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Abbey, Edwin, 379
Abel, Rudolph, 362–63
Ackerman, Forrest J., 417–18
Adam, Robert B., 31
Adam, Robert B. II, 31
Adams, John, 140
Adams, John Quincy, 379
Adams, Randolph G., 151–52, 163
Adams, Thomas, 193
Adams Family Papers, 144
Adanson, Michel, 459
Addison, Joseph, 106
Adelman, Seymour, 18, 221
Adrian Van Sinderen Award, 293
Aeneid (Virgil), 71
Aesop, 123
African Heroes and Heroines (Woodson), 402
Agee, James, 284
Ahearn, Allen and Patricia, 55
Aiken, Conrad, 406
Aiken, W. Dennis, 465, 467, 481
Aitken, Robert, 305
Albright College, 319
Aldine Press, 80–81, 177, 183, 273, 446
Aldridge, Ira, 397
Alexander the Great, 63, 65
Alexandria, 62–65, 68–70, 95
fire at, 66–68
Algren, Nelson, 359, 406
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll), 4, 210–11, 421–23
Alice’s Adventures Under Ground (Carroll), 416–17
Alkan, 37
Allen, Ethan, 441–42
Allen, James, 154
Allen, Susan M., 474–75
Allmers, Robert, 363
Almagest (Ptolemy), 132–34
Althorp Library, 125
America, book collecting in, 127–72
nbsp; American Antiquarian Society, 104,146–48, 165, 200, 290, 302
American Archives (Force), 159
American Negro as a Dependant, Defective and Delinquent, The (McCord), 395
American Negro Historical Society, 395
American Philosophical Society, 136
Amherst College, 390
Amru (Amribn-al-As), 69
Anatomy of Melancholy, The (Burton), 43
Ancient world
book collecting in, 59–69
libraries in, 541n
Andersen, Hans Christian, 421
Anderson Auction Company, 179–80
Anderson Galleries, 208, 211–12, 267
Andre, John, 365
Annals (Tacitus), 75–76
Anne of Green Gables (Montgomery), 379
Annmary Brown Memorial Library, 13
Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham-Hyacinthe 36
Anthropology Society, 157. See also Boston Athenæum
Antiquarian fairs, 225 241, 410
Apellicontes of Teos, 65–66
Aperture Foundation, 236, 254, 258
Applegate, Shannon, 476–78
Applegate, Victor, 378
Arabella and Araminta Stories, The (Smith), 533
Arader, W. Graham III, 293, 489
Aratea (Germanicus), 76
Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, 347–48
Archimedes, 63
Arents, George, Jr., 356
Arents Collection, 355–57
Areopagitica (Milton), 96
Argoli, Andrea, 132
Aristea, 64
Aristophanes, 59–60
Aristophanes of Byzantium, 65
Aristotle, 65–66, 82, 253, 273
Arnold, Benedict, 365
Arsenal Square controversy, 249–50
Asay, Edward G., 167
Asbury, Herbert, 406
Ashburnam, Bertram, 35
Ashley Library, 40
Association material, 39
Astor, William B., 168
Astor Library, 168
Astronomia nova (Kepler), 461
Aubrey, John, 91
Auction Madness (Hamilton), 337–38
Auctions, 105, 173–74. See also
Christie’s Sotheby’s; Swann Galleries
Barrett collection, 428; Brinley
collection, 165–66, 174; Britwell Court collection, 202; Church collection, 175; Clawson collection, 208–9; Codex Hammer, 227–28; Doheny collection, 218, 226–28, 411, 431, 508; Epstein collection, 285, 531–33; Fortsas collection, 116–19; Franklin collection, 137; Furman collection, 163; Garden Ltd. collection, 49 226, 228–29, 238–41, 463, 508; Hoe collection, 173–76, 178–80, 186, 194–96, 331; Hogan collection, 221; Horblit collection, 461–62; Houghton collection, 229; Huntington surplusage, 142; Huth collection, 185, 196, 209, 270; Jones collection, 271; Kern collection, 211–12; Manney antique collection, 528; Manney collection, 331, 412, 414, 524–28; Martin collection, 226, 228, 411, 422, 508; Mulholland sale, 419; Ramirez collection, 171; record sum spent at, 178–79, 181, 225, 228 Roxburghe collection, 114–16; Silver collection, 324–26; Squier collection, 171; Stockhausen collection, 336–37; Suzannet collection, 424
Auden, W. H, 279
Audubon, John James, 4–5, 152, 229
Auerbach, Bart, 226, 227, 332, 334–35,338–39, 439–40, 509, 524, 532
Augustine, St., 180
Augustine of Canterbury, St., 87
Ausonius, 74
Ausonius, Decius Magnus, 60–61
Austen, Jane, 212, 414
Autobiography (Franklin), 4, 136, 179
Awards for book collecting
Adrian Van Sinderen Award, 293
Sir Thomas More Medal, 452–54
Babel, Isaac, 311
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 272
Bacon, Francis, 153
The History of Henry VII, 92
Bade, Anthony, 212
Baden-Powell, Robert, 53
Baer, Ludwig, 178
Baker, Zachary M., 389
Balbus, Johannes, 273–74
Baldwin, Ruth, 368–75, 380
Baldwin, Thomas Whitfield, 369, 371, 373
Baldwin Library, 368–75
Bale, John, 88–89
Ball, Elisabeth W., 380
Bancroft, George, 159
Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 169–72, 395
Bancroft Library, 172, 453
Barbary Coast, The (Asbury), 406
Barclay, Alexander, 46
Barker, Margery, 422
Barker, Nicolas, 5, 250–51, 267, 317, 411, 46n
Barnes Foundation, 261
Barnfield, Richard, Cynthia, 206
Barrett, Clifton Waller, 18, 221, 282, 453
Barrett, Oliver R., 427–29
Barrett collection, 428
Baskerville, John, 548n
Baskin, Hosea, 286
Baskin, Leonard, 285–92
Baskin, Lisa, 285–92
“Battle of Marathon, The” (E. Browning), 212
Baudelaire, Charles, 350
Baum, L. Frank, The Wizard of Oz, 378,381, 532
Bay Psalm Book, 5, 128, 140–42, 147, 162, 164, 166, 179
Bean, Robert, “Some Racial Peculiarities of the Negro Brain,” 395
Bech Is Back (Updike), 54–55
Beckett, Samuel, 317–18, 433, 435
Beckett’s Bums (Beckett), 318
Beckwith, Robert Todd Lincoln, 430
Bédoyère, Henri de la, 36
Beebe, Lucius, 193
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 30, 272, 437
Beet Queen, The (Erdrich), 281
Beinecke, Edwin, 376–77
Beinecke, Frederick, 377
Beinecke Library, 376–82, 493
Bélin, Théophile, 178, 182
Belknap, Jeremy, 139, 142–14
Belknap, Joseph, 144
Bell, Alexander Graham, 53, 437
Bellow, Saul, 406
Belter, John Henry, 526
Bemelmans, Ludwig, 361, 378–79
Benchley, Robert, 55–56
Benedict, Saint, 69–71
Benedictine Order, 70–71, 87
Benjamin, Walter, 17
Bennett, Richard, 183
Bentinck-Smith, William, 188
Benton, Thomas Hart, 347
Benvenuto, 76
Beowulf, 89–90
Beresford, James, 26
Berg, Albert A., 214
Berger, Sanford L., 444–52
Berger, Sidney E., 418
Bergstrom, Howard, 479, 484, 514
Berkeley, George, 128
Bessels, Emil, 36
Bettmann Archive, 261
Bible, 177, 360. See also Bay Psalm Book; Bishop’s Bible; Book of Job; Cotton Genesis; Eliot Indian Bible; Gospel of Matthew; Gutenberg Bible; Lindisfarne Gospels; New Testament; September Testament; Septuagint; Stonyhurst Gospel
American, 305; Ashburnham, 176; Complutensian Polyglot, 265; Douay, 305; Doves, 324; Great, of Mainz, 44; Hebrew, 177; Icelandic, 271; Jensen, 218; King James, 527; 1643 English, 413
Bibliographical Decameron (Dibdin), 114
Bibliographical Guide to American Literature (Trübner), 158
Bibliomania, 27–28 as court defense, 480; novels on, 51–52; origin of term, 25–27
Bibliomaniac, definition of, 9, 27–28
Bibliomania (Dibdin), 110
“Bibliomania” (Ferriar), 110
“Bibliomania” (Flaubert), 34
Bibliophile, definition of, 9
Bibliotheca Alessandrina, 29
Bibliotheca Parsoniana, 67
Bibliothèque Nationale, 142, 273
Bierstadt, O. A., 174
Bigelow, John, 179
Bigger, Mary Beth, 339–40
Bill of Rights, 439, 443
Bird, Robert Montgomery, 282
Birds of America (Audubon), 4–5, 152, 228
Bishop’s Bible, 470
Bisticci, Vespasiano dè, 78
William K., 185
Black Genealogy (Blockson), 401
Blades, William, 101, 118
Blake, William, 196, 233, 328, 413 illustrations for Book of Job, 176, 183; Milton, 181; Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, 44, 187, 251–52
Blandford, Marquis of, 115–16
Bleak House (Dickens), 421
Blegen, Theodore C., 17
Blickling Homilies, 267
Blind stamping, 447
Bliss, Leslie E., 205, 209
Blockson, Charles L., 398–404
Bloomer, H. R., 455
Blotner, Joseph, 54, 296
Blumberg, Henry, 497, 499–502, 504–5, 517
Blumberg, Stephen Carrie, 1–3, 5, 465–519, 570n–71n
Blumberg collection, 465–519, 570n
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 459
Blumenthal, Florence, 356
Blumenthal, Walter Hart, 407
Blyden, Edward Wilmot, 397
Board, Fred J., 404–9
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 74–76. See also English Boccaccio; Valdarfer Boccaccio
Bodleian Library, 49–50, 381
Boethius, 70–71, 238
Bohatta, Hanns, 9
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 362
Book Collector, The, 53, 186, 324–25
Booked Up, 410
Book Hunter’s Holiday, A (Rosenbach), 28
Bookmen’s Bedlam (Blumenthal), 407
Book of Common Prayer, 273
Book of Job, illustrated by Blake, 176, 183
Book of Martyrs (Foxe), 265
Book of Saint Albans, The, 113, 180, 183
Book of the Dead, The, 240
Book of the General Lawess and Libertyes Concerning the Inhabitants of the Massachusetts, The, 179
Book Peddler, The, 393
borrowers of, 43; curses on thieves of, 35; murder for, 33–34; theft of, 1–3, 5, 34–36; victims of, 36–37
Booth, John Wilkes, 427–28, 431
Bordas-Demoulins, Jean Baptiste, 36–37
Boston Antiquarian Book Fair, 241
Boston Athenæum, 154–57
Boston Public Library, 5, 141
Boswell, James, Life of Samuel Johnson, 417
Boyd, Julian P., 172, 269
Boyle, Elizabeth, 216
Bracciolini, Poggio, 77–78
Bradbury, Ray, 51
Bradford, William, 139
Bragg, Mabel C., 378
Brant, Sebastian, 46–47
Breslauer, Bernard, 231
Bridges, Marilyn, 255
Bridgewater House library, 195
Brigham, Clarence S., 197–98, 200–5
Brinley, Charles A., 164, 166
Brinley, George, 141, 163–166, 260, 263, 302–3, 306, 491–92
A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books Page 75