No Other Lover Will Do

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No Other Lover Will Do Page 22

by Hodges, Cheris

  “Did you get my phone?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said as she reached into her overnight bag and retrieved it. She handed it to Solomon. He turned the phone on and shook his head as he tried to read his messages with one hand.

  “This thing is not easy to work with one hand,” he said. “Forget it, I’m sure Richmond can handle everything and the press surrounding my shooting.”

  “I wonder if your shooting made news in Charlotte, because if it did—” Kandace wasn’t able to finish her statement before the door opened and Jade, Serena, and Alicia walked in.

  “Kandace, you’d better be glad you’re alive, otherwise I’d have to kill you,” Serena said.

  Jade rushed over to Kandace and hugged her tightly. “No more vacations alone for you,” she said when she released her friend. Alicia stood near the door shaking her head.

  “This would’ve never happened if you’d gone someplace tropical,” she said.

  “Well, hello to you all too,” Kandace said. “What are you guys doing here?”

  Serena rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. “Let’s see, some crazed murderer was stalking the resort where you were staying. No one knew where you were and we had no way of contacting you.”

  “What did you expect us to do?” Alicia asked.

  “Excuse me,” Solomon said. “I’m the one who got shot. But, I am feeling better, thanks.”

  Kandace turned to Solomon. “You have to excuse them, they lack manners.”

  “How did this all happen?” Serena asked Solomon. “Was this one of your many women stalking you?”

  “Serena!” Jade, Alicia, and Kandace shouted.

  She sucked her teeth. “What? I’m supposed to be nice because he’s in the hospital? He nearly got our best friend killed.”

  “It wasn’t his fault, Serena,” Kandace said. “He can’t be held responsible for what that nut did, and if it wasn’t for Solomon, I might be dead.”

  “What do you mean?” Jade asked.

  Kandace squeezed Solomon’s hand and looked down at him with a slight smile on her lips. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, despite the daggers Serena had been shooting at him with her intense glare.

  “That bullet was meant for me,” Kandace said. “Carmen was trying to kill me and Solomon jumped in front of the bullet.”

  Jade, Serena, and Alicia looked at him. “Wow,” Alicia said. “I’m shocked.”

  “Speechless,” Jade said.

  They all looked at Serena. “Okay, okay,” she said. “You did a good thing.” Serena pointed at Kandace. “But when were you going to let us know that you were all right?”

  “Who told me to leave my BlackBerry in Charlotte?” Kandace asked. “Who told me they didn’t want to hear from me for two weeks?”

  “Yeah, but this was a special case,” Jade said. “And by the way, James said he doesn’t appreciate his child’s godmother trying to get herself killed.”

  “Tell James I wasn’t trying,” Kandace said.

  “Well,” Jade said, looking at Solomon, “it better not happen again.”

  “Trust me,” Solomon said. “I’m not going to let anything happen to my woman.”

  Jade, Alicia, and Serena exchanged puzzled yet amused looks. “Your woman?” Alicia said through her giggles.

  Solomon stroked Kandace’s arm and smiled at her. Kandace returned his smile, but inside her mind was reeling. Post-traumatic stress. He didn’t mean that, she thought.

  “Then you shouldn’t have a problem getting your woman’s friends a room for the night,” Serena said. “We’re a package deal.”

  Solomon laughed, then looked at Serena and shook his head. If Danny was still alive, he’d fall head over heels for her. Then again, the woman seemed like she was more than a handful. “I’ll call the resort and get you ladies a suite.”

  “Why don’t you just put them in the dungeon so that they will leave tomorrow?” Kandace suggested.

  “Dungeon? What in the…” Jade said.

  “She’s joking,” Solomon said as he tugged at Kandace’s hand.

  After Solomon called the resort and made arrangements for Kandace’s friends, he thought they were going to leave, but the women stayed in the room and focused their questions on him.

  “I would lie to you and tell you that they’re not always like this, but they are,” Kandace said after her girls had peppered Solomon with questions about his womanizing headlines (Serena), his business acumen (Alicia), and his intentions with Kandace ( Jade).

  “Ladies,” Solomon said, “you should really get some rest in the suite I reserved for you.”

  “In other words, get out,” Kandace said.

  Jade looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes at Kandace. “James just sent a picture of Jaden,” she said, and flashed the phone at Kandace. Jaden was splashing in the baby tub and smiling.

  “He’s so cute,” Kandace said as she took the phone from Jade’s hand. “Are you sure you can spend the night away from him?”

  “First, you try to get us to leave the hospital, now you want us to leave town?” Jade joked. “We get the message.”

  “But I have more questions,” Serena said. “Solomon, did you date all of those women you were linked to or was it just an overactive PR department?”

  “That’s the past,” he said.

  “That was last week,” Serena said. “You know, I’m not as nice as these two.”

  “I figured that out,” he said flatly.

  “And,” Serena said, “I don’t want to see my friend hurt, so you better take care of her or I’ll take care of you.”

  Kandace looked at her friend in disbelief. “Did you just threaten him?” she asked.

  “She’s joking,” Alicia said as she grabbed Serena’s arm. “She’s hungry and tired. Ignore her. But, Solomon, I would love, love, love to have you speak at my seminar in two months. You think your shoulder will be healed by then?”

  “Get out, get out, get out,” Kandace exclaimed as she rose to her feet and pushed her friends out the door. “You guys are unbelievable.”

  “Bye, Kandace,” Jade said. “Solomon, we’ll talk.”

  He shot the ladies a thumbs-up signal but he saved his wide smile for the moment Kandace closed the door and returned to his bedside. “Wow,” he said.

  “Yeah, I guess I deserved that. We gave Jade’s husband a really hard time in Vegas when they first met.”

  “Come here,” he said. Kandace climbed into the bed with Solomon, careful to stay clear of his wounded shoulder. With his free hand, he stroked her cheek. “I like your friends. I see why you guys are so close. Are you sure you all aren’t sisters?”

  “Funny,” she said as she turned her head and kissed his hand.

  “I don’t get the feeling that Serena was joking,” he said. “She’s a tough one, huh?”

  “That’s what she wants us to think, but underneath all that is a softy that you wouldn’t believe.”

  “You’re right, I don’t believe it,” he said.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked as she placed her hand on his chest. “I know you’re going crazy in this bed.”

  “Right now, this bed feels pretty good,” he said with a smile.

  “Does it?”

  “And if I wasn’t hooked up to all of these monitors, I know how I could make it feel even better.”

  “Not so fast, tiger,” she said. “When your shoulder is better, I have something really special for you. But right now, you need to rest.”

  “So do you. That cot can’t be comfortable. Why don’t you go to the resort tonight and sleep in a real bed after you and your friends talk about me behind my back.”

  Kandace shook her head. It wasn’t that she didn’t need the rest or the chance to sleep in one of the plush beds at Carolina Serenity, but every time she walked in to the resort, the night of the shooting re-played in her mind. She wasn’t going to rest there because she’d see Carmen’s face and think she wa
s hiding in every shadow.

  “I’m just fine right here,” Kandace said.

  Solomon rubbed her shoulder. “You’re not going back there, are you?”

  She shook her head. “How can I? Solomon, you could’ve died, I could’ve died. Seeing all of that blood…” Kandace said as she shivered.

  He held her as tightly as he could with one arm. “Baby, I wish I could take that fear away from you. This should’ve never happened, but we made a lot of good memories there.”

  She closed her eyes and thought about all of the things they’d done, the places where they made love and played in the snow. But as she thought about the good things, Carmen’s face haunted her and sent chills down her spine.

  “Have you heard about Carmen?” she asked.

  “No. I’d imagine that she’s in custody. I’m sure the cops will come by to talk to me since I’m off the high-powered pain medication,” Solomon said.

  “What can you tell them? I think the officers who shot her saw that she was unstable and if they’d had better aim, this would all be over,” Kandace said angrily.

  “Calm down, babe,” he said. “Carmen or Chelsea will not bother us again. She’s facing murder charges in two states. We’re going to be fine.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Solomon kissed her on the cheek. “I’m always right. I knew I’d get you and look at us now.”

  She pinched his cheek. “You had no idea,” she said. “Actually, you should thank Serena for this.”

  “Serena? And how do I owe her a debt of thanks?” Solomon asked.

  “Because I was going to ignore you for the rest of my vacation, but Serena said I should give you a chance. And I was just as surprised as you look right now,” she said with a laugh when she saw the expression on his face.

  “I’m surprised she didn’t tell you to go to another resort,” he said.

  “That’s why I called her, hoping that she would,” Kandace quipped.

  Solomon rolled his eyes. “You would’ve been back.”

  “You’re pretty confident about that, huh?” she asked. “I don’t think I would have.”

  “Sure you would’ve stayed away,” Solomon said. “I knew you wanted me the moment you saw me.”

  “You’re lucky you’re lying here with a hole in your shoulder. Otherwise, I’d have to hurt you for being such a jerk. You came on way too strong at first.”

  Solomon smiled. “But it worked.”

  “No, it was the massage that got me,” she said.

  “Then I know what I have to do from now on to keep you,” he said.

  Kandace raised her eyebrow. “Keep me?”

  “That’s right. You’re mine. I haven’t felt this way about a woman in forever and I don’t want to lose this feeling. Kandace, I’m falling in love with you.”

  “Solomon,” she said softly.

  “Listen, if you don’t feel the same way, I understand, but I’m going to make you fall in love with me every day of your life.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” she asked. “Because if I fall in love with you, I’m going to want forever. I play for keeps.”

  “I’m a keeper,” he said. “But you already know that.”

  Kandace laughed. “I guess you’re right about that,” she said, then leaned her head on his uninjured shoulder. “You are a keeper.”


  When Solomon drifted off to sleep, Kandace slipped out of his bed and grabbed his BlackBerry to call her friends.

  “Hello?” Jade said when she picked up her phone.

  “Put me on speaker,” Kandace said.

  “I was wondering who this was,” Jade said. “Hold on.”

  “What are you doing to that man?” Alicia asked when Jade put the phone on speaker.

  “He’s sleeping. You women are crazy,” Kandace said. “Especially Serena.”

  “I’m here and I can hear you. Sue me for looking out for you,” Serena said. “This guy has quite the tabloid reputation.”

  “And if you were rich, so would you,” Kandace said.

  “Not anymore,” Alicia said. “Serena is a changed woman.”

  “Shut up, Alicia,” Serena barked. “We’re not talking about me, we’re talking about Kandace.”

  “So, who was this psycho woman?” Jade asked.

  “More importantly, where is she now?” Serena asked.

  Kandace sighed and replied, “She’s in a secure wing of the hospital. Too bad she’s not in the morgue.”

  “That’s harsh,” Jade said.

  “Well, what do you expect?” Alicia asked. “She tried to kill her.”

  “Yeah, because of Solomon,” Serena said. “How could he not know she was obsessed with him? Men can’t be that damned dense.”

  “Are we still talking about Solomon? Because if we are, she was really good about hiding who she was,” Kandace said. “She had plastic surgery and took the identity of a dead woman.”

  “This is like a bad Lifetime movie,” Alicia said. “But did he say anything about my seminar?”

  “What is it with you and this seminar?” Kandace asked.

  “Nothing,” Alicia said quickly.

  “She’s trying to prove a point,” Jade said.

  “To who?” Kandace asked.

  “Look,” Serena said, “are you serious about Solomon Crawford?”

  “Maybe he’s serious about me,” Kandace replied.

  “Aww, hell,” Serena and Alicia shouted in concert.

  “Guys, I think it’s sweet,” Jade said. “Maybe you two ought to go on vacation. Then, Serena, you can stop obsessing over Antonio. And, Alicia, you can get a life and stop trying to prove how successful you are to the man who broke your heart in high school.”

  “Okay, what has been going on since I left?” Kandace asked.

  “Nothing,” Serena said.

  “Jade is just being dramatic as usual,” Alicia said.

  “Well, I’ll deal with you guys when I get back to town,” Kandace said.

  “Are you going to come over here tonight?” Jade asked.

  “Umm, no. I’m going to stay with Solomon,” Kandace said, not wanting to tell her friends why she didn’t want to go back to Carolina Serenity. That place was anything but serene to her now.

  “So, you’re going to sleep in that hospital room when we have this lovely suite? It’s even named,” Alicia said. “What’s the name of it?”

  “The Wonderland Suite,” Jade said.

  “That’s okay,” Kandace said.

  “Did something happen here?” Serena asked.

  “Ah, not really. That was just the suite I was staying in when I first arrived.”

  “Oh, because if this was where the shooting happened, we were going to have to move,” Alicia said. Kandace could almost see the disgusted look on her friend’s face.

  “All right, I have to go before the nurses put me out for talking on the cell phone.”

  “Kandace,” Jade said, “we’re really glad you’re all right.”

  “Yeah,” Serena said. “That was pretty scary hearing about the shooting here and not knowing if you were safe.”

  “Okay, guys, no need to get mushy,” Kandace said. “I’m going back in to Solomon. But I’ll come by for breakfast in the morning.”

  “See you then,” Alicia said. Kandace ended the call and hugged herself tightly. She was so glad to have her friends around.

  Carmen didn’t know what time it was, but she could tell that most of the hospital staff was gone from the wing she was in. If she could break free of the handcuffs, she would get out of the hospital and find Solomon. She would make him pay for what he did to her. Then she would go after that bitch. Kandace stole Solomon’s love from her and she was going to take him from her.

  She closed her eyes as the door to her room opened. The nurse walked over to her and checked her vital signs.

  “Help me,” Carmen whispered to the nurse.

  “What?” the woman as

  “My hands hurt so badly,” she said. “Can you take the cuffs off?”

  “I can’t,” the nurse said. “You’re in police custody.”

  “But I’m in pain,” Carmen whined.

  The nurse pulled her hand from Carmen’s and nodded. “I’ll talk to the police officer,” she said.

  “Thank you,” Carmen replied. I wish I knew the police were outside the door. Even if that dumb nurse takes these cuffs off, how am I going to get out of here?

  Moments later, the nurse and an overweight police officer walked into the room. “We can take the cuffs off for five minutes,” the officer said through a yawn. “But don’t try anything. I’m going to be right outside the door.”

  Carmen rolled her eyes. Her back ached from the bullet wounds and her shoulder throbbed from the surgery, so she played up the pain hoping the officer and the nurse would buy it.

  The officer unlocked the handcuffs and walked out of the room. It was a move that shocked the nurse and Carmen. “Officer,” the nurse called as she quickly followed him out of the room. Carmen swung her legs over the side of the bed and realized that escaping out of the room wasn’t going to be easy. She was hooked up to a blood pressure machine, a heart monitor, and an IV. Removing any of the equipment would set off alarms that would send everyone in to her room before she had a chance to do anything. Damn it. How am I going to get out of here? she thought as she looked at the maze of wires and tubes.

  “Time’s up,” the officer said when he returned to the room.

  “Five minutes couldn’t have gone by that fast,” Carmen said.

  “No, but I just got a look at your charges. You’re not going to be uncuffed again,” he said. “Lie down.”

  Carmen did what he said. As he stood beside her to recuff her to the bed, her eyes were drawn to his service revolver. With her free hand, Carmen knew she could grab the gun and shoot her way out of the hospital. But she didn’t chance it. Instead, she allowed herself to be chained to the bed like an animal.

  In time, I’ll make them all pay, she thought bitterly as the officer walked out of the room.

  The next morning, Kandace left Solomon’s hospital room while he was being examined by the doctor. Jade met her at the hospital to take her to the resort.


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