My Guardian

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My Guardian Page 16

by Alanea Alder

  Every time he inhaled, he moved; every time he exhaled, he turned. It was as if he was dancing in mid-air. At first, she thought he was using his ability to fly to keep himself balanced impossibly upright, but she saw the way his muscles bulged and moved under his skin. The way beads of sweat trickled down his chest to drip off his chiseled jaw.

  With every movement, he seemed to be thanking the universe, worshiping it with his body. It wasn't until he lowered himself into a seated stance and brought his hands up to his chest that she realized she was crying. She had never seen anything more beautiful in her life.

  She stood and began to remove her clothes. She wanted him. She let her clothes fall all around her as she walked slowly toward him. When he opened his eyes, she was standing directly in front of him. His eyes shifted from tranquil to heated in seconds.

  "How do you feel about yoga now?"

  "Please, my mate," she whispered.

  He reached up, took her hand, and gently pulled her down beside him. As she lay back, she let the cold stone cool her heated skin. He pulled away for a moment, removing his boxers. Smiling, he returned and placed both forearms on either side of her head. He lifted his body over hers and then, with infinite strength, lowered it just enough to graze her body. She arched her back, needing contact, but he rose up farther out of reach. Over and over again, he lowered himself, letting his rigid length tease her before lifting again.

  How could he possibly affect her so much by touching her so little?

  The next time he lowered himself, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him close to her core. He looked down and grinned. When he lifted again, she felt her body lifting off the floor. He lowered them again, this time allowing the tips of his toes to rest on the floor. He planked his body over hers. Arching his back, he lowered his hips. She reached down between them and guided his pulsing cock into her. When he flexed his hips, she hissed in pleasure.

  Over and over again, he snapped his hips forward filling her completely. Yet no other part of his body touched hers. She needed more. She opened her eyes to find that he was watching her intently; the intimacy of the moment caused her to look away.

  "No," was his single word command.

  She turned her head and stared up at him. Without breaking eye contact, he gently pulled his body back and slowly entered her. She felt tears make their way down her temples. Slowly and ever so gently, he made her his.

  "Please," she said softly.

  "What do you need?"

  "You. I need you."

  "Perfect answer, my love."

  Finally, he lowered himself. She felt his strong muscled legs nestle between hers. She immediately pulled them chest-to-chest by wrapping her arms around him. She locked her ankles above his firm ass as she tried to get every inch of their bodies to touch.

  Her body craved his. Stroke after stroke, he built a fire, but it wasn't enough. Half-crazed, she looked up at him.

  "I know what you need, and I will always give it to you," Adriel whispered against her neck. She convulsed as shivers raced down her body. When his fangs plunged deep into her neck, she screamed. Now! Now, they were one! Her body finally reached the pinnacle she had been racing after and exploded. He lifted his head and ran his tongue over his bite. "I love you Eva Mae Miller. I loved you before you were born, and I will love you after we've both left this existence to explore the hereafter. You are my solace, my peace, my strength, and my home."

  Eva smiled up at his handsome face as gray spots started to collapse her vision.

  "Ditto, cowboy. Ditto."


  When Eva woke up, she instantly became aware of two things. One: they were still in his cave. And two: they were in water. She turned in his arms and looked around. He had carried her into the water and was lazily floating around with her.

  Laughing, she dove under the water and let her tiger free. When she broke the surface, her mate was smiling. She swam past him and nudged his back with her nose, causing him to shout.

  "Your nose is like ice, Eva. Is it too cold for you? Should we get out?"

  Eva did the best she could to stick her tongue out at him then headed for the falls. She left his laughter behind her as she ducked in and under the water. She loved playing in the water. After twenty minutes, she realized her mate was already out, dried off, and dressed.

  She sighed but made her way out of the water. When her feet were solidly on smooth stone, she shifted back. Adriel wrapped her in his coat to dry. "Too cold?"

  Eva's teeth chattered. "I wasn't in the water, but it is a tid bit nipply out here."

  Adriel blinked. "I love the way you talk."

  "And I love you." Eva used his coat to get most of the water off her body and stood, pulling her clothes on.

  "I want to give this to you. The lagoon," Adriel said.

  She spun. "No! This is your special spot, I can't take it."

  Adriel stood. "You are giving up so much to be with me. I know we have not discussed it, but I cannot leave the city, and I will not give you up."

  Eva nodded. "I realized that the second I scented you were my mate and saw your uniform."

  "You deserve some place of your own."

  Eva frowned. "Don't I get to live in your house with you?"

  Adriel froze. "Of course!"

  "If I need extra space I'll just claim one of your guest rooms. You keep your special space."

  Adriel shook his head. "You need it more. It is perfect for your tiger."

  Eva knew that his gift was truly about pleasing her and not as a way to say he was sorry. She tapped her foot. "How about this? We come here together. I get to watch you do yoga, we can make love, and I can swim. Ultimate relaxation."

  "Ultimate relaxation, huh? It is only a deal if I get to teach you yoga."

  "I don't think I'm that bendy."

  "You are a tiger shifter. I believe you could be that 'bendy', which really opens up so many new positions." His eyes were bleeding back to red as he licked his lips.

  She swallowed hard. "I could try."

  "So, this will be our special place from now on?" he asked, walking up to pull her against his chest.

  "I can agree to that."

  He kissed her forehead. "Good. Now, let us get you down to Bethy. If I know her, she is already working buttonholes about tonight. Especially since it is with House Géroux, and our only suspect lives on their level."

  Eva leaned back to look at her mate. "Isn't that the same family Tarak and Kuruk are from?"

  "Yes, which is the main reason why this dinner is so important. House Géroux has always supported Magnus, so he will show his support by keeping their plans to have dinner."

  "So it went from dreadful, boring political dinner to awkwardly painful political dinner," she surmised.

  "I would say that is an apt assumption."



  Eva sat still as Beth applied the last bit of glittery powder to her face.

  "There, now you're done!" Beth put the make-up and brush down.

  Eva looked in the mirror and stared. Her unruly long blonde hair had been pinned up in a neat, twisted chignon. Her make-up was natural but somehow highlighted her best feature, her eyes.

  "You're a miracle worker."

  Beth scoffed. "As if you weren't drop dead gorgeous before I got started."

  "Not like this. This is polished and sophisticated."

  "Get used to it. I have a feeling Adriel will be seeing a lot of Level One from now on. Uncle wants it to be known how much he supports the unit warriors." Beth looked in the mirror and dabbed on a bit more lipstick. She turned to her smiling. "Ready for the big challenge?"


  Beth shook her head. "No. Meryn."

  Eva followed Beth out of her room and down the hall. Without knocking, she walked in and sighed. Meryn was stretched out on a large oversized chair. She was wrapped up in a blanket that now sported orange powder stains. Eva looked down and spotted the culpri
t. An empty bag of Cheetos lay forgotten on the floor. Meryn's eyes were slightly unfocused and glazed over as she watched television.

  "Oh dear, it's worse than I imagined." Beth's brow creased as she frowned.

  Behind them, Ryuu walked in carrying a cup on a tray. Unless Eva's nose was playing tricks on her, it was coffee.

  "Denka, here is your evening treat." Gently, he wrapped Meryn's fingers around the cup. Slowly, Meryn began to sip her coffee. It wasn't until she had drunk every last drop did she look around. She took in Eva and Beth's appearance and groaned. She pulled the blanket up over her head and burrowed between the cushions of the chair.

  Exasperated, Beth stalked forward and began to unravel Meryn's blanket burrito. When she was finally uncovered, Meryn scowled up at her sister. "I'll eviscerate you."

  Beth huffed and dropped the blanket. "No, you won't, because you would never hurt your niece or nephew."

  Meryn blinked then smiled. "True." She closed her eyes and the air around her shimmered. Gone were the baggy sweats and t-shirt, in its place were jeans and a new hoodie. Beth stared, aghast at the change.

  "Meryn! You can't wear that! Do something else."

  Meryn closed her eyes again, only the hoodie's color changed from black to gray.

  Beth's mouth open and closed in horror. "Okay. Okay. We can do this." She walked over and sat next to Meryn. "All right sweetie, picture this: A black tea length satin dress, off the shoulder with long sleeves. Imagine silk stockings and black kitten heels. You're wearing pearls and your hair and make up look like Audrey Hepburn." Beth stood as Meryn's clothes began to change. When it was done, Meryn sat primly in a gorgeous navy blue, satin formal dress. It was off the shoulder as Beth described and accented with tiny sapphires. The string of pearls was exactly as Beth planned and Meryn's hair was slicked back for a modern twist to a vintage look. Her eyebrows were artfully arched, her high cheekbones glowing, and her lips a perfect red.

  "Damn Meryn, you look amazing." Eva said, shaking her head at the change.

  Beth tilted her head. "Where did that hairstyle come from?"

  Meryn shrugged. "This is how it looks after I get out of the shower and brush it, before it whacks out and get curly. I always thought it looked stylish."

  Beth frowned. "I miss your spiky curls."

  Meryn shrugged and yawned. Her outfit wavered for a second between evening glam and Pikachu pajamas.

  "Don't you dare!" Beth shrieked.

  The image stopped and Meryn was still dolled up. "Didn't you take a nap while we were gone?" Eva asked.

  Meryn shook her head. "I can't sleep. I haven't been able to sleep since arriving."

  Eva looked around. "Where are the twins?"

  "Micah swung by and picked them up. They've been working on houses up on Level Six. I heard that the vendors found out what happened and donated a lot of house stuff. I think the first set of families should be moved in by now." Meryn smiled. "They even impressed Declan by redesigning the housing layout. The houses are being built in quads creating mini courtyards where the buildings meet. Nigel said that the kids would need a safe place to play."

  Eva felt relieved. The sooner the pack could get into housing and return to a semblance of normal the better.

  Beth reached down and helped Meryn to stand. "I heard that the pack is organizing a barbecue to get to know their neighbors better. The vendors are excited, it's been decades since they've had any type of a party."

  Eva couldn't help but smile. "I hope your vampire vendors are ready for a good ole Texas barbecue."

  Beth winked. "I think maybe that's exactly what they need." She turned to Meryn. "You up for tonight? You don't have to use your gift if you don't want to."

  "What's this about her gift?" Eva asked.

  "You mate Adriel suggested that Meryn use her empathy during the formal dinners to get a better sense of who supports Uncle." Beth looked over at Meryn, worry clearly visible on her face.

  "How do you feel about that, Meryn?" Eva asked. She knew Adriel wouldn't have suggested such a thing unless it was absolutely necessary. He had witnessed how much people's pain had affected the small human and understood the price she paid. Determining these families' loyalties must be vital.

  Meryn shrugged. "I can't really control it. I look at someone and sometimes I just know I don't like them. Then there are times I meet someone and I know I'll like them, like with you and Stefan."

  That surprised Eva. "Stefan?"

  Meryn nodded. "He's honest. He says exactly what he's feeling; I like that."

  "Yup. That's Stefan all right."

  Beth turned to them. "Are you ready, ladies?"

  Meryn grinned. "Bring on the hotties!"

  Eva laughed. The dinner might end up being awkward and political, but with Meryn there, it sure as hell won't be boring.


  "She is still staring," Javier BelleRose said, pointing to Meryn.

  Eva had to admit, it was getting kinda creepy. Meryn had been staring at the head of the BelleRose house for at least ten minutes.

  Aiden growled and nuzzled her neck. Meryn absently swatted at him. "But he's so pretty."

  Javier's mate, Marie, raised her napkin to her mouth and laughed. Everything the woman did was elegant. "You are very pretty, darling," she teased her mate.

  The older vampire actually blushed. "Well, thank you, I suppose. Though I do not hold a candle to your beauty, my love." Marie smiled.

  Eva could practically see the love between the couple. Simon Géroux and his mate, Leana, were no different, though there seemed to be a sadness around Simon and his mate.

  "I guess I am just a chopped liver in comparison," Simon joked.

  Meryn turned her head to stare at him. "You're like warrior hot. Like if shit was hitting the fan, I'd totally duck behind you," Meryn said sincerely.

  Beth covered her face with her hands as Simon blinked. He frowned, and then his lips twisted before he burst out laughing. "Gods, I needed that! Thank you, Meryn. Considering how many from my line have become unit warriors, I will take that as a compliment."

  Meryn frowned. "Didn't it sound like a compliment?"

  Leana smacked her mate on the shoulder. "Of course it did dear, do not mind him. We have both had a long day."

  A long awkward silence filled the room. Everyone looked around, smiling nervously.

  "Is that because one of your peeps might have gone bat shit crazy and exsanguinated two of the refugees?" Meryn asked bluntly, looking around the table in an air of innocence.

  Eva watched as Beth and Magnus' eyes bulged. Aiden's mouth dropped, and beside her, her mate tensed.

  Simon's eyes widened, and he looked around as if unsure of what to say. Leana, however exhaled and leaned back in her chair. "Thank the Gods! I thought we would be eyeball deep in elephant shit before someone pointed out the elephant in the room."

  Meryn grinned. "I like you."

  Leana laughed. "I think I am going to adore you as well. Such a breath of fresh air. I was dreading coming tonight, unsure of how we would be received, but your honest reaction is most welcome."

  Marie glared at Leana. "You did not have to be nervous all by yourself. If you were concerned about tonight's dinner, you should have come to me, you know we support you."

  Leana looked contrite. "I am sorry, it is just an awful situation. I did not want to get you or your mate involved in case things escalated."

  Meryn looked at Magnus and pointed to Javier. "I like them, too."

  Magnus nodded. "They are some of my closest friends. They have supported me at every turn." He leveled a look at Simon. "I would hate to think that my good friend would not come to me in his time of need."

  Simon glared right back at Magnus. "I was trying to protect you. You have enough on your plate trying to open the city to protect people, you did not need more problems heaped up on you."

  Magnus scowled. "I am getting real tired of people hiding problems in an effort to protect me."

sp; Simon shook his head. "We did not hide anything."

  Adriel cleared his throat. "No, sir. I believe that particular barb was thrown in my direction. My unit warriors have been picking and choosing what to report, with the good intentions of helping our prince."

  "Is this about some of the other families being disrespectful to the warriors?" Leana asked.

  Magnus pointed at her. "She knew? How did I miss such a thing?"

  "Probably because you were meant to." Meryn looked around. "Can I have some pudding?"

  Magnus had his mouth open to protest and shut it quickly. "Should you be having pudding for dinner?"

  Ryuu stepped up behind her with a prepared bowl. "Actually sire, it's practically all she has been eating since she had it the first day, the only exceptions being her favorite Cheetos, and the kebobs and meat pies from the Marketplace."

  Marie clucked in sympathy. "When I was carrying, I practically lived off of chocolate. Poor Javier thought our child would come out coated with the stuff."

  Javier nodded. "I was never so grateful for the fae portals. She had me hopping around the world for different kinds of chocolate." He winked at his mate. "It was worth it though. Our son was born hale and hearty."

  "Your son?" Meryn asked.

  Marie smiled. "Our son's name is Viktor; he is a unit leader here in the city."

  "I met him when Adriel introduced the units. He was very kind," Eva said, remembering his wonderful manners.

  Marie beamed. "Thank you, and congratulations on your mating."

  "She is more than I could ever dare to hope for," Adriel said.

  Marie turned to Beth. "Are the rumors true? Are you with child?"

  Beth looked around the table in surprise. "How..." She looked behind her. Suddenly, Sebastian had a keen interest in the wine selection. "Sebastian!"

  He stepped forward looking a bit embarrassed. "I may have ordered a crib, bedding, clothes, blankets, and one or two toys."

  Beth's anger melted in the face of such fatherly indulgence. "Thank you. My child will want for nothing with you helping to plan their arrival." Sebastian's face flushed with the praise. Beth nodded at Marie. "Yes, I am."


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