Only Keep You

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Only Keep You Page 7

by JD Chambers

  I let out a bark and wag my tail. I’ve had fun playing, but I also had a long day at work, and I want more cuddles. Nothing feels better than Arthur’s fingers against my skin, and I hope that the cuddling I was promised includes more of that. I climb onto the couch and curl into a ball, laying my head onto Arthur’s lap.

  Arthur leans forward to get the remote and turns on an old Office rerun, but I’m not paying any attention to the show. My focus narrows to the fingers drifting along my body, sometimes scratching at my neck, sometimes petting along my back, and every once in a glorious while, skimming across my bare ass.

  The gentle touches aren’t meant as foreplay, but as the part of me that’s Blue has been fulfilled, in turn, my Dave side is now on fire. Someday I know I’ll want Arthur to take me while I’m in full puppy gear – I even found a contraption that keeps my hole open so that I can alternately be fucked by either a tail dildo or a cock, which was a whole week’s worth of jack-off sessions. But for our first time, I want to be Dave. Just Dave.

  I uncurl and stretch out my body until I’m mostly on my back, except where the tail keeps me from flattening out completely. I pull off the hood, leaving my hair sticky with sweat, and enjoy the cool rush of air against my skin. When I shift, my hands brush against Arthur’s hard length. Thank fuck. I didn’t think it would be the case, but a tiny part of me had been scared that I would be the only one turned on by all this. Obviously not.

  Looking up from my spot on Arthur’s lap, I can’t control the shivers that overtake me. I’m still in a headspace where the world around me is muted, but now instead of puppy fun, all I want is to feel more Arthur.

  “I want you, Arthur. You said if I still wanted …”

  Arthur places a finger against my lips and I can’t resist taking a nip. The puppy play releases a playful confident side I never knew I had, and it lingers, even after I put Blue away.

  “Oh, are you going to be a bad dog now?” Arthur asks, but there’s amusement in his eyes. “Bad dogs don’t get fun times, do they?”

  My tongue darts out and licks at Arthur’s finger, which has begun to trace across my pouting lips. I lick at it more, until I’m certain my lips must be shiny from all the saliva that Arthur has collected. Arthur holds out his finger for one more lick, then begins the same torture, only this time to my left nipple, followed by the right. I never knew my nipples were so sensitive, but under Arthur’s insistent touch, they pebble and send sparks across my body.

  I moan at the delicious torture, and Arthur praises me, eliciting another moan. “Good boy.”

  “Please, Arthur. Make me feel good,” I whisper, and Arthur whips me off of his lap and across the couch in a single motion. My knees scrape on the ground and my stomach drapes across the couch cushions. My jock-covered cock rubs the front of the couch and I can’t stop myself from humping it. I need the friction, dammit.

  Arthur pops my left butt cheek. It doesn’t hurt, not really. It’s more surprising than anything, but my cock doesn’t seem to mind.

  “Bad puppy. We don’t hump the furniture.”

  I sit back on my feet, carefully so I don’t jolt my tail, and whine.

  “Please, Arthur. I need you. Please.”

  Arthur strips off his clothes, grabbing a sachet of lube and a condom from his wallet before tossing it aside. I’m glad he’s prepared, because I didn’t even think about those kinds of supplies. He quickly gets himself ready before slowly pulling the plug from my ass. It stretches until it slips out, and I can feel the muscles twitch around the emptiness.

  “Fuck, you didn’t go for the small size either,” Arthur says after the tail is completely removed and my hole remains gaping and waiting for him. I’m no beginner when it comes to playing with my ass. I know what I like, so yeah, I went for the big size. Looking at Arthur’s waiting cock, I realize that thought now applies in more ways than one.

  Since Arthur knows it’s my first time, he goes slowly, never retreating or stopping, but a slow, steady push into me. It feels like my insides might burst out of my skin from the sensation. It’s so much more intense than the toys I played with. Even more intense than the tail, as thick and as jarring as it was. This is magic, a melding of sweat and skin, and I shudder out my surrender to it.

  “Yessss,” I hiss. When Arthur is fully inside my body, I reach back and wrap an arm around his neck. “Yes. This. This is what I needed. You. Don’t hold back. I’m good. So good.”

  Arthur doesn’t hold back, thrusting into my tight heat like it’s nirvana and he never wants to leave. Fuck, it feels so good to be taken and owned. Nothing like the careful and unsure sex I’m used to when I have to take the lead. Each thrust punches a new exclamation from my lips, although what the words are, I have no clue. As I near my limit, the words turn to nonsensical mush. My balls tighten, and I empty them with a wail.

  Stripe after stripe of my release paints the couch cushions, but I can’t bring myself to care. Every single crappy orgasm has been worth it, just to finally experience and appreciate these full-body fireworks. Arthur’s rhythm stutters, my name on his lips as he comes deep inside me.

  Arthur shifts our positions, tying off and tossing aside the condom for later, then cradling me in his arms in a cuddle on the floor. Our bodies merge in a different, but equally as satisfying, way from before. Every single cell has turned to mush.

  “May I stay the night?” Arthur asks, suddenly formal. “I have to get up early and I don’t want to bother you, but I’d like to stay and continue to take care of you tonight. If you’ll let me.”

  I think I say yes. I mean to, anyway, but it might come out as more of a, “Mmrph.” It’s taking a while for my brain to re-engage after I emptied all my intelligent brain cells onto the couch.

  Eventually, when my brain clicks back on, I find myself in bed, cleaned up, with fresh boxer briefs on. I spy a still-naked Arthur cleaning up around the couch.

  “Come to bed,” I tell him. “I’ll take care of that tomorrow.”

  Arthur sets the cleaning cloth aside and brings a water bottle to bed with him. “Drink up. You need to stay hydrated.”

  I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until the cool water hits my tongue and I down the bottle in two gulps. “There. You’ve taken care of the apartment. You’ve taken care of me. Now let’s sleep.”

  Arthur’s only in his briefs as he slides between the sheets and pulls me against his body.

  “I could get used to this,” I say with a sigh.

  “I’d love to,” Arthur says against my hair, nuzzling the top of my head. “If you’ll let me. I have a feeling you are very habit-forming, and I happen to be in the market for a new obsession. I don’t want to give you up.”

  “Mmm. You have the best ideas. Puppies. Eating me. Keeping me. I say we go with all your ideas.”

  Arthur chuckles and tightens his grip around my waist.




  It should have been more difficult, making the kind of commitment to Dave that I did last night, but the words came easily. And not surprisingly, so did the feelings that followed. I’ve done the hookup scene, and I know a true connection is a rarity, so I have no qualms about grabbing onto Dave and holding on for as long as he’ll let me.

  Poor Dave wakes up with me even though I try to tell him to go back to sleep. I wish I could have stayed in bed. It was heaven waking up with his round cheeks backing into me.

  “Want some toast?” he asks while making coffee, the smell drawing me into the kitchen. “Or I have some frozen waffles if you’d rather.”

  “I don’t think I’ve had frozen waffles since I was little,” I say. “And even then, my mom put a stop to them once I hit about eight and she started her health food kick.” Poor Westley didn’t get any of the good stuff.

  “Frozen waffles it is. I have the oats and berries kind, so it at least tries to be healthy.”

  As soon as he puts them in the toaster, I wrap my arms around him fr
om behind and he fixes me a mug of the good stuff.

  “I wish you didn’t have to go so soon,” he says, leaning his head back until it fits in the crook of my neck. “Maybe we can do something this weekend?”

  That reminds me, I have my brother’s birthday party tomorrow. It’s not going to be a big thing, just Westley and some of his friends hanging out, being dorky college kids. Given Westley’s interests in cartoons and sci-fi and video games, I’m not expecting a typical college party. It will probably be more Dave’s scene than mine. I don’t remember many details of my twentieth birthday party, except waking up the following morning on Terry’s floor, wearing a jockstrap and feather boa.

  “I know it’s a little early to be meeting the family, but would you like to go to my brother’s birthday party with me tomorrow? It’s in Boulder. He goes to CU.”

  Dave sags against my chest and rolls his head to face me, a frown marring his beautiful face and emphasizing his puppy eyes. So hard not to pick him back up and carry him straight to bed.

  “I would, but I can’t. Tomorrow is Jonathan’s graduation, so Ted and Craig both will be off all day long. The store would be short-staffed without me.”

  I don’t know who Jonathan is, but I’ve just started to redeem myself with Ted. I don’t want to anger him by screwing over his work schedule.

  “Sunday, then?”

  “Sunday I can do.” Dave smiles, then frowns again. “Sunday’s so far away.”

  The waffles pop from the toaster, and Dave wraps them in a napkin and hands them to me, along with a sweet goodbye kiss on the way out the door.

  The day passes slowly, and I’ve never been so distracted at work. I’ve got my puppy on my mind and it takes all my self-control not to fake a cough so that I can leave early and head right back to Dave’s apartment and warm bed, especially when I know it’s his day off and there are so many fun things we could be doing instead.

  We aren’t supposed to be on our phones at work, but once the place has cleared out and I’ve got leisure time where I’m supposed to be logging in slips, I risk a glance at my phone to see if it was a text from Dave that had my ass vibrating an hour ago.

  Turns out it was two texts.

  Terry: Plans for tonight?

  Puppy: What do you want to do on Sunday? We could go traditional, like dinner and a movie, or classy, like the museum or the Lincoln Center.

  I look over to Stephanie, the branch manager, and get a nod of approval for a break. I’ve been working here longer than Stephanie, so she’s always really chill with me. I think she was surprised when she got the manager position, but I didn’t put in for it. I didn’t want to get calls from sick employees at four in the morning and have to scramble to cover shifts. Someday I’ll want more responsibility, but that day isn’t even on the horizon yet.

  Our break room doesn’t have much in the way of furniture or décor, unlike the professionally designed lobby, except for an old couch someone dropped off at some point and a few metal folding chairs. I grab a coffee and plop down onto the faded leather that has so little stuffing my butt almost hits the wooden frame underneath, then focus my few remaining minutes on my phone and responding to Terry and Dave in turn.

  Arthur: I’m headed to the gym after work.

  Arthur: Let’s go for a traditional date. Less pressure for future dates – having to out-class ourselves each time.

  Terry: We’re going on a date?

  Puppy: Which gym? Did you want me to join you?

  Well, fuck.

  I retype the originally intended text for Dave, along with directions and a real invitation to join me at the gym this afternoon. Meanwhile Terry refuses to let me ignore him.

  Terry: I’m so glad you’re finally seeing my appeal, but I think Rohit might have something to say about it.

  Terry: You could always fight for me, you know. I’d pay to watch that shit go down.

  Arthur: I sent that text to you by accident and you know it.

  Terry: You sure know how to flatter a girl. :(

  I roll my eyes but reply back to Terry with my slightly modified original text anyway.

  Arthur: Headed to the gym after work. Do we have plans for after? (fighting for you is not on the table)

  While I wait for Terry’s response, a new text from Dave arrives, and my heart leaps to see that he has agreed to join me at four for a workout. He’s not a member of my gym, but I have guest passes, and I’m not going to miss a chance to see him all sweaty with bulging muscles.

  Terry: Apparently neither is a traditional date. What does that even mean, anyway?

  Terry: And I’m in the mood for Thai.

  Arthur: It means mind your own business. I could go for Thai, but we’ll see what I’m up for after my workout.

  Terry: I’ll let Rohit know.

  During our back and forth, a new text from Dave has popped up.

  Puppy: Also, I could wait until this afternoon to ask, but do you have a preference for the movie on Sunday? I’ll go ahead and get tickets.

  Arthur: I’ll let you decide. I haven’t seen anything in the theater in months, so you’re safe.

  Puppy: Well, you need to see your namesake.

  Arthur: ?

  Puppy: We’re going to Avengers.

  Arthur: My namesake?

  Puppy: :)

  I try to figure out which namesake he means. There are no Asian Avengers that I can think of. But the fact that he’s including me in with that group of fine men makes my chest puff a little.

  When I arrive at the gym, still in work clothes but duffel bag in hand, I find Dave sitting in one of the plastic chairs that line the front window near the check-in desk. He’s already dressed for a workout, his tanned and toned limbs on display. I lick my lips before it even registers that I’ve got an audience with the employees working the counter.

  Dave seems to appreciate the attention. He starts to reach for me but hesitates. I clasp the back of his neck to hold him still for a brief but hungry kiss, showing him I don’t mind displays of affection if he doesn’t. When I step away to lead him to the locker room, his eyes are dark with lust.

  “Stop looking at me like that, Puppy. It’s hard to exercise with a boner.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have kissed me like that. If you’re in a bad way, it is entirely your own fault.”

  I change clothes and we start our workout with cardio before switching to weights. On our way through the weight room, we pass Rohit, who spots a client on free weights. Thankfully Dave misses the cocked eyebrow directed his way.

  We’ve just switched places at the lat pulldown, Dave moving so that I can take a seat while he rests for an interval, when a shadow falls over the weights, blotting out the harsh fluorescent light from overhead.

  “So, you really aren’t going to give me any more details about your date?”

  I drop the lat bar with a clank and turn to stare at Terry, who has tracked me down at the gym dressed in neon bike shorts with his hair pulled back by a rainbow headband.


  I glance back at Dave, who has his arms crossed and a pissed-off look on his face. Terry follows my gaze and his eyes widen with understanding.

  “OMG. Hello, handsome,” Terry says, running a hand from Dave’s shoulder to his elbow, feeling all of his muscles along the way. “I’m Terry. Do you like Thai?”

  Dave’s shell-shocked face has me biting back my laughter. “Yes? But I’m taken?”

  “Damn right, you are,” I say, standing from the bench and wrapping a tight arm around Dave’s waist. “Dave, this is my best friend, Terry.”

  Dave’s posture relaxes significantly, and I press a kiss to his temple, just in case he needs the affirmation.

  “Terry, this is not a social club. Let them finish their workout. You can interrogate them at dinner. I’m Rohit, by the way.” Rohit waves and then directs his client, who stands awkwardly behind him, to another area with mats for post-workout stretching.

  Dave still blinks a
way the shock, even after it’s back to the two of us. “I guess I’m joining you for dinner?”

  “What are you into?”

  Terry jumps right in, not giving poor Dave a chance to even place his napkin in his lap before breaking out the tough, and totally inappropriate, questions.

  “Um, I like first-person shooters, but I’ve really been getting into the role-playing games lately. The ones that also have puzzles to solve and aren’t just nonstop violence.”

  Terry bursts out laughing, and Dave turns to me with concerned eyes. Even Rohit bites his lip to keep from laughing.

  “Serves you right, jackass,” I tell Terry, sliding an arm around Dave’s shoulders.

  “What … oh,” Dave says, and takes a hasty sip of water. “Now I feel bad for Craig.”


  “At the store, I was always teasing Craig about his piercing and asking about it. It isn’t as much fun being on the other side of it.”

  “From what I know about Craig, I doubt he cared.”

  “Good point.” Dave nods, then turns to Terry and Rohit. “I’m into puppy play. Arthur is my handler.”

  The determination in his eyes is reinforced by the steely straightness of his spine as he adjusts himself in his seat. I can tell he has mustered his courage to admit this to two strangers, and I direct a glare at my friends, warning of the suffering I will happily inflict if anyone says anything negative to Dave.

  “Well, Arthur looks like someone gifted him the entire Edward Armah fall collection. I’ve never seen him so happy, so welcome to the family.”

  Dave looks confused at the reference but offers a tentative smile anyway.

  “But you,” Terry continues, pointing a finger at me, “You are in deep trouble. Don’t think I somehow forgot that I wouldn’t know about any of this if you hadn’t accidentally texted me.”

  “I was trying to spare Dave your drama, until I knew for sure that we were a thing.” Even Rohit doesn’t seem to buy that. “Oh, all right. And myself too. But honestly, this is really new. Like only officially as of yesterday new.”


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