Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices Page 26

by Unknown

  The mating had begun.

  Even as she screamed his name, Jacques drove himself into her with no ability to stop. The beast within him kept pushing, urging for Jacques to take so much more.

  Jolie cried out as he invaded her body. Her claws ripped at the silk of the bed as chills rushed across her flesh. Every single stroke felt so damn good.

  “Jolie, my love,” he hissed, trying to bring them both so much pleasure.

  She couldn’t speak.



  In that moment, she was his captive. All the energy pumped off her body and slammed into her mate, mixing their auras together as one.

  It was delicious.

  Jacques leaned over her body, not breaking his hard and fast rhythm, to flick his fingers over her most sensitive part. When she responded, tightening around his body, he knew she was close.

  There was only one thing he wanted.

  To taste her.

  Moving to her neck, he poised himself to find his ultimate pleasure by drinking her in. The second he buried his fangs in her pale, lovely flesh, Jolie screamed and broke apart beneath him. The surge of blood, her gripping his body, and the push of energy tore him from the edge. It had him tumbling after her into the bliss. Together, they fell like mates were meant to do.

  Jacques held on to her until the two finally collapsed against the bedding, breathing erratically. He was still buried deep in the core of her body, enjoying the tremors of both of their orgasms. He finished drinking from her and pulled his mouth from her soft skin.

  Jolie didn’t think she could ever move again.

  “After six hundred years, I didn't think you could surprise me, but that was…” He couldn’t think of the word to best describe what he had just experienced.

  “Orgasmic?” she muttered, laughing when he snorted.

  “Okay, we can use that word.”

  “How about punishment? I believe that word fits too.”

  It was Jacques’s turn to laugh. He pulled slowly from her body, turning her so she was pillowed on his chest. “If that was my punishment, then I need to be bad more often.”

  Jolie leaned down to pull the silk up around their bodies, before cuddling into his side. He smelled like spice, cologne, and her kind.

  It called to her.

  The only thing that would be better than rubbing up against one mate would be if the other was there with them too.

  “I can’t move. You’ve beaten me into submission,” he admitted.

  Jolie laughed. “I told you I would get even. How many centuries have we been together?”

  “Please remind me to disobey you on a regular basis.” When Jolie smiled, he lovingly dropped a kiss to the crown of her head.

  Suddenly, he tensed.

  “What’s wrong, my love?”

  “Flynn’s back,” he said, a little possessive of the moment they had just shared.

  “Don’t worry, my love. I have a different torture in mind for him. This one was especially made for you. I won’t be performing it for anyone else.” She sent him her plans for their detective, and it helped him relax.

  Jacques knew it was wrong to feel that way, but this was all new to him still. “I can’t help but be possessive, even with our detective.”

  “I know, and you’re doing well, Jacques. You don’t have to apologize to me.” She kissed him tenderly, showing him how safe he was when it came to them being a unit.

  He was irreplaceable.

  As their detective approached the door, Jolie was finally able to tell he was near.

  When he entered the room, the first thing he felt was the energy floating around him. It caressed his body, and he knew exactly what he has missed. Then he saw them lying in bed and was disappointed.

  Brogan said the first thing that came to mind. “Wow. Why do I feel like I should light up a cigarette?”

  It obviously wasn’t the response they expected, because there was silence, and then Jolie’s giggling.

  Heading toward the bed, he stared down at Jacques. “Rough wakeup call?” he asked, lifting a brow.

  Now, the man laughed. “I’ve been tortured unmercifully for our infraction the other day.”

  “Really, you don’t look tortured. In fact you look…” he began, only to be cut off.

  “Flynn,” she warned, interrupting him before he could continue. “I do believe that I told the both of you that I would get even if it was the last thing I did. Jacques paid for tickling me, and is now off the hook. You, on the other hand are not. Keep that in mind.” She grinned evilly.

  Brogan sat at the foot of the bed and grinned back as if he was daring her to try it.

  “Not to distract you, Flynn, but how did your adventure at the property go?” asked Jacques, playing with a strand of Jolie’s hair. He tried to focus as her hand ran along the inside of his thigh to other parts of his sensitive anatomy.

  She was going to kill him yet.

  “It’s not the ideal spot, but it’s open and let’s just say that Genevieve couldn’t sneak up on us if she tried. As for coverage, it’s not my idea of a good location either. We have no place to go if we’re attacked, except our vehicles. Of course, if the new family wants to make an attempt at us, it’s really a moot point. It’ll be a bloodbath either way.”

  “The family would fight for us, Flynn.”

  Suddenly, she caught the flicker of eyes toward Jacques as doubt crossed his face.

  Both men looked uneasy.

  “What happened?” she asked, sitting and staring at them with concern.

  “Well…,” said Flynn, not quite sure how to tell her what he did. There wasn’t an easy way to admit to the woman you loved that you shot one of the family in anger.

  Jacques tried to cover for him. “It’s nothing terrible, Jolie. In the grand scheme, it really could have been far worse. We just tried to find out who helped get the box into the house, and one thing led to another,” he said nonchalantly. “You know how it is.” He waved his hand in dismissal, hoping she would buy it.

  That set off alarm bells in her head.

  “Jacques? Flynn? Again, I’ll ask what you two have done while I was with death.”

  At first, neither man spoke. Then, Brogan broke the silence. After all, it was his fault, because he pulled the trigger.

  “I shot him but only in the stomach, and it wasn’t as if I was trying to kill him. I did cover my ass on that one by asking Jacques first.” He tried to look as innocent as the cat caught with the feathers still in his mouth.

  “Who did you shoot, Flynn?” She kept her voice level. “And why?”

  “Mon amour, it was my doing. I’m to blame, not Flynn. Balzac had insulted your intelligence and your choice of mates, and I may have suggested to Flynn that if he shot him in the stomach, he’d survive.”

  “You shot Balzac?” she asked incredulously. “Seriously?”

  He didn't deny or confirm it.

  “In the stomach?”

  “Yeah, but he deserved it and was asking for it.” He wasn’t smiling now. “I don’t like how he treats Jacques and trash talks you. Maybe it was a little over the top, but someone had to stand up to that prissy bully.”

  Jolie sat there with her mouth open. “I can’t believe this.”

  Both men froze as they watched her process the information. Brogan crawled across the bed, taking her hand in his as he waited for her to respond.

  Suddenly, the giggles began.

  “You really shot him?” she whispered, pulling the detective down so that she could curl between him and Jacques.

  Relief flooded his body. “Yeah, I shot him.”

  “If we knew that it would have pleased you this much, mon amour, I would have asked Flynn to shoot him earlier. Better yet, I would have done it myself,” added Jacques, grinning.

  Jolie slowly stopped laughing. She reached up and touched Jacques’s face with her hand. “Thank you.” She pulled him down for a scorching kiss, and then turned her face
to Brogan. “Thank you, Flynn.” She leaned into him to kiss him exactly the same way.

  “You aren’t mad?”

  “No. I’ve wanted to shoot him so many times over the last four hundred years. I just wish I had been there to see it.” Jolie got quiet thinking back to the events which transpired. “I really want to kill the traitor. Does that make me a horrible person?” she asked, knowing they’d tell her the truth.

  “You don’t really have a choice, Jolie,” Jacques replied. “If you don’t, we open ourselves up for this kind of betrayal all the time. If you do, it will act as a deterrent.”

  Brogan squeezed her hand. “I’ll do it for you,” he offered.

  Jolie didn't doubt that he would. “Thank you both,” she said before closing her eyes. After a few moments, Jolie found the strength to let the guilt go. “We should prepare for this evening.”

  Brogan gave her one last kiss before he stood from the bed. “I’m hitting the shower.” Peeling off his gun, he tucked it under the bed before going off alone.

  “Jacques, will you get our things ready?” inquired Jolie. She had plans for Brogan and his quiet shower.

  “Will you be enacting your payback now?”

  “Yes, because he won’t expect it. Our detective is very smart, and he’ll assume I’ll try to catch him off guard sometime in the future. “

  “He won’t expect it now,” he admitted.

  Jolie grinned, waiting for the water to start. “Exactly! I’ll have the upper hand.”

  Jacques kissed her on the lips. “Je t’aime. Take it easy on him, mon amour. Remember, he’s human.”

  “Forever, my love,” she replied, as she headed toward the bathroom door.

  Now, it was time to teach the other love of her life a valuable lesson.

  Respect your mistress.

  ∞ Chapter Fifteen∞

  As she watched Brogan lathering up his face and shaving in the shower, she had so many ideas of how to enact her revenge. They all filled her body with heat and desire. Any of the scenarios would be perfect in that moment.

  Already, she wanted to climb all over the man. From his strong muscular build, to the way the tips of his hair brushed deliciously across his tan shoulders, it made lust curl low in her belly. She would strike now. Licking her lips in anticipation, Jolie stepped into the shower behind him.

  It didn't take long for him to sense she was there. Glancing over his shoulder, he was surprised to see her.

  “Mind if I join you?” she asked, running her fingers down his strong back. When he dropped his razor, she nearly laughed.

  “Shit.” He stared at her with wide, wild eyes. “Um, hey.” He didn’t know what to say to the very beautiful, naked woman, standing in front of him.

  “Let me help you finish shaving, Flynn,” Jolie offered, bending down to pick up his razor. On the way up, she made sure to brush her body against his.

  Brogan swallowed.

  “Come here,” she whispered, enjoying the way he responded to her breathy whispers.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asked, glancing over at the bathroom door, as if a jealous husband was ready to kick it in.

  “Jacques is well aware that I’m in here. As for me, I think it was a very good idea to come in here and do felonious things with my cop.”

  Again, he swallowed, but this time it was when she shoved him back against the cold tiles.

  It sent a shiver down his flesh.

  He was about to get manhandled by a sexy vampyre.

  Jolie didn't give him time to bolt or speak. Instead, she picked up where he had left off.

  There was something erotic about her running her hands all over his skin as she stroked the razor back and forth over his face. When she lifted his chin, his pulse jumped. Now, she was ever so close to his jugular with a very sharp piece of metal.

  It wasn’t that he didn't trust her.

  Brogan absolutely did.

  What he didn't trust was that she might get as distracted as he was, and slip. After all, he couldn’t think while her bare breasts were continually brushing against his very excited body.

  “I missed you today, Flynn. I don’t like waking up and not having you beside me,” she purred, knowing the best way to torture her detective was with seduction. He was a man’s man, and liked being in control.

  Now, he had very little of that.

  All he could think of was how intoxicating her scent was, and how it called to him on some primitive level. He wanted to grab her and drag her back to his cave.

  “You don’t usually shower with me,” he muttered, as her lower body rubbed against his.

  “I’m thinking I need to start doing it all the time,” she purred, still working on his five o’clock shadow. “I’m enjoying the intimacy of shaving you.”

  He swallowed at the word ‘intimacy’.

  Jolie loved how he was trapped between her and the wall. “First, I want to taste you, Flynn,” she whispered in his ear, flicking it with her tongue. “Then, I need my revenge.” She pulled back and saw his eyes glaze over at the idea of her doing to him what had just happened to Jacques.

  Brogan tried to focus on her face as she continued to help him shave. She turned his head to work the razor over his throat in long competent strokes. At the sudden nick to his flesh, he flinched in pain.

  “Oh, Flynn! I’m so sorry. Let me get that for you,” she whispered seductively, as she leaned into him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, to pull his throat closer to her lips, Jolie found herself in heaven. One of the best parts about her human mate was that he didn't heal instantly. Now, she could use that to her advantage.

  Flynn believed that his blood pressure was shooting up to incredibly dangerous levels. As her mouth worked on the little cut on his throat, her silky flesh rubbed against his wantonly.

  She was right.

  This was torture.

  “Oh God,” he hissed into her hair, as she sent him erotic images to barrage his brain into overload.

  He was doomed.

  There was no way he could survive with her in the shower with him. When he opened his eyes, that’s when she made her move by jumping up and wrapping her long legs around his waist, trapping his erection between their bodies.

  Mmmmm… very tasty,” Jolie said, repeating the words he had used when tormenting her.

  “Jolie…” He held her against him with his hands braced on her thighs. She continued to lick the blood from his neck in long strokes, and he was forced to lean back against the wall again so he didn’t collapse.

  “Let me feed you, Flynn.” She made the words appear in his mind with visuals attached to them. At the same time, her voice whispered through his mind, touching him everywhere.

  “Oh shit! Yes please, Jolie,” he moaned, fighting to regain control of his body. He wanted to bury himself in her as he held her against the wall.

  Control, where was his damn control?

  Jolie leaned into his body to lick across his lips. Then, she continued to nibble and tease his mouth until he was forced to open for her. She sealed her body to his and kissed him like she was trying to steal his breath. It was when she slid her hand down between their bodies to stroke his erection with the palm of her hand that he nearly broke.

  He moaned into the kiss simultaneously, praying she would stop and keep going at the same time.

  Now, she would feed him.

  Flynn enjoyed the rush of power as it pulsed through his body. At the same time, Jolie shared a scene in his head. They were together, making love and rolling across a sea of white silk. The pictures began flowing together like a movie made just for him. He was licking his way up her torso to her breasts, taking them in his mouth one at a time, and then suddenly driving himself deeply into her body. She arched into him as she begged for it to never stop.

  Suddenly, the heat whipped though him as he found himself pressing her to the chilly tile.

  Their mouths broke apart, and he prayed she’d let him have her.<
br />
  “Take me, Flynn,” she offered, giving him full access to her body.

  Without a second thought, he buried himself deep within her warmth. It was an amazing feeling to glide in and out of her welcoming body. Where last time it was frenetic and wild, this time he slowed the pace down, wanting to prolong the pleasure.

  “Mmmmmm, Flynn,” she whispered, watching him pillage and take what he wanted.

  “God, I want this to never end,” he whispered, somewhere between a plea and needing a promise.

  “Will you feed me?” she asked, staring at the throbbing vein in his neck.

  He didn't hesitate, since he was so busy enjoying her breathy little gasps. “Yes, Jolie, yes! Drink from me!”

  She didn't waste any time, since she was so very close to falling into the pleasure at the hands of her detective.

  Pulling him closer, Jolie lapped at his throat and without warning, sunk into the spicy deliciousness of Flynn.

  Brogan released a guttural moan as her fangs pierced his throat. Colors exploded as Jolie shook in his arms. Her body ripped him from the precipice, forcing them both into the seductive freefall.

  “Oh God, oh God,” he whispered, as she rode his body down the wall until he was sitting on the bench. Fortunately, Jolie had managed to cling to him and was now straddling him.

  Jolie pulled her fangs from his throat, and laid her head on his shoulder until she caught her own breath. When she was able to move she spotted the drips of blood from where she fed and caught them with her tongue.

  Brogan shuddered as he cradled her in his arms.

  Jolie gazed lovingly into his eyes. “Are you well, Flynn?”

  He absolutely wasn’t. There had been plenty of shower sex in his past, but this by far kicked the shit out of all those memories. In fact, he never wanted to think about getting soapy with another woman ever again.

  “Good, because those days are over,” she answered honestly. How he managed to slip into her heart so quickly, she’d never know, but he was there to stay. “You’re mine, Flynn.”

  Jolie didn't plan on sharing.


  “Baby, I’d beg and crawl on broken glass to do this every day. I’m easy.”


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