O'Gallagher Nights: The Complete Series

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O'Gallagher Nights: The Complete Series Page 27

by Mignon Mykel

  And now I wanted some sort of sign that long-term was doable with this man.

  Maybe it was because I knew who Rory had been. In the past, he wouldn’t wait even two days to take a girl to bed. Him waiting the weeks I put him through had been a big deal for him. Now, not only had he grown up and showed he could be a real live adult, he waited twenty-five months—and counting—to take what we had to the next level.

  Me going that long without sex was no big deal, but Rory? The man who had been a man-whore two years ago? I guess maybe I was comfortable with our arrangement but feared that he would get antsy.

  I liked what we found together over these last few months. I liked the comfort and the ease, and I wasn’t entirely sure what I would do if he decided that Arizona—that I—wasn’t enough for him anymore.

  “We’ll get a dog, Emily,” Rory said around a chuckle, taking another bite of noodles. “But let’s get you through your first couple of semesters first, ‘kay?”

  December 23rd


  Emily had been in a mood last night after I told her the dog was for Con and Mia’s kids but what was I supposed to do, tell her her entire fucking Christmas present before the actual holiday? I chuckled to myself as I zipped up the large duffle we were both using for clothes. She was so predictable.

  “You ready?” I called out. She was in the bathroom packing up our toiletries in a separate bag. She was in a much better mood this morning but even if she were still pissy over the dog, I was sure that the moment we hit snow up north, she’d be happy again. Because who the hell didn’t get excited over snow?

  “Did you want the green or blue bottle of Axe?” she replied. I grabbed the overstuffed duffle and walked toward the bathroom, dropping the bag to the floor and stepping into the small space. It was tiny and really couldn’t fit the two of us, but I found I liked small spaces with Emily. She was currently standing outside the standing shower stall, glass door wide open, as she considered the bottles in the hang-up caddy.

  I stepped right behind her, keeping a small distance from her body. I loved the way her tall, willowy body aligned with mine and my cock twitching under my jeans wasn’t ever shy to tell her, so I kept my distance. “Green,” I answered.

  She leaned into the shower, stretching in and thrusting her ass out toward me and I fought a groan. I wanted nothing more than to run my hand up her back, around her side, down her front…

  But I was taking my damn time with her. I waited this long—after royally embarrassing myself—I could hold myself back until she was completely ready to take this to the next level.

  I wasn’t going anywhere.

  Even if I teased myself mercilessly in the meantime.

  She stepped back and into me, stumbling and reaching a hand out toward the glass door jamb to steady herself. “Rory!”

  I helped steady her by grabbing her hip with my hand. “Sorry,” I said chuckling. “I thought you heard me come in.”

  “I did,” she said, turning in my arms. Her upturned face brought her lips so incredibly close to mine. I could lean in, take the sweetness that was presenting itself…but I want going to. Not yet. “I just didn’t think you’d be that close.” She stepped around me and put the bottle in the bag holding all our other bathroom items.

  “We need a bigger place,” I answered, hoping it came off in a semi-off-handed manner. Like the puppy, I was trying to give her some long-term items in hopes she’d be willing to take the next step.

  “Maybe when I graduate in fifty bajillion years,” she grumbled as she zipped the bag.

  “Less than two, actually.”

  She turned her head toward me, her face twisted in amusement. “You’re keeping track?”

  “For when you get out of the terrible twos and temper tantrums? Fuck yes,” I joked, reaching for her hips and pulling her in, easing the jest with a quick kiss to her lips, finally taking a fraction of what I wanted.

  “I’m not that bad,” she said against my lips.

  “Oh, Emily.” I shook my head, pulling my head back but keeping my hand on her, sliding it to her lower back. She was currently in leggings and a long-sleeved t-shirt of mine, allowing me to still feel the dips and grooves of her lower back and spine under the cotton. In the matter of a few hours, she’d be in a bulky sweatshirt. I had to get my feels in while I could. “You are that bad.”

  I let my hand linger at the small of her back, fighting the urge to slide it down and cup her ass.

  Emily was so fucking cute when she pouted. “It’s an expensive program—”

  “To fail, yeah, I know,” I finished for her. “But you’re not going to fail. I shouldn’t have even brought it up,” I chuckled. “We aren’t supposed to be talking your classes right now. Right now,” I said, pulling her close, this time allowing my body to rub up against hers, enjoying the feel of her pressed against me. “Right now we’re getting in my truck and driving north.” I was sporting a semi and refrained from rubbing myself against her hips the way I ached to do. I didn’t need to be hard and driving. It would be a long assed drive in that state. But leaving her in an uncomfortable state…

  Hell, if it got her closer to taking the next step with me, I was all for it.

  Giving myself the go-ahead, I dropped my hand to her yoga-firmed ass and squeezed the globe before smacking her gently. “Let’s go.”

  And before I could give in to anything else—like lifting her on the counter and grinding myself against her opened core—I grabbed the bag from her and left the tiny room.


  “Wake up, Em,” came from my left as a hand shook my leg. With a yawn and my arms stretching in front of me, I opened my eyes to a white winter wonderland.

  “Oh my gosh,” I said in awe, fully awake now. I leaned forward, bracing a hand on the dash, as I took in pines and trees surrounding us. Rory was still driving but had slowed as we climbed what I assumed was the mountain side. “It’s so pretty.”

  Rory chuckled from the driver’s seat, taking his hand off of me. Immediately, I missed the contact. “I figured you’d want to see some of it before we got to the cabin. We’re about a mile out.”

  “Did you know,” I asked, still in amazement as I looked out the windows, “I haven’t actually ever stepped foot in the snow? My entire family is in southern California and my parents never had any desire to travel north.” My voice did little to hide my awe at the sight surrounding us.

  “I did not know, no,” he answered, both hands on the wheel as he glanced over at me. “Happy I could do this for you then.”

  The remainder of the drive was done in silence as I took in the snow around us. It was absolutely beautiful. Snow in trees, snow on the cabins. There were cabins with Christmas lights strung and smoke puffing from chimneys. We hadn’t even made it to ours, and already I wished we had more than a night here.

  With the click of his truck’s blinker, Rory turned into a small drive, heading toward the cabin that was ours for the night. Like some of the others, this one was decked out with white lights. I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face if I tried.

  “I’m so excited,” I whispered, sitting up straight in my seat. Rory laughed lightly beside me, putting the truck into park.

  “Time to relax, Emily girl,” he said, turning the key out of the ignition. He quickly jumped out of the truck and rounded to my side, opening my door before I had a chance to break from my stupefied state and unbuckle. He reached for my hand and helped me down.

  “Before we go inside,” he started, his hand in mine but not pulling me into him, “I do not expect anything tonight. I just wanted you to relax away from home.”

  Two years ago, and I would have thought that was a line. But now I knew Rory better, or rather, Rory had changed and I knew without a doubt he was speaking the truth. Besides, what was the difference between us cuddling in my bed, versus in a romantic secluded cabin in the woods?

  He may not be expecting anything to come of this little side tri
p, but I most definitely was. Call it his Christmas present…

  “Thank you,” I said, smiling up at him as I thought of my plans. I straightened my legs just enough to bring my lips up to his, brushing them over his lightly. “Let’s see this place.”

  Rory really had this entire night planned.

  About an hour ago, a catered dinner arrived to the front porch, left only with a knock. Before Rory could open the door to retrieve it, the delivery person was roaring back down the drive.

  In the few hours since we arrived, Rory and I built a snowman and drank hot chocolate on the wrap around porch, wrapped in warm clothes and a single giant blanket that huddled us close. And that was just outside, the first hour we were here.

  Inside, he had built us a fire and we currently rested on the over-sized couch, Rory lying back with me between his legs and against his chest. My ponytail loosened from using him as a pillow, but I didn’t care enough to fix it. Everything was comfortable and sweet, but I knew more than anything that I wanted more. I was sure that Rory wasn’t going to make the next move but I was more than prepared for it. I didn’t have any fancy gifts for him, nothing that could even compare to a romantic hideaway cabin in the snowy woods, but I had a feeling that what I planned to give him tonight would more than make up for it. I just had to be certain I knew where he was standing first.

  “Are you happy with Arizona?” I asked, breaking the silence around us. I kept my gaze fixed on the fire, listening for the crackles at the same time as listening to Rory’s even breathing below me.

  His arms tightened around me. “Couldn’t be happier.”

  “You made friends quickly so I’m sure that helps.”

  His arms stayed tight around me and he rubbed his perma-stubbled chin over my temple lightly. “Only friend I need, right here.”

  I laughed to myself lightly, shaking my head but still burrowing back into him. “Sure, Rory.”

  He turned his lips in and while he didn’t dispute the comment, I did feel his lips turn up into a grin as he pressed them over the spot his chin was.

  “Surely you miss your family though, right?” I mean, heck, I missed them.

  This time he pulled his face away from mine so he could crook his head to look at me. “What are you getting at, Em?”

  I shrugged a shoulder, shifting against him so I could angle my body and look at him. “I just wanted to be sure that your rash decision to move to Arizona was…going the direction you wanted it to.” He more than proved himself to me, but I just didn’t understand why he didn’t try and pursue a sexual relationship with me. Was he interested in another woman? I didn’t think so, not really, but when a guy and girl were living together, sleeping together, one would just assume other things would be happening in that bed other than fully clothed cuddling.

  His green eyes stayed locked with mine, but the stare down didn’t feel uncomfortable in the slightest. After a grand pause, he finally said through a serious face, “I would do it again.”



  He stared me down again and with his eyes looking so intently in mine and his hands locked over my hip, I knew without a doubt he spoke the truth. But it still didn’t sit right with me, the fact he hadn’t made any advances sexually. With as hard as he pursued me before, one would think that surely he’d find a green light in there somewhere.

  I needed to know why.

  I pushed myself up, hearing him grunt when I elbowed his stomach in the process, and blurted, “Then why won’t you sleep with me?”

  Rory pushed himself up to a sit, one leg falling over the side of the couch. “What do you propose I’ve been doing in your bed every night, Em?”

  He could be so frustrating.

  I crossed my arms over my chest, a mix of hurt and pissed off that I wasn’t aware I was feeling. “Don’t be a smartass, Rory. Why won’t you fuck me? Is that better?”


  I will be the first to admit that I love riling Emily up. I love pushing her buttons until she explodes. It was a game when I first met her, trying to get her to warm up to me, and now I just liked to see the woman flustered.

  But even I knew that there was a time to push buttons, and now really wasn’t it. Still though, I had to push one. Just one.

  Looking up at her as she sat there, crooked and on a hip between my legs, I pushed myself to sit up. “What do you propose I’ve been doing in your bed every night, Em?” I’ve been sleeping with her. And it was fucking torture, but I was doing it.

  Emily crossed her arms and a mix of emotions crossed her face, telling me that I should have stuck with my gut and not pressed this particular button. Someone wasn’t feeling very much like joking at the moment.

  “Don’t be a smartass, Rory. Why won’t you fuck me? Is that better?”

  If I hadn’t already sat up, that would have done it. Fuck her? She wants to know why I won’t fuck her? How about because I was falling in lo—

  Woah there. Slow your jets, Rore. Let’s not let that cat out yet…

  I could feel energy coursing through me and I wanted nothing more than to pace it off, but I was going to sit my ass right here and make her face what she just said.

  “One,” I started, holding a finger between us. “When we get there, it will not be fucking.” I may have sneered the word.

  No, I definitely sneered the word.

  “Two.” A second finger joined the first. “I thought we established we were, I was, doing this different with you. I’m proving to you that I can be a good guy, someone you can count on and rely on. Me fucking you right out the gate certainly wouldn’t prove that.”

  It had been a long time since I’d gotten so easily heated over a discussion, but I could feel it happening. Were all my efforts the last few months—the last fucking two years—for naught?

  “And three—” I folded my index finger down, holding up my back three fingers. Before I could come up with something on the spot, because I had nothing, Emily threw her body forward, knocking me backward and causing my head to hit the wall behind the arm of the couch.

  “Goddamn,” I mumbled, reaching for my head, all while Emily lay over me, her laughing face buried in my shirt. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” I said, feeling a smile try to break out on my face.

  Emily pushed herself up, her hands in the center of my chest, with hair falling all around her. Half was still in a loose, low ponytail, and the other half had wrestled itself free. Her face was split in a huge grin and I couldn’t help but think she was freaking beautiful.

  And she was afraid I wasn’t happy in Arizona, just sleeping beside her?

  Shit. I’d do it again and again.

  I mean, I might have to revise my statement in a few more months—a guy had needs and two years was already a long fucking time—but I would not trade the last few months for anything. Sure, Arizona brought me new success in business but again, I had Emily to thank for that too. She opened my eyes and I fought to find a different pathway.

  Her face still smiling, she reached a hand out, cupping the back of my head where I’d hit it against the wall. “You ok?”

  My own grin was crooked and I shook my head. “I’m fine. Thanks for the concern.” Her fingers gently scratched over the spot, slowly and mesmerizingly. My eyes started to feel heavy, but I wasn’t through with this conversation.

  Gently, I took her wrist in my hand and pulled her hypnotizing fingers from my hair. I pressed my lips against her knuckles before placing her hand back next to the other. “I haven’t done the dirty with you because I need you to know that I’m in this for the long haul,” I finally answered. While the phrasing was done in jest, the sentiment was serious. “That, and I might still be a little bit embarrassed,” I added with a wink, feeling an immense need to lighten up the mood again.

  With a heavy sigh, but still a smile on her face, Emily seemed to accept that. “Ok. For what it’s worth, you’ve proven yourself a hundred times over.” She leaned down to peck her
lips against mine before pushing away and standing. “I’m going to change for bed.”

  I glanced at the clock. Shit, it was eight already. I sat up fully, swinging both my legs over and resting my wool socked feet on the floor. Turning my head, I watched as Emily walked over in her own wool socks to the giant bed where our bags were sitting. My eyes cut over to the whirlpool tub that I may have fantasized about—not the tub, the actions in the tub—when booking this place a few weeks ago.

  In all honesty, I’d been hoping we would have gotten to the sex part of our relationship by now, but it was looking like a lot of the features of this place would go wasted. Still though, Emily seemed the most relaxed I’d seen her in the last few months, so I could at least chalk most of this night up to a win.

  With my own heavy sigh, I stood just as Emily stood, clothes close to her chest, as she moved toward the bathroom. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, sure.” The door closed behind her and I walked to our bags, pulling out night clothes from the duffle that held both mine and Emily’s clothing. I stifled a yawn, not realizing how tired I was until now. When I had what I wanted, I took the clothing bag and placed it on the settee at the end of the bed and grabbed the second bag with our toiletries, walking it toward the bathroom. I’d just leave it outside the door to bring in when I changed.

  I knew Emily’s night routine so I was a little surprised she didn’t grab at least her face wash but maybe she wasn’t planning on going to bed yet. It was a little early, after all. I’d be cool hanging out on the couch a little longer. There was a TV that we could watch. Not once in the hours since we arrived had it been turned on, but maybe it would be a good way to ease through the night hours.

  Surely there was a Christmas movie showing. I’d stomach through the corniness if it meant holding on to Emily a little bit longer outside of bed.


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