The Kings Meadow Romance Collection

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The Kings Meadow Romance Collection Page 59

by Robin Lee Hatcher

  There was no need for the bride to be told to smile. Penny couldn’t stop smiling even if she tried.

  Half an hour later, the last of the photographs had been taken, and Penny and Trevor looked out from the wings of the stage, his arm around her waist. The fellowship hall of the church—filled with lifelong friends and neighbors and a few Nashville guests as well—buzzed with happy voices that rose and fell like the waves of the sea.

  She saw her dad, looking handsome in his morning coat. He’d lost weight, a healthy weight loss, since improving his diet. And his new exercise routine, started because of the diabetes, had improved his back as well. Beside him—looking pretty in a lavender lace dress—was Dot Reynolds. It occurred to Penny that her dad and Dot would make a very nice couple. They were already good friends. She wondered—

  “Stranger things have happened,” Trevor whispered.

  She laughed, loving that he’d read her thoughts. Then she allowed her gaze to roam the large room again.

  She spied Grant and Skye Nichols, Skye looking ready to have her first baby any day now. Perhaps at any moment—which would certainly add a unique twist to Penny’s wedding day.

  Next to them were Buck and Charity Malone. Last summer, their outdoor wedding in the town park had been the biggest event Kings Meadow had ever seen. Penny had thought it lovely, of course, but her choice had been a smaller affair. Only a maid of honor and one bridesmaid. A wedding gown found on the sale rack at the bridal shop in Boise. Wildflowers for her bouquet.

  Sprinkled throughout the crowd were the men who had done so much to help the Cartwrights during her dad’s illness and recovery. Men like Chet Leonard, Ollie Abbott, Rand Foster, Patrick Lester, and Tom Butler. And their wives beside them, who had provided food for the family when preparing meals was the last thing anyone wanted to do.

  A fresh appreciation for the people of Kings Meadow welled in her heart. She remembered once wanting to find a job outside of Idaho. Now she found it hard to imagine ever wanting to leave.

  This was home. Her home. Hers and Trevor’s. And someday, God willing, their children’s home too. Out of the ashes of pain and anger and bitterness of a year ago had come an unexpected joy and peace and a future for her to share with Trevor.

  She didn’t bother to thank her lucky stars. She didn’t believe in them. But she did take a moment to thank the Keeper of the stars. It was a good way to begin a marriage.

  Note to Readers

  Dear Friends:

  It wasn’t easy to type “The end” on Keeper of the Stars because it meant saying farewell to the friends I’ve made in Kings Meadow. I hope you’ve come to love the setting and the characters as much as I have.

  I keep hearing from readers, asking about the order of the stories set in Kings Meadow. It is a bit confusing since only three of the five are part of the Kings Meadow Romance series. You can, of course, find the information on my website (, but I will share it here as well:

  A Promise Kept (single title women’s fiction)

  Love Without End (Kings Meadow Romance, Book One)

  Whenever You Come Around (Kings Meadow Romance, Book Two)

  I Hope You Dance (a July wedding story in the Year of Weddings series)

  Keeper of the Stars (Kings Meadow Romance, Book Three)

  As I write this note, still many months from the release date, I haven’t settled on what story I will write next. So instead of introducing you to some new characters or a new series as I often do in a note to my readers, I’ll invite you to visit my website where you can always find the most up-to-date information.

  If you enjoyed this book, I hope you’ll take a moment to leave a review on Goodreads and/or Amazon and/or some other book retailer or review site. Those reviews are far more important than you may know and are deeply appreciated.

  In the grip of His grace,


  Discussion Questions

  for Love Without End

  1. Kimberly sometimes feels angry at her deceased husband for keeping her in the dark about their finances. Is she justified? Does she deserve some of the blame?

  2. Violet tells Anna that God doesn’t need her to pretend how she feels about losing her parents. Do you sometimes pretend when you go to God in prayer? How can you be more open and honest before Him?

  3. Janet Dunn opens her home to her childhood friend and daughter. How have you exercised the gift of hospitality lately to friends and/or strangers?

  4. Do you think the unexpected death of a spouse or the desertion by a spouse would be more difficult to overcome? Why?

  5. Both Chet and Kimberly have trusted friends/mentors who speak truth into their lives. Do you have someone who speaks the truth in love to you? How do you cultivate and protect those special relationships?

  6. Kimberly believes God could have found an easier way to bring her to Kings Meadow. Janet responds that “easy” may not have been what Kimberly needed. Has God used difficult circumstances to bring you to a new place of understanding? Are you able to be grateful for it?

  for Whenever You Come Around

  1. Charity kept a painful secret all to herself for many years. In what ways was she adversely affected because of her silence?

  2. Buck gave up his own dreams to care for his parents and to help his older brother finish college and get his Master’s Degree. Now it is hard for Buck to accept help in return. Is it easier for you to give help than receive it? If so, why?

  3. Charity finds a sense of healing with her dog and Buck’s horses. Have animals ever been a source of comfort for you?

  4. Charity realizes that sin, even when forgiven, has consequences that can linger. Has that been true in your life? How did you move forward in victory in those situations?

  5. Charity and Buck both tried to protect themselves from future hurt by keeping others at arm’s length. Have you ever done the same? Did it work?

  6. Charity came to believe—without realizing it at first—that God wouldn’t want her to be happy because of her sinful actions/feelings. Have you ever viewed God that way? How do you avoid misunderstanding the invisible God?

  7. Charity and Buck have older siblings who speak wisdom into their lives. Do you have a family member or friend who does the same for you?

  8. Do you have a favorite character from Whenever You Come Around? Who is it and why?

  9. There comes a moment when Charity realizes that Buck sees the “real” Charity. Everyone wants to be seen, to know their lives matter to someone. Have you experienced the love of Elroi, the God who sees (Gen 16:13)? If not, I encourage you to look to Him today. He sees you, and you matter to Him.

  for Keeper of the Stars

  1. Penny Cartwright knew some hard losses and fell into the habit of trying to control her life and the lives of those she loved. Have you ever done something similar? Were you ever truly in control of the future, despite your efforts?

  2. Because Trevor Reynolds hadn’t known a father’s love growing up, he found it hard to trust in a loving God. Are you able to rest in the love of God, no matter what human relationships have done in your life?

  3. Penny let angry words linger between herself and Brad, and then when he died, it was too late to ask for his forgiveness. Has anything similar ever happened to you? What did you learn about the importance of forgiving and being forgiven sooner rather than later?

  4. Although he was young, Brad had a deep faith and the ability to love others. That love drew others to him. Are you able to love those who are far from God, those whose personalities or lifestyles are different from your own?

  5. The townsfolk of Kings Meadow pulled together to help a neighbor in need. God has given each of us a time and place to bond with and help others, and that begins with where we live. Have you found ways to reach out to your neighbors? In what ways do you care for those in need?

  6. Trevor pursued a dream of fame as a singer that was never realized, despite his talent. What do you think about the lesson
he learned from the book of Joshua regarding true success? Are you able to “offer up” the talent God has given you, for Him to use as He chooses rather than as you choose?

  7. Do you have a favorite character from Keeper of the Stars? Who is it, and why?

  Other Novels by Robin Lee Hatcher

  The Heart’s Pursuit

  A Promise Kept

  Heart of Gold

  Autumn’s Angel, a novella found in A Bride for All Seasons


  Love Without End

  Whenever You Come Around

  Keeper of the Stars






  A Vote of Confidence

  Fit to Be Tied

  A Matter of Character

  About the Author

  ROBIN LEE HATCHER IS THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR of over seventy-five books. Her well-drawn characters and heartwarming stories of faith, courage, and love have earned her both critical acclaim and the devotion of readers. Her numerous awards include the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction, the RITA Award for Best Inspirational Romance, Romantic Times’ Career Achievement Awards for Americana Romance and for Inspirational Fiction, the Carol Award, the 2011 Idahope Writer of the Year, and Lifetime Achievement Awards from both Romance Writers of America (2001) and American Christian Fiction Writers (2014). Library Journal named Catching Katie one of the Best Books of 2004.

  Robin began her writing career in the general market, writing mass-market romances for Leisure Books, HarperPaperbacks, Avon Books, and Silhouette. In 1997, after several years of heart preparation, Robin accepted God’s call to write stories of faith and hasn’t looked back since. She has written both contemporary and historical women’s faith-based fiction and romance for Thomas Nelson, Zondervan, Revell, Steeple Hill, Tyndale House, Multnomah, and WaterBrook.

  Robin enjoys being with her family, spending time in the beautiful Idaho outdoors, reading books that make her cry, and watching romantic movies. Robin and her husband make their home on the outskirts of Boise, sharing it with Poppet, the high-maintenance papillon, and Princess Pinky, the DC (demon cat).




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