Destiny Undone 2

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Destiny Undone 2 Page 3

by Heartley, Amanda

  There was only one thing I wanted to do right now and that was to go fishing. I wanted to get away from all the drama of the last few weeks. I grabbed my keys and walked towards the front door, but before I reached it, the doorbell rang. I opened the heavy, oak door and was surprised to see Pepper Anderson standing on my doorstep.

  “Hey, Gabe. I’m sorry to show up at your house like this, but I just had to apologize for the other day. I don’t mean to take up much of your valuable weekend time, but just a few minutes would be nice.”

  “You don’t owe me an apology. Everything is fine, honestly.”

  She smiled nervously, tucked a strand of long blonde hair behind her ear and straightened her limp ponytail. Pepper was beautiful—so much more beautiful than her mother and her sister, though Mills had some fine qualities, too. She was petite and sweet, but Pepper was one of those beauties that made your jaw drop and the thing was, she didn’t even know it. Today she wore white shorts that showed off her strong, tanned legs and a fitted, navy blue shirt displayed her ample rack perfectly. If anyone ever looked like a surfer girl, it was her and I had to stifle the urge to kiss her—or fuck her—and I got this crazy idea.

  “I know you like riding dolphins, but what about fishing? Have you ever been out on a boat?”

  “Yes to the boat, no to the fishing but I’m a fast learner!” she smiled. I bet she didn’t even know how she lit up the room with that smile. I took a deep breath. I knew I had to keep my thoughts and feelings in check—at least for now.

  “Well, I’m going fishing, so if you want to talk, that’s where I’ll be.”

  “Okay! Let me grab my bag. Can I ride with you?”

  “Of course you can, but I’m driving.” We headed to my car, threw our bags in and once we were on the way, she began her apology. “I’m sorry for snapping at you yesterday—I had no right to do that. I’m really sorry about it and I’m sorry about my mother.”

  “Let’s get this straight, Pepper. You don’t need to apologize for your mother. She’s her own person and you didn’t do a thing that you need to say you’re sorry for, but…you do have some crazy friends.”

  “Well, if it’s Jonathan Church you are talking about, the guy’s a dick.”

  “I don’t know if you know this, but when I left you that night of the party, your boyfriend followed me.” Her hand flew to her chest and she looked at me in disbelief.

  “No! What happened?”

  “Your ex-boyfriend ran me off the road. I’m not hurt badly, just a little banged up.”

  “Oh, my God, Gabe! I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say—he was never really my boyfriend. I mean we…I…”

  “You don’t owe me an explanation, Pepper. That’s your business and I’m not judging you. I’m only telling you because I think maybe we need to step back a bit.”

  She glanced over at me and looked a little puzzled, so I continued. “What happened, on the helicopter…I haven’t forgotten it, and I don’t regret it for a minute, but I don’t like drama—in fact, I’ve worked hard to avoid it.” I saw the disappointment on her face—I felt it, too, but I had to be honest with her. I needed answers.

  “I’m sorry, Gabe. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. Thanks for being honest with me about how you feel. Yes, there is drama in my life, but normally I’m not the one who brings it—although I’ve had my moments in the past. I hope you can see that I’m just a normal girl, like everyone else.” She didn’t cry or freak out—her voice was calm and quiet. Pepper was full of surprises. I half-expected her to scream or throw things. Maybe she wasn’t the train wreck I thought she was.

  “Sure,” I scoffed, “just like everyone else. I tell myself that stuff all the time, but it’s not true. We aren’t like everyone else. We are rich—crazy rich—and we can do anything we want with our lives. I hope you find out what that is and do it with all your heart. That’s when life begins—when you find your purpose.” She nodded but didn’t respond, so we rode in awkward silence for a few minutes.

  Finally, I said, “I heard Bobbie Jo wants you and Singh to work the large pool. How do you feel about that?”

  “That’s great. I love Singh. He’s an amazing animal. Whoever thought I’d fall in love with a dolphin?” Her bright smile showed how much she did care and again I was impressed by her attitude. She wasn’t what I’d expected—not at all. “You know, if you need help with any of the planning for the gala, like décor or anything like that, I’d be happy to step up. Do you have a theme? You saw the party I planned for Mills. I have tons of experience organizing that kind of thing, you know…if you need me. I mean, need my help.” She smiled at me so sweetly. I tried not to think about the taste of her lips. She’d tasted like cherries—sweet and delicious.

  “Uhm no, but thanks for volunteering. I’ve called in a friend to help. She’s a full time party planner and has a lot of experience with major fundraisers. I think we’ll need more than a few kegs and a DJ for this event.” I laughed dryly and immediately regretted my comment. She gave me a sideways glance and I was half-expecting her to come back with a cutting reply of her own, but she was very gracious in her response and that made me like her even more. She still let me know that my snarky comment hadn’t gone unnoticed.

  “Okay. The offer of help still stands if your high society ‘pro planners’ let you down. Just give me enough time to get those balloons and kegs ordered,” she snarked back at me.

  Maybe my attitude came from the fact that I’d started working at Sea Lab as a kid and had to prove myself right from the start. I’d faced some of the same challenges that Pepper had when it came to being recognized and thought of as just another spoiled rich brat from Destiny Beach, but at least I’d never been photographed doing something stupid...not yet, anyway!

  I turned my car towards the marina and thought about the day ahead. Today would be a great day to go out on the water and fish. Thirty minutes later, I was turning my boat out into the gulf for a cruise with my beautiful guest. I set the wheel straight and the throttle low, then asked her, “Would you like a beer?”

  “Sure! Thank you, but what about the wheel. You can’t just leave it, can you?”

  “I do it all the time when I’m on my own,” I laughed. Maybe she’d never been on a motor boat like mine before. Probably a sailing yacht with a full crew, while she sat on deck, but not motor boats, I guessed. I left the wheel, went below for some beer then popped off the caps and walked back up with them. It was good to feel the wind in my hair from the warm breeze that blew across the water, even though it was much shorter than it had been. I seriously regretted cutting it off now, but it had seemed like the grown-up thing to do at the time. That was me, always doing the “grown-up” thing—except today. Pepper took a swig from her bottle and stood next to me at the wheel. I wasn’t sure if it was intentional, but the fine hairs on her arm brushed against mine. I wanted to put my arm around her shoulder and pull her close to me so I could kiss her again, but I played it safe. Her hair whipped around her perfect body as she closed her eyes to savor these moments in the sun. She was a goddess to me and I loved looking at her silky, golden skin.

  Once we’d gotten to my favorite spot just beyond the bay, I turned off the engine, dropped the anchor and prepared my rods. When the first one was baited, I tossed my hook in the water and started on the next one. I never kept what I caught, but I just loved to outsmart those fish and catch them. There was something primeval about it—man versus nature—and I wondered what kind of fisherman Pepper would be.

  “Kind of a crazy hobby for a guy who works around fish every day!”

  “Yeah, I guess, but we all need something. What do you do for fun? Oh, yeah, ride dolphins. Now, let’s get some hooks in the water, Pepper.” She laughed, then helped me bait fish on the lines and in fairness to her, she only said, “Yuck,” once. We stuck the poles in the slots on the edge of the boat, and I grabbed a chair and invited her to sit alongside me.

  “Thanks for inviting me to j
oin you, Gabe. I had nothing else going on today so this is a real treat. Do you mind if I change into my bathing suit? If I’ve got to ride a dolphin in front of a crowd soon, I’d like to avoid any tan lines, if possible.” She smiled her sexy smile and her bright blue eyes looked so innocent.

  “Sure. There’s a cabin below. Please tell me it’s the glittery one you wore to Sea Lab on your first day?”

  “You wish,” she chuckled as she went below to change and I couldn’t stop myself from staring after her. God, I so wanted to follow her down there and fuck her, but I was too polite to be so forward...and yeah, I did wish. Maybe it was the beer, or the sunshine or just being on the water, but I knew it wasn’t over between us. Even after all the craziness, I didn’t want it to be over.

  I put my feet up on the side of the boat, kicked back in the chair and watched the lines as I sipped my beer. Suddenly, the reel on the rod closest to Pepper’s chair whirred as it let out a little of the line. I set down my beer on the deck and wiped my hands on my shorts. As gently as I could, I eased the pole out of its holder and stood with anticipation, waiting on the action. I didn’t have to wait long. The fish took off, the reel whirred again and I let the line go without any resistance. “Pepper! We’ve got one!”

  She came back outside wearing her bathing suit—a stunning, high-cut orange bikini no less, minus the sparkles. How was I supposed to focus on fishing with her looking like that? “Hot damn,” I muttered under my breath.

  “You caught a fish already, Gabe? How cool! Is it a big one?”

  “Feels like it. He took the bait and then took off in a hurry.”

  Once the fish had stopped running, I reeled in the loose line until I could feel him tug back. Yeah, I had him now, but he was still fighting and it was never a sure thing until it was landed in the boat. For the next twenty minutes, the fish and I tugged back and forth as we struggled against one another and Pepper cheered me on every time I got it a little bit closer to the boat.

  “Oh, my God! This is so amazing! You can do it, Gabe!” I sat in my chair and she slid her arms around my neck. It felt so good to feel her warm, soft skin against mine. The fish took off again and I let him go then pulled him back until finally, he got tired and I could ease him closer to the boat. I was getting tired myself and with my last bit of strength, I reeled furiously and spotted the green back and yellow dots of a fat, Spanish mackerel. He had to be at least twenty pounds and although he’d almost stopped fighting me, I felt every ounce of his strength.

  “Quick, Pepper. Get the net over there. Do you see it?”

  I watched her ass as she scrambled to the bow and ran back to me.

  “What do I do? What do I do?” she said, all excited. My heart pounded in my chest as I pulled the fish up to the side of the boat, slid the pole into the slot and reached for the line. Before I could grab it, it snapped as the fish gave a final thrash and I watched it slip away into the green waters of the gulf. Pepper put her hand to her mouth in shock, and I just stood there and stared after him for a few seconds.

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” I yelled at the water. I sat back in the chair, tired from my exertions, and we just looked at each other and laughed. Despite losing the fish, life was good. We still had cold beer and we still had each other’s company—and what beautiful company it was. She looked gorgeous.

  “Well, there’s only one thing we can do.”

  “What’s that, Pepper?”

  “Swim!” And with that, she climbed up on the side of the boat ready to jump in, but I grabbed her and pulled her down toward me.

  “Hey! Why did you stop me? I’m not afraid!” Normally, she wouldn’t have to be since the emerald waters of the Gulf Coast are warm and relatively safe, but not today.

  I laughed and pointed across the water. “Well, I am and I wouldn’t go in after you. Those are shark fins, Pepper—they belong to a blacktip shark. And look over there.” I pointed to a different spot on the water. “Those fins belong to a tiger shark. Big ones, too. We need to get the boat out of here and find somewhere else to swim.”

  “Okay, so swimming is out for now. What about dancing? Do you dance, Mr. Gregory? You have a nice body. I think you can.”

  I didn’t really do much dancing—I always felt a little awkward—but before I could answer her, she’d already run to the wheelhouse and flipped on the radio. The sun was beating down on us, but a nice breeze blew across the water and kept us a little cooler than the day before. She’d tuned into Smooth Radio and a classic tune played through the speakers as Pepper swayed her hips and moved her toned arms perfectly in time with the song. “Come on, Gabe. Show me what you got.” She tossed back the rest of her beer and kept dancing to the music. I stood still, mesmerized, as I watched her seductive dance.

  “Now it’s your turn. See, like this.” She stood in front of me with her back to my chest and rubbed her perfect ass against the front of my shorts. There was no way to hide what she was doing to me. My cock had a mind of its own.

  “Now, put your hands here… and here. That’s right, hold on to my hips and follow what they do.” Awkwardly, I tried to copy her moves and I wasn’t very successful. The wonderful feel of her tanned, oily skin on my hands made me even harder and I had to back off in case she felt my cock rubbing against her.

  To cover my embarrassment, I swallowed the rest of my second beer, tossed the bottle in the garbage can below and said, “I’m going to move the boat out a little more to somewhere you can swim. We can go out about two, three miles. That should be far enough. If not—we’ll go two more.”

  Pepper said, “Swim? But there are sharks in that water!” She laughed, but kept dancing and drinking her beer. I got behind the wheel and watched her lay a beach towel across the front of the boat. “Can I lay out up here? Are you sure there are no photographers around?”

  “I’m pretty sure there are no paparazzi out here. In fact, I don’t even see any other boats at all and we’re too far from land, unless they have a six-foot lens,” I chuckled.

  “Is there a lens that big? You’re not for real are you? They wouldn’t do that…would they?” She looked worried so I put my hands on her shoulders, squeezed them gently and pulled her closer to me. Without thinking, I kissed her—her sweet lips tasted like coconut and when I felt her soft breath mix with mine, I was hooked.

  I pulled away and looked deep into her sparkling eyes. “What am I going to do with you, Pepper Anderson?”

  She placed her finger on my lips and whispered, “What do you want to do with me, Mr. Gregory?”

  That took me by surprise and I stumbled for an answer. “I don’t think I should answer that,” I laughed, and grabbed us both another beer. “You know,” I looked around at the ocean and gestured my hand toward the water. “When we’re out on the water, I’m the captain and you kind of have to do what I say.”

  She raised one eyebrow. “Really? Is that so? No, you have to do what I say.”

  Then I raised my own eyebrow and waggled it a few times. “Now why would I do that? You know it’s maritime law to follow captain’s orders and I think that, as your captain, you must allow me to rub some oil on you. You’re starting to get a little pink.” I reached for a bottle of sunscreen and popped open the top. She lifted her long hair so I could apply it to her back.

  “Wait a sec! Remember, I don’t want any tan lines!” And with a seductive smile, she pulled the string on her bikini top and showed me her perfectly bare back. I applied the oil liberally and held my breath when she turned around. She had the most perfect tits with suckable pink nipples, and I tried not to stare. I squirted more into my hands and rubbed the lotion on her stomach. When I moved my slippery hand down by her belly button, she let out a sexy little cock-hardening moan. Fuck!

  I dropped the bottle and kissed her as I pulled off my shirt. The feeling of her oily, warm skin against mine made me want her even more. I had to have her and there was no way I could hide it. I needed Pepper—now. “Come with me,” I said as I le
d her by the hand to the cabin below. I closed the door and the air conditioning quickly cooled the room. I pulled her over to the bed and watched her untie her bottoms. The skimpy bikini fell to the floor and she ran her hand seductively down her hip.

  “You like?” Yeah, I liked. I liked a lot. I’d seen her all day in her bikini, but when she stood in front of me naked—I was like a wild animal with its prey. She was stunningly beautiful. Just a tiny blonde landing strip the color of her hair, and I noticed her lips were glistening—I couldn’t wait to get inside that hot pussy. Fuck, yeah! My cock was about to go off on its own. I had to touch her, taste her. My fingertips slowly moved down the soft skin below her navel and grazed her slick pussy, and when I slipped my finger between those beautifully wet lips, she shuddered and moaned.

  “Mmmm, Pepper you’re so wet.”

  “Yeah, you do that to me,” she whispered.

  She pulled the tie from her hair and her golden strands fell down softly onto her shoulders, then she lay back on the bed and opened herself to me.

  “Fuck me, Gabe. I want you so bad.”

  I pulled a condom out of my wallet and hoped it wasn’t ruined. I’d just put it in there last week, just in case—I slid off my shorts and kicked them to the side. I still couldn’t believe I was here naked, with Pepper Anderson.

  I rolled the condom down my cock and watched as Pepper squirmed around on the bed. God, she was hot—and ready for me. I slid between her thighs and teased her pussy with the head of my cock. She grabbed my hips and tried to pull me into her, but I was enjoying this too much. “Gabe, fuck me. Fuck me, hard,” she whispered as she thrust her hips upwards and tried to get me inside.


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