Volition: Noah & Tessa's Story Book One (A Uniform & Lace Romance)

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Volition: Noah & Tessa's Story Book One (A Uniform & Lace Romance) Page 25

by Tina Maurine

  “Fuck, Noah. I want you in me. I want you. In me now. I need it.” I barely recognized my own voice, it was laced with so much desperation. His hand went to my chin and lifted it, so our eyes met once again. His usually clear blue eyes had turned obsidian black with passion and desire, barely recognizable but absolutely sexy. Our eyes never left each other as I felt him reach down to check my readiness. There was no doubting my voracious need, nor my complete desire for him—I was so fucking wet. He lifted me by the hips, and I reached down and positioned his cock at my entrance.

  “Are you sure? Just one feel, right?” The animalistic edge to his voice only fueled my fire more.

  “Yes, I need to know,” I managed to say before the anticipation silenced me.

  I could feel his head teasingly graze my opening, a feeling so intense it was as frustrating as it was amazing. I pushed against his chest, straining to lower myself, but he held on to my hips, keeping me just out of reach from being able to envelop him wholly.

  “Goddamn it, Noah! Please?”

  The playful smile he beamed me made me want him all the more. “I’m all yours.” The tension in his arms lessened, and I felt my knees catch my weight. I was in control! I placed one hand on his chest to steady myself, as I reached down and slid his rigid cock through my dripping wet pussy with the other. I started at my entrance and slid it all the way up to my most sensitive bud. I shuddered, and Noah emitted a guttural groan.

  I dragged his fiercely sensitive helmet back through my softness until it lined up with my hungry little cunt and slowly, deliberately eased myself down his full length. It felt like I slid down it, and down it, and down it some more until I had swallowed him all the way—fully sheathed by my pussy’s ravenous desire. I arched my back in ecstasy and I moaned in unison with Noah when he made the slightest rounding grind of his hips. He stilled.

  I knew it would feel this good; I fucking knew it! So incredibly big. Hard. Oh my God. Oh my…

  He sat up, settling even deeper into me, and interrupted my train of thought. Oh, how I wanted to move, but I reminded myself this was ‘just a feel’. Noah’s right hand buried itself in my hair at the nape of my neck. His left drew my back closer to him as it crossed to reach over and held my right shoulder pinned down. I was unable to rise up; wiggling was next to impossible and the look Noah gave me when I tried, suggested strongly that I stop. His right hand pulled my hair back and exposed my throat to his assault. Here, I was replete, unable to move, being driven even past the edge of sanity by his mouth. He kissed my mouth sensually, amorously, taking care that I first felt his passion before he roughly fucked my mouth with his tongue. He bit my neck, shoulder, and my breast hard enough that the pleasure mixed with the pain, creating an unfamiliar sensation that drove me even higher. My hands buried themselves in his hair, held his throat, as I caressed and gave back as much as I took. I moaned, he groaned, our souls joined. Still coupled, still just ‘feeling’, he hadn’t moved, not even once since I had fully seated myself on him.

  When he pulled back, I felt startled, puzzled. “Is everything okay?”

  “Beautiful, I… This has to stop, or it’s going to go further than you wanted. I can’t… I’m so close, it’s killing me.”

  “Just once more, please, Noah, just once more. I want you to take me this time.”

  With me still seated on him, he took the hand from my hair, wrapped it around my waist, and flipped me onto my back. He tossed my shapely calves up over his shoulders as he painstakingly withdrew himself from my stingy depths. He leaned over me and kissed me deeply, before bracing his hands on either side of my shoulders and pistoning into me so hard and passionately-rough that it took my breath away. He immediately pulled out.

  “I want to see you, Tessa.” it wasn’t a command this time, but a plea. Noah had his fist around his cock, squeezing its head painfully hard and then slowly, very slowly slid it from its head to its root. He still had my wetness coating him. God, he looked so damn sexy on his knees before me, slowly stroking his cock. I reached down and spread my lips with one hand. Inserting two fingers, I began a lavish assault on my own clit while I pumped into myself. I writhed in elation as my climax built. I couldn’t keep my eyes off Noah, watching his beautiful body draw taut as he worked his stout and steely rod.

  “I want some…” He widened his knees enough so that his cock dropped to the same height as my pussy, and he slid it through my wetness before drawing back up onto his knees and pumping his tortured cock again.

  I felt the waves building, and all I could think of was how he had felt in me, and how amazing he looked fist-fucking his cock in front of me with my pussy juices all over him. That’s all it took. I squeaked out a small, “Come for me!”

  Noah’s eyes locked with mine until I had to shut them as I came hard, wave after tumultuous wave hitting me, sending me crashing over the edge. I lay shuddering, still orgasming as I heard Noah emit a throaty growl. I threw my eyes open, not wanting to miss his climax. He gave his cock a couple of final pumps, and even his growl fell short on his lips as his hips thrust forward and hot, thick ejaculate pumped out of his rigid length all over my stomach. He pumped himself a final time or two, squeezing the last of his crème from his cock’s tip before he rocked back on his heels, sated and completely wasted. His peacefulness drew me, and I fought the urge to hold him. Getting up, he walked into the master bath and came back with tissue, so I could clean up enough to make it there myself.

  I had just entered the bathroom and shut the door, when I heard a knock.

  Noah stood there in all his glory, still fully erect, at my mercy.

  I motioned toward the shower, “Want to rinse off?”

  “Sure, that sounds wonderful. Want to turn it on?”

  I knew we weren’t supposed to be running the shower while Dax drove, but there was no way, now that he’d mentioned it, that I wasn’t going to rise that smear off my belly.

  Noah got in first and I joined him a half-second later. It was scorching hot, too hot at first, but also incredibly relaxing. We briskly soaped up and then stood there hugging in the water, half sleeping, half delirious from the intense orgasms we had shared.


  “Mmm mm.”

  “You amaze me.”

  I laughed awkwardly at his compliment. “Thank you, Noah for respecting me, for not taking it farther than I wanted.

  “Mmm… well, about that. You do know that was considered ‘going all the way,’ right? I mean, I don’t care what you call it, but I was definitely making love to you, beautiful.”

  I just squeezed him. I wouldn’t allow myself to let it feel that way. I still needed something left to give if he returned and chose me later.

  “Well, whatever you want to call it,” he winked at me, “it was fan-fucking-tastic. Just what I needed, and between you and me… what I’ve wanted to do since the first time we kissed.”

  I smacked his ass at his admission and kissed his shoulder. “Me too. Now rest. I am so incredibly tired.”

  We finished up, straightened the bathroom and sitting area, dressed and lay down to rest the couple of hours until we pulled onto the NAS Keflavik base.

  “Hey you two… hey, wake up. We’re here.”

  I groggily struggled to open my eyes.

  “You slept the whole way?” Sammie mock scolded me while digging for info. “We’re on base. Get up.”

  “Where are we?” I demanded, still feeling slow, like waking from a deep coma.

  “We’re here, outside the barracks. Get up!” Sammie held her hand out to us. I patted Noah awake and helped him stand as they grabbed what little we had on the bus.

  We got a half-asleep Noah up to my room and onto my bed. I hugged Kari and asked her to thank Dax for a great weekend before we shut the door. Sammie lay down next to Dirk as I shed my clothes, set the alarm for an hour before work, and climbed into bed next to Noah. His arms wrapped around me as he snuggled in close. I soaked it in, knowing this was if not the la
st, then very nearly the last time we’d ever lie like this again. I fell asleep craving the fulfillment I’d felt when his handsome cock had finally filled me to the brim.


  “Tessa! Get the fuck up… NOW!” Sammie whipped back my covers and pulled on my arm to get me up. I glanced at the clock and it showed we had ten minutes before the last shuttle that would get us to work on time. My feet hit the floor running. I raced down to the community bathroom and was back in less than five minutes. I threw on my wool socks, thermals and my coveralls, belted it and turned in the mirror.

  Ehh… Anyways.

  I whipped my unruly hair into a quick chignon and bobby-pinned the crazies that were sticking out here and there.

  Good. Done.

  I plopped down in the worn recliner with my flight deck boots and went to work lacing them up.

  “Tess—let’s go, are you ready?” Sammie popped her head in the room just long enough to toss her morning kit on the sink counter. I could see she already had her jacket on and looked ready to meet the bus.

  I stood up, grabbed my FWJ and ball cap, slamming the door behind me.

  Oh Crap! I didn’t even say goodbye to Noah. I wonder if he’ll be there when I get off.

  I tossed this thought back as I dashed down the flights, two stairs at a time. We reached the bottom and threw open the BEQ doors, just as the shuttle bus was closing its door, a signal it was about to take off. We ran toward the bus and boarded it… Right. On. Time. I had a little pep to my step as I found my seat. Sammie plopped next to me.

  “Boo-ya. BOOM—and that’s how you do it!” I looked at her and threw her the ‘West Coast’ gang sign.

  She laughed. “Did something happen last night? Why are you in such a good mood?” She nudged me with her elbow.

  “Yeah, right. Noah was still comatose while we were getting ready with the lights on this morning. Nope, definitely not.” I looked out the window at all the wind socks blowing fiercely horizontal, whipping from side to side. Fucking great. Another wind-burn kind of day, I thought miserably.

  We had about a ten minute ride to the hangar on a bus packed with a lot of people who had evidently partied hard and slept in until the last minute. The driver had on some Euro Club Mix, and the bass was pretty loud for this early in the morning. It made me think harder than I wanted to.

  “So? This weekend; are you going to tell me anything?’ Sammie feigned a pout, complete with sad puppy-dog eyes.

  “Oh my God. I have absolutely no idea where to begin.”

  “Well, give me the abbreviated version… the good stuff, since we only have a few minutes.”

  I considered for a moment. Not that I’d actually entertained not telling her; I was ready to burst from an overload of hormones, emotions, sexual tension, and too much information too soon. It was tell Sammie or risk spontaneous human combustion.

  Good thing Sammie only gossips to me about others, not to others about me.

  I took a deep breath. “I’ve never connected to someone in my life the way I did with Noah at the Blue Lagoon. It felt like we’d known each other forever,” I blurted.

  Her jaw dropped. “That fast, eh? Wow. And here I thought you were just looking for a weekend hook-up, like with that Dane guy.”

  I frowned at her. “Do you want to hear my story or give me shit? Shut up.”

  She schooled her face into a false-serious expression that threatened to dissolve into laughter at any moment. Good enough, I guess.

  “Anyway, while he might feel connected with me, and find me easy to talk to, it’s complicated.”

  “That’s what they always say,” Sammie groused.

  This time my scowl shut her up by itself. “So, if I may continue,” I said primly. “He has an ex and a little girl—I think I’ve told you that part—but, the clincher is that he’s never seen her.” I talked fast over Sammie’s gasp, filling in words before she could interject again. “His ex wants him back, wants to be a family, and he thought that was what he wanted, until he met me, and then… now… Shit, now we have all of these bullshit feelings involved, and he kissed me. Oh, God. That kiss.” I shook my head. “I’ve never had a kiss like that in my life.” Just remembering it made my body soften and moisten.

  “Oh, Tessa, the look on your face. You want him bad, don’t you? In spite of everything…” I nodded, opening my mouth to say something, as she interjected, “You still haven’t gotten to the good stuff—the dare—you have to tell me about his junk. You could see it even in the dark by the fire, right?”

  I laughed bitterly. “It may have been—no shit—the prettiest dick I had ever seen.” Too bad it’s wrong of me to want—so badly—to taste it, feel it again.

  I could hear her sharp intake of breath at that little detail. Her humor faded into empathy. That’s a true friend for you. Juicy gossip, sure. But she actually cares. Thank God for Sammie.

  “The morning was truthfully amazing. We stayed up all night together talking and just… I don’t know, just being.”

  She tilted her head to the side, looking puzzled. I don’t think she really understood all the insanely deep feelings my soul had with his, apart from my actual feelings for him. In fact, I’m pretty sure, from the look on her face, that she thought I was plumb crazy… but, whatever.

  She raised her eyebrow skeptically, looking deeply into my eyes—staring me down, actually.

  “Seriously, it was magical.”

  “Sheesh—calm down, I’m just messin’ with ya. What crawled up your ass and died?”

  “Ugh. Sorry, Sam. It’s just been a really emotional forty-eight hours. I’ve reached amazing heights and destructive lows… all this weekend.”

  As the hangar came into view, Sammie said, “So, I know we have no time, but what the fuck was wrong with you two yesterday morning? I mean, why’d he take off? Then, we could hear you fighting, then an hour later fucking. I mean, what was with all that?”

  “Shit, you could hear us?” I knew my face showed my mortification. I mean, I knew we had been kind of loud, but the music was up, and they had been so rowdy that I just assumed they couldn’t hear. “Well, you pretty much know what happened. The feelings behind our… whatever we have, well—they’re complicated to say the least.”

  The bus came to a stop, and shipmates stood and started filing off the bus into work. I glanced at my watch and saw we had only five minutes before morning muster and morning pass down began. We hurried forward, and I squeezed her arm as she headed in the opposite direction to the Line Shack while I hurried on to First Louie.

  I showed up for muster and daily assignments just in time.

  “Thank you, for joining us,” Petty Officer Rodriguez nodded to me as she glanced at her watch, “just in time,” she said with a smile and went back to checking me off on her muster list attached her clipboard.

  “Night check had a slow night, so we didn’t have to give any bodies for washes. We put people on extra head and passageway duty. That means,” she looked directly at me, “Christy, your work was done for you. You’re heading over to the morning cook line right now to help over there.”

  I shot her a questioning look, which she reciprocated with a genuine grin—one I don’t think I’d ever seen.

  Does this mean maybe I’m finally moving up? Are my days waxing floors and polishing shitters over? Oh, please, Jesus. Let’s hope so.

  Being on the line in the Geedunk meant most everyone I talked to was in a great mood. They were either getting coffee on a break or getting a snack to take back to their shops. In all instances, they were not working at that moment and their positive attitudes rubbed off on me.

  “Hey, Christy, how the heck are ya?’ I glanced up from the omelet I was gently loosening on the grill and saw Sage.

  “Hey, Petty Officer Reeser, you look chipper this blustery morning!”

  He laughed, “What? Trying to be Earnest Hemingway?”

  “Yup, you know it!” I winked. “So, how was your weekend with all those colle
ge girls you guys met at the Lagoon?”

  “Well, would you believe you don’t have to be eighteen to attend college here? Apparently, you can get your first year of college out of the way while still in high school.”

  My eyes widened. “NO shit?” I lowered my voice, “So they were all underage?”

  “Yeah. So, the jail-bait dropped us off at the gate and we had to walk on base at about 3 am.”

  “Wow, man, that really sucks. Hope the rest of the weekend went better.”

  “Ha! Not exactly. Our buddy Ensign Daniels…”

  I interrupted, “Oh no! What did Ian do?”

  Sage placed his hands on the counter and leaned in so that others would have a harder time making out what he had to say. “Well, we went out Saturday night and met some ‘girls’, if you know what I mean. By this morning, he couldn’t keep his hands out of his pants and he’s pissing fire.”

  For the second time, my eyes grew wide, “You mean he got…?”

  Sage interrupted, “Shh… nobody knows ‘cept me and the guys and his immediate supervisor. He had the duty van drop him at the infirmary this morning; he actually was on the flight schedule. This could turn out really bad for him if the wrong people find out.”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  He winked at me as I handed off his breakfast sandwich. “Thanks, Tess—have a great day. I’ll tell Ian you said ‘fire’ is the new black.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, you go ahead and do that, and see if he ever talks to me again.” Our laugher melded into the cacophony of the room as he departed with a nod in my direction and a familiar wave.

  By this time, I had three omelets ready, plated them and called off the names on the tickets. I served five or six more aircrew and khakis before I saw another familiar face. “Hi, Ace, how’s your morning going?”

  “Good. Seen Sammie—I mean Anders anywhere?” His inquiry surprised me. I knew they were hanging out more and more at work, but also knew he probably didn’t hold a candle to Trigg, and now Dirk. I had a funny feeling something strong had been kindled between Dirk and Sammie this weekend. Only time would tell, but…


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