NEBULAR Collection 6 - The Great Tremor: Episodes 27 - 30

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NEBULAR Collection 6 - The Great Tremor: Episodes 27 - 30 Page 9

by Thomas Rabenstein

  A microscopic Black Hole

  To fold space, to make a small step and bridge several hundred meters at a blink of an eye was one of the fascinating abilities Hassan Khalil had discovered since degenerated technology had been implanted into his body. In spite of all these new enhancements Hassan had asked himself from time to time what it would cost him in the end.

  The initial distrust, especially by Nok Daralamai, seemed to fade, but he felt that he wasn’t regarded as one of them anymore. It was difficult for Humans to deal with super-beings, especially since degenerated technology had only been encountered in destructive ways. Beings such as the Globusters or the Looters had been enslaved and controlled by this technology. Hassan sensed that this union with this technology was more than skin deep and had also affected his DNA. He was not just a person who ran around with some implants. His entire body, his metabolism and cell structure had become part of this technology – he had become one with it.

  His new existence allowed him to make use of an enormous potential whose limits he hadn’t fully explored yet. Was he afraid? No, but Khalil was cautious and had a lot of respect. He was certain that if he became more familiar with the new himself and go through new experiences, this technology would reveal more secrets and insights, fascinating ones and probably very scary ones.

  He appeared amidst a group of Moxantans a she stepped out of the tiny space fold. The extra-terrestrials screamed in surprise, but recovered fast and fired at him with their weapons. Instead of killing Khalil, he caught the plasma charges with both hands and looked at them fascinated. The bluish charges glowed through his fingers before he extracted the energy by inhaling it.

  The Moxantans were petrified and didn’t move when they saw him absorb the energy. They felt helpless.

  Seconds later, thin hair-fine techno pod tentacles grew quickly from Hassan’s fingertips and penetrated the skins of the extra-terrestrials. Now they were under Hassan’s control and became calm.

  »That’s much better my friends,« he smirked. »Would you do me a favor?«

  The Moxantans didn’t reply, but Hassan was certain that they would obey him. He wanted them to guard the room to insure that nobody disturbed his concentration.

  He had scouted out the ship beforehand and was familiar with this room. He was, nevertheless, impressed of the amount of ice. How it covered the airlocks and the installed machines. This particular interior picture of a spaceship was unreal for normal Humans, but the Moxantans would probably say the same, if they’d be on board a Union ship.

  Hassan swiftly walked toward an airlock which looked as if it wasn’t frequented very often due to the ice buildup around the frame and on top of the door. He placed his hands on the airlock door and melted the thick ice.

  The airlock door was made of a bluish looking metal.

  He used some of his techno pods to open the locking mechanism. Seconds later, the airlock opened.

  »Open Sesame!« he said and squinted.

  Bright light flooded through the airlock and enveloped his body. He moaned, feeling freshness and warmth. The Original Spark’s energy reached down to each of his body cells.

  »That’s what you look like, eh?« he said.

  He opened his eyes fully and was surprised that he wasn’t blinded. He now saw what no other Human had ever seen, not even when the Dualytes had captured an Original Spark. This was also true for Major Navis Joos, he hadn’t made the same experience, although, he had seen a spark with his own eyes when the Dualytes showed one to him.

  Hassan whistled through his teeth.

  »A microscopic Black Hole, surrounded by extremely compressed, interior pulsar matter! The matter is orbiting so fast around this micro-singularity that it doesn’t fall into it, rather manifests itself in form of an ultra-bright envelope of compacted matter. The Original Spark is a radiation source of unbelievable potential!«

  Hassan examined the ring-like generator that produced several overlapping containment fields, which Uma Boos had ordered to deactivate.

  Determined, Hassan stepped into the room and closed the airlock behind him. He was alone with this fascinating object and endured its overwhelming and captivating attraction.

  Whoever created this object deserves my absolute respect, he thought admiringly while the Moxantans positioned themselves before the airlock on the other side to guard him.

  Remember everything

  Both men had arrived at the sealed off computer section and cautiously climbed out of the large supply air-duct. They were facing the four meter tall holographic data banks, connected to the neuronal computers.

  Isn’t that strange? Touns asked. We crawled through the duct system and intuitively used the correct branch ducts to get to this room.

  Berga shook his head and – lost an ear! He looked at his body part for a moment and said, Thanks to the Moxantans we have detailed plans. All of the rooms, corridors, ducts, service shafts and tunnels are readily available in our heads. We came here well prepared.

  Touns nodded.

  We need to hurry and transfer the wanted data into the brains of these dying beings. They’re decaying fast. We may not be able to sustain their neuronal networks inside their brains.

  You finally understand what we are? Berga asked.

  Sure! The slow process of taking over this body and the struggle with the dying consciousness irritated me. I think this body fought longer than yours. This former Human being was fighting me, although, he was already dying as we left the ship. He didn’t know, because as much as his conscience faded, mine grew stronger. At the moment when both our life-energies where at the same level, he lost his orientation and I absorbed him. I’m now fully aware of this circumstance since we arrived here.

  Berga nodded in agreement.

  Now comes the time when we’ll understand the full extent of our mission. We have reached our destination and are fully aware of our host bodies. We’ll produce certain chemicals which will keep these bodies functioning. We cannot be detected easily. The bodies are cold and dead and don’t emit life-energy. All biological functions have ceased. We’re in full control!

  Did you ever ask yourself what we actually look like and where we’re located inside their bodies? Touns’ occupant wanted to know.

  Ponderingly, Berga touched his right temple.

  Hmm … I’m not absolute certain, but I think we’re inside their brains.

  Touns found a holo-terminal and manipulated the interface.

  Gee … it’s amazing how these Humans can endanger our existence with such primitive technology.

  They had help! Berga replied angrily. Without the data bank of those renegade Circle people, they’d been slaves and history. Let’s hurry up. It’s getting to warm for me.

  Touns grinned satisfied.

  The Moxantans installed a secret port to this network. I bet these Humans haven’t found it yet. We can log in and read the data banks. Are you sure that the hosts eyes and brains are still good enough to function as cameras and cell-memory?


  Berga assigned Touns a suitable terminal.

  Search for the data, we want to know how the Cuckoo-Gene works, how it is activated and how it can be detached from our DNA.

  I hope these primitives thought of it or our generals will punish them hard! Our battle ships will be the last they will ever see in their miserable lives, Touns predicted. Only the fear of activation of this gene keeps us from destroying them. However, it seems safe beyond the Dimensional Shield. We don’t know how the gene can be activated.

  According to our scientists, a higher order energy matrix is required. But we don’t know exactly what’s involved. They both finished the sentence together.

  A short tone from the terminal indicated that the search routine had been successful.

  I think there’s something, Touns rejoiced, staring at rows and rows of data sequences, scrolling over the screen.

  Remember everything, Berga whispered, also staring at the display.
Both of the men’s eyes transferred the data into their manipulated brains.

  Why did they send both of us? Touns asked. Why two?

  To be absolutely sure, Berga speculated. Redundancy as security! Don’t forget we still need to return to our people. In case one of the brains dies off prematurely, then there’s another one to retrieve the data from.

  Nobody can stop us!

  Touns smirked and collected as much data as possible.

  A lost ear

  Nok Daralamai hasted over to the central computer section to prevent a serious incident. This time it wasn’t the Trox. It was the ten member HOT team, which wanted access to the computers.

  The HOT was confronted by five determined members of Base Security who hindered them from entering the section.

  »Authorized personnel only!« the Base Security group leader said and blocked the HOT team who insisted to be let in due to their special status and their leader’s priority orders.

  »We need to search the rooms immediately!« Specialist James Harper, the team leader insisted.

  »Who gave the order?« Nok, who had just arrived, inquired sternly.

  Harper bowed briefly and replied, »The Tactic-Master has issued a high priority order for our mission. The longer we wait the less successful we are.«

  »The neuronal computer and the data banks are considered sensitive equipment, Specialist,« Nok replied sharply. »If you discharge your weapons or damage anything then it will be a disaster because everything will break down. The entrance airlock can only be opened by means of my personal code. Tell me quickly what you want in there.«

  Harper wasn’t impressed by Nok’s sharp tone of voice.

  »The survival of the Union trumps your security worries! If you don’t open the airlock voluntarily, we will paralyze the guards and open it ourselves! Due to the special circumstances, I’m authorized to act.«

  »We’re currently fighting the Trox who are killing my personnel. It would be better that you assist us with your team!« Nok demanded.

  »As I already mentioned, Ma’am, we don’t have much time. Submit or enter the code, please!« Harper insisted, still acting friendly with an inviting hand movement.

  Nok frowned.

  »The data banks are secure. What are your concerns? As soon as a living being or a non-registered robot enters the section, an alert will be issued. This also occurs if somebody manipulates the data. The computers will shut down in an orderly fashion. Do you have any reason to assume a danger?«

  Harper shook his head.

  »No hints about malfunctions or intrusions, Specialist,« she continued.

  »No, Commander. Nevertheless, I insist to gain access. Herewith I’m giving you a direct order to open the computer vault! I wish you’d cooperate. I hate to give orders to a high ranking officer. You have twenty seconds!«

  Harper threw more weight into his voice.

  Nok Daralamai looked over to Nuri Jawa who had accompanied her to the computer section.

  »If one of my men gets harmed, I’ll see you in court, Specialist!« Nok threatened.

  »… ten seconds,« Harper announced.

  Nok knew that a team of ten hybrids was easily capable of taking out her security detail.

  »Okay … I’ll open the airlock! I hope for you that you find something, otherwise, there will be consequences, you can bet your Aitch-Ohh-Tee ass on that!« she raged.

  She quickly typed her security code into a nearby terminal.

  The HOT team stormed into the computer vault as soon as the airlock doors opened. She followed them slowly and suddenly heard commands, warnings and the sounds of weapon discharges. She also pulled out her weapon and hasted forward.

  She found the mission specialists in the middle of the large room, between databanks and computer interfaces. They were pointing their weapons at a man on the floor. Nok Daralamai gazed at the man, horrified. He was totally disfigured, his skin was blue – and he looked at her with dead eyes!

  »Who is that?« she shouted and walked around the spacefarer a couple of times. His torn spacesuit revealed that he had been a member of one of the Hawk squads.

  »This used to be Gabriel Touns, MIA while on patrol in the outer sector,« Harper replied dryly, handing her Touns’ dog-tags.

  »What do you mean: used to be? The man is obviously still alive!« she responded. »Why did the sensors not alert the command central? How could your Tactic-Master know this?«

  »Trust me, Ma’am. The man is dead. I’m a Hybrid and can guarantee you that he’s dead. There’s no more life in this body. That’s why he was probably able to get in here undetected.«

  Nok looked at Nuri who nodded briefly.

  »How’s that possible?«

  »Something inside him controls the lifeless body – and – he was not alone! A second person escaped through the air duct system. You hesitated too long! The two men were able to retrieve data about the Cuckoo-Gene via this terminal,« Harper pointed at the still active interface.

  Nok paled.

  »How do you know that there was a second intruder?« she asked.

  »My men found an ear. Since this man has both of his ears, it must belong to the second man,« concluded Harper.

  Nok drew a deep breath.

  »Catch him! Catch him before he gets back to the ship. Get this … this creature out of my sight!«

  Harper nodded calmly.

  »We’ll go after him. Your people take care of the corpse and whatever controls it.«

  I need to risk it

  Hassan Khalil stared at the Original Spark and was more and more drawn toward the fascinating object. His mind was close to being pulled inside the micro-singularity; his body was showered by different types of radiation, emitted from the object. Energy exchanges seemed to occur, as all his cells were affected.

  »Why is such a beautiful thing so dangerous?« Hassan whispered and stepped closer.

  The strange thing was that it didn’t emit heat – it was cold as death!

  Hassan dared to take another step forward and was captivated by the fast rotating ring of compacted matter.

  Khalil saw the world with other eyes, not like Humans who would be blinded. A micro-universe presented itself before Hassan’s mind. A tiny universe which rotated like mad to prevent being swallowed by the Black Hole.

  How far must a mind have developed to create such a beautiful wonder, with its dynamic and complete stability – almost divine?

  Another step.

  Khalil shuddered. Each step closer toward the Original Spark also increased the amount of absorbed energy. He felt the interconnection between his cells and the degenerated technology was beginning to melt, becoming softer.

  Maybe this way I can become a normal person again?

  Another step.

  Hassan moaned. He sensed the force that was trying to pull him further into the bright light.

  What happens if I enter the light? Am I going to die and become one with the Black Hole or do I become part of this micro-universe?

  »HALT!« Khalil heard his own voice and stopped his advance. His dazed eyes became clearer, he looked surprised. He now realized that he was in great danger.

  »You’re a Siren of Space and are trying to pull everything into the abyss!«

  It was very difficult for Hassan to make his first step backward. He used all his might to struggle against the pulling force.

  »If I fail then there’s no one left to thwart off the Circle people! Triton will slump into chaos and the Circle generals will triumph!«

  Hassan yelled his words into the room and made another step back. Each centimeter lessened the pull from the spark.

  Hassan was breathing heavily.

  »You … you are much too dangerous for this universe!« he shouted.

  Suddenly, discharge noises form energy weapons at the other side of the airlock rang out. His intrusion had been discovered, but the mentally conditioned Moxantans were still holding their positions.

closed his eyes and concentrated. It was difficult for him to let go of the spark’s influence. He knew what he had to do and pooled all his powers.

  A spherical dimensional field, enveloping the Original Spark, formed before his mental eye. He drew more and more cosmic energy from a higher dimension to reinforce the field.

  As soon as the envelope become strong enough, all influences from the spark vanished and Hassan was able to think clearly again. He was drenched in sweat. As he heard a deep thump from the airlock, he extended his hair-like techno pods and manipulated the lock mechanism. He blocked it from the inside. This gave him an extra handful of valuable seconds.

  Hassan’s thoughts were racing.

  I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I have to risk it! The spark must disappear!

  He focused harder on the object.

  He began panting while he converted the derived, higher dimensional energy into a tachyon-matrix. With a bright flicker, the Original Spark disappeared and was forced to enter a higher continuum. The spark didn’t return!

  »Phew,« he exhaled with a tired smile. He looked at the empty space for a couple of seconds. Before the airlock doors melted, he already had left the room …

  Incalculable risks

  The attack came suddenly. Again, large groups of Frigonans and Moxantans streamed into the tunnel and tried to overrun the HOT. The extra-terrestrials used their weapons and shot at the teams. Team Bravo had been prepared and taken cover inside tunnel coves and niches. Their mental defense field was holding, keeping the enemy at bay.

  Nexus Tor observed the attack with determination.

  »Nobody’s coming through! Widen the mental field and drive them back into their ship! It is possible that Frigonans and Moxantans are trying to advance across Triton’s surface.«

  He also alerted the team on the surface. More and more twitching Frigonans rolled over the ground and desperately tried to escape the banning zone. Tor’s team manipulated their auras without killing them. However, they gave them painful headaches.


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