A Mars Odyssey

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A Mars Odyssey Page 12

by Michel Poulin

  ‘’Descending from orbit and touching down only eleven kilometers from our target zone: I would rate that as not shabby at all, wouldn’t you say, guys?’’

  ‘’I have seen worse.’’ replied Peter Walsingham, a malicious grin on his face, making Denise’s eyes open wide.

  ‘’Seen worse? That’s it! No chocolate for you for dessert tonight!’’

  ‘’While you discuss your respective piloting performances, could I take the commands and drive us to our designated base area?’’ asked Steven Merrick, a 42 year old Australian who had driven for years through the deserts and hills of the Australian Outback and who was one of their two designated rover drivers and mechanics. Denise gave him a warm smile in response.

  ‘’Be my guest, Steve. Just don’t get a speeding ticket.’’

  ‘’HA! Back in the Outback, the fuzz were never able to catch me while I was carrying contraband alcohol.’’

  Merrick then switched on the geared electric motors integrated into the twelve large wheels supporting the manned lander and started it rolling towards the lava tube openings and four cargo landers visible at the foot of the northern cliffs. The ground being relatively flat, he was able to make an average speed of twenty kilometers per hour while keeping the ride smooth.

  As the manned lander was less than a kilometer from the northern wall of the Melas Chasma, Jason Terlecki, the mining engineer charged with building the future base of the mission, seemed to notice something and looked at Denise.

  ‘’Denise, could I check on something outside once we are parked, before we do anything else?’’

  ‘’Uh, depends! We have a lot of things to do at first. What do you want to check?’’

  ‘’The exact size and depth of the most eastern lava tube entrance of this group of tubes. It appears at first sight to be big enough to let all of our landers roll inside, which would give them complete cover from the radiations. It also happens to have a smooth, low inclination ramp made of washed up dirt and rocks that our landers will be able to climb.’’

  Denise, like the others, was left stunned by those words. Looking at the said lava tube entrance, then at one of the 35 meter-high cargo landers, she realized that Terlecki was right.

  ‘’God damn! I believe that you are right, Jason. If we could do that, then we could all work much more safely in the long term.’’

  ‘’We would only need to place one communication antenna unit outside, to ensure continued communications with the FRIENDSHIP and Earth.’’ added Roberto Calderon, their flight engineer. ‘’I can take care of that.’’

  ‘’Excellent! Jason, you and me will be the first to walk out once we are parked near that lava tube. Just make sure that you have a laser rangefinder with you.’’

  ‘’Don’t worry, Denise, I always have one handy in my pocket.’’

  ‘’Just make sure that you take it out of your pocket BEFORE you seal your suit, Jason.’’ Said sneakily Yves Dorval, a Canadian mining prospector and geologist, making Terlecki make a face and slap his forehead with one hand.


  That triggered a few short laughs, followed by silence as they rolled closer and closer to the northern walls of the canyon. All sixteen occupants of the manned lander, wearing their spacesuits and sitting in crashworthy seat, were now examining closely via the cameras of the craft the three lava tube entrances which they were going to explore. All of them were very large, as nearly everything on Mars seemed to be, but one entrance in particular dwarfed even the 35 meter-high cargo landers parked near it in dispersed order. Denise was now pretty sure that Terlecki’s idea would work. In fact, the only thing seemingly to be done would appeared to be to have to smoothen a bit the surface of the gentle slope of washed out debris and dust connecting the entrance of the lava tube with the floor of the canyon. Thankfully, they had something in one of the cargo landers that would be perfect for that job: an electric-powered bulldozer.

  Steven Merrick finally parked the manned lander some forty meters from the entrance of the largest lava tube, being careful to leave that entrance unblocked. Getting out of her pilot’s seat, Denise then gave a few quick orders around her.

  ‘’Alright, time to start the serious work! Peter, Roberto, Viktor, Masaki and Jing, you stay in the lander for now. Be ready to assist outside if needed. The rest is going out with me. Peter, lower the hangar platform for our two all terrain vehicles.’’

  ‘’Lowering the ATVs’ hangar platform now.’’ replied the British copilot while pressing a button and checking a status light. ‘’Platform lowered.’’

  ‘’Good! Surface exploration team, grab your tools and instruments once at the base level locker room.’’

  The ten astronauts, already wearing their spacesuits but with their visors opened, went down the vertical communication tube linking the cockpit, situated nearly at the summit of the 27 meter-high manned lander, with the living and working facilities, situated around the wide base of the conical craft. Once on the lower deck, they took a variety of tools and equipment from storage lockers next to the airlock, then entered the airlock after sealing and checking their spacesuits. Roberto Calderon, who had followed down the ten members of the surface exploration team, closed the large hatch of the airlock behind them, then spoke on the radio to them.

  ‘’Ready to depressurize the airlock.’’

  ‘’All our suits are confirmed sealed and pressurized. Go ahead, Roberto.’’ replied Denise. Calderon then pressed a few buttons on the command panel of the airlock and watched the pressure gauge as the air was pumped out of it.

  ‘’Airlock pressure now at near zero. Am deploying the access ramp. External temperature is presently minus 53 degrees Celsius. You may now walk out.’’

  Denise, on hearing those last words, unlocked the exit hatch of the airlock and opened it, then stepped out and took a step to one side, to let her nine companions come out on the top of the access ramp. She closed back and locked the exit hatch once they were all out in the thin, 0.01 bar Martian atmosphere, then returned at the head of her group. She couldn’t help feel a growing emotion inside her as she walked down the ramp and got closer and closer to the moment when she would step on the Martian surface. Stopping just a few centimeters short of the foot of the ramp, she looked left and right at her companions, who also had stopped close to the end of the ramp.

  ‘’Ready to take a giant leap, my friends? On the count of three: one…two…THREE!’’

  The ten astronauts leaped forward as one and landed nearly all at the same time on the dry, dusty surface of Mars. Denise then spoke on the radio, knowing that her words were being relayed to both the H.S.S. FRIENDSHIP and to the mission control room on Earth.

  ‘’Humans are now walking on the surface of Mars. May this be the start of a new chapter in Human space exploration and in the building of a second home for Humanity.’’

  She took a few seconds to savor that moment, then ordered her team into action.

  ‘’Frey, Steven, you go check out our ATVs and roll them off their platform. The rest will accompany me to the opening of the largest lava tube opening.’’

  With seven astronauts at her back, Denise walked calmly towards the said tube opening, already appreciating how large it was: Jason Terlecki’s idea to roll the landers inside appeared to be a very promising one indeed. Since remote-controlled mini-rovers had already explored the three lava tubes near them, she already knew pretty much what to expect inside them: long, dark and wide tunnels which eventually merged together into a vast underground rotunda with two further tunnels going down until a thick crust of water ice filled and blocked them. If they could really drive their five landers all the way to that rotunda, then the mission would indeed be up to a very good start.

  When she arrived close to the opening of the lava tube, she made a grimace on seeing that the slope of washed out rocks and dirt outside the tube stopped about seventy centimeters lower than the floor of the t
ube’s mouth.

  ‘’Jason, do you think that our landers could step over that vertical ledge and enter the tunnel by themselves?’’

  ‘’Our landers, maybe, but our ATVs may need some help. I will thus go to the Cargo Lander Number One with Teerapat and take out our bulldozer. I should be able to build an adequate ramp in a couple of hours. But let me first measure this entrance.’’

  Using the weak gravity of Mars, which was 37% that of Earth, Terlecki easily jumped up past the ledge, landing on the floor of the tube. Denise and the five geologists in her group imitated him and lit their helmets’ front lamps to look down the dark tunnel.

  ‘’Steve, you and your prospectors may start exploring this tunnel. I will stay here with Jason and Teerapat for the moment.’’

  The chief geologist nodded his head inside his spacesuit’s helmet, then walked away with his four prospectors/geologists, soon disappearing down the tunnel. Jason Terlecki, using a small, handheld laser rangefinder, soon spoke up on the radio, triumph in his voice, as he called from inside the tunnel.

  ‘’It will work, Denise! The tube’s entrance is a full 63 meter high and stays that high for at least the first fifty meters. The entrance’s width is 87 meter wide, with the maximum width staying the same for a good hundred meters.’’

  ‘’Excellent! I will come join you, so that you can give me your laser rangefinder. I will then continue measuring the tunnel while you go get our bulldozer and start building an access ramp for our landers.’’

  The two of them met halfway inside the tunnel, with Terlecki giving to Denise his rangefinder before leaving with Teerapat for Cargo Lander Number One, parked some 250 meters away at the foot of the cliffs. Taking frequent measurements and examining carefully the surfaces of the lava tube as she walked down it, Denise covered a full 900 meters before arriving at a vast underground rotunda and dome, where the openings of four more tubes connected. She felt triumph when she took an ultimate measurement of the section of tube she was in just next to its connection with the rotunda: it was still large enough to let both the cargo landers and the manned lander roll in all the way to the rotunda and park inside it. This was a truly significant and positive development for their mission, as their landers will be both fully protected from the strong radiations bathing the surface of Mars and also be handy and close by while her team started building the first Martian base. The only thing they would need to do as an extra was to position a communications antenna unit outside the lava tube entrance and connect it to the landers inside via a fiber optics wire, so that they could stay in permanent contact with the FRIENDSHIP and Earth. Thankfully, all that they needed to build that base was already here on Mars, inside either the manned lander or the four cargo landers.

  Walking to the approximate center of the obscure rotunda, Denise then took some time to roughly map it with the help of her handheld laser rangefinder, as her helmet front lamp was not powerful enough to see the opposite walls of the cavern. The dimensions she calculated actually left her quite impressed: the rotunda, while not a perfect semi-spherical dome, had an average width at floor level of 460 meters, while the maximum height reached up to 210 meters, with an average ceiling height of 170 meters. Just this one cavern could shelter a whole city, if built of multi-level buildings. She could even imagine sealing the entrances of the lava tubes with large airlocks and then pressurize the rotunda with air at normal Earth atmospheric density to turn it into a large Human habitat. If such rotundas turned up to be common on Mars, then such a way to build Martian cities could certainly prove most viable in the near future, once more construction equipment could be brought from Earth. Seeing from the movement of the headlamps of Steve Larkin and of his four prospectors in the distance that they had gone down one of the two tunnels leading to an ice plug, Denise decided to go back outside, to pass the good news by radio to the manned lander and the H.S.S. FRIENDSHIP. When she emerged from the lava tube, Denise was pleased to see that their two mini-rovers, with Frey Thorvalsson and Steven Merrick sitting at the commands of the ATVs, were already parked near the mouth of the lava tube. As for Jason Terlecki, he was approaching the entrance aboard their bulldozer, a big four-wheeled vehicle, while Teerapat Batrang was apparently driving the Cargo Lander Number One, approaching it closer to the lava tube. Things were definitely looking up.

  Showing a level of experience and expertise at using a bulldozer that truly surprised Denise, Jason Terlecki managed to build in less than two hours a wide, low inclination access ramp between the tube’s lower ledge and the floor of the Melas Chasma. Then, using light but tough molded Lexan surface mat plates and assembling them end-to-end with the help of Frey, Steven and Teerapat, Jason covered the newly-built ramp with a hard, load-distributing surface that could easily support the mass of the landers. By the time that Steve Larkin and his four prospectors came back with ground and ice samples from inside the lava tubes and rotunda, the first lander was ready to roll inside. Denise decided to have the cargo landers roll in first in order of their assigned numbers, so that her team would have time to install a mobile communications antenna unit outside before the manned lander would also roll inside. That mobile antenna unit was actually mounted on a trailer and was taken out of one of the four cargo landers, then towed by their bulldozer to an adequate position some 140 meters from the entrance to the lava tube. Its fiber optics wire was then rolled out and its portion exposed to outside radiations was buried in a shallow trench dug by the bulldozer, which had multiple tool appendages on top of its dozer blade and digging shovel. Then, less than five hours after landing the manned lander, the surface exploration team was able to roll inside in quick succession the four cargo landers and the manned lander, driving them down the lava tube and all the way to the large rotunda, where they were parked side by side along the walls, near the junction of the lava tube with the rotunda. While four astronauts started at once to lay down and connect sections of optical fiber wires along one side of the tunnel connecting the rotunda with the outside, Denise and her remaining companions deployed and extended transparent, 2.5 meter diameter circulation tubes between the five landers, which had been designed and built to be able to link up and form quickly a basic surface base. Once that was done, and with the outside communications antenna plugged to the manned module parked inside the rotunda, Denise called a halt to the work, so that they could have supper together and discuss the progress they had made. The thirteen men and three women of the exploration team, having taken off their spacesuits and having washed up, assembled in the fairly cramped crew lounge of the manned lander, where they chose their respective suppers from the reserve of ready rations stored in the cold pantry. Denise chose for herself a meal of chicken fried rice, with milk as beverage and fruit salad as dessert, then went to sit at a table with Viktor Ponichnikov, Jason Terlecki and Teerapat Batrang. As she was about to take her first bite, she smiled to her three table companions.

  ‘’Quite a productive day today, wouldn’t you say, guys?’’

  Viktor, who had chosen like Jason a chunky goulash soup, nodded in approbation.

  ‘’Quite, Denise! Jason’s idea to roll our landers inside was a stroke of genius, I must say.’’

  ‘’Bof!’’ said Jason dismissively, ‘’If not me, someone else would have thought about it. It is just that, as a mining and infrastructure engineer, I am accustomed to think of tunnels as structures to be used for many purposes and not only as a passageway. So, what do we do after supper, Denise? Go back out and start emptying the cargo landers?’’

  ‘’No! This day of work was hard enough and we did accomplish a lot. I will want all of us to relax and rest after supper and, at the most, write down notes or reports on what we did today. Tomorrow, while our geological team will continue exploring and prospecting around the tunnels, the rest of us will start taking out the building modules for our base and will start assembling them. Once the main cargo holds of our landers will be empty, we will then be free to pressurize
them and convert them into large hydroponic gardens, for the greatest pleasure of Masaki.’’

  Tomonaga Masaki, the Japanese agronomist of the exploration team, who was eating at the next table and had heard Denise, gave a thumbs up and a big smile in answer. Denise then decided to pass her decision about the evening’s occupation to her whole team and got up from her bench.

  ‘’IF YOU WILL PLEASE LISTEN UP FOR A MOMENT, FRIENDS. We did a lot today and I believe that we all need some time to relax and rest before we continue our work tomorrow morning. I suggest that you use your time after supper to write notes or reports as needed, then go to sleep. Any questions?’’

  For some reason, Steve Larkin, the chief geologist of the team, didn’t seem to like her announcement, shaking his head before speaking up.

  ‘’Denise, I was planning to go back in the tunnels with my team after supper, to collect more samples and better map the underground complex of caves and tunnels. I am sorry, but I still feel the need to go out for a few more hours.’’

  Denise did her best to hide her displeasure at Larkin’s objection: the geologist, while a very competent man, tended to be a bit abrasive and often went his own way, too often in fact for Denise’s taste. She thus replied in a calm but firm tone.

  ‘’Our team has been up for nearly twelve hours already. Our mission on the surface is due to go on for thirteen months, so I don’t see the necessity to overwork our team members right from the start.’’

  ‘’Well, I am the chief geologist and I believe that more samples need to be collected today. I…’’

  ‘’Mister Larkin, I believe that we need to speak in private…now! Follow me!’’


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