Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices Page 28

by Unknown

  Jolie stared at her family, unblinkingly. If they needed a warning, here it was.

  As she drained both vampyres, lying on the ground, no one looked away from them. When they were both dead, she stood and there was a collective gasp. The blood diamond around her neck glowed eerily from the energy pulsing from her body.

  Finally, she spoke, “This time, I was humane. The next time, I won’t be so kind. Now, we need to get the rest of you taken care of. I ask you, redemption or release?”

  Most of the vampyres, too scared to risk their lives, dropped to their knees, taking redemption.

  The three brave ones who remained upright didn't want anything to do with the new family. Jolie waved them off, letting them escape without consequences. Now, there was only her family to deal with.

  “I still search for the traitor. I will have no mercy on anyone who is implicated or guilty. Now that my family has doubled in size, I can afford to cut out any cancer that threatens to consume us alive. Let this be your one warning, or you won’t be seeking redemption from me, but salvation from my wrath.”

  Brogan laughed wickedly. “Amen.”

  Going to her mates, she went into their bodies and slipped between them. “Meet the family,” she said, as Delina’s old family hesitantly moved toward the new ones.

  Jolie placed her hand on each mate’s chest, knowing Jacques was drained. She pumped extra energy into them. The warmth and aura danced around them as they fed as a couple.

  “Mistress,” Balzac said, touching her arm.

  Immediately, he disrupted the feeding and both men turned on him. Jacques hissed and Flynn pulled his weapon, placing it under the man’s chin.

  His eyes went wide.

  “Shoot him,” hissed Jacques, sick of the man touching Jolie. It wasn’t the first time he’d purposely interrupted a moment they shared.

  He was living dangerously close to the edge.

  Brogan’s finger slipped to the trigger.

  “I’m sorry!” he whispered, staring at Jolie. “I just need to speak to you for a minute.”

  Jolie touched Flynn’s wrist with gentle fingers. “What do you feel is so dire that you need to touch me while I’m between my mates? We’ve had this conversation before, Balzac, Are you trying to get hurt?”

  He shook his head as Flynn holstered his weapon.

  “Now, what is so pressing?”

  “Mistress, allowing these vampyres into our family is a big mistake. I have sat by and watched you weaken our family by careless decisions, but this time you have signed yours and our death warrants,” he said, taking a step back from either man’s reach.

  It was probably a good thing, since both of Jolie’s mates looked ready to kill.

  Apparently the man had a death wish.

  Jolie went very still, her eyes burning black from the two she just killed. As if on cue, knowing she was going to handle the pain in their asses, they stepped back.

  Raising her hand, she started to take his energy, slowly and as painfully as she could. When his lips began moving, as he struggled to get air, the entire family went silent.

  “Balzac, I will say this once and only once. If your comment was directed at either Jacques or Flynn, let me warn you. I won’t tolerate you talking about them as if they don’t have feelings. They’re my mates, AS IN A PERMANENT part of our family.”

  He dropped to his knees, still fighting the invisible fingers around his throat. As soon as he hit the ground, his mate was at his side, begging for his survival.

  “My decisions are none of your concern, much like my choice to include Delina’s vampyres into our circle. Where you would have me destroy them all, I won’t kill more of our kind unless it’s warranted.”

  “Please spare him,” Anna whispered, touching her boot. “I need him. Please let Balzac live. He’s all I have.”

  With that, she offered compassion and released him.

  “Show your mate your appreciation. She’s the only reason you live. If I hear you disparage one of my decisions one more time, I’ll really make one you won’t like.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he whispered from the ground.

  “I can kill you if you make me angry and by family law, I can terminate your life if you question the directives of your mistress. You had better pray that you stay on the correct side of my anger.”

  Jolie nodded toward the family surrounding them. “I wish you a good night.” With that, she took each man’s hand in hers and headed back to the bikes.

  It didn't take long for the men to begin their tomfoolery. Brogan reached for Jacques’s mind. “I love a forceful woman. That was incredibly sexy.”

  “I was hoping she was going to drain him dry and feed him to a pack of dogs.”

  “Yeah, well, there’s always the next time,” Brogan reassured. Then, he paused. “What are the chances that Balzac is the betrayer?”

  “It is a good possibility, mon ami. He has been very adamant lately that Jolie is a poor leader. ”

  “We better keep our eyes on him,” he added.

  The men made their pact.

  As far as they were concerned, they had a suspect in their betrayal situation. When they both glanced down, Jolie was unusually silent. She was privy to their conversation, and yet she said nothing.

  Suddenly, as if sensing them staring at her, she spoke. “Do you think that I’ve continually made mistakes in my decisions? Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear. Tell me what you feel.”

  Jacques looked stunned at the question. Was she actually regretting choosing them as mates? “Jolie, I may have not been the wisest choice, but I do love you.” He stared at the ground in a submissive gesture.

  Jolie went to him and threw her arms around his body. “Jacques, not you silly! I was referring to the mistake of allowing the other family into ours, and not being wiser when it came to the one who betrayed us. Have I risked us?”

  He relaxed.

  “I trust you both, and I need your opinions. Have I led poorly?”

  Jacques hugged her close, relieved that she didn’t think of him as a mistake. He whispered to her in French, and she let him hold her because he needed it desperately.

  “Jacques, you will never be a mistake.” She stepped out of his arms and took his hand in hers. Pulling him toward Brogan, they flanked her once more. “Neither is my Flynn. Please don’t ever think that you are.” She kissed each man on the cheek.

  Jacques found his voice and told her the truth, “I don’t think it was a mistake. I think that you’re strong enough to ensure their loyalty by fear alone.”

  Jolie nodded and started pacing back and forth. “I don’t want to rule by fear!” She’d been down that road in her past, and it wasn’t a pleasant one.

  “No offense, baby, but you’re getting stronger each day. It does indeed look scary if you are on the outside looking in, and we need to use that as a tactical advantage.”

  She stopped in front of Jacques. “Are you afraid of me?”

  “No.” There wasn’t any hesitation.

  She stepped in front of Brogan. “Are you afraid of me, Flynn?”

  “No.” Again, there was no inkling of fear.

  “Would you tell me if you ever became afraid or if I started losing control?”

  Jacques spoke first, “If that was what you wished from me.”

  Brogan just nodded.

  Jolie paced again and looked back at them. “Yeah, that’s what I need from you.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. “I’m restless,” she said finally.

  “What do you want to do?” Jacques inquired. “We can go back to the house and relax, if you want.”

  She thought about it.

  “I think we need to go to the French Quarter and visit Mambo. I feel like I need to be there tonight.” Jolie crossed to her bike and straddled it. “In fact, we better hurry. Something feels very wrong.”

  Jolie started her bike and slid on her helmet. Jacques and Brogan were behind her as she t
ore down the road to the French Quarter, to whatever was beckoning her.

  She wasn’t the only one worried.

  Both men who followed her had the same feeling, only it was directed at her.

  Bad shit was brewing…

  ∞ Chapter Sixteen ∞

  Mambo stood in her shop, preparing the ordered gris-gris bags when she heard the door chime. Oddly, there were no footsteps. Putting down the herbs, she headed to the front of her store to see who was there. Immediately, she could feel all the hairs on her arms stand up as fear trickled down her spine. The spirits were warning her that she should run.

  “Can I help you?” she asked, staring warily at the man standing in the shadows. She walked behind her counter and grabbed the poppet she had made. With silent prayer, Mambo called for help. Now, it would rest on the undead to battle their kind.

  If it wasn’t too late.

  “We understand that another vampyre was in here looking for us.”

  “You’ve been misinformed,” she replied, squeezing the poppet in her palm. “We have people come in for gris-gris bags, but no one inquiring about your kind.”

  “You lie, old woman.”

  “I think that you’ve worn out your welcome,” she stated, standing her ground. When he moved closer, Mambo got ready to protect herself. “I’m warning you.”

  He laughed, baring his fangs.

  Mambo chanted, calling forth the spirits to protect her as she threw some herbs at his feet. Her hope was she could bind him to where he stood.

  He hissed, irritated by the smell but not deterred. He had a mission, and she was in his way. “I think I’ll take your soul and feed myself for the night,” he threatened. “Although, I’m sure it’s old and gnarly.”

  She whipped a jar of bones at him, missing his body when he shifted out of the way.

  His laughter filled the shop. When she tossed a book next, he avoided it and lashed out at her, striking the woman in the face.

  Mambo fell, crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs and long dreads.

  “Now that my food is finished fighting, I think I’ll have a snack.” He pulled her up toward his body and was preparing to sink his fangs into the unconscious woman when he heard a motorcycle engine come screaming down the street.

  When it stopped in front of the shop, he tracked the rider with his unblinking gaze.

  Jolie could feel the negative energy and knew she didn't have much time. Rushing into the shop, she found the animal she was tracking.

  “Let her go!” Jolie demanded, taking off her bike helmet and dropping it beside her leg.

  “Oh good! I see more food has come to the party, and this time it’s luscious. I’m going to enjoy you, little one. When I’m finished with the Voodoo priestess, I’ll have you for desert.”

  “Stop!” She held out her hand, watching the look of amazement cross his face when he couldn’t move. Jolie relaxed, knowing she had this under control.

  His laughter filled the shop. “You are strong, but I have the advantage.” He chanted some words, waiting for the effects to kick in.

  Jolie felt it before the scent assaulted her. Her right cheek erupted in pain as something wet dripped down her skin. Touching her face, her fingers came away coated in blood.

  Her momentary distraction gave him the little wiggle room he needed to escape. Instead of going after the other vampyre, he decided it was time to leave. The woman had reinforcements arriving, and this wasn’t the time for a fight.

  Jolie couldn’t let him escape. She knew if he got away, they’d never catch him again. Her only choice was to give chase, through the shop and out into the alley, alone.

  “STOP!” she screamed, sending power thought the command. He once more froze in his spot. “You’re killing innocent children and stealing their souls.”

  “So? They’re food. We’re the predators, and they’re the prey. It was the way for our kind for thousands of years. I’m just making sure we have survival of the fittest.”

  She was disgusted. “They’re more than prey.”

  “To you maybe, but we are chased by the human hunters. Why can’t we pick off the weakest of their species to level the playing field?”

  Jolie could tell just by staring at him that he was up to something. “I must kill you.” She took a step forward, preparing to slip into his mind to read his memories. Unfortunately, as she approached he began chanting again. Once more, Jolie’s cheek erupted in pain as the blood oozed down her cheek. This time, he added something new, as her body erupted in what felt like flames.

  The last thing she remembered was screaming as pain swallowed her whole.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Jacques and Brogan raced into Mambo’s shop only to find the prone woman lying on the floor. As they approached, they could hear her heart beating. For now, she was only out cold.

  As Mambo began to stir, they heard Jolie’s screams of pain from the alley behind the building.

  “Go!” Brogan shouted at Jacques.

  He was off, the need to kill filling him as his mate was in pain. Jacques’s fangs slid into his mouth as his eyes bled black. He was through the back door in no time, seeking his mate.

  When he entered the alley, she was standing there, blood pouring down her face from open wounds. He glared at the vampyre she had trapped. The smug look on his face angered Jacques to no end. Since he was still there, he could only assume that she was still holding him in place while he used some spell to slash at her flesh.

  “Jolie,” he hissed, racing to her side.

  “Help me hold him, please,” she whispered, and then screamed again as another slash appeared across her chest, slicing through the leather of her clothes.

  Jacques focused on the vampyre, doing what she asked. He only hoped it would be enough.

  Jolie watched the trapped vampyre stare down her mate, and she knew he was going to go after Jacques. Her mate focused all his energy at the vampyre to trap him more. From the way the evil radiated off their prisoner, Jolie could tell Jacques was in danger.

  “DON’T SPEAK!” she yelled, watching his face go slack. Before she could get to him, another slash appeared down her back in reciprocation for halting his attempt.

  The pain filled her as the predator tore free from all the pain. Jolie couldn’t control the anger pulsing through her body. She focused everything on him, and he began writhing. Before she killed him, she stepped up to his body and touched his face to read his memories.

  In his head, there was a familiar face staring back at her, and Jolie knew where to find the last killer. Now it was time to end his life.

  Before she could say anything, there were the telltale pops of a gun and the sound of bullets meeting skull. Jolie spun as her detective took care of the situation.

  Jolie stood there until he approached.

  “Baby, are you okay?” he asked, going to pull her into his body.

  “Flynn,” she whispered weakly, as he caught her in his arms.

  When he couldn’t remain on his feet, Jacques slid to the ground, his body depleted of all energy.

  Brogan carried Jolie over to her other mate, resting her against his body. Over his shoulder, he stared at the man turning to ash before their eyes.

  “He was pretty old,” he said, noticing that he aged fast.

  Jolie and Jacques nodded.

  “What the hell was that?”

  Mambo replied from the doorway, “That was a voodoo spell, and it was a particularly nasty one.”

  Jolie looked up into Brogan’s face. “Flynn, please. We’re empty.”

  He didn't need for her to ask more. Dropping to his knees, he moved as close to Jacques as possible. Pulling his hair back with his one free hand, he leaned in. “Feed, my friend,” he offered, only flinching a little bit when the man hungrily bit down. Granted, it wasn’t like when Jolie fed, but it still wasn’t unpleasant.

  When he was satiated, he released Brogan’s throat. “Thank you.”

  Flynn stared over
at Jolie. “You’re turn, baby,” he offered, leaning down.

  “I just need energy,” she whispered. Now that Jacques had fed, she was satisfied. He was her first concern.

  He wouldn’t take no for an answer. Bending down, he scooped her into his arms. “Drink, Jolie, or else.”

  She laughed at his threat. “Yes, my love,” she replied, delicately lapping at his neck. When she found the ideal spot, she sunk in and gulped.

  Brogan felt a little dizzy, but he managed to stay focused until she released him. When she was back on her feet, he held her against his body as he offered Jacques his hand.

  “That was a Voodoo spell?” Brogan asked, not liking how bad they looked after running into one magic wielding vampyre. What if they came across five?

  They’d be screwed.

  “Yes. That would explain why they are stealing the souls. To keep that powerful of a spell going, it takes much energy,” Mambo offered.

  “Are you well, Jolie?” Jacques asked, worried about his mate. The cuts on her body were just beginning to heal.

  “Yes, but we should get the hell out of here.”

  No one was going to argue with that.

  Jolie went to Mambo and reached for the woman’s hand. “You can’t stay here. If one came for you, more will be on their way.”

  “This is my home. Where am I supposed to go? I won’t let the dead scare me from my business.”

  Jolie touched her arm. “You’ll come home with us. I have more room than I know what to do with. At least there, you’ll be safe. None of my family will hurt you.”

  “You would invite me into your home?” Mambo asked surprised. “Even when you know how I feel about the dead?”

  “Yes. I can’t leave you here for them to kill. You’re now our responsibility until we get this situated.”

  Jolie spun on her heel and headed into the shop with Mambo right behind her.

  Apparently, the woman didn't like being told what to do.

  “I’m not going.”

  “You are, and that’s final. Don’t make me carry you there,” Jolie insisted.

  “I can’t leave Leroy alone,” Mambo stated.

  Jolie laughed. “Hell no. That slithering pair of boots will not be hanging out in our home.”


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