NEBULAR Collection 6 - The Great Tremor: Episodes 27 - 30

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NEBULAR Collection 6 - The Great Tremor: Episodes 27 - 30 Page 3

by Thomas Rabenstein

  Tor greeted him with a handshake, which made Hassan want to break out in tears.

  Khalil recovered quickly and smiled. Tilting his head upward, he said, »I didn’t know that I’ve become a study object. I’m eager to learn these new abilities and how to use them wisely.«

  »I’ll vouch for that,« Nok interceded, who was surprised about the unorthodox way Nexus Tor greeted the people. »He can warp space, punch worm-holes all over my base and change the time-space constant.«

  Nexus Tor flexed his muscles, he seemed surprised.

  »Really? You must have acquired new abilities then.«

  »Well … I’m only awakening latent skills. I had no idea how to activate these powers and how to use them. Every day is a new experience to me. I’m still trying to figure out what this amalgamation means to me and my future.«

  Tor nodded enigmatically, looked around and focused on the Techno-Cleric.

  »Hmm … I see that our new system visitors have already sent an envoy to the Triton Base. The astro-physical deviations of the new moon let me suggest that it is Techno-Center’s Dimensional Anchor.«

  Nok squinted.

  They’re well informed. They probably have specialists on board the Dragon who have examined Bachtar in the meantime.

  »I notice that you’re well informed and prepared, Commander.«

  She walked toward the two young people of Tor’s team who were closely guarded.

  Both were standing very close together. Her left hand was holding his right hand while she was quickly touching, wiping and tapping the palm of his hand with her right fingertips.

  The young man, of Asian descent, appeared absent minded. It seemed as if he didn’t realize what was happening around him. He wasn’t interested in the men and women; he just looked into space beyond the transparent dome windows. His focus was the thousands of sparkling stars out there.

  Nok frowned.

  »What is the meaning of this, Commander?« she said, sending a disapproving glance at the four guardians. »Why are these men wearing loaded weapons in my base? Who are these two people in their midst. Are they prisoners?«

  Nexus Tor quickly stepped beside her.

  »Oh … no! You have the wrong impression, Ma’am. The young man and his companion are no prisoners. They’re the most valuable and most important assets of the HOT.«

  Nok looked surprised and exchanged glances with Nuri, who seemed very interested in this young man. He changed his viewpoint and grazed Nok with a faint glance.

  Nok felt an ice-cold shiver as she met his eyes – he had looked right through her.

  »What is going on with you?« she addressed him, but didn’t get an answer. »Do you understand me?«

  »His name is Balkhanchi Batu-iin Obugtan. We just call him Batu. He is of Mongolian descent, twenty seven years old and a Tactic-Master,« Nexus Tor explained.

  »Tactic-Master? What kind of rank is that? Why can’t he speak for himself?«

  She made a step toward the young man.

  »He’s behaving strangely.«

  The young woman kept standing beside Batu and softly touched his right palm.

  »This is Communication-Specialist Uta Neheb, she’s from Kenya,« Tor introduced her.

  Her beautiful face shone in the Hall’s illumination. She appeared very concentrated when she said, »Batu can’t speak or articulate himself verbally. Even a light conversation would be too much for him to handle. He notices us and hears our voices, but he cannot interpret or categorize them. I’m the only one who can reach him. There’s only one way of communication – by means of touch. We developed a finger code, some sort of sensory-sign-language. At this moment, I’m trying to explain to him where we are and what we’re doing. It’s, however, uncertain how much he really understands.«

  »Wait! Are you telling me that he’s autistic?« Nok asked perplexed.

  »That’s correct,« Nexus Tor replied, »and these four mission-specialists are his guardians. We call them Guardian Angels! They have clearly defined orders, regardless on what mission we are. They’re responsible for Batu’s and Uta’s safety – ‘round the clock! It doesn’t matter where they are! You probably now understand why these guardians will not surrender their weapons.«

  Don’t let go of me

  Patterns are like universal laws, they’re leading to a clear result, create facts and mirror rules. They are interwoven with lines, which reflect connections, containing messages. The voice from the outside tells me, through the touches, that these patterns are evil. New connections are forming in my mind. I need to establish friendly patterns to counter the evil ones. It helps me to diminish them, to ignore their aggressive nature, erasing their ultimate intent. I can see this immediately, correct and dilute these infuriating patterns. Harmony prevails, which I communicate to the voice outside. I only do this so the voice is not leaving me – don’t let go of me! I’m not alone anymore. Ever since I’ve learned to communicate through touch, I know that another intelligent partner is out there …

  Balkhanchi Batu-iin Obugtan, Tactic-Master

  The HOT

  It was silent in the Star Hall, except for the faint noises of the ventilation system.

  Nok Daralamai took a deep breath and contemplated if Tor’s rejection of surrendering the guardians’ weapons was actually in defiance of standing procedures. She looked over to Batu again, who seemed to ignore the drama. He was watching a holographic display, fastened to a sturdy support strap around his neck. The display was only thirty centimeters away from his eyes and could be securely folded to his back. The twenty by twenty centimeter mirror-like display didn’t show pictures, but kaleidoscopic patterns and colors, which were changing constantly, always forming new patterns and imaginary structures. The quickly changing scenery seemed to fascinate Batu immensely.

  Nok stepped closer to Batu, causing a raised eyebrow by one of his Guardian Angels.

  »What …?« she pointed at the device.

  »It’s a bi-directional holographic sensor, based on mirror principles,« Uta guessed what Nok was after. »The neuronal computer on board the Dragon transforms tactic information into patterned templates, which are transmitted to Batu in form of these psychedelic-looking pictures. Batu understands these patterns. The Tactic-Master mentally creates opposing patterns to compensate for the aggressive potentials the transmission might bare. If we, for example, confront him with a scenario of an attacking fleet, than he’ll suggest effective counter measures. The mirror senses his thoughts and transmits them to the Dragon. In case the comm-link to the Dragon’s neuronal computer gets lost, the four Guardian Angels are then using their neuronal computers – which they’re carrying on their backs – to establish a combined upload, dump and local processing unit. This portable four-section computer is capable of communicating with Batu as if he were connected to the ship.«

  Nok noticed the guardians’ bulky back-packs and looked upward at the Dragon.

  »Hmm … that’s why you call him Tactic-Master and that’s why the ship is suspended in such an unstable orbit. He tells you how to position your ship for optimal chances during an attack?« she concluded.

  Nexus Tor shook his head.

  »If we reduce his abilities to this basic level, then we won’t do him any justice. Batu does not only recognize formations and placements, similar to an experienced Chess player, but he also provides solutions to questions and situations which beg for answers. It’s not important what we ask of him but how we do it. You’re correct when you assume that the Dragon is positioned directly above the Star Hall to demonstrate Batu’s abilities. Currently, he is connected to the ship’s neuronal computer – also, we’re not here by Admiral Friedberg’s orders alone. It was foremost Batu’s suggestion to fly to the Neptune system. The Tactic-Master is expecting an attack by the Circle people and wants to position us to protect the base.«

  Nok grimaced; she looked at Batu with different eyes.

  »I agree, but how can this young man …«

nbsp; »… the HOT is a combat unit?« Nuri Jawa interrupted.

  Nexus Tor gave a forgiving smile and said, »The Hybrid Operations Team, which by the way does not only consists of Hybrid-Humans, is a quick reaction force, utilized for crisis management, rescue and negotiations.«

  »Your people are not soldiers then?« Khalil said. He seemed disappointed.

  »All HOT members are scientists and well versed combatants; however, the use of force is our last resort. If the Tactic-Master decides that the use of force is inevitable, then my specialist can certainly put up a fierce fight.«

  »When can we expect an attack, what does Batu think? We don’t even know where the Circle battle ships are hiding. 40028, the Techno-Cleric, hinted that they are inside the Oort Cloud.«

  Nexus Tor knit his bushy eyebrows.

  »Soon … it will happen soon, Ma’am. They’ll try everything in their power to get into this base. Their objective is to get to your neuronal computer. They assume to find vital information.«

  »Hmm … information about the Cuckoo-Gene, I presume?«

  Nexus Tor nodded.

  »That’s what they’re after, but the HOT will spit in their soup!«

  Art Ultimus

  My name is Art Ultimus. I’m a HOT Mission-Specialist and a Hybrid. The origin of my family name is obscured; maybe my forefathers had Roman roots. I was never interested in finding out. What for? My name is not the only thing that distinguishes me from other team members. I’m probably the only one whose parents were never really much concerned about my eye color. My parents had prepared me when I was still a child, but after puberty, my eyes didn’t turn golden as it would normally have been the case. The optometrists, we consulted, only found that my eyes had gradually turned from dark brown to sky-blue, no trace of gold color in them. Nevertheless, I was a Hybrid! My mother always thought she saw a golden shimmer in my eyes when the sun was shining at my face from a certain angle. I believe that this was wishful thinking.

  After high school I studied micro-mechanics and went to the Union Fleet as a civil servant for one year. Every time I returned home, after months of absence, my mother inspected my eyes after she had hugged me. »Still nothing!« I remember her saying each time.

  In the meantime I joined the Union Fleet as a full member.

  Things are normal to you, if you don’t know any better. I therefore wondered as I saw the surprised face of the Fleet optometrist during a routine check-up. He found that I had the best vision of all cadets. My – now – water-blue eyes had always impressed the ladies, but the doctor found something strange and conducted further tests. The tests revealed that I was able to willfully manipulate my field of vision. I was capable of focusing on distant objects and zoom in on them. Because of that, I was nicknamed Eagle-Eye. Needless to say I won all the shooting competitions at the academy. My lenses are much more flexible, possess a much higher refraction-index and – I can control these features.

  Well … what else is there to say? I am the Eyes of the Guardian Angels. My call-sign is: Eagle. My most important task is to protect the Tactic-Master!

  They are coming!

  Nok Daralamai seemed hesitant for a moment and kept an eye on the young man.

  »Are you saying that Batu can predict what happens next, better than any Union strategist? Is he some sort of medium or can he see into the future?«

  »It seems like that to ordinary people. Batu, however, decides on facts. The more facts we supply to him the more precise his analysis,« Tor clarified.

  »Without the holographic mirror and the templates, he cannot do this, though,« Uta added, while using her fingertips like typing on a keypad, transferring the coded message to Batu. He smiled for a moment.

  »What did you just translate to him?« Nok asked interested while looking at Batu who was staring with big eyes on his holo-mirror.

  »I told him that you think he’s a prophet ...«

  Uta smiled.

  »… which amused him, as I could tell,« Nok replied dryly.

  »Batu cannot express his feelings the way we do, Ma’am. His smiles may mean something entirely different,« one of the guardians, a Hybrid-Merinian, answered for Uta.

  »You must be …?«

  The guard saluted briefly, but didn’t move an inch from his location.

  »Mission-Specialist Atilla Scott, Ma’am. Call-sign: Shark. I am the man for wet environments and can see well under dim and almost dark light conditions.«

  »Wait a second, I know your name … you’re that scientist … uh …«, Nok said surprised, snapping her fingers.

  »I used to be, but now I belong to the HOT,« Scott replied proudly.

  Irritated, she noticed that the man’s hands had skins between the fingers!

  She nodded. She had read about him. Her eyes made contact with the only woman amidst the group of Guardian Angels.

  Without Nok having to address her, the very tall woman saluted with a big smile and introduced herself.

  »Mission-Specialist Cihuacoatl Uantum or Chica. Call-sign: Whisper. I am an astro-physicist and the Ear of the Guardian Angels.«

  »Hmm … Chica …. interesting name for a tall woman,« Nok smiled in reference to the Spanish language in which the name Chica meant: little girl or cutie.

  Nok was impressed; she nodded at Chica and looked at the next angel to her right.

  »Mission-Specialist Nino Coviello, Ma’am. Call-sign: Rock. You could possibly best classify me as a Matter-Sensor.

  »Hmm … what would that be, Specialist?« Nok asked, lifting an eyebrow.

  »I’m able to transfer life-energy into dead matter and can determine by the reflection the consistency and physical parameters of the matter.«

  Nok looked at Nexus Tor and sighed.

  Tor observed Nok’s each and every reaction, who now addressed the fourth Guardian Angel, »Correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t seem to be of Hybrid origin?« she guessed. »What’s your extra-ordinary ability … uhem … Angel?«

  The tall, muscular man, returned Nok’s glance with his water-blue eyes.

  »Mission-Specialist Art Ultimus, Ma’am. Call-sign: Eagle. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you, Ma’am, but I am of Hybrid descent, even though it doesn’t look like it at first glance. If Chica is the Ear of the Guardian Angels then I am their Eye! I am a specialist for fine-mechanics and a precision-seer.«

  He blinked in Uta’s direction, who just rolled her eyes.

  »I’m impressed, Folks!«

  She turned to Tor.

  »How did you find these people? That’s amazing!«

  Nexus Tor smiled diplomatically, but didn’t reply. Instead, Chica, standing about five meters away, took it upon herself to deliver an explanation. She had heard Nok’s whispered question at a distance, impossible for ordinary Humans to perceive.

  »He found and recruited us, the rest is history. It is not possible to file an application to become a member of the HOT. We’ve been called upon.«

  Nok smiled mysteriously.

  »Well then, I’ll believe you.« Nok chuckled. »You seem to’ve been successful in rounding up a very impressive and extra-ordinary group of people, Commander Tor. Let me warn you, though: the Circle people are not Humans! They’re thinking and acting according to their standards and mentalities, they can be brutal and without compromise. If your Tactic-Master is correct and we get attacked within a couple of hours, then we need much more than a handful of very gifted people.«

  »Maybe not,« Hassan Khalil rebutted. »The HOT could actually be helpful in preventing a direct confrontation. We may be able to force the Circle people to the negotiation table.«

  »How that, Hassan? You witnessed the first invasion. We need superior weapons to impress them.«

  »Uhem,« Nexus Tor cleared his throat, »We’re not here to lead a war. We’re crisis managers. We have thirty specialist in all kinds of faculties on board the Dragon who will assist us in determining how we should react to an attack, implementing humane, defensive m
easures first.«

  »This is a very positive development!« 40028 participated in the discussion. The Techno-Cleric hovered over to the Guardian Angels and circled the group. Even Batu seemed distracted for a moment. Perhaps the light reflections from the mirror-like robot body had caught his attention.

  Nok suddenly looked up, an unexpected flash of light high above the Star Hall had caught her eye. The Dragon had left the orbit!

  The four Guardian Angels tightened their circle around Batu and Uta and activated their portable neuronal computer backpacks.

  Nok swirled around. Batu was breathing faster; he seemed very excited, which also had the same effect on Uta.

  Hassan Khalil closed his eyes and seemed to look with his mind through the transparent Star Hall dome. As if in a trance, he said mutedly, »They’re coming! Maybe it is just a scout ship. Batu saw it before me. The Dragon has moved into Triton’s shadow.«

  Nok grimaced.

  »Come with me to the command central, let’s see what they found out there,« she invited Nexus Tor.

  At the same moment System Alert sounded throughout the base. Men and Women ran to their battle stations …


  William Sander pulled his Neo-Hawk into a sharp turn and flew toward the pop-up target on his radar screen. The experienced pilot quickly informed his two crew members.

  »Don’t get excited, Bill,« Gabriel Touns, his scanner operator announced while transferring the target response to the computer for further analysis. »That could be all kinds of stuff. This sector has a lot of asteroids and comet cores …«

  »… including extra-terrestrial spaceships,« Huan Berga, a Triton Base scientific advisor, finished Touns’ sentence.

  »Yepp … those too!« Touns grinned and winked at Berga. »They say that you scientists know more about what’s going on out here than us … you know … the guys from the Fleet.«

  »You mean, we know more about the Trox, Circle people and what else is out there? Huh … why do you think I’m flying with you, Huan?« Berga joked and activated the Fleet data channels by touching a sensor pad in front of him.


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