Loving his ANGEL_A Rock Star Romance

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Loving his ANGEL_A Rock Star Romance Page 7

by Megan Hetherington

  “Yeah that makes sense lad.”

  Jonny could see his grandad’s mind ticking over. Genius. If his grandad thought he was doing Jonny a favour he would definitely consider moving away from that grotty estate.

  They wandered from room to room.

  “I love the high ceilings and the cornicing. We can get those fireplaces in working order again, too. And the windows… do you think they need some attention?” Eliza asked Jonny’s grandad who was prodding the bottom of one of them. The wood soft, yielding under the pressure.

  “Yeah, but they’re the original sash ones, so they are worth restoring. I know someone who can do that. A master craftsman in his day. Not like some of the numpties trying to pass for joiners these days.”

  “Shall we have a look at the annexe then?”

  They walked down the centrally placed staircase into the ginormous parqueted entrance hall, through the kitchen and the former scullery to the garden.

  “Yeah definitely need a new extension. Open out some of these rooms at the back. It’s like a rabbit warren.” Jonny complained to Eliza.

  “You should keep hold of this though.” Jonny’s grandad pulling his hand over a cold slab in the pantry. A small room with a tiny north facing window next to the kitchen. “Would have been used for keeping dairy stuff cool.”

  “Oh.” Jonny seemed unimpressed. Thinking a big American style fridge would be more appropriate.

  “There’s some nice trees and shrubs in this garden, Eliza.” Jonny’s grandad stopping to examine one of them. “Ethel loves plants and flowers.” He added absentmindedly.

  “Well I don’t know the first thing about gardening,” she admitted. “Although I would love to learn if Ethel has time to show me?”

  “I’m sure she would love to.”

  They let him go into the annexe first. As the agent shut the door behind them he was already off exploring, through the kitchen into the living room at the back.

  “It’s lovely and quiet. You can’t hear any of the traffic. No neighbours arguing… And look there’s even a little private patio at the back.”

  “Why don’t you have a look upstairs grandad? There’s a double bedroom, dressing room and a bathroom up there.”

  Jonny hung back and whispered to Eliza, “This would be absolutely perfect for them. Are you sure you’re okay with it?”

  “More than okay Jonny. Why don’t you go up after him and suggest it to him?”

  “So what do you think grandad?” Jonny shouted up as he walked up the stairs. He found him in the bedroom, looking out of the bay window into the garden.

  “It’s blooming lovely.”

  “Yeah it is. Eliza’s really struck on this place too. The only issue we’ve got is how to juggle doing the house up whilst we’re away touring with the band. We’re concerned that the builders might not do what we want if someone’s not around to watch over them.”

  “Yes I can see your dilemma Jonny.” Rubbing the back of his neck thoughtfully.

  “So, we’ve been discussing potential solutions and wonder what you would think about doing me and Eliza a favour and move in here? This annexe. Helping look after the place when we’re not around. Making sure we don’t get turned over by any cowboy builders?”

  Jonny’s grandad nodded. His pale eyes misting over. He coughed to clear his throat. “Yeah, there are some right cowboys out there, and we can’t have you being done over. I’d have to speak to your grandma first of course. But… I think she would love it here. You do mean both of us, don’t you?” He cleared his throat again.

  Jonny wrapped his arm around his grandad and squeezed him tight. “Of course I mean both of you. And thanks. It means a lot to me and Eliza.”

  “No problem Jonny. It would be good to be able to help you both.”

  Pride intact Jonny’s grandad walked out of the annex and back in to the garden.

  “So let’s have a look at this house again. See what needs doing.” Jonny’s grandad asserted to the agent.

  Jonny winked at Eliza and she hooked her arm in his.

  Chapter Nine

  “We are proud owners of a fixer-upper.” Eliza flung her mobile phone triumphantly onto the bed.

  “What they’ve accepted our offer?”


  He picked her up by the waist and swung her round.

  “I love you Eliza.”

  She put her hands on either side of his head and kissed him. “And I love you too.”

  “Here.” She passed him a cup of coffee and sat down at the table to eat her breakfast.

  “So what’s the next step?”

  “We need to find a solicitor and sort some stuff out with the bank. Shall I make some appointments?”

  “Yeah sounds good. Can you arrange them for tomorrow though? I wanted to get some flying hours in. I’ve checked with the airport at Elstree and they’ve got some instructors free this afternoon.”

  “Okay that’s fine. I can’t imagine I would get any appointments today anyway. It’ll have to be the morning though as we’ve got our flight back home tomorrow.” She picked at the croissant on the plate in front of her.

  “Don’t forget who we are, Angel. I reckon they would shuffle stuff around to accommodate us.” He took the last piece of croissant, before adding, “You didn’t want that, did you Angel?”

  “Bit late now,” she joked. “So now we know for sure, do you think your grandad will take us up on our offer?”

  “I’ll give him a call. I know he didn’t want to speak to grandma about it until he was sure we’d got it. I just want to get them out of there as soon as I can. How long do you think it will take?”

  “The estate agent figures it would be a month or so. But we could have access to the house to show architects and interior designers in the meantime. So we potentially could get plans drawn up and builders commissioned before we go on tour. It might even be ready to move into when we get back from the US.”

  “Don’t you mean Jamaica?”

  “Are you sure we should still do that with the house and everything?”

  “It was your idea in the first place. And yes, I’m really looking forward to it. If we can find an architect that can project manage too, then we won’t be putting on grandad too much.”

  “Okay I suppose so, especially if we get stuff rolling before we go back home. I’ll try and get an architect and interior designer lined up too today then. Can you sort the builder out?”

  “Yeah, sure I’ll speak to dad. He said he’s got some contacts for us to try.”

  He left her talking to the estate agent. Getting the low down on various solicitors they no doubt earnt commission off.

  Jonny wasn’t lying, he had arranged to go flying that afternoon, but he had another errand to run first. He was going to Hatton Garden in Holborn to buy a ring for Eliza. An engagement ring.

  He’d thought about it a lot just recently and had decided that he needed to get it and then work on the proposal plan. He wanted it to be perfect and had gone through a whole range of options, even considering learning how to cook so he could surprise her with a special meal. The only problem being the extent of his culinary skills right now were pancakes and although he made a mean stack, somehow he didn’t quite think that was going to cut it. Learning anything beyond that, well, it might be beyond him. Also the schedule for the next few months was manic and they were all over the place. He just figured if he had the ring then he could work on the proposal details. Having both up in the air was too much to contemplate.

  He’d spoken to his mum about rings and she’d given him some advice. “Always go for diamonds. She might like rubies or emeralds or sapphires but when it comes to engagement rings, if you want to surprise her that is and she’s not going to pick it herself, then go with diamonds.”

  He’d pretty much sussed that on his own, but then there was the sizing issue.

  “Take one of her rings with you. One that she would wear on her ring finger.” His mum had advis

  But Eliza mixed up her rings. Sometimes he would see a ring on her thumb that she would another day wear on her middle or index finger, but he’d never seen her with one on her actual ring finger.

  He’d tried to sneakily measure up the size of his fingers against hers, but they were massively different. Even his little finger was thicker than her thumb. One night he resorted to tying a strand of cotton around her finger whilst she was asleep, but then got it stuck and had to carefully snip it free with some scissors from a manicure set.

  The whole thing had left him exhausted. He was starting to go off the idea, knowing that he was stressing over it too much. Just get a ring, for fucks sake, he’d shouted at himself in the bathroom mirror that morning. So, that’s what he was going to do today.

  Going with his mother’s advice, he had pocketed one of her rings. At least the jeweller could use it as a guide.

  His stomach was turning when he rang on the doorbell outside the jewellers. For a moment he felt as if he had no right to be stood outside an establishment like this. Their advert in the phone directory said they traded uncut diamonds here and he was no expert when it came to precious stones. Would they see him as a fraud? Look down their nose at him?

  The buzzer sounded and the door release clicked. He was just about to walk away, instead mustered his courage and pushed against the shiny brass door plate.

  “Good afternoon, sir.” The assistant smiled at him warmly. She was in her early twenties, but dressed for more advanced years. A smart white blouse, buttoned up to a frill around her neck. Her hair pinned up on top of her head, showing off long diamond studded ear rings that fell halfway down her long neck.

  Jonny glanced at the wall beyond and immediately recognized her to be part of the family that owned the store. He smiled as he walked up to her counter.

  Clearing his throat, the stark sense of importance causing it to constrict. “I’m looking for an engagement ring.” There. He said it. It didn’t sound too stupid. Her reaction wasn’t unusual. Well she didn’t guffaw or anything, or double up laughing and disappear behind the counter. She was still there attentive to his request.

  “Have you anything particular in mind?”

  “Not really.”

  “Well we specialise in diamonds, but they do come in different colours and cuts.” She lead him to a display cabinet near the window.

  “Here’s our range of solitaires.” She outstretched her hand.

  He followed it and his eyes were drawn to a rotating podium above the cabinet. Pride of place under a glass dome was the perfect ring. A spotlight illuminating the three stones, making them glint outrageously.

  “What about that one.” He pointed.

  “Erh, yes of course.” She hesitated. “I’ll just have to get my brother, to….to help unlock the security device.”

  “No problem.” He shuffled nervously, waiting for her to reappear. He wasn’t an idiot, and he knew the only reason she didn’t get it straight out was because she thought he might steal it. He bet she wouldn’t be so cautious if he was dressed in a suit instead of his jeans and baseball cap.

  She reappeared with a tall gentleman, bearing an obvious resemblance to her and wearing a kippah. He went straight to the dome, unlocked it from its base and carried it over the counter.

  Repeating the price of it, before unlocking it, just to make sure that he hadn’t misheard her the first time.

  Jonny just stared in response. He was midway between embarrassed and annoyed. She hadn’t been rude to him, far from it, but there were certain things that he felt were being assumed that he wasn’t altogether comfortable with.

  She lifted off the dome and unlocked the ring and cushion from the second security wire, holding it up to him for inspection. He held it up to see the profile. Yes. It was perfect. The central two carat diamond was champagne coloured, with two smaller white diamonds on each side.

  “Do you know what ring size the lady is?”

  The obvious question he had expected and struggled with. His hand hovered over the pocket in his jeans, intending on producing Eliza’s ring, but then thought better of it. It would no doubt look pathetic next to this ring. Probably covered in fluff from his pocket too.

  “No.” he said.

  “Well that’s not a problem. We can always alter it, if it is not right.”

  “Okay.” That was easy enough.

  “So would you like to think about it and maybe come back when you’ve decided?”

  No he wouldn’t come back. He had made a decision to buy a ring today. He didn’t need time to decide. It was perfect. The price was immaterial. But then, it had all happened so quickly. Shouldn’t there have been a bit more toing and froing? More rings to ruminate over?

  “No. I’ll take it now.” He fished in his jacket pocket for his wallet, producing a platinum Amex card.

  Her expression said it all. Money talks.

  She then relaxed her posture and started explaining enthusiastically about the cleaning service they offered and how they could have it engraved if he wished. How best to store it. Insure it. Avoiding corrosive chemicals, hand creams, lubricants. What other items of jewellery would help show it off.

  This ring was starting to sound like a bind. Too much responsibility.

  He walked out of the jewellers massively nervous. It was all starting to become very real. He just needed to work on the proposal. There were so many ideas going through his head. How, being the main concern. On the way to the store he had decided on the where.

  Too nervous to take his expensive purchase on public transport and desperate to have another look at it, he hailed a cab. He must have looked at it a dozen times on the way to the airport. Each time reassuring himself that she would like it. In between, convincing himself that she wouldn’t.

  He managed to cram in two hours flying before heading back across London to meet up with Eliza for dinner. He’d had to sign up to doing all his flying training from Elstree, which, as they would be living in London very soon, he was more than happy to do. It also meant he could concentrate on flying a Cessna 172, instead of the two different EASA planes he had flown in Ibiza. Already thinking of how cool it would be to own one soon.

  They caught up over their celebratory meal at the swanky restaurant in Claridges. Toasting to the anticipation of a new home in London.

  Eliza was brimming over with excitement at all the day’s achievements.

  Solicitor on the case.

  Architect on the plans.

  Interior designer on the mood board.

  Jonny in his excitement had forgotten to ask his father to get some quotes from the builders.

  Eliza was a little put out. Thinking all he had been doing was pleasing himself with his flying hobby. Little did she know about the surprise he had in store for her and the commitment he was hoping she would agree to.

  Chapter Ten

  On the fourth hit of Dirk’s drum sticks the rest joined in. They were all in a good place and it showed in studio time.

  Okay, Dirk had brought a bottle of Jack Daniels in today, but that just seemed to help keep the momentum going. Forcing them all to keep ahead of the schedule for the day before Dirk was too drunk to play.

  Karma Life preferred to perform together in the studio, rather than do individual recordings as was the case with most bands. For them, it helped achieve the live sound they were famous for. Some overdubbing and backing singing was usually added in at the end. Kurt tended to be in charge of that, often working until the early hours with the studio mixer to perfect each track.

  This album needed to be finished by the end of the week. The vinyl was to be pressed that month and all due to be released the month after. Promotion would be pretty heavy, all leading up to the US tour. Their first since “Samsara” became the universal hit of the year.

  Jim Bob turned up towards the end of their session to check on progress. He’d flown in from America, checking the arrangements were all in order ahead of their states
ide tour. Keeping tabs on the PR agency he had used was difficult from afar and he wanted to be sure for himself that they had booked in all the slots he had requested with TV stations, newspapers, and music magazines.

  Now he wanted to see for himself that Karma Life were on track with recording the album that would be promoted at each appointment. It was his first as manager for Karma Life and he was a little apprehensive. The last album was a huge success for them, but they didn’t have a manager at the time, organizing it all on the hoof when their song “Samsara” was picked to be the title track of a blockbusting film.

  He had brought with him the artwork for the album cover to spur them on.

  “Wow. I love it.” Eliza ran her fingers over the mock up. Flipping from the front to the back and then opening it up. They had pushed out the boat this time and had gone for a double gatefold cover. It had space for the lyrics to all their new songs to be printed on it.

  The rest huddled around her. Commenting and pointing enthusiastically. She passed it around so they could each get a close up.

  “The only thing is…” Kurt hesitated when the cover was passed to him, knowing Jim Bob wouldn’t react well to what he was about to say. “The only thing is, Jonny has written a new song. And it’s really good. And we want to include it on this album.” He closed the album cover.

  They all stood perfectly still waiting for Jim Bob’s reaction.

  “What!” Jim Bob never lost his temper. His nature suited his job perfectly. Firefighting with a calm air about him was what he did best. But adding a new song into an album that had been agreed up front? When they were working backwards from a tour that started in sixty days and an album that was due to be released in less than thirty?

  The temper that Jim Bob never lost, was.

  His face puce with frustration, he let loose with a tirade. His words getting louder and more emotional as he went on. “We agreed all of this weeks ago guys. To change the artwork now would add another two to three weeks. At least. Two to three weeks we just haven’t got. Everything is set. I’ve worked so hard, so many hours, getting everything together. Do you know how difficult it is? You lot think everything just happens like.” He snapped his fingers in the air. “Unbelievable.” He shook his head, breathing heavily and firmly sticking his hands onto his hips.


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