “Certainly, Jacques. It would be my pleasure.” She took his hand as they walked through the moonlight splattered landscape. Her curiosity was piqued as he led her down a path which she had never been down before. “Where are we going?”

  “I found a lovely spot, and it feels like the right moment to share it with my soul mate.” He grinned wickedly, finding that comment ironic. They didn't have souls, and yet what lived in him was well aware they belonged together.


  Jolie took in everything around her, from the weeping trees and vines, to the tree frogs chirping out their mating songs. The night was heavily perfumed and called to the predator in her.

  This was their time of evening.

  Some called it the witching hour, but to them it was when they were free to wander the dark.

  Jolie followed as her mate lead her to a clearing in the trees. Once past the opening, she was met with so much color and beauty.

  The night was alive and perfumed with all the moonlight blooming flora.

  “Oh, Jacques, look at them,”
she whispered, releasing his hand to explore the secret little area. Crossing the dew kissed grass, she stopped in front of vines that climbed effortlessly up the trees. With delicate fingers, she touched white petals.

  “Those are moon flowers,” he admitted, as he walked to her side. “They bloom at sunset and only then.”

  “They’re lovely.” Looking around, she knew the truth. Jacques had lied to her. There was no way that Jacques had just found this area. He’d been secretly working on it for a while.

  Jolie stopped at a large pom pom-like flower. “What’s this one?”

  “Oh, I happen to like that one best,” he said, taking her hands in his as he lay gentle kisses across her wrists. “It is called ‘The Queen of the Night’.”

  Jolie stared up into the eyes of the man before her. He was able to catch her completely off guard at the most unexpected times. He continually swept her off her feet, over and over again, in an effort to share his love. “Thank you, Jacques, for everything.” She kissed him on the lips.

  Pulling her to his body, he deepened their lip lock. Here, in his arms, was Jacques’s life. “Je t’aime, Jolie, and please know that you are.”

  “I’m what?” she asked, confused by what he meant.

  “You’re my ‘Queen of the Night’. When you rise at sunset, you give me reason to go on,” he whispered, his lips so very close to hers.

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  Jolie’s heart swelled in love.

  Pulling him down to the soft grass, she never looked away from his handsome face.

  “It’s coronation day, Jacques. How about letting me make you one of my kings?”

  He grinned wickedly.

  Jolie’s heart skipped in her chest.

  With that, she whispered more in his ear, and did exactly what she promised.

  ∞ Chapter Nine ∞

  Early Friday Morning

  He could hear a voice.

  Flynn wasn’t able to pinpoint where it was coming from, but there was the distinct sound of his name being whispered. As he floated to the surface of awareness, he was finally able to focus.


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