Fire Dancer [Dr. Love Shark 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Fire Dancer [Dr. Love Shark 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 17

by Bobbi Brattz

  Is he waiting to see if I run? Will he truly kill me if I do?

  She warred with her feelings, sure he was going to kill her if she left.

  Oh, Van, Logan, where are you?

  Deciding to exit from the rear of the building, she studied the landscape. There were no fences to be seen, the forest blocking her sight. If she climbed out of the bathroom window, she could get to the highway and flag someone down.

  As soon as her feet touched the ground, she knew she was in trouble. He grabbed her from behind, pulling her body tight against his, that chilling voice murmuring in her ear, “I should kill you now, but I want you to dance for me tonight. Get back into the house or I’ll follow through.”

  “Y–Yes, sir,” she stuttered, her knees feeling like jelly.

  When he let her go, she nearly fell, her heart beating a rapid tattoo. Fear like no other snaked through her veins as she thought of the near miss she’d just had. She stumbled past him and entered the house. Scrambling into a corner, she sat down with her back to the wall, hoping he’d ignore her.

  “I suppose I’ll have to tie you up,” he growled, his tone deadly.

  “No! I’ll stay. I promise you.”

  “If you don’t, I’ll find you, and I will kill you. There will be no more chances. When I get back, we’ll decide on your punishment. I’m not pleased.”

  “I’m sorry,” she cried, tears flowing down her cheeks. She couldn’t stop shaking, disgusted at herself for being so weak. She’d promised herself years before that she’d never give in to her fears again, and yet there she was, cowering in the face of a murderer.

  Once again, Don left the house after giving her a warning glare. When the door closed, she sobbed, unable to do a thing to help herself. After seeing him kill his wife without a qualm, she knew he’d do the same thing to her.

  Dropping her forehead to rest on her knees, she sat in the corner and didn’t dare move an inch. It was hours later that he returned. When she saw what he’d brought with him, she froze in place, covering her mouth with her hands. How many more people had he killed to get them? The fact that he had access to her belongings caused her stomach to flip in fear. Cold dread took her breath away. He wasn’t going to let her go.

  * * * *

  Van fought weakness as he and Logan continued searching the area around the resort. Driven by fear for Layla, he persisted. Together, they’d covered a lot of ground, along with the rest of the searchers. When his cell phone rang, he jumped, so focused was he on his mission.

  “Johansen,” he answered.

  “It’s Mateo. There’s been a break in at the hut where we stored Layla and Kona’s new tools. It looks like Stoddard might have done it. Being a pyromaniac, he probably wants her to do the show for him.”

  “I think you’re right. We’ll watch for him. Where’s Kona?”

  “He’s with the searchers on the north side. Where are you?”

  “We have the east side. Wasn’t there an abandoned hut in the forest?”

  Mateo was silent for a moment. “Yes, it’s in your area. Remember the old dirt road that the city closed? It’s a dangerous road, but the house at the end of it is very private. When old man Billings died, he left it to his grandson, but the kid didn’t want to live in it.”

  “We’ll check it out. See you later.”

  Once the phone was disconnected, Van put the cell away. “Let’s check out the Billings’s place.”

  “It’s not far. Are you sure you’re up to it, Van?”

  Not sure at all, Van nodded. “I’m fine.”

  They walked the next three hundred feet in silence, walking up to the hut with care. Graffiti stained the front walls of the home, the lawns were overgrown, and the porch breaking apart. It was getting dark now, nearly twelve hours since she was abducted.

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Logan.”

  “The hairs on the back of my neck are rising.”

  “There isn’t any light in the building,” Logan noted.

  “I’ll circle around and go in the back way. Wait for me and I’ll call you if it’s empty.”

  “Just be careful, Van.”

  “I will.”

  Van used the forest as cover as he made his way to the back of the house. When he approached the rear entrance, he noted that the bathroom window stood wide open. He climbed up and slipped inside, his shoulder throbbing with pain. There was no way he’d let anything get in his way.

  Chapter Sixteen:


  Still curled up in a corner, Layla froze when she heard noise coming from the washroom. Over the past few hours, she’d let her fears build up until she could barely breathe. Now, she wanted to run as fast as she could out the door.

  After Don dropped off the fire dance tools, he left again to find food. She knew he was in a good mood because she hadn’t tried to run again. Knowing how fast he could switch moods from one moment to the other made her afraid to move. His touch was like that of a snake.

  Cold and cruel, he’d grabbed her arm before he left, warning her, “You move from that spot and I’ll be very angry. Do you understand?”

  All she could do was nod her head, and then he went out again. He was gone for a long time before she heard a noise.

  Oh, Van, Logan, where are you?

  When the door to the washroom creaked as it opened, she had to hold back a scream, thinking it was Don. It was getting dark out, shadows seeming larger and more threatening. For a moment she thought she was seeing things when Van entered the room, gun in hand.

  “Van?” she whispered.


  He cautiously made his way across the room, looking left and right as though expecting someone to jump him.

  “I thought you were dead. He told me he killed you.” Sobs tore at her as fresh tears rained down her cheeks. Still, she didn’t move, almost afraid to believe he was there. Her ass hurt from sitting there for hours upon hours in the same position.

  “Honey, are you okay? Did he harm you?”

  “I’m just scared to death. You’d better go before he gets back.”

  Van smiled, coming to her side. He bent down and squatted beside her, studying her body. When she still didn’t move, he tenderly lifted her chin with his finger.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  At her nod, he kissed her sweetly, so gentle she melted. Her eyes on his, she almost couldn’t believe he was there.

  “Is Logan all right?”

  “Yes, he’s outside, waiting for my signal. I’ll get him.”

  When he opened the front door, it was to see Don Stoddard instead of Logan. He had a gun in his hand. Layla screamed as he pointed it directly at Van.

  “You look good for a dead man. Get away from my woman,” Don said, his tone deadly.

  “She’s not yours.”

  “She is, and I’ll prove it.” He turned his head and looked right at her. “Get up and come here.”

  Like a trained seal, she stumbled to her feet, her body wracked with pain. Before she could go to him, Van stepped forward and caught her arm, pushing her behind him. Layla feared for his life. As she watched the gun rise up, horror rippled through her veins. Cold dread caused her to falter, drawing Don’s gaze.

  “I told you to come to me,” he shouted, aiming straight at her.

  Once again, Van shifted, putting her behind his hard body.

  “She’s not going to do what you want, Stoddard.”

  The gun moved, refocusing on Van’s chest. He once again moved to protect her, his gun meeting Don’s as he pointed it at the man’s head.

  Though his wound caused him to falter, Van held firm.

  “Layla, I said come here. If you don’t, I’ll kill him.”

  Her heart beat double time as she tried to move away from Van, but he held her back with one hand.

  “Put your gun down or I’ll kill her,” Don snapped.

  “Van, don’t do as he says. I’d rather die than see him hurt you.

  “Oh, how sweet,” Don snarled.

  Van’s hand began to shake from weakness, and Don seemed encouraged by it.

  “You fear me,” he said, laughing.

  “Not likely.”

  Layla fingered her pockets, realizing she still had her lighter with her. She’d always kept the lighter’s flame on high so she could light the torches faster. Pulling it out, she moved to Van’s side and held it up, lighting it.

  Don’s eyes followed the flame, getting lost in it.

  “Light the torches,” he hissed, spellbound.

  “You don’t want to hurt anyone, Don. You want the flame more.” Bolder now, she stepped to the side and held the flame higher. She wanted to keep Van safe more than she feared for her life. Don’s eyes followed, like a snake on its prey. It was as though he couldn’t look away, mesmerized.

  Again, she stepped to the side. This time the gun followed. When she bent down to retrieve the torch he’d brought back from the resort, she lost the flame and dropped the lighter. Instantly, Don’s gun swung around to meet Van’s. Layla struggled to relight the flame.

  Van asked, “Why don’t we settle this with our hands instead of the guns?”

  Van’s quiet question broke the stillness and Don’s eyes lit up, liking the idea.

  “Since I already shot you, I’ll put mine down as you do yours. I’d like to settle this with my fists.”

  Layla gasped, looking Van over to see if he’d been hurt. Her eyes flew back toward Don, seeing the lie in his eyes. He wasn’t going to put it down. He only waited for his opportunity to kill Van.

  “No!” she shouted, rushing to protect Van. As she did, Don fired the trigger. She froze as a bullet slammed into her back, taking her breath away.

  Van shot at Don, missing because he caught her in his arms. Van slowly lowered her to the ground as Logan came in the door from behind him. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Layla watched Don swing around, the gun rising once again. Logan tackled him, grabbing his wrist and pushing his arm upward. They fought hand to hand while Van held onto her, pressing his hand against the hole in her back to stem the flow of blood.

  When the gun went off, she cried out, her fingers digging into Van’s arms. Logan didn’t falter but fought for control of the weapon, both men in a struggle to the death.

  “Hang tight, Layla. It’s over.” Van lifted his gun up and waited for the right moment to end the battle between the two men.

  Layla cringed as pain set in, her back on fire. When she saw that Logan lost his grip, she screamed, horror washing through her along with the agony from her back.

  Logan shoved the man away from him as the gun dropped to the floor. When Don rushed back at him, Logan met him halfway and took him down to the ground. A sudden shot rang out, the noise ringing in her ears. Don slipped to his knees, staring at her with surprise that Van still held his gun. For a moment he held still, his eyes full of shock, and then he fell forward, landing on his face.

  Feeling for a pulse, Logan pulled out his cell phone and dialed.

  “Get me the police and an ambulance.”

  After he’d finished giving the operator the details, he rushed to her side and helped keep her awake until help arrived.

  “Logan, Van, it doesn’t seem real, you being here. I’m not afraid anymore.”

  “Hey, don’t talk like that. You’re going to be fine,” Logan said, his eyes filled with concern. He helped Van, pressing his hand to her back while Van called the chief.

  “We’ve got her. Stoddard is dead.”

  He continued talking to the chief as sirens sounded in the distance.

  “Help is on its way, honey. Hang in there. Why did you do that?” Van cried, his face a mask of terror for her.

  Knowing he was talking about throwing herself in front of him, she smiled. “I couldn’t let him hurt you, my love. Logan, I love you as well. In the short time we’ve been together, I’ve fallen for you both.”

  Smiling at her, Logan pushed her hair from her face and gently kissed her lips.

  “I love you, too, sweetheart. Stay with us now,” he murmured, his eyes full of truth.

  Layla lost her battle to stay conscious as blackness overwhelmed her, sucking her down into a void where there was no pain, no concerns, just nothingness.

  * * * *

  A big bouquet of flowers hid the face of her visitor as Layla watched the figure approach her hospital bed. Van sat at her side, while Logan placed the gift on her bedside table.

  “They’re beautiful, Logan. Thank you.”

  “You deserve so much more than that,” he said, kissing her forehead.

  “We’re so proud of you, honey.” Van lifted her hand and kissed the inside of her palm.

  “I’m proud of you, too.” Now, get up here on the bed before you fall down from your own injury. Logan, if there was room for another, I’d get you up here, too.”

  “Since they don’t have king-sized beds in the hospital, I’ll take a rain check then. I’m just glad that you’re both all right. The doctor seemed relieved that you survived the night without his care.” Logan chuckled.

  Van smiled. “What are we going to do about this one,” he said, squeezing her other hand.

  “I say that we keep her.”

  “I think you’re right, my friend. She’s definitely a keeper. I think you need to marry us.”

  Layla shook her head. “I can’t choose between you. I love you both.”

  “Fine then, marry me, and we’ll keep the boy.”

  “Van, you can’t mean that.”

  “I do.”

  Laughing, Logan picked up her hand again and brought it to his cheek as she sat there stunned.

  “You mean I don’t have to pick one of you?”

  Van shook his head. “Not after all you’ve done to capture our hearts. We stick together.”

  “Okay then, let’s live together in one house.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Van said, holding her hand. “My house is bigger than Logan’s. What do you say, partners?”

  “I’m good with that,” Logan agreed.

  “So am I.” Layla couldn’t remember ever being happier.

  “Oh, Layla, I just got word. The mayor of Maui is going to court. There are six women who are charging him with rape. If you’re up to it, we can go to bat with them.”

  “Jeff Hanson raped more women? You said he would have, Van. You’re damned right I’ll go to court. He’s going down!”

  “That’s our girl.”

  “The nurse will be here with your release papers in a few minutes,” another nurse said as she passed by the room, ducking her head inside to deliver her message.

  “Any last requests before we become a party of three?” Logan asked, smiling ear to ear.

  “Yes, I want you both to love me as much as I love you—forever.”

  “It’s a deal,” they said together.

  Layla laughed. Life with them would be an interesting journey. She had the best of both worlds. She’d be a wife to both of them.

  “Let’s get out of here so I can show you how much I love you both.”

  Van kissed her sweetly then Logan took his turn. Layla melted beneath them, ignoring the pain in her back. The surgery a week ago was successful, the bullet removed without complications. She was ready to resume her life with her men. All week long, she’d imagined what it would be like to be with them always. Now that she was getting her wish, she felt happier than she’d ever been. Not only had she found her courage, but she’d opened her heart to her men.

  The nurse brought the papers in and Layla signed them, and then she took them both home for good.




  Well, dip me in chocolate and lick me clean! The imagination is a wonderful tool!

  Let your imagination soar as women love one man or more.

  Where sex crosses the line into love, and ecstasy fills heart’s te
nder glove.

  As a multi-published author of paranormal romance and reviewer of erotic romance, I decided I was past the blushing stage and ready to explore my innermost fantasies (on computer). Enjoy stories of love, lust, and laughter as they come from my heart and a vivid imagination. It’s my goal to spin tales of heartwarming relationships where anything is possible in the bedroom…or anywhere else. Enjoy.


  Bobbi Brattz

  A true brat in your imagination.

  For all titles by Bobbi Brattz, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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