The Grey Tier

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The Grey Tier Page 22

by Michele Scott

  But I was still not in the mood for jokes.

  “Do you want to know what happens when a spirit gets to the White Tier?” His hand gently stroked the side of my cheek.

  I didn’t answer. But I nodded quickly.

  He reached his hand up and pulled the luster down. It enveloped us tighter than before, like a cocoon.

  “What I’m about to tell you is something that must be kept between you and I. Not all spirits, especially those from the Black Tier, knows what happens at the White level.”

  I nodded again, this time feeling more focused on what he was saying.

  His voice lowered to a whisper. “The White Tier, or the Bodha, gives us two options. One is to remain on that tier, simply being and holding a light out to bring other spirits to us. But there is another choice. We are allowed five memories. We can choose anything from the Grey, any moment in time. It doesn’t matter what it is. We can rotate those memories and relive them continuously. We can intertwine the memories and make new ones—new storylines so to speak. I would choose that option. The memories.”

  Lucas drew me closer to him, so close our mouths were almost touching.

  “I only need one. One memory. I would ask to be here with you in this moment, Evie. For eternity.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  “EVIE! YOU ARE GOING to get me unwanted publicity with your Nancy Drew crap.”

  I was at Simone’s applying a fresh coat of paint on her face for an evening charity event. She was clearly less than pleased at how last night turned out. I, on the other hand, couldn’t have been happier. Thoughts of Lucas began to dance sensuously in my head.

  “Evie!” Simone reached up and poked me hard. “What is going on with you? I don’t think you’ve heard a thing I’ve said.” She threw up her arms in exasperation, almost knocking the applicator brush out of my hand.

  “Look,” she said her voice suddenly calmer, “I know you want to solve Nick’s murder. I get he was your friend and you feel like the police aren’t moving fast enough. But I need you to let the cops do their job, okay? I mean, did you even read the paper?”

  I paused for a moment, staring at her. “Do you read the paper?” I was genuinely curious. Simone may be a talented gal but I’d never mistake her for the type who spends her time reading for fun.

  “Yes, I do, as a matter of fact. I read three papers every day. The Wall Street Journal, The LA Times, and The New York Times. I get them all on my Kindle.”

  I reached down into my makeup kit to grab another brush. “So, what’s this about the paper?”

  Simone rolled her eyes heavenward. “About George Hernandez and Pietro SanGiacomo. Hernandez was arrested and he ratted out SanGiacomo. The cops are almost positive they had a hit out on your friend Nick.” She reached across me to her dresser and pulled a sleek, black tablet computer off the top. “Here take a look.” She turned it on, found what she was looking for, and handed it to me. “Read it.”

  My eyes quickly skimmed the article. “Okay . . . so it sounds like the police think they may be able to solve Nick’s murder.”

  “So stop playing cops and robbers, Bestie. It’s not safe for you, and it could be bad press for me.” She clicked her newly polished nails on the sides of the antique vanity chair. “Besides, I have someone coming to listen to you next week. I’m taking you into the studio.”

  “Really?” My heart started thumping hard in my chest.

  “Yes, really.”

  I squealed and gave her a quick hug.

  “Watch the face, Chicken Little! I don’t want to spend another hour in this chair getting touch ups.”

  Chicken Little? Where she came up with this stuff I had no clue, but at the moment I didn’t care! I jumped back, nodding eagerly. “Oh thank you, Simone. Thank you so much.” I quickly sprayed some shimmer lightly across her perfectly angled cheeks. “Can I ask you one more favor?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Only if we can go back to fucking Denny’s soon.”

  “We can.” Here goes nothing. “Um, I’d like you to come by Nick’s place and meet somebody.”

  Simone’s eyes widened and then she smiled slyly. “Look at you trying to set me up. That’s sweet but I don’t need any help.”

  I placed my hands on my hips. “Duh, Diva.” I winked at her and she smiled. “No. It’s not that.” I started feeling nervous again. “Um, do you remember when you said you might be interested in buying the bar?”

  “I was buzzed. I say lots of stupid shit when I’ve been drinking.”

  “Hear me out,” I said. “The guy who owns it now, Joshua Styles, he’s a good guy but cash flow is tight. He’s an amazing chef and he’s looking to fix the place up.”

  Her gaze narrowed perceptively. “You like him, don’t you?”

  “No! I mean, well, I like him as a friend but . . .”

  “Is he hot?”

  I didn’t respond right away. “I guess you’ll never know unless you come to the bar and see for yourself.”

  “Oh brother. Fine! I’ll meet this guy you don’t like and see what he has to offer.”

  I hugged her again, but with a little less enthusiasm. The fact is, I did like Joshua as a friend. And he was very easy on the eyes. And, of course, there was Lucas . . . but who knew how long he’d be around? As for Simone, well, I had yet to meet a man who wasn’t instantly bowled over by her good looks and star power. So while I really wanted to help Joshua, I was also a bit uncomfortable throwing Simone and him together. Which was pretty damn selfish of me, and I decided then and there to get over myself, pronto.

  I finished her makeup and then helped Simone into her evening gown. It was long, beaded, and red, and silhouetted her figure beautifully. If I got to wear designer dresses like that all the time, I might be more interested in changing my jeans and T-shirt look. We walked out of her place together. Dwight was waiting for her in an expensive Italian suit by the front door. They stepped into the Bentley.

  Simone rolled down her window and yelled, “See you tomorrow!”

  I waved half-heartedly, knowing exactly how Cinderella must have felt watching her step-sisters going off to the ball. Only Simone was hardly an ugly step-sister.

  As the limo’s taillights faded down the drive, I opened the door to my van and drove off to my second job.

  Once there, Becky greeted me with a cold shoulder. She refused to make eye contact at all.

  Candace leaned towards me over the bar. “What crawled up her ass?”

  I shrugged, knowing full well what Becky’s problem was.

  “Boy likes you,” Mumbles chimed in.

  “Aha!” Candace’s face lit up and she pointed a gnarled finger at me. “That’s it! Becky clearly doesn’t like being replaced by another woman, especially when the man in question is her son.” She lowered her voice a tad. “Watch out with her. As I well know, she has claws.”

  I didn’t disagree. Instead, I turned to Mumbles and smiled.

  “Mumbles, you think all the guys have eyes for me.”

  He smiled gently and his green eye lit up. “They do!”

  “You are sweet, but wrong.”

  Candace knocked back another swig of her drink and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Oh, I don’t know. I think Mumbles is right about this one.” Then she peered at me for a long moment. “I heard about Jackson. Was he really found dead in your pool?”

  I’d been waiting for someone to bring Jackson up. According to Simone, there’d been a small article in the local section of the paper this morning. I hadn’t wanted to read it. I guess since it was a more or less an open and shut case, the reporters weren’t all that interested in the story. “He was. It was horrible.”

  “Told you. Bad guy,” Mumbles mumbled.

  I sighed. “You did, Mumbles. But I still feel bad he had to die at all. Apparently he suffered from manic-depression or something like that, so who knows how much of what we saw of him in the bar was the real Jackson.”

  Candace stirred her dr
ink with a finger. “Kind of bizarre he died the same way as Roger.”

  I stopped wiping down the bar and looked at her for a few seconds. “Yes. Yes I guess it is.”

  “What did the police say?” she asked.

  “They think it was an accident. There were no signs of foul play and no tracks on the property other than Jackson’s.”

  “That’s what they said about Roger,” she replied. “That it was an accident.”

  I glanced at Becky, who, mercifully, had her back turned to me while she worked at the other end of the bar. I kept thinking about what Roger had told me about his death. And then I spotted Joshua coming out of the kitchen, wearing a teal colored shirt that nearly matched his eyes. I could seriously get used to having him around to stare at all day.

  “Hey! I didn’t expect you in here tonight. Did you get any sleep? You look exhausted.”

  I frowned.

  He chuckled, “You don’t look bad, just tired.”

  I thought about Lucas and the time we’d spent together last night.

  “I’m fine. And it actually helps me to be here around people.” Everyone, that is, except Becky. “I like playing my music.”

  “We like having you here,” Joshua said, smiling. “But no pressure. If you’re tired and want to head home early, we’d all understand.”

  “I’m fine. Really. But thanks!” I was starting to get irritated by everyone insisting I needed taking care of. I was a big girl, after all. I grabbed my guitar and set up. My goal was to simply play my music for the rest of the night and go home when I was done. I didn’t stop to help serve. I didn’t stop to chat with anyone. I just played and sang.

  Chapter Forty

  AS IT TURNED OUT, I ended up leaving the bar earlier than usual. I was tired after a few sets, but a good sort of tired. I felt replenished and renewed.

  Although I spent much of my time on stage zoning out to my music or thinking about Lucas, I couldn’t help pondering the situation with Jackson. Frankly, it was pretty freaky, especially with what Candace said. What if Jackson had been murdered like Roger had? What if the police had missed something?

  I pushed it out of my mind, wondering for the umpteenth time if Lucas would be there when I got home tonight. I really wanted to see him again . . . all of him. But part of me worried last night had been a one-time deal. I mean, wasn’t sex technically sinful outside marriage? So how much worse was it that Lucas, a grey spirit trying to make it to the White Tier, had sex with a human? Well, even if last night was our one and only time, I wouldn’t trade it in for anything in the world. And I knew I’d see Lucas again, since I was part of his big project.

  All these thoughts of sex let me back to the wild, kinky dream I had when I first moved into the house. The one where I’d woken up feeling violated. The guy in that dream had blonde hair, very dark eyes, and frightened the heck out of me. Totally different from my experience with Lucas.

  Oh boy, I really needed the distraction of my pets and Letterman tonight. However, when I walked through the door, I quickly realized there was no way I was going to have the relief of late night TV to take me away from my troubles.

  I had visitors again. Dead ones.

  Bob was strumming “Careless Love” to a reggae beat, and Janis was following along in time with her raspy voice. They looked up and gave a nod as I walked through the foyer. The smell of pot was thick in the air. I couldn’t help but wonder how the White Tier felt about pot . . . if it was okay there, then I guess it couldn’t be all that bad, could it?

  “Evie!” Bob called out with a smile as the song ended. “Hey pretty woman, come sing with us.”

  “Yeah, come jam with us, Evie,” Janis said, patting the couch next to her.

  Cass thumped her tail, happy to see me. Mac, of course, was on his back, once again stoned out of his mind. I am positive he loved these visits more than Cass or I did.

  I sat down next to Janis.

  “Bet you’re wondering where Lukie boy is.”

  “Um, yeah.” Then again, I think I knew. He was getting “space” to recharge his batteries.

  She cackled and I cringed, because even when laughing, she could hit the high note she was famous for. Something about the sound made me a bit uneasy.

  “Of course you’re wondering!”

  Bob leaned his head on my shoulder, his heavy dreads draping down my back. “Don’t be listening to her. She likes to tease.”

  Janis wiggled her bushy, strawberry blonde eyebrows at me. “I’m just having a little bit of fun. Lukie told us what happened here last night. That is some crazy shit, girl!”

  For one intensely awkward moment, I thought she was referring to my time with Lucas in the bedroom.

  Bob rubbed my shoulder with his head. “Leave off, Janis. That girl don’t want to tink about dat body anymore.”

  Phew! “Yeah, it was definitely not what I was expecting to see when I got home.”

  Janis’s raspy laughter stopped abruptly, and a look I can only describe as sly spread across her face. “Don’t you want to know what happens next?” she asked in a low voice.

  Bob pulled his head off my shoulder and cocked a brow at her, shaking his head just the tiniest bit. To me, it looked like a warning. But my curiosity was piqued.

  “What do you mean, ‘what happens next?’”

  Janis leaned in closer. “With that guy. The one who drowned in your pool. Don’t you want to know what happens to us when we go? How it all works?” she asked.

  “Sure. But Lucas has already been telling me a lot of that stuff and, well, I guess I’ll figure out the rest for myself one of these days.”

  “He done tell you ‘bout the review and judgment?” Bob asked, cocking that brow in my direction and looking slightly amused. Clearly I was missing something here.

  “He told me when we die, we go through a kind of trial or life review, and the Black Tier and White Tier are present and they vote.”

  Janis leaned her head forward and took another hit off her joint. She inhaled deeply, giving me a long look, and blew the smoke in a slow exhale. “Yeah, well that’s all true. But wouldn’t you like to see it for yourself? I mean, before it’s your time to go?” She turned to Bob, “What do you say, Bobby?”

  “Oh no. I doan know ‘bout that.” Bob shook his head, a look of alarm spreading across his face.

  “Oh man, come on! It will be good for her to see. Let her get a real idea.”

  “What are you talking about?” I interrupted.

  “The guy who died, you knew him.” This was a statement, not a question.

  I nodded. “Yes. He came into the bar where I work sometimes. His name was Jackson, Jackson Owens.”

  Janis looked down at her watch and then back over at Bob and me. “It’s about time.”

  “For what?” I asked.

  “His judgment. Want to go see it?”

  Either Janis had taken one too many hits this evening, or the second hand smoke was getting to me, because I was totally confused. “Huh? I mean, how could I possibly see Jackson’s judging? He’s dead, I’m not . . . end of story.”

  She grinned, showing her teeth. “Not so fast, little lady. Here’s how it works. You become me for a little while and Bob will lead you through the portal and to the judging.”

  Say what? “Um, what happens to me?”

  “I become you.” Her eyebrows wiggled again, making her look more and more like a red-headed Groucho Marx. All she needed was a cigar and a moustache.

  My eyes widened. “How do we do it?”

  “What do you have that you hold dear? It should be something you’ve had for a long time, something of value.”

  I immediately thought of the eagle feathers on the dresser in my room. As if she’d read my mind, Janis brought her arms up and out, the same way Lucas had when he created the luster. But instead of the luster, there was a bright blue flash of light and then, one of my feathers appeared in her hand. Janis twirled it around for a moment. “Pretty, isn’t it?�
�� And then she reached down and grabbed her guitar, handing it to me. “I hang onto your feather and you take my guitar. That way you can come back.”

  “But, how did you do that? I mean, how did you even know about the feather at all? I didn’t say anything.”

  She smiled and patted my knee. “Hey, there are some real perks to being on this side of things. One day, you’ll see.”

  It was all very tempting. I’d been hearing so much about the tiers from Lucas . . . and the chance to go there, without having to take the usual path (which typically involved dying), definitely appealed to me. But there was one more thing . . .

  “What will you do? I mean if we do this. What will you do here, in my body?”

  “Be human again for a little while.”

  And there’s the rub. I shook my head, “I don’t know.”

  “Oh come on,” she purred. “All I want to do is walk in your garden and smell the roses. Nothing more.”

  Bob cleared his throat nervously. “I doan know about this, Janis. What if . . .”

  Janis cut him off. “Come on, Evie. Don’t you want to take a walk on the wild side once in a while? Now’s your chance!”

  “Since you put it that way, I’ll go,” I said. “As long as you’re sure I can come back.”

  “You can come right back,” Janis said, smiling.

  I looked at Bob for confirmation. He nodded slowly. “You can as long as no one knows the vibration is off.”

  “Her vibe won’t be too far off. Hell, she’s a singer! A musician, like us.”

  “She be pure, though.” He shot Janis a pointed look.

  “Oh come on, Bob! Don’t be such a stick in the mud. I really want to walk and smell and breathe.”

  Bob tilted his head to the side in thought and then let out a deep sigh. “Okay then. You want to go, girl? Really?”

  I did. I wanted to see what it was like through the portal. I nodded.


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