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NEBULAR Collection 6 - The Great Tremor: Episodes 27 - 30

Page 20

by Thomas Rabenstein

  Maya opened her eyes and was shocked for a moment.

  »Your leader was correct with his prophecy. There is a traitor,« the replication huffed weakly.

  »It was you, who he meant,« Maya Ivanova replied sadly, watching the replication crawling over to Morgotradon’s torso. She opened his hand which was clenching the tennis ball-sized force field generator. She deactivated the field before she slumped over his body.

  His torso broke into thousand pieces by her weight. Fine, green dust trickled from the neck wound where his head had been before.

  This time his death was final!

  We understand

  Pi didn’t want to believe his eyes as he saw the person walking toward them between the geysers and gases spewing from the cracks in the ground. It was Maya Ivanova, enveloped by a colorful aura from the Jamal-Combs. The beautiful, angel-like picture was deceiving, though.

  Pi walked toward her. She almost collapsed exhausted into his arms. Her entire body was trembling. He didn’t’ ask questions and just looked at the four combs in her hand. She would tell later what she’d been through. Important for him was that the Jamal-Combs were safe!

  Herimos, who slowly recovered from the paralysis, yelled happily, »Maya made it!«

  She went over to Arkroid, who was still lying on the ground, and held the combs before his eyes.

  »You knew it!« she said calmly.

  He looked deep into her eyes, but didn’t say anything.

  A couple of minutes later, he struggled on his knees and looked at one of the stingers close by.

  »They’re coming to get us,« he said arduously

  Kuster~Laap whirled his ears and said, »There’re a lot of them! Too many for us!«

  Herimos yelled, »I’ll take them out, as many as possible! Even if a Neo-Sapien can hardly move, he’s still a fighter!«

  »Put your weapons away!« Vasina’s loud voice sounded via the comm-link. »They’re not going to fight you. They’re coming to take you to a stinger. Don’t resist!«

  Arkroid sighed.

  »Vasina, you’re alive! Are you also in command of all your senses?«

  »I’m inside the stinger. Temple-Master Plogg is with me. The Cysans are not our enemies. Remain calm and let the robots do their duties,« she replied with a brief chuckle.

  »We understand,« Arkroid acknowledged and awaited the robots.

  We wouldn’t have had a chance against them anyway! he thought and briefly closed his eyes.

  Trust your abilities

  Vasina and Tranos were standing beside a being, the rest of the team had never seen before. Their emotions were very obvious, ranging from disgust, fear, rejection over curiosity.

  Maya cautiously approached Vasina and handed her the four Jamal-Combs.

  »The nightmare is over,« she whispered to Vasina.

  Vasina nodded faintly and thankfully looked at the combs in her hand. Instead of verbally thanking her, she hugged Maya with wet eyes.

  »Finally, you found your peace. He paid for it,« Vasina commented and rubbed Maya over the back while still hugging her.

  »It was my sister,« Maya replied calmly. »She did it!«

  »So … what’s the situation?« Arkroid inquired sternly and took a couple of steps toward the Cysan. »Are we your guests or are we prisoners?«

  Vasina answered instead of the Cysan, »The Temple-Master had ensured us his help. We need the assistance of the Cysans to complete our mission.«

  »We already know the stingers,« Pi remarked cautiously. »One of them almost devastated our planet.«

  The Cysan pulsated faster and could hardly control his tentacles. He emitted clouds of bad smelling gases, which Vasina and Tranos courageously ignored.

  »My people are ashamed of it. You should know that the prayer temple had been hijacked and its master enslaved. The Cysan had been genetically manipulated and possessed by another being – a Soulwalker! We could not prevent the hijacking of the prayer temple, but we fought against the enslavements and stopped the infiltration by these Soulwalkers.«

  »Temple-Master Plogg is offering the help of his people. With their assistance we will be able to find the fifth Jamal-Comb,« Vasina explained to the surprised team members.

  »How are they going to do that?« Kuster~Laap asked excitedly, his ears whirling madly.

  »This time, the Thorns of the Cysans will not retract into the planet’s crust as soon as the sun cycle comes to an end,« Plogg announced. »All Cysans will form a mental block and request the mental signature of the last Jamal-Comb. Then the temples are acting as mental amplifiers. Regardless where the comb is located in the Milky Way, it will respond to our call!«

  »It’ll respond?« Pi asked astounded. »How can an object answer the call?«

  Plogg seemed amused. Countless mouths opened and closed rhythmically, releasing swarms of tiny animals which disappeared again through other openings and crevices.

  Pi knit his eyebrows as he observed the animal migration across the Cysan’s body.

  »The Jamal-Combs possess a mental imprint,« Plogg continued. »We are able to detect them this way.«

  »We then have a chance to gather all of them,« Herimos remarked loudly, slapping his fist against his chest. »We should accept the assistance of our new, fragrant friends!«

  »Boiltos saw it this way,« Plogg pointed out, »and it’s going to be this way. Vasina asked us to send a signal to the ship of the Creators. Your ship will arrive shortly at the edge of M 80, but it needs to wait for the end of the sun cycle before it can safely land here.«

  Slight vibrations went suddenly through the temple. As Arkroid looked at Plogg inquiringly, he said, »A nuclear explosion occurred nearby. The Ground-Zero point is where the alien spaceship had landed.«

  »Morgotradon’s ship self-destructed!« Herimos concluded dryly.

  »We didn’t cause the explosion,« Plogg stated almost apologetic. »The unleashed energy has already been absorbed by my temple’s accumulators.«

  »That was the end of the final chapter of Morgotradon’s reign over the galaxy!« Pi acknowledged satisfied.

  »The cause of all this mayhem is, however, still present,« Arkroid commented. »The parasite galaxy!«

  »Trust your abilities! Don’t give up and don’t forget that you have helpers who have looked into the future!«

  Plogg’s words sounded mystifying.


  Lai Pi, Paafnas, Herimos, Kuster~Laap, his ZyClonian, Vasina and Tranos where adoring a far reaching, dense grass carpet, extending over the plain – an ocean of blooming flowers! In the middle of it, the impressive, tall towering Thorns of the Cysans, which no longer posed a threat.

  High above the plane shone a sun, which no longer posed a threat either – at least until the next sun cycle started. The bright shimmering star cluster M 80 was a sight to behold, nobody would forget it.

  »We’ve made it far,« Arkroid whispered devotionally.

  »You were right, the whole time,« Maya admitted with a smile. Since Morgotradon’s death, she had shed a load from her shoulders. She looked relieved and her face was bare the bitter expressions, she so often had displayed. Her eyes were sparkling again. Paafnas, who was sitting on her shoulder, seemed to like the new Maya Ivanova very much.

  »These flowers … they are real after all,« he remarked.

  »Evolution!« Kuster~Laap stated dryly. »There’re much more and different forms of adaptation in the universe ...«

  »… but probably only a few which transform a potentially deadly, rocky planet into a paradise,« Pi added quickly.

  A brief flash above their heads heralded Nautilus’ arrival on this world. The ship became bigger as it descended from a great altitude. Minutes later, the Techno-Ferry, having assumed the shape of a large droplet, landed close to Plogg’s stinger.

  »I’d like to visit Voit’s grave site and say Good-Bye my way,« Vasina requested from Arkroid.

  »Absolutely,« he agreed. »Take as much t
ime as you want, Vasina.«

  »Unfortunately, time is of the essence,« Nautilus proclaimed via the comm-link. The ship seemed worried.

  »I’m glad you could make it, Nautilus. What can you tell us?« Arkroid inquired anxiously.

  »The Caravan-Scouts have issued a warning to all people in the galaxy. They retreated completely from Scutum-Crux. The breakthrough of the parasite galaxy is imminent and can occur any time, according to their calculations. A small star cluster, consisting of about fifty stellar objects, has manifested itself already in our continuum. The result is wide spread panic in Scutum-Crux. Devastating chain reactions between several suns have taken place, in sectors close to these new star clusters. The changed gravitational forces caused some of the resident suns to transform into novas. Sporadic push-pull phenomena have been observed between the new suns and the older ones with catastrophic effects. The materialization of these star clusters seems to be a test through which the invaders want to find out what the conditions on the other side are and what the outcome could be.«

  Arkroid paled.

  Sacrificial-Suns! he thought alarmed.

  »Understood, Nautilus! Be ready for us. I’ll talk to the Temple-Master. As soon as we know where we have to fly we will leave here immediately!«

  29 - The Forgotten Tribe

  Written by Thomas Rabenstein

  Questions over questions

  The spaceship Khalimar quickly ascended with its antigravity propulsion system into the sky of India and disappeared within seconds behind reddish clouds made of ice crystals. These ice crystal cloud formations always occurred at this time of year, pushed by strong winds into the upper atmosphere.

  The powerful battleship ripped through the clouds opening a gap though which the sun was able to send its rays to the surface.

  Deep in thought, Ramir followed the gigantic spaceship with his eyes. He twitched as the thunder of the sound barrier rumbled over the spaceport and the city.

  »You have that look in your eyes again,« Skinna whispered and pressed her head against his shoulder. She tugged on his shawl, which was embroidered with symbols of his family and pulled him closer. »They always sparkle stronger than usual.«

  Ramir smiled at her and looked at the sky again.

  The Khalimar had already reached India’s orbit and was barely visible through the closing gap in the clouds.

  The spaceport observation platform offered a stunning view of the city. The young Progonaut came here often and watched the hustle and bustle. This was a special day, because he had been able to convince Skinna, his wife, to come along. He hugged her, glancing over her shoulder to admire the city’s high skyline in the West and Spoot Ocean in the East with its emerald-green waves, breaking at the beaches. Entire colonies of taikan mussels were carried by the waves and currents and deposited onto the volcanic-rock beaches where hungry horoon lizards gobbled them up.

  »These starts are fascinating,« Ramir said. »Soon, I will also be on board of one of these mighty ships to explore the galaxy or defend our home-world.

  Skinna laughed out loud.

  »You’re still a Chot, an aspiring student of your mentors. Many years of intense studies are required and then many practical exams before you can set foot on one of these ships and …«

  »I’m ready!« he replied defiantly. He looked deep into her golden eyes.

  »I know this look too,« she answered. »You’re impatient and wild. That’s so typical of you. You always want to take five steps before the next one. Be patient, your time will come and you’ll be a famous fleet officer or admiral.«

  »You mean, as famous as Morgotradon of the House of Persia?« he asked mockingly.

  »Much more than that,« she replied with a smile. »You will make the House of India proud!«

  »It’s in our blood,« he replied softly. »We are people on the quest for knowledge. It drives us to the stars … into the cosmos. I need to find out how it is out there. How it feels to visit alien stars, to travel through the galaxy.«

  »It’s going to be very hot,« she joked and pointed at the yellow-red sun. »You might burn yourself.«

  »Uh, you know what I mean.«

  Ramir winked at her and glanced over the landingfields toward the ruler’s palace. The palace was located toward the direction of the setting sun. Tall spires framed the impressive central building, which like a golden shimmering dome, empirically rose above Kalmot.

  Five spires, symbolizing the five houses of the Progonaut Empire, Ramir thought, moved. Our world was chosen to host the Great Assembly.

  »I can’t read your mind, but I still can guess what’s going on in your beautiful head,« Skinna laughed.

  Ramir looked at her amazed.

  »Dear Gods of India, my wife possesses a psychic ability! Like these Yoglaners. They’re supposed to be able to read the electric-magnetic waves of our brains.«

  »I’ve never heard of such life-forms,« she laughed and poked him in the ribs. »But, I know you!«

  »My eyes are revealing too much,« he nodded and pulled her closer.

  »You looked at the palace. You think that our people deserve a leadership role amongst the Progonauts?« she asked.

  »Indeed! We have the best spaceships and have travelled farther than any other Progonaut House. We discovered and explored more worlds and solved countless cosmic riddles. We are better than our brothers from Atlantika, Persia, Nubia and Asia!«

  »And …?« she taunted. »How is it possible then that the other tribes inhabit as many planets as us?«

  Ramir put his index finger on his nose tip, feigning deep thought.

  »Uhem … I’d say …,« he said slowly, looking deep into her eyes while touching the tip of her nose with his, »… that’s pure coincidence.«

  They both broke out in laughter

  He softly massaged her earlobes and stroked her neck.

  Skinna closed her eyes and whispered, »I love it when you do that, especially in a romantic place like this.«

  »What? This platform is a romantic place?« he objected.

  »Forget the steal platform for a moment and look around. Discover the true beauty of our city, the planet. Don’t you see how beautiful India is? Just at this moment? I’m really happy that you took me along.«

  »I’m glad that you’re my wife,« he replied and hugged her tight.

  A moment later, she said, »A lot of questions are bothering you.«

  He let go of her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  »Don’t you?«

  She shook her head.

  »We have a good life. Our world is safe and prosperous. We have a protected home. You’re already a Chot and you’ll be a battleship commander one day. You’re on the right path, Ramir.«

  He slowly nodded in agreement.

  »You’re right, Skinna. I’m restless. Something’s driving me to the spaceport to watch the ships ascend into the sky. I’m asking myself …«

  »Questions over questions,« she calmed him down and stroked his long, black hair.

  He took her hands and seriously said, »Skinna … I wonder why none of these ships have ever returned …«

  We leave immediately

  Toiber Arkroid looked at Vasina. She was very excited that the next destination had been decided upon. Her breath went fast. Her looks went between the Cysan Temple Master and her shieldbearer.

  The team had gathered inside the Cysan Thorn. The temple walls were glowing and crackled as if they wanted to burst any moment from the absorbed energy. Unknown aggregates were humming in the background. This technology was beyond Human understanding, even the Chiropter had problems comprehending what was going on around them. The Cysans didn’t reveal anything, but were friendly toward the team. Countless robots were hovering between the different levels inside the thorn. Their masters were getting ready to submerge the temples into the planet’s crust again.

  »The Cysans helped us. Is this information reliable, though,« Vasina wanted to know.

/>   Temple Master Plogg rhythmically opened and closed his body openings. When he spoke then it sounded like a choir as if he used several mouths.

  »We coordinated our efforts to minimize errors. All thorns participated in transmitting the mental signature. There is no doubt or a misinterpretation. The echo was strong and easily located,« Plogg said.

  »Our destination is clear,« Herimos growled. The Neo-Sapien was excited and ready to go. »Let’s get the last key, then we fulfill our mission.«

  »I’m not surprised,« Pi said. »To find the last key on a former central Progonaut world seems logical, since each and every Progonaut House kept one of the keys. The Progonauts of India had to have one too.«

  Vasina was nervous. She said, »India had fallen as one of the first worlds. The planet had been the place where the Great Assembly convened at that time. Many people from India were deported to Earth, the rest died with their world as was the case with the central planets of the other houses.«

  »We don’t know that for sure, Vasina. Even if it were true, it doesn’t rule out that the key is still there on India,« Kuster~Laap replied while flapping his ears. »It is not that easy to annihilate a high-civilization as the Progonauts. Perhaps, some of them were able to flee from the invaders and secure the key. There’re countless hiding places on a planet of the size of Earth.

  »India,« Vasina said mutedly, »I was there often. My father was still alive on my last visit. He represented all Progonaut Houses then. I remember it well.«

  »This was a long time ago, my Queen,« Tranos tried to comfort her. He had recovered from his fight with Morgotradon. His burns had been treated on board the Nautilus. His scorched hair needed a couple of weeks to grow again, though. Right now, he resembled Pi, who, even at this distance away from Earth, kept his head clean-shaven.

  »We’ll leave immediately. There’s no alternative,« Arkroid reminded. »The parasite galaxy has already spewed out first stellar objects into our continuum.«


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