Play the Game

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Play the Game Page 1

by Nova Weetman


  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Edie TAKES the role of JULIET in the school play

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Edie JOINS the state netboll team

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Edie tries to REJOIN the state netboll team

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Edie ACCEPTS the role of nurse

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Edie GOES to the DANCE with Finn

  Chapter Six

  Edie GOES to the EXTRA training session

  Chapter Six

  Edie STICKS to playing the nurse

  Chapter Eight

  Edie TAKES the lead role of Juliet

  Chapter Eight

  Edie STAYS in the state netball team

  Chapter Seven

  Edie QUITS the state netball team

  Chapter Seven

  Edie Plays HARD like her coach told her to

  Chapter Seven

  Edie REFUSES to target her opponent

  Chapter Seven

  Copyright Page

  ‘Tess, you’re breaking my fingers!’ I yelped, half laughing as I wrestled my bestie’s hand off mine.

  ‘Sorry,’ Tess said. ‘I’m just so nervous. Aren’t you?’

  I hadn’t been, but as we walked up the steps into the State Netball Centre, I began to feel a little bit edgy. I’d been here before, but only to watch, never to play. Suddenly all the big glass cabinets filled with trophies seemed intimidating, instead of inspiring. Everywhere I turned, I saw posters of the national netball team. Tess and I had spent hours discussing our favourite players. And now we were here. Where those players trained. Yep, the nerves were starting to kick in.

  ‘Um, maybe just a bit …’ I said, pulling a silly face, which made Tess smile.

  ‘I wasn’t expecting this many people,’ she said, looking around at the crowd. ‘I think I imagined just a small try-out, like the ones we have for the Sapphires.’

  The Sapphires were our team. Tess and I had started playing with them when we were seven. Whenever we needed to recruit a new player, we’d have a brief practice session, just to make sure they’d fit in.

  But this was anything but small. There was a queue of girls waiting to get their name marked off. Now it was my turn to grab Tess’s hand.

  ‘What if we get split up, Edie?’ whispered Tess.

  ‘They wouldn’t separate us, would they?’ I asked, horrified at the thought. Tess and I always played netball together.

  The girl in front of us spun around and said knowingly, ‘They usually pair you up with someone from your local team.’

  Tess looked worried. ‘I hope I’m with you, Edie.’

  ‘Me too,’ I said. Trying not to think about the idea of being separated from Tess, I quickly changed the subject.

  ‘Have you tried out before?’ I asked the girl.

  She sighed. ‘Only like three times.’

  Three times. I didn’t want to have to try out three times. It was like the girl was reading my mind.

  She laughed and said, ‘If I don’t get picked today, that’s it – I’m taking up basketball instead!’

  The girl stepped forward to have her name marked off.

  Tess glanced around the room, then nudged me. ‘Isn’t that Tegan Caldwell?’ she whispered.

  I looked over to where Tess was pointing and saw the Vixens’ star shooter. She looked even taller off the court than on. Seeing her made me feel even more nervous. Watching the Vixens play so often was what had led us to state tryouts.

  ‘She’s amazing,’ said Tess, still staring at her.

  ‘So are you! In fact, you’re just like her. You hardly ever miss a goal. And you train harder than anyone I know.’ I gave my bestie a hug.

  We’d had this conversation many times, but no matter what I said, I knew Tess doubted herself.

  ‘Name?’ said the woman behind the desk. Tess had to nudge me before I realised she was talking to me.

  ‘Oh, um, Edie Thomas,’ I croaked.

  ‘Court four,’ she said, ruling a line through my name. ‘Downstairs.’

  I hovered near Tess, waiting to hear what court she’d be playing on. My fingers were crossed hard that we’d be together. When I heard the woman say court four, I grinned, relieved.

  ‘Yay!’ said Tess with a big smile, looking more like the usual Tess than she had all morning.

  We wove through the crowd, heading for court four. There were girls stretching and warming up everywhere we looked. I stood there, wondering what to do. A woman came towards us with a clipboard and a big, friendly smile, and I relaxed slightly.

  ‘I’m Marilyn. I’m coordinating the under-15s.’

  ‘Oh, hi. I’m Edie and this is Tess,’ I said.

  The woman scanned her lists. ‘Great. Tess, you’ll be playing Goal Shooter,’ she said. ‘And you’ll be Goal Attack,’ she told me.

  Tess and I grinned at each other. She looked as relieved as I felt. We’d be playing our usual positions. That would make it so much easier to show what we could do.

  ‘We’re starting in ten, so you’d better get warmed up,’ said Marilyn as she finished with us and went to greet the next bunch of girls who’d arrived.

  Tess and I dumped our bags on the side of the court and started running a warm-up lap. I looked around at the other players. We were all here for the same thing, but only a few of us would be lucky enough to make the team. I just hoped that Tess and I would both be chosen.

  We finished warming up and joined our team. They were putting on their bibs and unzipping their tracksuits, getting ready to play.

  ‘Wow, Edie, they’re so tall!’ Tess whispered. She wasn’t kidding. I’d always thought Tess and I were pretty tall, but these girls made me feel tiny.

  ‘I’m just glad they’re on our team,’ I said. ‘I wouldn’t want to be playing against them.’

  They were huddled together when Tess and I walked up – they obviously knew each other. As Tess grabbed our bibs, the girls broke apart. Tess smiled and introduced us both. I was glad she was taking control. My stomach was overrun with butterflies, and I didn’t quite trust myself to speak.

  The girl playing Centre smiled. ‘I’m Tilly. This is Teisha, Ruby and Lily,’ she said, waving her hand at the other girls. Before I could memorise their names, a girl wearing a Wing Attack bib joined us.

  ‘Tess! I was hoping you’d be here,’ she said, hugging Tess hard.

  I watched them, biting my lip. I had no idea who she was, but Tess obviously knew her.

  Tess grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. ‘Edie, this is Maggie. Remember, I told you about her?’

  Maggie. The girl Tess had met last year at netball camp. Mum had picked that week for a rare family holiday, so I hadn’t been able to go. Tess hadn’t stopped talking about it for weeks afterward. I was glad she’d had a great time, but it had been hard hearing about Maggie and the fun they’d had together.

  I shook off the thought and smiled. ‘Hi, Maggie. I’m Edie.’

  ‘I know. Tess talked about you nonstop,’ she said with a warm smile.

  Maggie seemed really friendly, and I could see why Tess liked her. But before we could talk any more, I realised the other team was taking their positions on the court.

  ‘This is it,’ said Tess, giving my hand a squeeze.

  I sussed out the girl I was playing against. ‘Argh, check
out the Goal Defence,’ I whispered. If the other girls were tall, then she was a giant!

  Tess shrugged. ‘One word – Serpents,’ she said, grinning as she headed for the goal circle.

  Lining up against the GD I smiled to myself. We’d played against the Serpents in our grand final last year. Their GD was just about the tallest person I’d ever seen. I couldn’t get the ball past her. We were getting thrashed until I realised she always looked over her left shoulder. So I’d started playing in her blind spot – and shot 19 goals.

  Within seconds of the whistle blowing, I forgot my nerves. Tess and I pulled out all our special plays. We ran. We dodged. We bounce-passed into the goal circle. Tess had already shot six goals by the end of the first quarter. But our teams were pretty evenly matched, and at halftime it was equal, ten-all.

  Normally at half-time we’d be huddled together with the rest of the Sapphires, listening to our coach, but today everyone was out for themselves. I was just glad I had Tess with me. I walked towards her, trying to catch my breath.

  ‘That court is so fast,’ said Tess, still puffing.

  I couldn’t speak yet. I was too busy drinking all Tess’s water – I’d forgotten to fill up my drink bottle.

  ‘Nice work, you two,’ said Maggie joining us. ‘Tess was right about you, Edie. You’re a total natural!’

  ‘Thanks,’ I said quietly. I was pleased that Tess had told Maggie so much about me, but I didn’t love it when Tess called me a natural. It made me feel like she didn’t think I had to try. Okay, sure, she practiced harder than I did – but that didn’t mean I wasn’t working hard. She was just a bit more hardcore than me!

  ‘Have you guys spotted the selectors?’ asked Tess, looking around.

  ‘Don’t think about them. Just play your game. You’re doing really well,’ said Maggie.

  I stared down at the line of the court under my feet. Normally I’d be the one trying to reassure Tess. And while Maggie seemed super nice, I just wanted a few minutes alone with Tess to talk through the game. This was what we always did at half-time. We revved each other up. But now Maggie was doing it instead of me.

  Then I thought about how hard we’d worked to get here – all the times we’d practiced together – and realised how silly I was being. We were at the most important tryouts of our lives!

  I looked up and caught Tess’s eye. ‘Maggie’s right. You don’t have time to think today. Just focus on winning!’

  Tess grinned at me. ‘Killer Edie. I like it. I saw you elbowing your player out there.’

  ‘Who, me? Never.’

  ‘You know, if we do get in, we’ll be training here. Right next to the Vixens!’ said Maggie.

  ‘Don’t get too far ahead of yourself,’ I said.

  Tess rolled her eyes at me. ‘Edie always drags me back to earth!’

  Huh. I’d always thought Tess liked that about me. I shrugged it off.

  ‘Come on then, let’s go and get selected!’ I said, pulling Tess back onto the court.

  ‘Yeah!’ said Tess, storming towards our goal.

  The players other team had switched their positions around. As I clocked the size of their new GD, my resolve faltered. Tess was staring at her too, and if I hadn’t been so completely terrified, I would have laughed at the horrified look Tess shot me. This girl was beyond giant.

  Within minutes, I knew I was in trouble. She was everywhere. By three-quarter time, I’d lost the ball to her so many times, the selectors were bound to have crossed my name off the list. I knew I had to do something to get back in the game – and fast.

  I remembered a play our Sapphires coach had taught us. It was a double-back move from the centre pass. As the umpire blew the whistle, I faked a turn to the right and ran left. I called for the ball, passed it off fast to Maggie and then ran, dodging girls on both teams, and losing the GD. I made it to the goal circle, where Tess was trapped behind the Keeper. Maggie lobbed the ball to me and I grabbed it, just as the GD made it into the circle. Her long arm was outstretched, defending me, and there was no way I could shoot through it. Hoping Tess could read my mind, I bounced a fast one to her, stepped in, and waited for her to bounce-pass back. But she was stuck behind the play. She gave me a look and I knew exactly what it meant. It was so risky. But we had to try it.

  Tess faked throwing it up to confuse the two defenders, then quickly rolled a really short ball to me. I grabbed it, but by the time I was ready to shoot the GD was back in front. I knew the game was almost over – we had to get a goal now.

  I had only one choice.

  I took a huge step back, balanced on my left foot, dodged the outstretched hand of the defender and shot. I could hear the cheers of my teammates as the ball hit the lip of the goal ring and teetered on the edge. I waited. Please, please, please, I chanted to myself. And then, just as the siren sounded for the end of the game, the ball rolled slowly off the ring and dropped through.

  I couldn’t believe it. That crazy play had just won us the game!

  ‘We won!’ screamed Tess, running forward and almost knocking me to the ground.

  I hugged her back. ‘Only just,’ I said, my heart still racing.

  ‘Doesn’t matter. That was awesome!’ Tess looked even happier than when Josh had asked her to go to the school dance.

  ‘Nice pass, by the way,’ I said.

  My bestie grinned. ‘Not as nice as your shooting!’

  I shrugged, pretending it was easy. But I knew how lucky I’d been. The last time I’d tried to shoot a goal like that, I’d missed and we’d almost lost our chance at the finals.

  ‘Great goal, Edie,’ said Maggie, jogging over.

  ‘Nice game,’ I said, meaning it.

  ‘Thanks. Tess, you must have been practicing hard. You didn’t miss a shot!’ said Maggie.

  ‘Yep, I have been. Do you think you could tell my science teacher that’s why I didn’t do so well on my last exam?’ said Tess.

  We all laughed, but I couldn’t help wondering if it bugged Tess that I hadn’t practiced as much as she did.

  ‘Let’s just hope we get in,’ said Maggie.

  She was right. Sure, we’d won, but this wasn’t about beating the other team – it was about being good enough to be chosen.

  ‘Maggie, you coming?’ called Tilly from the edge of the court.

  Maggie smiled at Tess. ‘I have to go – Tilly’s my ride. But let’s catch up soon, okay?’

  ‘Yes, totes!’ said Tess, giving Maggie a big hug.

  ‘Nice to meet you, Edie,’ called Maggie as she jogged off to catch up with the other girls, leaving Tess and me red-faced and exhausted by the edge of the court.

  ‘She’s great, right?’ said Tess.

  ‘Yeah,’ I said.

  ‘It would be amazing if we could be on a team together!’

  ‘We already are,’ I said, sounding a bit short.

  ‘I meant all of us. Maggie too. It’d be fun,’ she said, linking her arm through mine.

  I wondered why I was being so grumpy. Tess was my best friend. Nothing was going to change that. And besides, Maggie was really nice.

  I gave Tess a hug. ‘You know what? We smashed it out there. They’d be crazy not to pick us!’

  Tess mustered a smile. ‘Yeah, and even if they don’t, we’ve still got the Sapphires!’

  But I knew Tess didn’t mean it. As much as we loved playing with our team, state netball had been our dream for a long time. We knew we were ready.

  ‘When do you think we’ll find out?’ said Tess, grabbing her bag.

  I handed her a jelly snake. We always ate red snakes after a game. ‘I don’t know. Soon, I hope. I hate waiting!’

  ‘Edie, what if we don’t get in?’

  ‘We try again next
year, I guess.’ But even as I said it, I wondered if I’d be up for trying out year after year. I thought of the girl we’d met in the queue earlier. Four years in a row. I wasn’t sure I could handle that.

  Tess frowned and then bit the head off the snake. ‘What if I don’t get in?’

  I groaned silently. So far, I’d managed to avoid having this conversation with Tess. But there was no way I could dodge it now. I still didn’t know what to say, though. I wasn’t sure I’d want to play state netball if Tess wasn’t playing, too. It was our dream. Together.

  Tess grabbed my arm and said quietly,‘If I don’t get in, and you do, you have to promise me that you’ll play.’

  I knew why she was saying it. A couple of years ago we’d tried out for a regional team. I’d been picked, but Tess hadn’t, and I’d decided I didn’t want to play without her. She’d been furious with me. That was one of the things I loved about Tess. She wasn’t the jealous type. Sure, she wanted us both to make it to state, but if she didn’t, she’d still be happy for me.

  I smiled, and held out another red snake. ‘And what if you get picked, but I don’t? Let’s worry about it later. Come on, we should go,’ I said, leading her towards the door.

  She spun around and looked longingly back at the courts. ‘Fingers crossed, Edie. This could be our home soon.’

  ‘They won’t actually let you sleep here, you know,’ I said lightly, trying to break her mood.

  She laughed. ‘Hey, speaking of home, are you coming over? Mum promised chocolate cake if we won,’ said Tess.

  ‘That chocolate cake with the gooey centre?’ I said, remembering the last time her mum had made it.

  ‘Yep, that’s the one.’

  Tess’s mum’s cakes were always worth changing plans for. But I had to pass this time.

  ‘I can’t. It’s my cousin’s birthday. We’re having a big family lunch,’ I said, wishing I could go to Tess’s instead.

  ‘I’ll save you some. Come over tomorrow?’ suggested Tess.

  ‘Perfect. You have to keep me super busy until Monday,’ I said. ‘I think Kerry’s going to announce the parts for the play.’


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