First of Spears

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First of Spears Page 11

by Billy Wong

"Warriors of Ailune," the Hierarch's voice rumbled from the faraway ridge, "leave this country now. Or you will never leave it." Even Manuiel hadn't spoken from such a distance, yet his words were perfectly clear—more than clear. Overwhelming.

  A burly man in plate decorated with many tassels, probably the one left in charge after Manuiel's demise, shouted back his defiance. "How many men do you have there, two, three thousand? Do not think you can cow us with the mere threat of your authority, oh great Hierarch. We outnumber Egrent's army two to one, what difference can your few make?" Yet Theo couldn't help but notice the shakiness already in his voice.

  "Even if Egrent gave no help, three thousand of my elite would be more than enough to deal with your horde of kittens." Like they were a single being, his soldiers leveled swords and spears at Ailune's force as one. "Or if you doubt it, should I have the Silver General kill your ten best warriors one by one to prove so?"

  Could that woman take ten death knights in a row, if those counted as Ailune's best? Isolde had destroyed seven or eight by now plus Manuiel, but her weapon and style seemed especially suited to defeating them, so he wondered...

  The Ailune commander seemed too intimidated to question it. "Fine, we concede! Please allow to us retreat, leave us with our lives."

  Ailune's army slunk away, leaving Egrent's defenders alone on the field. His hands shaking as he wiped blood from his face, Theo nonetheless breathed a sigh of relief. They had lost many, the torn corpses of whom hurt his heart to see, but it appeared most of them would survive the day. At least, if the Hierarch wasn't here with ill intent. The tension on his father and Gunther's faces made him nervous.

  The Hierarch and his followers descended the ridge towards them, the Gold General removing his helmet to shake loose longish hair. He was younger than expected, in his mid twenties and handsome. Despite being only a few inches shy of seven feet, he lacked the ungainly bulk or awkward lankiness most men his height had one or the other of, instead seeming like a scaled up athlete in peak condition. The Silver General looked to be a few years older. She was tall, though not as tall as Isolde, and surprisingly slender. Her classically elegant features might have been ravishing if not for the scars which distorted them, including one that ran from under one eye to the other side of her chin, going through her lips. Even with her mouth closed, one could just glimpse the white of her teeth.

  And then there was the Hierarch. A massive man as tall as Gunther and even broader, who despite being over fifty exuded a vitality most men half his age would envy. Judging from what little was exposed of his neck, Theo had never seen one more muscled. He walked at an easy pace, yet each step somehow hinted at great power behind it. It was the armor, Theo decided. A normal human might not even be able to move under that massive weight, but the Hierarch wore it like a crimson robe.

  "The Silver General, my daughter Camilla," the Hierarch said, "and the Gold General Sigmund." It was somewhat shocking a king would put his female child in a position to get that damaged, but then maybe Theo was just being old fashioned. Isolde and Gunther eyed the generals warily, not that those two paid their gazes much mind. "I trust you know who I am."

  King Darius bowed, and his voice took on a humility Theo had rarely heard except in the company of his mother. "Great king, we are honored to be graced by your presence." Was this the way he was even supposed to behave in front of his own subjects? Theo didn't know. But the Hierarch's aura was crushing, like a heavy hand on his shoulder that pushed him to kneel. Seeing that his father didn't go that far, he resisted the urge.

  "There is no need to act so," the Hierarch said, "we are of an age and rank." However, even his intentional omissions served as a reminder of the unspoken inequalities between them.

  "I thank you for your help today, then."

  "After finally working out the issue of trade between our nations, it was desirable to avoid another disruption. And, it would not do for Ailune to think they have free rein to do as they please across the continent." Theo read between the lines and got the hint this act had not been done out of kindness. How had they even known to be here? High Waloros must have spies in every corner of the continent, keeping them up to date on any event that might be of interest. "But if you wish to repay us, perhaps you could aid in our invasion of Fian."

  Darius noticeably stiffened. "No, we cannot do that. We are a small nation, and as you see relations with our neighbors are already not the best. We can only afford to make so many enemies."

  The Hierarch crossed his tree trunk-like arms. "That is understandable. Then, after we finish with Fian, will you join us in subduing that which is already your enemy? I speak of course of Ailune."

  "And your girl said her country wasn't imperialistic," Damon whispered.

  "Without meaning to offend," Darius replied in a carefully controlled tone, "it does not seem wise to allow free movement of another country's troops through one's territory." Theo figured however the land of Culmod north of Fian must have allowed High Waloros' army to cross it to get here, out of deference to their power most likely.

  "So you would bear the aggression of Ailune as long as they wish?" the Hierarch said. "I doubt this will be the end of it." Though his calm expression didn't change, Theo imagined him smirking inside. "We'll see if you change your mind." He turned away.

  As the generals made to follow, Theo dared to ask Camilla, "So you're the one who lost to Claire?"

  She sneered. "The loss was on a technicality."

  "You're the one who agreed to the terms," Sigmund said, his voice friendly and smooth. "Besides, for it being to first blood, she gashed you open pretty good."

  "The spear-loving upstart's not bad," Camilla admitted. "Makes you wonder what she sees in a backwater prince like him... no offense."

  Now that he'd taken the leap, Theo felt unexpectedly comfortable conversing with them. "Why didn't Claire come with you? Having been assigned to deal with us before, I would've thought her familiarity could be an asset."

  "She's apparently been having personal problems, so she took some time off."

  "That woman always seems very professional," Sigmund added, "so it surprised us she let anything interfere with her work. I wonder what it is."

  She hadn't mentioned anything troubling her in her letters. Though there were many other possibilities, Theo wondered guiltily if it might be related to him. No, he told himself, she probably didn't even care that much about him yet. More likely it had to do with her family, than him being able to affect her so.

  "I wouldn't be surprised if Father knew more than we do," Camilla said. "Anyway, we have to go. Backwater or not, it was good meeting other young royals who aren't afraid to fight and get their hands dirty."

  Well, Theo had felt more than his share of fear. But he'd fought anyway at least. "Thanks." As they shrank into the distance, he said to Damon, "They're not so scary."

  His brother gave him a dubious look. "We haven't seen them fight yet."


  The warriors of High Waloros departed, leaving Egrent to clean up the aftermath of Ailune's attempt at conquest. Over the next days, Isolde showed displeasure when people commended her for her actions during the battle, especially when they mentioned her shoving Theo out of the way and taking the thrust meant for him herself. Her quiet and unboastful personality didn't seem enough to justify such a negative reaction. During a particularly notable incident when she walked out of the dining chamber after a joke from Rory about her saving her prince, Theo followed her into the hall. "Why are you so upset by it?" he asked while she looked away. "It's all in good fun. People like what you did. They're not poking fun at you, if that's what you think."

  "That's not it. I just don't want to cause any trouble for you, by making anyone think there might be something going on between you and yet another woman."

  "What? I've never felt any attr—I mean, you're not my type."

  "What is your type? I can't get a good handle on it."

  He had to think about it him
self. "A... free woman I guess, who sees the future as something to make for oneself as I do."

  She frowned like she had expected his answer to be different. "So that is the main criteria..."

  "Huh, what's that?"

  "I had thought you might have some kind of infatuation for strong women who could fight. But I suppose you are not completely shallow."

  Theo shook his head, not sure what he was shaking it at. "Um, well, I do like strong women who can fight too."

  "This country is held together by bonds between the royalty and nobles. I think you should reconsider your desire to sever them."

  She was talking about him and Sophie, of course. He sighed. "There are other ways besides forced marriages. It's strange that you're so old-fashioned. A woman who fights in brutish manner while wearing a mask to conceal her identity doesn't exactly conform to the expectations of most traditionalists."

  "It's not about following tradition. I fight to help my countrymen, even if I must sacrifice some things in the process. Must you be so selfish as to put your own wishes over the good of everyone else?"

  He didn't know how to answer. He supposed maybe it was selfish of him. But if he couldn't even do something for himself in matters of love, when could he? "It seems insane to me for a member of the royal family not to have any say in one of the most important decisions of his life. Is a younger prince nothing more than a tool then to control the politics of the realm? If that's the case, I'd rather not be a prince."

  "You've gained many benefits from your birth. Can you not accept the costs in exchange for that?" When he didn't reply, she said, "You said her drive to make her own future appealed to you, yes? So what you like is a woman who will reach out and take what she wants, with her own hand."

  The cold way she said it intimidated him a tad. "I-I suppose so."

  "I'll tell the earl's daughter. Maybe she can win you over fair and square then."

  Theo looked down unhappily. "But I don't want her to change for me," he mumbled under his breath. Besides, as long as she insisted on adhering to their arranged marriage, he didn't know if she could seem free enough.

  "It's normal for people in a relationship to compromise and change a bit for each other."

  "I get that, but still. I want Sophie to be happy, and I don't know if she could be in the long run with me. Some compromise I can understand, but I think we're too different." And why did Isolde have to stick her nose into his business? Gunther didn't even get involved more than he wanted, and he was a much closer friend and confidant.

  Isolde shrugged and walked away back towards the throne room.


  Only a couple weeks later, Theo got an unexpected visit. He was training with Gunther in the yard, straining to break through the big man's guard as he practiced sword against spear, when he heard a female cough. He looked to see Claire watching from beside the door, Lily at her side. In his distracted moment, Gunther tried to swat him in the head with his shaft, but he dodged and grazed Gunther's sleeve with a riposte.

  "That's good," Claire said. She looked a tad softer than usual, like she'd been eating more or training less. "You managed to react well even after a lapse in focus."

  "What are you doing here? I mean, I'm glad to see you, but you didn't give the slightest hint you were coming."

  Her voice turned serious. "I need to talk to you about something, and figured it would be best to do in person."

  "I think maybe you two will want to talk alone, eh?" Gunther asked.

  "It would probably be preferable, yes."

  "I'll take my leave then." He looked at Lily while he passed. "You too?"

  "I might as well. We can get to know each other in the hall until they're finished." She followed him out.

  Theo's heart quickened as he wondered what was going on. "They didn't have to leave. I doubt there's much we can't talk about in front of them."

  "Perhaps, but I'd prefer you have the least to distract you possible."

  "So what is it?"

  She hesitated. "The Hierarch... wants us to be married."

  He started. "What?!" He had fantasized about them being wed, no doubt, but this was incredibly sudden. He didn't even know if she returned his strong feelings for her. "The Hierarch wants it? Do you? Do you love me?"

  "I like you very much. Even though I've made many friends in many places, I haven't met a man I wanted to marry more."

  That wasn't quite the answer he was looking for. "I love you, Claire. I think it might have been love at first sight, though I didn't know it then. But if you're not sure you feel the same way, we shouldn't rush things just because the Hierarch wishes it. Why does he care about us being together anyway? Unless..." Then it became obvious to him. Like how his parents wanted a union between him and Sophie to secure her family's allegiance, the Hierarch wanted a union between one of his top servants and a prince of Egrent as leverage.

  Reading his expression, Claire said, "I see you understand."

  "It doesn't change anything. I still love you just as much. But I'm not sure I can do it. Completely breaking off my engagement—my parents might not stand for it."

  "I'll speak to them. High Waloros would be a much stronger ally than your fiancee's family, so I should be able to make them see the practical side of things."

  "It's not as if you're Camilla, though. Would the alliance represented by our marriage really be that strong?"

  "The Hierarch does not trust Camilla much more than me. And that is not an insult towards her, for she is a remarkable princess, but a reflection of my standing."

  Theo smiled. She sure wasn't shy about talking herself up, but it all rang true. He adored her radiant confidence. "Still, if you aren't sure you're ready to spend your life with me, I don't want you to feel compelled to rush this."

  She grasped his hand. "I think I do love you, even if that isn't the sole reason behind this proposal. It might not be as passionate as you dream of, yet, but I truly appreciate your spirit. The way you took that spear for me was one of the bravest and most selfless things I've ever seen. You could have died, and had no reason to do that for me, a stranger—yet you did. You are a wonderful person, Prince Theo."

  "It wasn't that big a deal. I just responded the way I was naturally inclined to."

  "That doesn't take anything away from it. It just shows your good nature."

  "I'm so flattered a woman like you thinks this highly of me. I guess maybe I won't have to challenge you to prove my worthiness after all."

  Claire raised her brow. "So that's why you've been training so hard? I suspected as much."

  "Looks like we already know each other well." They laughed together. "You did a good thing for me, though. If I hadn't improved so much from training for you, I might not have survived that battle."

  "Don't thank me. It's your own hard work that paid off."

  "Since you're much more accomplished than me, but I'm the prince of another nation, how should the naming be handled?"

  She touched her chin in thought. "A situation as rare as this would probably be handled on a case by case basis."

  "Maybe we could fight to determine whose last name takes precedence." He probably wouldn't have much chance of winning still, but neither did he care.

  "You are a brave man as always. Shall we speak to your parents, then?"

  "Let's talk to Father first. He should be at least slightly more open to being convinced."

  The king was in the throne room—a bit public for Theo's taste but, given they would be discussing the political advantages of them being married, perhaps fitting. They knelt together before his father, making people stare as it wasn't common for a son to do. Damon and Gunther looked curious, and Isolde rather uncharacteristically on edge. "Your Majesty," Claire said, "I love Prince Theo and wish to be wed to him. As my voice is a respected one among the powers of High Waloros, such would grant you an advantage in your dealings with them."

  "But your loyalty would be first to the Hierarch, even af
ter you were joined?" Darius asked. The question made Theo sweat. Admittedly it was something he too wondered about, as Claire still seemed to be working for the Hierarch in this and he had doubts whether she would place love before her job.

  "I retain some loyalty to my homeland, as you would expect. But I will be loyal to my new family as well."

  "I fear there will sometimes be a conflict."

  "In marriages of royals between different countries, is that not the compromise always made?"

  Darius wore a look of consternation. "You are not a royal."

  She nodded. "I'm not, true. But the dynamics would be much the same, except my analysis of situations will be less clouded by emotion than that of many royal brides."

  "Yet you claim to love him?" a female voice snapped. It took Theo a moment to recognize it as Isolde's. "You do not love him, you are merely using him to further the schemes of your kingdom."

  "Isolde?" Damon said, but it seemed uncertain if she heard. "It's not like you to-"

  "I challenge you!" she continued. "If you lose, you leave here and never try to chain Theo's heart again." What on earth? It seemed like a totally unreasonable request, especially since he didn't think Claire meant to treat him in an unfair manner.

  Claire blinked. "I can't... I mean, I don't want to fight you for no reason."

  "What, are you afraid? Does the invincible diplomat fear she's finally met her match?"

  After a brief silence, she said, "You're that hungry, eh? Alright, I accept."

  Theo's jaw dropped as she readied her spear and Isolde drew her titanic sword. "Aren't you going to do anything to stop them?" he asked his father.

  "Why, if they both consent to it? I would be interested to see how my new champion fares against High Waloros' mighty warrioress."

  Turning to the women, Theo said, "Stop it, you two don't need to fight. Claire and I love each other, Isolde. Even if there is another factor involved, that doesn't mean you should keep us from being together."

  Claire smiled reassuringly at him. "Don't worry, she won't."

  "How can you be so confident of that? She's inhumanly strong, and killed Manuiel in an instant."


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