Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices Page 35

by Unknown

  Jacques rushed forward, pulling her to his body. He didn't need to ask her what she was feeling, since their minds were connected. Wave after wave of terror and anguish assaulted them both.

  “She. Is. Torturing. Him!” Jolie hissed through clenched teeth.

  “Oh my God!” whispered Chloe, rushing forward to take Jolie’s hand. “Can you reach him, Mistress?”

  Jolie struggled to get through the pain and was finally able to touch his mind. Her poor Flynn was in anguish. “My love, can you hear me?”


  “Flynn where are you?”

  Genevieve dealt another punishing blow, and his scream tore through her mind. Despite the pain, Jolie tried to send him comfort, as she took away as much hurt as possible.

  “Jolie, I can’t handle the pain. She’s killing me…”

  “Flynn, I love you, please hold on for me.”

  She felt him take another blow, claws ripping through his chest, just barely missing his heart. “Oh God! I don’t know if I can.”

  “Tell me where you are.”

  “Cemetery.” He showed her the crypt and the family name on it. Hopefully, it would be enough. “Please hurry. I can’t…” his words were cut off by more howls of suffering.

  “We’re coming.” Jolie knew they didn't have much time. Every second lost meant one more step closer to death for her other mate.

  Pulling from Jacques’s arms, she raced out of the house and back to her car. They needed to get to Flynn, and fast. “We have no time!”

  Jacques hated to point out the obvious, especially while she was so worried, but it was his duty. “This is a trap.”

  “I’m aware, and it doesn’t matter. We either save him and bring him home, or I die trying. I won’t leave him there to suffer to save my own life.”

  He was well aware.

  “We’ll save him,” promised Jacques, taking them to the cemetery closest to their home. He’d seen the crypt in his mind and recognized the wrought iron fencing in the distance.

  Jolie kept her mind open, trying to soften every blow Brogan was forced to endure. They had ripped up his chest and back until it was bloody and raw. Once more he screamed as Genevieve ripped into his neck to feed from her mate. It was making Jolie physically ill.

  The damage was going to be incredible. Now, she was beginning to doubt his survival. There was a chance that even she couldn’t heal him.

  “Hurry, Jacques! We have very little time left to save him. She’s going to bleed him dry.”

  Jacques knew they couldn’t let that happen. There was no doubt in his mind that if Jolie lost Flynn, he’d lose her. They were all connected. If any one of them was to be lost, the family would collapse.

  Pulling into the cemetery, he slammed the car into park. There, off in the distance, were two guardians waiting for their arrival.

  This was what he once lived for. The challenge heated his blood and made the lust to kill surface. Glancing over, his fangs slid into his mouth and his eyes bled black.

  He was ready.

  “Go save our detective. I’ll buy you some time,” he promised, getting out of the car.

  Jolie glanced over her shoulder before heading into the rows and rows of tombstones. “Be careful, Jacques.”

  “Oui.” He placed himself between Jolie’s route into the cemetery and the two large vampyres.

  This was going to be fun. It had been a while since he’d had to kill like this.

  “Are you ready, gentlemen? I believe you touched something of ours, and now you pay.”

  They charged him.

  So it began.

  Jolie raced toward her screaming mate, knowing that Flynn was about ready to give up. His exhaustion beat at her as he slowly began slipping away. Jolie held onto him by whispering into his mind. She promised him anything if he didn't leave her.

  They needed him.

  As she reached the crypt, the sight there repulsed her. Never in all her existence had she seen someone so ruined. Flynn’s once beautiful body was destroyed. There were pieces of him hanging sickly, barely attached to his body. His handsome face was gouged and torn apart, almost unrecognizable.

  Genevieve did a number on him, knowing he was bonded and stronger than a normal human.

  The bitch was going to pay.

  “Ah, here’s your mistress now, Flynn,” she said, wiping the blood from her chin.

  Jolie wanted to weep as the detective couldn’t even lift his head to make eye contact. It was probably for the best, since her heart ached for him. If she was forced to stare into his once beautiful eyes, it would break her.

  “Yes, I’m here,” she said, moving closer.

  Genevieve stood next to him smiling. “He was delicious. I see why you keep him in your bed. Unfortunately, he’s not so pretty now,” she said, slapping his painfully shredded chest.

  Flynn whimpered in pain as blood dripped from his chin.

  “I’m sorry, Jolie,” he whispered. “I was the bait.”

  She offered him reassurance. “It’s okay, my love. I’m here. We’re going to fix you and bring you home.”

  She hoped that wasn’t a lie…

  Jolie could feel him retreating into the darkness, and that may have been for the best.

  “After I kill you, old friend, I will take him to my bed and ruin him that way too, just because I can. Now, he is just a pile of shredded man meat.”

  “I will painfully kill you for that comment alone, Genevieve.”

  “Where is your mate, Jolie?”

  As she asked, they heard gunshots.

  Jolie smiled and stepped forward. “I do believe he’s killing your guardians as we speak. You shouldn’t have touched him, Genevieve. I was going to kill you for defiling Louisa’s grave, but now, I will laugh as I slowly hurt you. You have touched one of my mates, and that’s unacceptable.”

  Genevieve threw out her hand, slamming Jolie with an overwhelming amount of energy.

  Since she knew all of this woman’s tricks, Jolie was able to brace for it. Instead of tensing up, she let it surround her and flow through her body. The air crackled around her.

  It wasn’t easy to contain that much energy, but if she didn't hold up, both the men in her life were going to die.

  That was unacceptable.

  Genevieve must have realized that Jolie wasn’t going to go down so easily. So, she went for the emotional kill. As Jolie struggled to stay on her feet, the sick, twisted woman faced Brogan, intending to kill him.

  Jolie couldn’t let that happen.

  “STOP!” She threw the energy right back at her and heard Genevieve scream as she fought it. This was her one chance. Jolie moved quickly, crossing the distance with little effort. The woman didn't see her coming, and she was able to take her to the ground.

  Genevieve bellowed in anger as they landed.

  “Now, I’ll kill you,” Jolie hissed, preparing to end the woman’s life.

  “I’ll kill the detective first,” she threatened.

  That had Jolie’s attention. She glanced over in time to see his face going a hideous shade of blue. Genevieve was cutting off his air supply.

  Jolie had seconds to decide.

  There could be only one choice. Retribution would have to wait. Jolie needed to save Flynn.

  At his side, she pushed energy into his body, trying to block out Genevieve’s compulsion in his mind. As he began breathing again, Jolie heard the woman approach.

  “You’re too soft, Jolie. You should have saved yourself,” she hissed, preparing to attack.

  At that moment, a bullet pierced the night, barely missing the crazed vampyre. They both looked over in time to see Jacques stumble into the clearing.

  Genevieve backed away conceding defeat. “It’s not done, old friend. Next time, I’ll finish this. Enjoy your ruined man meat.” With that, she was gone, bounding off into the cemetery.

  “Jacques, are you alright?” she called, noticing her mate had blood dripping down his shoul

  “Oui, but her guardians aren’t. She’s going to need to find some new ones with less holes in them,” he answered, moving to her side. When he saw the detective up close, he was appalled.

  Never in all his years of battle, had he ever left his enemy like this. It was truly vile and horrifying.

  This was sadistic torture.

  “Jolie, we need to get him down and away from the cemetery. We’re out in the open here, and who knows if Genevieve has gone for reinforcements.”

  She knew he was right, but it pained her to move the man. He was going to suffer from any motion.

  “Okay, let’s go,” she said, helping Jacques lift Brogan’s bound hands from the neck of the statue, as they lowered him to the ground.

  “He’s really bad,” said Jolie, touching his damaged cheek. “He won’t heal from this. She’s ruined him beyond human capabilities.”

  Jacques was well aware, but first they needed to ensure they both lived in order to save their human. “Once we get him home, he’ll need blood. We’ll wake him there and find out who did this to him.”

  “I’m going to kill the family member who betrayed us,” said Jolie, fangs out as anger poured through her over the abuse her love had suffered.

  “Oui, we will. I’m not thrilled about this either. I care about Flynn too,” he said, lifting his wounded friend and mate into his arms. “Let’s hurry.”

  Once they arrived at the car, Jolie climbed in the back and cradled Flynn between her legs. While he leaned against her body, she let energy seep into him, trying to keep him alive. When he didn't respond, she became nervous.

  Reaching for him, she hoped he’d answer. Right now, she needed the reassurance.

  “Flynn, can you hear me?”

  Still there was nothing.

  “I’m so scared, Flynn. Please don’t leave me. If I lose you, I’ll never be the same again.”

  Her pleading worked in luring him back to her.

  “I’m h-here. Just s-so t-tired,” he replied with slurred speech.

  “I need to give you blood, Flynn. Can you take it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Jolie reached into her boot and pulled out a silver dagger. Carefully, she sliced a knick in her wrist and held it gently to Brogan’s lips.

  “Please swallow for me, my love.”

  He didn’t move and Jolie became alarmed. Suddenly, the muscles in his throat began working, and he swallowed the blood that was pooling into his mouth.

  “That’s it, Flynn, drink.”

  “Shouldn’t this repulse me?”

  “It won’t past today. Now, we’ve been forced to tie you tighter to us. This feeding will make you crave it. I am sorry, Flynn.”

  “Oh.” He kept swallowing until Jolie pulled her wrist away.

  “When we get home, I’ll feed you more. I need you to promise that you’ll stay with me, Flynn.”

  When he tried to nod his head, Jolie glanced up at her other mate in the rearview mirror. His eyes were filled with concern for both her and the human leaning against her body.

  True, they couldn’t make him a vampyre, but they could make his life increasingly difficult. Blood lust wasn’t a good side effect for a human, especially if he went too long between feedings.

  Damn Genevieve!

  Jolie’s hand was forced, and she had just taken more of Brogan’s humanity from him. He would now be as close to what they were, as a human could get.

  “It’ll be okay, Jolie,” Jacques reassured, flinching when he tried to move his arm.

  Jolie sensed his discomfort and placed her fingers on his shoulder to send energy into his body.

  The delicious warmth filled him, replenishing his supply.

  “Merci, mon amour,” he said, patting her hand. “Save your energy for our Flynn. He’s going to need it when we arrive home.”

  Jolie knew he was absolutely right. Immediately, she reached for Chloe, knowing she’d need her and Mina to donate. Sending out a message to Balzac, she ordered the family to the library to wait for her there.

  When her mate began shaking in her arms from shock, she begged him to stay with her. “Hold on, Flynn! We’re home,” she said, as the house came into sight.

  “Good. I’ve had a rough day, baby.”

  Jolie leaned down and brushed her lips over Brogan’s, offering her mate some peace. With it, she pumped some energy into his weakening body.

  “You can rest for as long as you need. Just don’t leave us. You promised me more time and memories, Flynn, and I can’t give that up. You made me fall in love with you, and now you have to stay.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby,” he whispered into her mind.

  “He’s stubborn, mon amour. Our Flynn will be up and about, trying to tickle you before we know it,” answered Jacques, trying to calm them both.

  They heard Brogan’s laughter through their heads. “Yeah, I could use a little revenge right about now. Then again, it hurts to breathe, so I may never have sex again.”

  Jolie ran her fingers over his marred flesh. “Oh, you’ll be back before you know it, my love. I promise.”

  “I hope…” There was so much emotion in his voice.

  Jolie wanted to weep. “Behave and think positive, Flynn. If you stay with us, I’ll let you hold me down and tickle me all you want.”

  “I hope you heard her promise that, Jacques.”

  “I heard her, mon ami. She’s screwed now, since we’ll use this to our advantage when you’re well.” replied Jacques in return.

  He pulled into the garage and turned in his seat. “We’ll take him up the back stairs.”

  Jolie understood why. First, he was a horrifying mess, and second because the betrayer was somewhere in the house, and he was still an easy target.

  Getting out, Jacques gently lifted Brogan in his arms. “Hang on, Flynn,” he said, when the man moaned in pain.

  Jolie hurried ahead of them to make sure their donors were ready. Saving Flynn was going to take a lot of energy.

  Once in the room, both women rushed to Jacques to help with the prone man. The look on both of their faces said it all, and Jolie was glad that Flynn couldn’t open his eyes.

  He’d be crushed.

  “Will he live?” asked Mina.

  Jolie hoped he would.

  “I’m sorry, Mistress. I should have watched him better. Please don’t hate me and send me away,” added Chloe.

  She didn't blame anyone but the animal who had betrayed them. “Did you conspire to have him taken?” Jolie asked calmly.

  “No, I would never do that, Mistress! Master Flynn is a good man, and we love him.”

  Jolie patted her cheek. “Then, you have no reason to apologize. I need to feed, so I can help him heal,” she said, watching Jacques lay their mate on the bed.

  Immediately, Mina was at his side ready to donate.

  Jolie focused on Chloe, tipping her head to the side. Once she could reach her throat, she sunk her fangs delicately into her neck. When she glanced up, Jacques was mimicking her exact actions, and their eyes met.

  So much passed between them.

  There was sorrow for what they both allowed to happen, and then the anger brewed because someone had to die. There was nothing worse than having a betrayer in your midst.

  Jolie released her donor. “Thank you, but now I need a favor.”

  “Yes, Mistress, what is it?” Chloe asked, stepping back before linking arms with Mina.

  Jacques took over, knowing what she was thinking. “We need you both to be safe. Please go to Mambo’s room. We want you to remain there until I can come or call for you. Don’t leave with anyone but Jolie or myself. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, Master,” they both replied, bowing before heading out.

  Chloe paused, glancing up at them before she closed the door. “Please tell him that I’m sorry he was hurt,” she said, her eyes flickering toward the moaning man on the bed.

  “He knows, Chloe. Go and be safe. We
have lots of work to do,” Jolie said, sending them on their way.

  The click of the locks sounded, and Jolie headed toward her wounded mate. As they approached in the light of the room, the garish wounds were even more pronounced. Jolie was forced to turn and bury her face in Jacques’s shoulder.

  It was weak.

  It was pathetic.

  But her heart was breaking.

  Jacques soothed her as best he could. When she finally looked up into his eyes, gone was the revulsion and in its place was anger.

  “I’m going to kill her,” she vowed. “Genevieve spilled his blood, and I’ll have hers on my boots before it’s over.”

  “I know, mon amour, and after what she did to him, I’ll gladly help you.”

  Brogan moaned, drawing their attention.

  Jolie went to him, knowing the worst was to come. They somehow had to undress him and not further injure him.

  “Okay, handsome. This may sting a little, but hang in there, okay?” she whispered, leaving a few kisses across his split, bleeding lips.

  He barely moved in acknowledgment.

  Jolie knelt beside him and started by undoing the buttons on his jeans. He was missing his socks and boots. Already, she could see the streaks of blood running down his feet.

  The rage filled her.

  When Jacques’s hand touched her arm, some of that anger drained away. His reassuring words gave her strength to go on. “For now, let’s help him. We can deal with our betrayer and Genevieve when he’s healing.”

  “Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry. I just hate seeing him like this.”

  Jacques took their mate’s hand in his, knowing what was coming. It was now his job to dull the pain, as much as possible.

  “Baby, this is going to hurt,” she warned Brogan before delicately sliding his jeans down his legs.

  His body bowed as flesh was peeled away from bloody material. When he howled in pain like a wounded animal, both vampyres struggled.

  Jolie’s eyes filled with tears.

  Jacques’s with blood.

  “Oh, God,” she murmured, once the jeans were down his body. There were viciously deep puncture wounds in his thighs. There was no doubt what Genevieve had planned.

  This was the sickest crime of all.

  “She tried to pierce his femoral artery.”


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