Fire Dancer [Dr. Love Shark 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Fire Dancer [Dr. Love Shark 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 6

by Bobbi Brattz

  Layla laughed, unable to get away from his strong arms, and not sure if she wanted to anyway.

  “I would, but this man won’t allow me to leave him.”

  Van smiled then nibbled at the corner of her mouth.

  “You are mine from now on, honey. No one can have you but me.”

  Suddenly, it sounded a lot like the notes and gifts she’d been receiving, and she froze in place.

  “What’s wrong?” Van asked, frowning as he released her.

  “What you said, it sounded like him.”

  “Him? Oh, the stalker. I’m sorry, Layla, it never occurred to me that it would.”

  She watched his eyes and found sincerity. Relief filled her, and she relaxed.

  “I’m okay. It simply scared the crap out of me for a minute. What are we going to do about him?”

  “We’ll find out soon. Let’s go eat. We can talk to Mateo and the others afterward.”

  Together they walked into the house behind Rae, now a solemn group.

  * * * *

  “Hula dancing?” Van watched Layla as she swayed her hips, her hands flowing like waves. She showed him how she did the moves for the dance.

  “It’s simple. It’s all in the hips and knees. Try it.” She giggled as he made a small effort to wiggle his hips. “You’re terrible at it.”

  “Layla, I’ll leave the dancing to you and you leave the cop stuff to me. Deal?”

  “It’s a deal. Now, you have to go to work, and I’m going to be hula and fire dancing tonight. I need to practice.”

  Throwing his arms around her, he hugged her closer and kissed her for the umpteenth time.

  “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I don’t want you to either, but we both have to work. I’ll see you tonight after the luau.”

  “I’ll be there before you finish. Wait for me and I’ll walk you back up to the house.”

  She captured his cheeks with her palms and kissed him once more. She snickered.

  “Any more kisses and my lips will be numb. I’ve never been kissed so much in my entire life as I have in the past twenty-four hours.”

  He swatted her ass and left her arms reluctantly.

  “See you tonight.”

  “Bye, Van.” As soon as he was out of sight, Rae and Tara came rushing out to see her.

  “Well, are you getting married?”

  “Are you in love?”

  “When are you seeing him again?”


  “Enough! You two are terrible,” Layla cried, laughing as the women pulled her down to sit on a patio chair.

  “Come on,” Tara said. “Spill.”

  Layla nodded. “Well, he is amazing in bed. He’s sweet, kind, tender, handsome, an awesome kisser, and so much more. I wasted so many years waiting around for him to notice me, and he said he was doing the same thing. I’m such a fool.”

  “Not anymore.” Rae laughed, clapping her hands together in delight.

  Tara piped in. “You’ve got that right. Wait until you do a threesome. That’s the bomb!”

  “The bomb?” Layla asked.

  “Yes, it’s amazing. Are you going to try it? Maybe Logan will do it with you both.”

  “I…holy cow, you two are insane! I can’t do that.”

  “Sure you can. We both did, with two men. I mean, Tara had Piers and Kona, while I had Mateo and Piers.”

  “But you are both so happy in your relationships. Aren’t you embarrassed to be near them now?”

  “Layla, it was a short affair and we were exploring the possibilities. It made me appreciate having Mateo all to myself,” Rae admitted. She fanned her hand in front of her face, the heat of the day climbing already.

  “Let’s go for a swim, and we can chat about it.” Tara put down her towel and walked over to the pool, while Rae straightened her bikini and dove right in.

  Curious, Layla followed suit. It was great, having two girlfriends with such vast experience in the sex department. Layla wasn’t sure she could do something like that, but since they were willing to talk about it, she wanted to know.

  “Tell me more about it,” she prompted. “Did the men get as much enjoyment out of it as you two obviously did?”

  “Probably more.” Rae grinned, rolling her eyes. “They do everything they can to please you, and you get double the fun. Unfortunately, I made a choice between Mateo and Piers, and Piers got hurt. It doesn’t have to end like that though. Piers and I are still close. I love him, but not in the way I love Mateo.”

  Tara nodded. “With Piers and Kona, we had lots of fun. I knew from the beginning that Kona was only interested in playing his role. He was free to go once I accidently fell for Piers.”


  “Yes. I had no plans to fall for anyone. I was simply trying to enjoy the ride. You see, I was waiting to see if the cancer came back and thought I was going to die.”

  “Oh, Tara! How scary that must have been for you. Are you okay now?” Layla asked.

  “Never better. It changed me, knowing I wasn’t going to die. I allowed myself to fall in love with Piers, even though I’d decided that relationships weren’t for me. All I wanted to do was ease Piers’s pain of losing Rae. I’d promised Rae that I’d do my best to help him get over her, and it worked better than I’d hoped.”

  “That was noble of you, Tara.”

  “Not exactly. I’d figured that if I was going to die, I wanted to know all there was about having a ménage relationship, and man was it fun. Now, I’m happy with only Piers.”

  “Do you want to do it again?”

  “Not unless Piers does. I loved the decadence of it all, but I’m a one-man woman from now on.”

  “What about you, Rae? Do you think you’ll ever do it again?”

  “Not really, Layla. I’m more than happy with Mateo, and he is with me. I think about it sometimes though. If he wanted it, I’d do it.”

  “What about two women and one man. Have you ever tried that?”

  “No way. I get more enjoyment having two handsome men loving me. It’s exhausting, but in a good way.”

  “It sounds like something I’d like to try, but my relationship with Van is so new, I don’t want to wreck it. He’s wonderful with me.”

  “I’d do it with you, if that’s what you want.”

  “Oh!” When she heard Van’s voice, she flushed with heat, embarrassed to be caught talking about ménages with her friends. When she turned to face him, he was grinning. He rested his shoulder against the wall, watching her. She ducked under the water to try and cool her cheeks.

  When she surfaced, Van was stepping into the water, and Rae and Tara were laughing as they got out fast.

  “See you two later…or not,” Tara teased.

  Van kept his eyes on Layla as she swam away from him backward. He followed, catching her before she could get away. She squealed, laughing as he pulled her against his chest.

  “You’re supposed to be at work.”

  Van laughed. “I am at work. I’m watching you. So, this is what you do with your friends. You talk about your love life.”

  If she thought she was embarrassed before, it was worse now. She couldn’t meet his gaze, her eyes falling to his chest. Gnawing on her lower lip, Layla fought to retain a calm outlook.

  “If you want to try it, I’m sure it can be arranged, honey.”

  “I didn’t know you were there, Van.”

  “I know. I’ve made my rounds and came by to see if you were okay.”

  “Don’t you have to go to work in town?”

  “I asked my Captain for my vacation, and he agreed to it. He understands why I need to be near you. At least, he thinks it’s because I want to protect you. I really wanted to be by your side so we could continue our relationship. You’re all I think about. I could barely keep my mind on my job, wench.”

  Breathing in the scent of him, she relished the musk and fresh air. He was everything she desired in a man, yet the thought of
having another man make love to her at the same time went against all the fears she’d harbored for the past few years, and threw them out the window.

  “Who would you do it with?” she asked, her cheeks burning once more. She kept her eyes down, focusing on his turquoise pendant.

  “What about Logan? You know him well enough.”

  “I…uh, sure. I guess so. Are you okay about this?” she asked, unable to control the heat of her blush. He had her trapped against the wall of the pool, one arm on either side of her so she couldn’t escape. Her eyes caressed his muscular arms, loving the fact that he held her still.

  “Look at me.” With his index finger, he lifted her chin so that her gaze met his. What she saw in his eyes was acceptance and intrigue mixed together. He was as interested in it as she was. “I’m sure, if it’s what you want. I know Logan has had threesomes before. I’m sure he’ll do so with us, if you’re sure.”

  Layla ducked down into the water and swam away from him, but once again he caught her and stood, this time with her in his arms in the shallow end. She didn’t struggle, thrilled to have him in control of her. He smelled of fresh air and musk, tantalizing her senses.

  “Okay. I’ll do it, but only if Logan agrees. I don’t want anyone else.”

  “Deal. Now, kiss me so I can get back to finding your stalker.”

  Though the reminder caused her to start, she raised her chin again to give him access to her mouth. When he finally let her go, she felt the loss.

  “I can’t believe that we were in bed all night long with little sleep and still I want you. You must be magic.” She ran her index finger over his lip, amazed by his stamina.

  “I’ll show you more magic than you can take, honey. Give me until tonight to pull myself together though. I’m exhausted from last night.” With one last tender kiss, he left her alone in the pool.

  Rae and Tara rushed back out of the house, laughing and clapping their hands.

  “Well?” Rae questioned.

  “Is he into it?” Tara looked at Layla with knowing eyes.

  “Yeah,” she murmured, laughing when they squealed like schoolgirls.

  “It’s a done deal. You are going to have so much fun, Layla.”

  “Tara, you’d better not be listening at the door when it happens,” Rae teased.

  “Are you kidding me? Who wouldn’t?”

  All three women laughed, set for the day as Layla dried off. On her neck, she sported razor burn from Van’s jawline, a reminder of what she’d been doing all night long. She was ready to try something new and exciting, and it would begin tonight. Shivers of desire travelled through her veins, heating up her body quickly. She couldn’t even imagine Van sharing her with Logan, but the idea was stimulating to say the least.

  Chapter Six:

  Three for One

  Logan joined them for dinner, his handsome features capturing Layla’s attention. She wondered if he’d had a chance to talk to Van alone. Based on the way Van winked at her, she doubted it. With him sitting on one side of her, and Logan on the other, Layla felt dwarfed by them, their muscular arms crowding her, yet somehow she knew she was safe with them. Not once did she suffer from anxiety, and that was something wonderful. Ever since she’d told Van what had happened to her, she’d been freed from the memories of that fateful night.

  “Any word on the stalker?” Mateo asked.

  Van shook his head. “It’s been quiet since yesterday. He hasn’t sent anymore gifts to Layla either.”

  Logan sat back in his chair. “Somehow, I think it’s better when he does send them. At least we have something to work with⎯Mateo, would you mind going over the guest list with us again? There has to be a clue to who is doing this.”

  “Well, all we have are corporates this week, and most of them brought their spouses. We have only a handful who are solo.”

  “That might narrow it down a bit, though I’m not so sure he’s single. Even if he had the ring with him, he’d have to get it engraved, and chances are one of the jewelers in the area would have some information on it. I think I’ll head into town tomorrow morning early and check that out. Logan, will you be able to stay with Layla?”

  Shocked, she glanced up at Van, her eyes wide with surprise. He winked at her, slipping his arm around her waist.

  “It’ll be all right. Lance and I are going to have a talk later.”

  Her face flushed with heat. It seemed like that happened every time Van spoke to her. She feared looking at Logan, his body so close to hers.

  “I can stay with her. I’m off work for the week.”

  “Uh, excuse me. I have to…I’ll see you later.” Layla stood, Logan and Van standing with her.

  “Aren’t you going to finish your dinner?” Van asked, smiling at her. Logan appeared to be curious, but she could tell by his expression that he didn’t know about the ménage, at least, not yet.

  “I’m not hungry anymore.”

  “Layla, I’d prefer you stay close where we can watch over you. Why don’t you sit down and have a glass of wine.”

  “I can’t drink. Tonight we have another luau, and I have to be sharp.”

  Kona nodded. “She’s right. Maybe after the luau she can have something to calm her down⎯you’re all right, aren’t you sis?”

  “Sure I am. I just need some space. I’ll talk to you all later.”

  Layla left the room, rushing down the hall to her bedroom. Once inside, she turned on the lights, and screamed.

  * * * *

  Van heard Layla scream and raced down the hall to her room. She stood in front of the door, shaking like a leaf.

  “What happened? Are you all right?” He pushed her behind him, the others standing in the hall behind her.

  “There’s a box on my bed. How did he get in here?” Terrified, Layla clung to Van’s arm.

  “Logan, take her to the living room. I’ll check this out.”

  Mateo and Piers stayed with Van while Rae and Tara followed Logan and Layla down the hall. When Van went into the bedroom, he checked the patio door.

  “The lock’s broken, and the wood is chipped away from the frame.” Van cursed. “It must have happened when we were at dinner.”

  “That’s the second time that door was broken into. We just had the lock changed.” Mateo moved to touch the door, but Van stopped him. “I had the alarms turned off because we come and go often lately.”

  “I’ll get someone to dust for fingerprints. Let’s see what’s in the box this time.”

  “It’s pretty flat. Maybe some more jewelry?” Piers suggested.

  Carefully, Van removed the bow and ribbon, sliding the lid off the box. What they saw inside shocked them.

  “We’d better check on her.” Van left the box on the mattress and went to find Layla. This time the threat was deadly.

  * * * *

  “Where are we going?” Layla asked as Van and Logan took her out to the car.

  “You’ll be staying with me and Logan for a few days.”

  “Oh, but I have a luau to do tonight.”

  “No, you don’t. Kona will take care of it. You have to come with us for your own safety.”

  “Safety? But I thought that we were going to⎯“

  Van chuckled. “I haven’t told him yet.”

  “Then why are we leaving the resort?”

  “Layla, this time the gift shows the stalker is angry at you. We want you out of his reach.”

  “What was in the box?” she asked, shivering as fear set in.

  “It was a photo of you doing the fire dance. One of your promotion shots.”


  “And your head was ripped off, a red marker coloring it like blood. The note said, ‘You shouldn’t have let him touch you. You’re mine.’”

  “Oh, Van. What am I going to do? How did he see us?”

  “Like Van said, Layla, you’re staying with us. We’ll be watching you twenty-four-seven.” Logan took her hand in his to comfort her, but she was so u
pset she pulled back. They went for a short drive, not far from the resort. They were all silent until they pulled up in the driveway of a small house.

  “Where is this?” Layla asked, her tone full of defeat.

  “This is my place.”

  She looked up at Logan and studied him. He was serious now, a muscle ticking in his cheek.

  “Your place?”

  “Yes, we’re going to hide you here for a few days.”

  Van stopped the car and they got out. He made sure the place was secure before they entered. Logan stopped her before she went inside.

  “Layla, just remember that I’m a bachelor. I don’t have a housekeeper.”

  She laughed, bordering on hysteria as she walked in and saw that the room looked like it had been ransacked. Startled, she asked, “Was he here?”

  “Who?” Logan acted like he had no idea who she was talking about.

  “The stalker.”

  Enlightened, he snickered. “No one has been here but me. I tend to be a little on the messy side.”

  “A little? You need to have your mother come for a visit. She’d probably be shocked.”

  “Actually, she knows all about it. She gave up on me a long time ago. Let’s get you settled.”

  Before leaving the mansion, Van had packed a bag with most of her things and brought it inside with them.

  Logan tried to clear the way, moving some clothing onto another pile of it. She began to laugh, tears flowing down her cheeks. The more she laughed, the harder she cried.

  “Logan, do you have anything to drink. She needs something strong.”

  “I have just the thing.” He walked over to his bar, which was also covered with dirty dishes and clothing. Pizza boxes were piled up on the floor by the back door.

  “I guess I’d better clean the rooms before you can go to bed.”

  As he poured her a stiff drink, he sat down on his sofa, which was buried under more clothing and blankets. Once she’d taken a sip, Van took her hand.

  “Drink it all down, Layla. It will make you feel better.”

  She did as he asked, then stood, picking up a pile of clothing and giving Logan a long stare until he clued in.


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