Still Alive

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Still Alive Page 25

by Jessi Newborn

  Chapter 1 - Masquerade

  Adrian looked at her watch for the third time in five minutes, hoping Harmony wasn’t going to leave her to the wolves. The karaoke bar was nearing full capacity as the second day of the Aria competition was about to begin. Harmony had contacted her for the first time after three years of almost complete silence and told her all of the karaoke bars would be having a week dedicated to Aria’s music. The entire road had been shut down in front of the bar and a large LCD billboard projecting the stage was on display above the building. Adrian wasn’t sure Harmony hadn’t finally lost her mind from grief when she purchased permits from the city to have several blocks cordoned off and hired a small army of security guards to manage traffic and police the event. Karaoke was popular in Seattle, but seriously? Even a week dedicated to singing her daughter’s songs wasn’t going to be enough to draw that many people.

  “Everything ready?” Harmony’s voice asked from right behind her.

  With a small squeak of surprise, Adrian turned around and found Harmony watching her with a small smile. Yep, she’s lost it.

  “Yeah, it’s ready,” Adrian nodded carefully. She always felt uncomfortable around people who seemed mentally unstable.

  “Okay, just a small change of plans,” Harmony told her with the same small smile, like there was a joke that only she knew about.

  “A change of plans now?” Adrian asked in dismay.

  “Let everyone know that there will only be one group performing tonight,” Harmony instructed her firmly. “No buts!”

  She must have seen the objection in Adrian’s eyes. God, what a nightmare. This crowd is going to murder me.

  “Fine,” Adrian sighed resignedly. “Who’s playing?”

  “A special guest,” Harmony replied, that crazy smile returning. “Everyone will recognize her when she starts singing.”

  Adrian scowled as she made her way to the stage. So much for a full house. The majority of the crowd would probably leave within five minutes of the announcement. They didn’t come to just watch someone else sing; they came to participate. That’s why it was a karaoke bar…duh.

  “Can I have your attention everyone?” Adrian spoke into the mic tentatively.

  All eyes turned to her as the room quieted. She had to swallow before continuing.

  “Tonight is going to be hosted by a single group of singers for the evening,” Adrian said nervously. She could feel sweat beading on her brow.

  It took a moment for what she was saying to penetrate as the crowd stared at her uncertainly. They slowly realized the implications of her words. The sound of angry muttering grew steadily louder as more people discovered they wouldn’t get a chance on the stage tonight. Before they could begin questioning her further, she made a beeline off of the stage and over to the back of the room where Harmony was standing.

  “They’re going to riot, you know,” Adrian told Harmony with a shake of her head.

  “Let’s give them a distraction then,” Harmony replied with a sparkle in her dark eyes.

  Harmony pulled on a feathered mask and walked toward the stage. Four other women in feathered masks joined her from the crowd as she climbed onto the stage.

  “This is bullshit,” Adrian heard a woman in front of her complain. “I’m out of here.”

  “Screw this,” the person next to the woman growled as she turned to follow the first woman. “I want a damn refund.”

  It was a mass exodus as the majority of the crowd began moving toward the exit. As the crowd slowly pushed through the double-doors, Harmony and her group of masked women began playing a variety of acoustical instruments that had been set up on the stage earlier in the day. A few people in the crowd paused to watch them curiously as the unique composition captured their interest.

  Adrian was impressed. She knew Harmony had been an amazing musician before her daughter’s attack. The mixture of bongos, violin, recorder, guitar and piano was mesmerizing, with a subtle intensity that struck a chord inside of her.

  Then the small dark-haired girl in the center of the stage began singing and it was like time suddenly stood still as the crowd froze. Everyone knew that voice. Adrian had to remind herself to breathe as she stared in shock at the small girl on the stage. It can’t be Aria! She’s in a coma!

  But there was no mistaking that voice. It couldn’t be imitated. There was something so pure and powerful in her voice that nobody could hope to match it. Adrian realized she was shivering, even though the room was uncomfortably warm with all of the heat from hundreds of people in such a small area.

  It took her a moment to realize that words were appearing on the screen; words in English. Even though the melody line was completely familiar, it had never been sung in a language anyone on this planet understood. The accompaniment brought a depth to the well known melody that further enhanced its unearthly beauty as the other four masked women joined her voice with their own.

  The crowd stood riveted, unable to move until the first song completed. As the final notes ended, the crowd surged back into the room with a roar as they realized the most revered person on earth was right in front of them. The cheering was so loud that Adrian had to cover her ears. The glasses on the bar trembled at the deafening sound as a wall of pure emotion poured out of every person’s throat.

  “My God, she’s back,” Adrian whispered as a tear slid down her cheek.


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