O'Gallagher Nights: The Complete Series

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O'Gallagher Nights: The Complete Series Page 31

by Mignon Mykel

  Satisfied that it appeared to be, I leaned forward to press my lips to Rory’s parted, sleeping ones. I kept my lips light on his while trailing my hand over his waist, his hip, then dropping my hand to cup his still soft cock. Over his boxer shorts, I squeezed and pulled just as lightly, keeping my hand gentle and teasing. Quickly though his cock began to harden, waking up to my ministration. Rory groaned under my mouth and I kept my eyes on his lids, waiting for them to open.

  When they did, Rory rolled over and pulled me with him. My hand left him to brace on the mattress beside him. I smiled against his lips, kissing him once more.

  “Mmm,” he mumbled against my lips. “Good morning.” His big hands found their way under my sleep shirt and rested on my lower back. “You’re being sassy this morning,” he said sleepily, pushing his hips up into mine.

  His sleep voice was so damned sexy. Low and rough, his voice paired with the hardness against the apex of my thighs had me wet and wanting.

  With my hands on his chest, I pushed myself up, grinding myself against his hard cock. “I think everyone’s still sleeping.”

  Rory’s fingers flexed against my hips. “Yeah?”

  I nodded, smiling crookedly down at him. “Mmhm. Yeah.” Moving from my straddle of his hips, my hands quickly went to work, pulling his boxers down, over his erection and off his legs. I tossed them to the floor before pressing a kiss to Rory’s muscular thigh. However, when I moved my hand to squeeze his hard, straining cock, Rory’s hand quickly wrapped around my wrist.

  “Naked,” he demanded. His voice still held that sleepy quality but he was all sorts of awake now. I climbed off the bed to pull off my clothes while Rory scooted back in the bed, peeling his own shirt off and resting back against the pillows.

  Laying there, his once again getting-too-long wavy hair a mess around his head, his body toned and his cock standing at attention, he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He’d always been a good looking guy but his cocky attitude always overpowered that in my eyes. That’s not to say he wasn’t cocky any more—he just channeled it differently.

  “Condom?” I wanted to feel his release in me. No more pulling out nonsense. “I’m on the pill,” I confessed. I moved back onto the bed, sitting on my knees beside him.

  Rory seemed to think about that. Finally, he reached out to cup my face, pulling me close to kiss me once. “But if we use both, the risk of pregnancy is smaller, Em.”

  Slightly frustrated, I growled at him. “If we get pregnant while using a contraceptive, well then it’s meant to be, Rory. I’d deal with—we’d deal with it—if it happened.”

  Again, Rory watched me and contemplated.

  “Fine, whatever,” I said, pushing from the bed. Not bothering with my sleep clothes, I went straight to our bag to pull out clothes for the day. When I stood though, clothes in hand, Rory’s body was pressed against my back.

  “Damn, you have a temper,” he chuckled against my ear. “Drop the clothes, Emy girl.” Powerless to him, especially now that he had an arm wrapped around me so a hand could cup one of my small breasts, and the other arm wrapped and placing his hands over my mound, his fingers dipping into my folds and flirting with my clit, I did as he said.

  “I just don’t want you to regret anything,” he whispered in my ear as his fingers started to pluck and pull at my nipple. I let my head fall back to his shoulder as he did, the nerve endings in the sensitive peak having me close to crossing my eyes in pleasure.

  He walked us closer to the wall, his hand still plucking at me while his other started a slow roll over my other bundle of nerves. I could feel how wet I was between my thighs; I needed his thickness in me.

  “Brace your hands on the wall,” he issued into my ear. I did as he demanded, loving that his body, his hands, never left my body. His fingers continued their slow play over my clit but his hand left my breast to press against my stomach. “Now, you have to stay quiet, Emy girl. We don’t want to wake up the house, do we?”

  I shook my head before resting my cheek on the back of one of my hands. I kept myself pushed away from the wall enough that I didn’t feel the cold texture against my skin, which allowed me to tip my hips back toward Rory. He removed his hand from my stomach and grabbed for my thigh, lifting my leg up. I took my cue and folded my leg back and around his thigh. As soon as I did, I was welcomed with Rory’s thick girth. One strong, sure stroke and he was buried to the hilt.

  I groaned quietly, squeezing my eyes shut at the intrusion. I turned my head to rest my forehead against the wall now. Rory’s lips were between my shoulder blades. “God, I love you,” he murmured against my back before slowly pulling out. He nearly pulled out all the way before slamming back into me, both of our groans filling the room in unison.

  With my hands against the wall and his wrapped around me, our thrusts against one another were like a well-choreographed dance, as if he and I had been doing this for far longer than two nights.

  His fingers pinched and rolled over my clit while his other hand found it’s home back against my breasts. Rory knew damn well that my nipples were my ‘point,’ that with enough playing there, alone, I could fly through my orgasm. Pairing that sweet nerve ending with the playing down below, adding it to the thickness inside me, and I was damn close to flying.

  Rory pulled me up to stand straighter. I kept one arm out, steadying myself against the wall, and brought my other to the back of Rory’s head, my fingers threading in the long strands.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he murmured against my shoulder, his hips flexing into me. His arm was now bracketed under my chest, holding me upright. Still though, his fingers played a lovely dance over my clit, rubbing in circles, lines… Over my clit, around my clit, occasionally pulling the hood back and having direct access to the sensitive nub.

  “God, Rory,” I groaned, tipping my hips away from his fingers. Rather than give in though, he simply pinched the nub between two fingers. Again, I groaned, shutting my eyes and flexing my fingers in his hair, no doubt pulling the strands.

  “Fuck, Em.” His fingers pressed together, squeezing my clit harder, as his thrusts shortened and quickened. “Squeeze my cock, Emy girl. Come all over me, baby.”

  I knew that if I squeezed against him, I would come apart in a matter of seconds.

  But it was what I wanted.

  So I did as he asked and with one quick push into my tightened pussy, the head of his cock hitting hidden nerve endings and his fingers squeezed over exposed ones, my body arched against his and my mouth dropped open on a silent moan.

  “Fuck, Em.” His cock continued its push and pull. “Fucking A, Emy girl. That’s it. Milk my cock. Keep…Right there, Emy. Right…there!” He shouted his own release, surely waking up the house but I didn’t care.

  His cock was buried to the hilt in me and I could feel as his hips jerked once, twice in response, and the hot spurts of his cum filling me. His mouth was to my shoulder and his breathing was as hard and labored as my own. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “I love you so much,” he whispered into the silence.

  I turned my head toward his, smiling when he lifted his mouth from my shoulder to my lips. “I love you too.”


  Shortly after letting Emily’s leg drop back to the floor, pulling my slackening cock from her warm heat, Teddy began whimpering in her crate.

  “You go ahead and shower; I’ll just clean up and get the dog,” I told Emily, kissing her on the lips and playfully slapping my hand to her ass, rubbing the spot after to gentle the sting. As badly as I wanted to join her in the shower, I knew we had an appearance to make.

  Probably sooner than later. Emily hadn’t exactly been quiet. Hell, neither had I, for that matter.

  Emily gave me an amused grin when I followed her into the bathroom. “I thought you were taking care of Teddy?”

  “In a minute,” I said. “After I clean up.” I closed the bathroom door behind us and pulled open the linen closet, grabbing a bath
blanket for Emily and a smaller towel for myself. “As much as I’d love to keep you on me,” I started, pointing to my now relaxed cock. I didn’t finish my thought but Emily smiled and rolled her eyes all the same.

  As I cleaned up in the sink, Emily prepared the shower for herself but before she stepped into the steam, I pulled her back to me for one more kiss.

  “Merry Christmas,” I said against her lips. I loved giving her sentiments while my lips brushed against hers. It was an intimacy I hadn’t allowed prior to Emily.

  With a happy moan, Emily returned her love and damn, it would never get old. It couldn’t get old.

  I watched as she stepped into the shower, regretful that I couldn’t—well, shouldn’t—follow her in. Instead, I did my puppy-parent duties and walked out of the bathroom, leaving the door open a crack, and quickly pulled on my lounge pants and an old ratty sweatshirt. I pulled out leggings and a sweatshirt for Emily but saw a tee-shirt dress under it all. Assuming that was for today, I pulled out the dark green fabric and put it on the bed for her before moving to kneel in front of the puppy crate. Looking at the size of Teddy’s paws, we would need a bigger crate soon, I mused.

  “Good morning, Teddy girl,” I said, unlatching the door. With a yip and a wiggle of her butt, the puppy bounded out of the small space. Not wanting her to piss on my brother’s wood floors, I scooped her up. She climbed up to rest her front paws on my shoulder, happily panting in my ear as I left the room.

  The hallway was pretty quiet yet with the doors to other bedrooms closed, but I could hear my brother and Stone talking down the way. Sure enough, in the kitchen in their own sleep clothes, stood my brother and brother-in-law, mugs of coffee in their hands, standing on either side of the kitchen’s peninsula counter.

  “Morning.” I nodded in their direction before moving further into the kitchen, passing the guys and the kitchen table to let Teddy out into the fenced in backyard. All that was back there was a swing set and a sand box; she couldn’t get into too much trouble back there.

  As I turned back to the guys though, I saw that Stone was laughing behind his hand and Con was doing a piss-poor job of keeping a straight face.

  “What’s up?” I moved to grab a coffee mug of my own, filling it to the brim with steaming hot java.

  Again, Stone laughed, this time the sound erupting from his mouth in an explosion of air, as if he was trying to keep it contained behind tight lips.

  What the fuck was so damned funny?

  “So you and Emy have figured things out since we last talked?” Con finally said, lifting his mug toward me before taking a sip.

  “Well, yeah?” My brother fucking knew this. He knew about the puppy, he knew about the damn—

  The gift she was getting today.

  He knew damn well I loved the woman.

  He also knew we—


  “Oh, Emy. Fucking A, Emy,” Con said in a low voice now, humping his kitchen counter.

  Jesus fucking Christ. “Grow the fuck up,” I grumbled into my coffee.

  Stone slapped me on the back just as the hot liquid met my lips. With a curse, I put the damned mug down.

  “Glad to hear it’s working out for you, man,” he said around a snicker.

  “I, for one, am glad to hear you grew the fuck up. Took what you wanted,” Con said, adding in his own two cents.

  I sure as hell wasn’t about to tell him that it was Emily who took what she wanted.

  “How the hell did you know?” I mean, yeah, we weren’t quiet but…

  “I was putting Ava back in her bed after she spent the last three hours in ours,” Con informed me. Ava’s bedroom was the one right next to the one Emily and I were sharing.

  I could be cool with my brother taunting me about sex, but I wasn’t entirely sure I was ok with my baby niece hearing all that. “Did she sleep through it?”

  Please say yes. Please say she did. She was only two but I couldn’t imagine she wouldn’t have questions. She had questions about everything. And I wasn’t looking forward to having to pay for her therapy…

  “Naw, yeah. She slept.” Conor chuckled and took another sip of his coffee before pushing away from the counter. “But I’m happy for you, bro.”

  “Just don’t bring it up to Emily,” I said, pointing to Con and then swinging my gaze to Stone. “Don’t. She’ll get all embarrassed and shit.”

  “I love how you bring out your bad boy words with us. I bet it’s all flowers and poetry with Emy girl.” Conor could be such a fucking ass when he wanted to.

  “And you don’t?” I glared at my brother, then my brother-in-law as well because, while he didn’t agree or disagree with Con’s statement, I knew damn well how he was with my sister.

  “Won’t say a word,” Stone said, his hands up in the air. “Swear it.”

  I stared at him, then my brother, before nodding. “You better.”


  Our bags were once again packed and the puppy sleeping in the crate beside our bed. I was sitting up against the headboard, waiting for Rory to leave the bathroom and join me. I had both the clock alarm and my phone’s alarm set, both of us agreeing to get back on the road early before the post-holiday traffic started to get too thick.

  Today had been a good day.

  Sure, there had been some odd winks and hugs from Conor and Stone, but otherwise it was like any other time the group of us had gotten together. I really missed the O’Gallagher family, the people I called family the years I was in school and pushing to get by. Even without Rory at my side, these people were just that—


  I guess I’d been so busy with school lately that I didn’t realize how much I missed them. It was because of that that I feared that maybe Rory missed them all too.

  I glanced up from my phone when Rory stepped out of the bathroom, turning off the light and fan in there before crossing the softly lit room to join me on the bed. I put my phone down and twisted the switch on the lamp, bringing the light in the room down yet another notch. Rory’s lamp was still on.

  I waited for him to turn his off and cuddle down with me before voicing my fears. Unfortunately, he never turned off his lamp. Instead, his hawkeyed gaze was on mine, calculating, as if he was trying to gauge my feelings.

  “You ok, Em?” he finally asked.

  I nodded and offered him a smile. “Yeah. It was a good Christmas.”

  He mirrored my nod and reached an arm out to pull me into his chest as he sat up against the pillows. “It was.”

  Needing the contact, I wrapped my arms around his torso, wedging the one behind his back, and resting my head on his chest. I smiled to myself when I felt his lips brush over my head in a quiet kiss.

  We sat there in the quiet for some time before I opened my mouth to voice my concerns, when Rory beat me to the punch.

  “I have another gift for you,” he stated.

  I pushed away from him, frowning. “Rory! You’ve already given me too much! I just got you some stupid socks.”

  “And you paid for next year’s legal fees with the business. And the website.”

  Still, I frowned. Those things had been necessary for him and I was glad to help him out with them. I couldn’t do much for the man but I’d been saving up for those for the past twelve weeks. He did so much for me around the house, and then to top it all off, he gets me a fancy snowed-in type retreat and a puppy. I also opened up a pretty orange, casual dress, much like the one I’d been wearing today for the holiday.

  He pressed another kiss to my temple before twisting his body away from me. Reaching under his pillow, he grabbed something and brought his tight fist back out. I narrowed my eyes once again. What did he have that could fit in his fist?

  “Emily Winters. This is by no means an engagement ring,” he started before lifting his brows. “It can be! I just didn’t want to put that pressure on you.” He turned his fist over and loosened his fingers, revealing a ring with a diamond encrusted band and a blue topaz
stone on top, making me gasp in awe. It was beautiful. “It’s more of a promise ring. A promise to you.” He took my right hand, now trembling, and slid the beautiful ring on my ring finger.

  “I promise that I will always be by your side. Anything you need from me, I will deliver on. I would gladly do the last two years over again, if I knew that in the end I would still be with you.” Both of my hands were in his now and he squeezed them as he looked into my eyes. “You, Emily, changed my outlook on so many things. I want to continue to be your rock, be your guide. And when the time comes, I want to be your husband.”

  I looked down at our hands. The way he was holding them put the ring on display and I loved how it looked against my skin. It really was beautiful. “Can I wear it on my left hand?” I asked him.

  I could see as Rory took a deep breath, his breathing slowing way down. “Do you want—”

  I tugged my hands from his so I could place them on his cheeks. “I like the idea of a promise ring, Rory O’Gallagher,” I said softly before leaning in to press my lips against his. “I just want it on my left hand.”

  He kissed me back and I wanted nothing more than to deepen our kiss, but Rory pulled back. Taking my right hand in his again, he pulled off the ring and moved it to my left hand. “Someday,” he said, “this will be a different ring.”

  “You don’t need to get me an engagement ring,” I told him. Seriously, how many rings was this man going to get me?

  “Someday, this will be a different ring,” he repeated before bringing my hand to his lips to kiss my knuckles. “And then this one can go back on your right. On your left, it tells the world that you’re mine.”

  Which was precisely why I wanted it there.

  I wanted the reminder that I was Rory’s.

  That beyond all my fears, Rory was truly in it for the long haul. Something he continued to prove yet I still hadn’t truly grasped onto until this moment.


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