My Guardian

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My Guardian Page 3

by Alanea Alder

  Magus walked over to a polished wooden sideboard and picked up a file. He began to flip through the pages. "According to the last report I got from your father and René, the necklaces are being created by using the souls of unborn shifters to house the abilities of their shifter parents and also halt the decay process, which eliminates the foul odor we have used over the centuries to track and find ferals. Amongst those hunted to near extinction are chameleon shifters, which give these new ferals the ability to become invisible."

  "Gods help us!" Tarak whispered.

  "Reapers." Meryn corrected.

  Magnus paused. "I am sorry darling, what?"

  "Anne helped us name the super ferals. We're calling them reapers, like the Grim Reaper, because they take souls," Meryn explained.

  Magnus blinked and then picked up a pen. He wrote down the word on the paper. "That is a very apt name."

  Meryn shrugged. "We liked it."

  Adriel felt as if his blood was about to boil. "And why were the units not told?"

  Magnus winced. "At the time, it was believed that this was confined to Lycaonia. Recent events have proved that assumption false. I am counting on you to get the men up to speed."

  Adriel clenched his teeth together to keep from being disrespectful to his prince. "Yes, sire."

  "Well, that's fucking bullshit!" Meryn exploded.

  All eyes turned to the small human. Adriel wanted to throw his fist in the air in support, but knew that would be considered inappropriate.

  "Now, Meryn," Aiden began.

  "No. No more keeping things from me because I'm pregnant. I can't keep y'all from being stupid if you don't tell me things." She began to pat down her jacket. "Where's my phone?"

  Ryuu stepped forward and handed her the small cellphone. "Here you go denka."

  "Thanks Ryuu." Meryn looked down and frowned. "No service?"

  "Meryn..." Aiden stepped forward.

  Meryn held up a hand, silencing her mate.

  Ryuu pointed to the wooden table in the corner of the room. "Denka, there is a land line."

  Meryn put her phone away and walked over to the black phone. She lifted the handset and reached out to dial. "Dammit!" She had to pull out her phone and scroll through her numbers.

  "You don't know the number?" Aiden asked.

  Meryn gave him a sour look. "I haven't memorized a phone number since like nineteen ninety-eight." She carefully dialed the number and lifted the handset up to her ear.

  Adriel watched the entire process in fascination. He looked over and saw that Magnus had a shit-eating grin on his face. He knew his prince loved the fact that the small, wacky human was going against every protocol established since the pillar cities were created. Adriel knew Magnus had been dying to do something similar for decades.

  Adriel loved protocol. He loved established sets of rules; they were comforting. He always knew what was the right thing to do. But even he had to admit, the processes they had now were broken, and people were getting hurt because of it.

  "Amelia. Hey. No, I'm fine. Listen, can you get a message out to your friend in Éire Danu? You need to tell her everything we have discovered about the ferals and make sure she tells the units. No, I don't know exactly what they've been told. Evidently, the council has been sending out bits and pieces and didn't think it was important enough to let the men guarding the cities know that they could be facing a new, souped up, invisible enemy. I know right? Make sure your brother knows too. Okay. Lurves you, too! Bye-bye." Meryn slammed the handset down on the phone. She looked up grinning. "I've totally missed being able to do that." She walked back over to Aiden. "We need like a new phone tree or something. Because leaving it up to the council isn't working."

  Adriel coughed into his hand, gaining her attention. "What exactly did you just do?"

  Meryn gave him a sly smile. "My big sister-cousin has connections in Éire Danu and Storm Keep. The units in both cities will be up-to-date within the hour."

  Adriel looked over at Aiden who was grinning. Aiden caught him staring and shrugged. "Meryn seems to fall into this strange gray area when it comes to authority. She's my mate so she's afforded the respect my position demands, but she also has acquired ties of her own, placing her just out of reach of reprimand. Her actions are always brutally direct but usually the most efficient way to do something. She also doesn't let silly things like etiquette, protocol, custom, or rank get in her way. What she did in less than thirty seconds would have taken Magnus and I at least two to three weeks arguing at council level."

  "Extraordinary," Magnus whispered.

  Bethy smiled. "We think she is, too."

  Meryn ducked behind her mate to remove herself from being center of attention. "I'm hungry again, and you promised me you would tell me how you poop."

  Magnus's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "What?"

  Micah began to chuckle. "What she means to say is she is curious about the city's infrastructure, utilities, and sanitation."

  Meryn peeked out from behind Aiden. "Yeah, what he said. But more importantly, I need your Wi-Fi password."

  Magnus shook his head. "We do not have Wi-Fi."

  Meryn gasped and nearly fell backward. Ryuu helped keep her upright. "What do you mean you don't have Wi-Fi!?" she demanded.

  "Meryn, this is a stone city, the signals cannot penetrate thirty to forty feet of solid rock per level. So, no Wi-Fi and no cellphones," Magnus explained.

  Meryn's lower lip began to tremble. "I can't do this." She turned to Ryuu. "I can't do this!"

  Ryuu looked at a loss for words. He turned to Aiden, who looked at Gavriel, who turned to Bethy.

  Bethy frowned as she thought the problem over. "Uncle, you do have internet don't you?"

  Magnus nodded quickly. "Of course. We have to use wired connections though."

  Bethy thought for a moment more then went to Meryn, wrapping her arm around the small woman. "Okay, this is what we're going to do. Uncle will get in contact with one of our city engineers to get you a map that shows where all the Ethernet ports are in the city. That way you'll know where the internet is no matter where you go. How's that?"

  Meryn sniffled. "I guess. But it's like I'm cut off; I can't see or hear anything."

  Bethy rubbed her back. "I know, darling; we'll find you some long cables and, after a while, you won't even notice the difference."

  "I'm being confined! Tethered! Chained!" Meryn shouted dramatically. Then she stopped and took a deep breath. "And I'm starving!"

  Adriel looked over at Declan to see the warrior had turned to him. Adriel shrugged. He had no idea what to make of the crazy human, either.

  Ryuu bowed to Magnus. "Sire, if you would allow me to make use of your kitchen, I could prepare denka her afternoon snack."

  "Didn't she just eat like six snacks in the Marketplace?" Etain asked in wonder.

  "Don't judge me! Meryn-two-point-oh likes to eat." Meryn rubbed her belly.

  Etain nodded. "Of course, I didn't mean to offend."

  "No need, Sei Ryuu. I've brought tea and small finger foods in case anyone was hungry from traveling through the portals," a light male voice announced.

  "Sebastian!" Bethy ran to the handsome man and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Magnus chuckled. "Gentlemen, Meryn, may I introduce my squire, Sebastian Hearthstone. Without him I would starve to death."

  Sebastian ignored Magnus glib remark and wheeled the serving cart into the room. "I see you have yet to ask our guests to be seated. Really Magnus, have I taught you nothing?"

  Magnus rolled his eyes and gestured for them to take a seat among the room's many sofas.

  Bethy giggled. "I told you Sebastian keeps him humble."

  Aiden looked over at Magnus. "I know exactly how you feel." He indicated Ryuu, who also ignored him.

  Ryuu bowed to Sebastian, who returned the gesture. "I have brought a pot of hot water in case your charge has a particular tea she enjoys."

  Ryuu nodded and went to the large
, rolling crate. He opened it and pulled out a small box. He carried it over to the cart Sebastian had wheeled into the room. He started to make a pot of tea for Meryn.

  Sebastian watched carefully. "I say, is that blessed chamomile?"

  Ryuu nodded and let the tea steep. "It was a gift from a friend. My denka is expecting, so I try to ensure she is kept calm; this tea helps."

  "Understandable." Sebastian turned to Aiden. "A thousand blessings on your child, may they know only happiness all their days."

  Aiden smiled. "Thank you."

  Sebastian's smile widened as he walked over to Meryn. "Is this delicate creature your charge?"

  Ryuu beamed proudly. "Yes, isn't she adorable?"

  Meryn blushed furiously and ducked behind Ryuu.

  Sebastian chuckled. "I remember when our Bethy used to do that. Ahhh, to have a youngster in the home again." He stared flatly at Magnus who threw his arms up in the air.

  "It is not like I have not been looking for a mate, you know," Magnus countered.

  Sebastian sighed. "I know."

  Meryn came around to stand next to Ryuu. "We can come visit after the baby is born; I mean you are family," she offered shyly.

  Sebastian brightened. "That is right! Bethy adopted you. We do have a youngster in the home again."

  Meryn frowned. "But I haven't had the baby yet."

  Ryuu smiled and leaned down. "He meant you. By paranormal standards, you're still very young."

  "Oh. Okay." Meryn absently played with the napkins on the cart.

  Ryuu steered her over to Aiden, who pulled her onto his lap. She yawned and snuggled into his chest.

  For a brief instant, Adriel remembered how it had felt to hold the elusive woman from his dreams. He shook his head, trying to dispel the image from his mind.

  "Adriel, what is it?" Bethy asked, looking concerned.

  "Nothing, dear heart. I have just been having odd dreams lately, that is all." He gave her a reassuring smile.

  Bethy gave him an odd look. "They wouldn't be about a possible mate would they?"

  Adriel stared. "How did you know? I have not told anyone about these dreams."

  Bethy turned to Aiden. "Is it possible?"

  Aiden was silent for a moment then nodded. "I think so. The way the spell was worded, I don't think it was limited to a certain city, just to unit warriors."

  "What spell?" Adriel demanded.

  "Y'all seriously need to work on your communication skills," Meryn murmured.

  Declan sat forward as did Micah and Etain. "What spell?" They asked in unison.

  Aiden exhaled and lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck. "Last year, due to reasons I can't go into at the moment, Lycaonia's matriarchs were concerned that we as warriors weren't being given enough opportunities to find our mates. So they convinced Lycaonia's witch Elder, Rowan Airgead to cast a spell to draw our mates to us. So far, all five of the Alpha Unit warriors have mated, with the exception of Keelan, who's... unavailable."

  Adriel felt a pang of sadness at the mention of the young witch. "We are sorry for your losses. We heard that young Keelan gave his life to save his unit, and Rowan died trying to save the city."

  Meryn turned to frown at Adriel. "Keelan isn't dead; he's just not in his body right now," she refuted.

  "I am sorry, what?" Magnus asked, a confused look on his face.

  Bethy shook her head. "Never mind, Uncle."

  Adriel felt his head spinning. "Excuse me for being blunt, but, what?"

  Bethy clapped her hands together, and her eyes filled with tears. "You're finally getting mate! Oh! I'm so happy for you!" She pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and covered her face.

  Gavriel stared at his mate in shock. "Beth, my love. What is wrong?" He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to his body.

  Bethy just shook her head. "I'm so happy. He's been alone so long."

  Magnus, Tarak, Kuruk, Sebastian, and every man of the Eta Unit stared, and Adriel knew why. Bethy never cried. Never.

  Adriel stood and walked over to Sebastian. "Call the healer, something is wrong."

  Magnus paled even further. "I want him here at once!"

  Sebastian paused while reaching for the phone. "One moment." He hurried down the hall and out of sight.

  Meryn looked around a frightened look on her face. "What? What's wrong?" Aiden looked just as concerned.

  Gavriel gently rubbed Bethy's back trying to stem her tears. He looked up. "What do you know that I do not?"

  "Bethy does not cry," Tarak whispered.

  Kuruk nodded. "I have seen her break both legs, catch her arm on fire, and get impaled on a steel rod. She never even teared up." He choked up. "She must be dying."

  "What!" Meryn and Gavriel exclaimed at the same time.

  Meryn burst into hysterics, wailing she didn't want to lose her sister, which caused Bethy to sob even harder.

  "Oh for heavens sake! She is not dying!" Sebastian said, striding back into the room. "Bethy my love, open your hand."

  Bethy tried to catch her breath while she held her hand open. Sebastian dropped a medium sized stone in her hand that immediately began to glow bright enough to nearly blind everyone in the room. Sebastian gently lifted it from her palm. "She is not dying; she is pregnant," he said, choking up.

  Adriel blinked. The sound of two loud thuds behind him had him turning in his chair. Tarak and Kuruk were both passed out on the floor.

  The door stood open and two men walked in looking confused. "Who's pregnant?"


  Adriel watched as Broderick Monroe and Caspian Rioux took in the scene before them.

  Caspian gasped. He looked from Sebastian to Bethy and back. "Bethy! Our Bethy is pregnant!" He screeched loud enough to rupture eardrums then launched himself at his daughter. "Oh my darling, I am so happy for you!" Caspian collapsed next to Gavriel and wrapped his arms around both him and Bethy and rocked them from side to side.

  Broderick dove into the empty space beside his daughter and wrapped his arms around them from the other side. "Sweetheart, is this true?"

  Bethy only sniffled now and was smiling wide. "If Sebastian says I am, you know it's true." She turned to Gavriel. "So?"

  Gavriel was as white as a sheet and was absently being swayed back and forth by his two fathers-in-law.

  Bethy looked closer. "Gavriel?" She grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him.

  He blinked then his eyes seemed to focus. "A baby."

  She nodded. "Yes, what do you think?"

  He blinked again. "A baby."

  "A jackalope with fangs!" Meryn exclaimed, giggling.

  "Meryn!" Laughing, Aiden put a hand over her mouth.

  "Ohh! Ohh!" Caspian waved his hand in front of his face. "I am not gonna cry!"

  "Too late, Papa," Bethy laughed, wiping his cheeks.

  Gavriel turned Bethy to face him and swallowed hard. "Are you well? Hungry? Did the portal hurt you? Should you be resting?" He looked over at Aiden. "What do I do?"

  Aiden pointed to Meryn. "It's not like I have a normal case to go by."

  Meryn elbowed him in the stomach. "Just love her like you always do and feed her lots of chocolate."

  Aiden nodded, rubbing his mid-section. "Chocolate cures all ills."

  Gavriel nodded quickly, his eyes unfocused. "Right. Chocolate. I can do that."

  Bethy took in the sight of her dazed mate and sighed. "Oh dear."

  The sound of low groans had everyone turning to where Tarak and Kuruk were standing again and looking just as shell shocked as the expectant father.

  Adriel didn't know who looked more terrified at the prospect of a pregnant Bethy, the Géroux brothers or Gavriel.

  "Our present was finished just in time! It is almost like it was meant to be." Caspian beamed.

  Broderick reached into a satin pouch and handed Bethy a small rectangular box.

  She reached for the box, her face lit up with excitement. She lifted the lid and inhaled. "Oh Daddy! Pap

  Meryn tried to lean as forward as she could in Aiden's lap. "What? What is it?"

  Bethy immediately took out her gift and handed it to her father. "Daddy, would you?" She extended her wrist out.

  With trembling fingers, Broderick worked the clasp of an intricate silver charm bracelet. He sniffled. "I'm no good at these things." He secured the clasp and raised her hand to kiss it. "Your Papa and I figured between two cities, you would need more keystones. This way you're safe in both cities. By having a necklace and a bracelet, it will free up the keystones dedicated to us for Lycaonia."

  "I love it!" Bethy touched each charm smiling. "Let me guess. The rabbit is Daddy, the book is Papa, the feather is Tarak, the spear is Kuruk, the wand is Tarragon, the sword is Adriel, and the crown is Uncle."

  Broderick nodded then stood. He passed out small keystones to Tarak and Kuruk. When he stepped in front of Adriel, he passed the keystone to him. "Thank you," he whispered.

  "As if I would say no," Adriel chided. He tucked the stone away in his pocket. Later, he would determine the best way to carry it.

  Gavriel nuzzled Bethy's neck. "Who is Tarragon?"

  She turned to face him. "His full name is Artemisia Dracunculus. When I found out that his parents had given him the scientific name for Tarragon, that's what I started calling him. I was young, and it was much easier to say. Unfortunately for him, it stuck. Growing up, I always had a witch healer and a vampire with me. Tarak and Kuruk took turns being my guard, but Tarragon was always my healer."

  Broderick smiled. "Tarragon will be joining us soon. He's at Storm Keep. He wanted to study a few more bone healing spells before returning home."

  Kuruk chuckled. "Do not let him hear Bethy is pregnant, we may never see him again. He will lock himself away to learn spells about healing infants and delivery."

  Meryn tilted her head and looked at her adopted sister. "You're pregnant."

  Bethy wiped her eyes smiling. "Yes, dear, I know."

  Meryn scrunched up her face. Adriel was quickly learning the human's many facial expressions; this one was her thinking face.

  "But aren't you a shifter? I thought shifters could only conceive during summer solstice?" Meryn asked, looking around the room for confirmation.


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