Awakening (Book 2) (The Destined Series)

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Awakening (Book 2) (The Destined Series) Page 1

by Suzanne, Ashley

  Photography by:

  Toski Covey at Toski Covey Photography – Custom Designs

  Cover Design by:

  Sommer Stein at Perfect Pear Creative Covers


  By Ashley Suzanne

  Book Two

  The Destined Series

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Ashley Suzanne

  Awakening, Book 2, The Destined Series

  © 2013, Ashley Suzanne

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.


  I am completely humbled by all of the readers who have responded so well to my work. I write because I don’t know what else to do with myself. This is who I am. I’m an author and so proud to be a part of this amazing Indie community.

  Staying on the same pace as the last two books, this book is no less dedicated to Jesse and Lue BUT I would like to also dedicate it to all of the wonderful people I’ve met in this industry since I started five months ago. If you read, promote, love, and encourage authors such as myself ; this book is for YOU!

  For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.




  When I walk out of the room I see a few doctors sitting at the nurses’ station. I don’t know which one is her doctor and I don’t really care.

  “Mira Adams has a few questions. She’s in that room,” I say, pointing to Mira’s room. I don’t wait for a response; instead, I stand in the hall just outside Mira’s door and wait. A young doctor walks past me, reaches to push the handle and disappears inside.

  As soon as the door to Mira’s room clicks shut, my knees buckle. The nurses and the other doctors are looking at me like I’m crazy, but I can’t keep it in anymore. The pain behind her eyes is seared in my brain. I’m fighting to hold back the sting of tears threatening to spill any second. I’ve literally waited for years for her to look at me the way she looks at Danny.

  I have no idea what Mira’s gone through over the last few weeks, but whatever it is, she thinks she loves me. But it’s impossible, right? You don’t fall in love with someone in a dream. If Mira loves me, that love would’ve had to have been there before the accident. I can’t even begin to process this right now.

  Sitting on the floor, trying to catch my breath, I manage to pull myself together seconds before Danny walks out of Mira’s room. The smile on his face tells me everything I need to know. Mira might think she loves me, but I know she loves Danny. He may be walking out of her room right now, but it’s only going to be a matter of time before he walks back in there to be with his girl.

  “Bro, can you believe it? She’s awake. Our girl is really awake.” Danny puts his hands out to me, helping me stand up. I barely have my footing before I’m pulled in for a hug.

  I try to imitate his excitement by returning the embrace but I’m failing miserably. “I know man, it’s pretty amazing.”

  “Her vitals are looking good. The doctor has cleared her to have something to eat. She said she’s craving pizza, so I’m going to head out and grab some. Do you want anything while I’m out?”

  “No, man, thanks. Do you want me to call Ms. Adams and Kylee or do you want me to leave that to you? I’m sure they’re going to want to rush down here to see her.”

  “Yeah, can you give them a call? I’d really appreciate it. I just can’t believe it; our girl is awake.” Danny is obviously in a daze. He keeps repeating “our girl is awake”, and every time it eats at me a little more.

  After the third time he says it, I know he only has one more time before I completely lose my shit. She isn’t our girl; Mira is Danny’s girl. There is no mistaking that.

  After yet another hug, I watch Danny walk down the hallway and disappear into the elevator before I make my way to the waiting room. I think about going back in to talk to Mira—pick her brain—but I can’t do it. I need to separate myself from the situation. This is all just too much right now.

  Since Mira has been here so long, the hospital has been nice enough to give us a family waiting room. For the last few weeks, there has been someone in here almost all the time, just in case she woke up.

  The room is –small—maybe the size of an average-sized bedroom—and has two couches on either wall with an entertainment center on another. The couches are too short to lay down on without having my feet hanging off the edge. No matter how many different kinds of food we have in here, I can still smell the sterility of the hospital cleaning products. Needless to say, over the last seven weeks I have become accustomed to sleeping sitting in the chair in Mira’s room.

  I pull my phone from my pocket and sit down on the couch. My first call is to Mira’s mom. I literally have to hold the phone away from my ear because she’s screaming so loud. She tells me that she is going to call the rest of the family and asks for me to call Kylee. I don’t think my ears can take another assault, so I send a quick text.

  Me – Mira’s awake

  I don’t get the chance to lock my phone and set it on the table before it starts ringing.

  “Are you fucking with me?!” Kylee yells into the phone. So much for no more assault on my ears.

  “This isn’t something I would lie about, dude. She’s awake and is able to have visitors.”

  “Okay. Fucking awesome. I’ll be there in a little bit. Tell her I’m on my way, okay? Shit, I should’ve been there just in case.” Kylee’s talking a million miles a minute. She really needs to calm her shit.

  “Ky, breathe, alright? Nobody knew when, or if, she would wake up. Just get down here as soon as you can. She can have visitors now, but I don’t know when visiting hours end.”

  “Alright, I’m on my way; I can be there in twenty. Thanks, Skylar!” It seems that everyone is excited beyond belief right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy she’s alive, awake and well, but fuck me if she didn’t just throw a curve ball from hell at me.

  As I lean back on the couch, I put my fingers to my lips, still able to feel Mira on them. I’m beyond confused right now. She kissed me like her life depended on it, like it was something she needed. Her words keep repeating through my mind and it’s ripping my heart apart.

  “I am yours, Skylar. Stop telling me I’m dreaming. I know what is real. This is what’s real. The love I have for you. The way that you make my heart flutter and skip a beat. That is real.”

  This amazing woman has been through so much over the last seven weeks; almost dying, being in a coma because her body was so broken that it needed a chance to heal and then waking up not knowing what’s up from down. I can’t fool myself into believing that she really is in love with me.

  If she’s in love with me, she wouldn’t be wearing Danny’s ring around her neck. She definitely wouldn’t have been his girlfriend the last four years; she would’ve been mine and only mine. Something happened to her while she was asleep, I just don’t know what yet. How does she know what I like and what makes me tick?
That’s the worst part. She knows exactly what would make me lose my mind and all control. Maybe one of the girls told her something. It’s acceptable for friends to know each other’s favorite color or pizza toppings, but what gets them riled up in the bedroom? Fuck.

  I must have been exhausted with all the excitement of the day, because it feels like seconds have passed when Kylee is shaking my arm trying to wake me up.

  “Sky, come on, get up.”

  I blink the sleep from my eyes to look up and see an anxious fiery redhead staring at me, looking exceptionally impatient. I stretch my arms and stand to greet her. Taking her in a hug, she starts to cry on my chest.

  “Ky, what’s wrong? You should be happy,” I say as I pull back to look at her face. Her eyes are puffy like she’s been crying for hours. The poor girl has mascara running all down her face.

  “You didn’t drive here like this, did you?” I pray she has enough common sense not to drive while so visibly upset.

  “Oh God, Sky, I’m so happy. I didn’t think she would ever wake up. I scared myself reading those websites and talking with other people about comas. I really thought she would be like that forever. I’m just so happy I have my friend back. How is she? Does she remember us? Oh, and no, I didn’t drive, the guy I’m seeing drove me. I was at his house when you called.”

  “She looks good. The doc said her vitals look great and Danny left a little while ago to get her some pizza. She remembered me and Danny, but she must have had one hell of a dream while she was under. She woke up thinking that she and I were a couple or something,” I say trying to act cool, while my heart is breaking on the inside.

  Kylee pulls back from our hug, straightening her shirt and looking into my eyes. She smiles and shakes her head with a sly look in her eyes.


  “Oh nothing, Skylar. It’s just funny, don’t you think? You’ve had the biggest crush on her for years and now she thinks you guys are in love. Did you give her a love potion or something in her feeding tube?”

  I know I’ve been in love with Mira, but I didn’t think anyone else knew. Keep it cool, Sky.

  “Really, Kylee, a crush? Isn’t a crush something you have when you’re twelve? She’s my best friend’s fiancé. Best friends don’t crush on each other’s fiancés,” I explain, putting heavy emphasis on the word crush. What I –feel—have –felt—for Mira is so much more than a crush; I’m hopelessly in love with her.

  “However you wanna play it, Skylar, however you wanna play it,” Kylee says as she turns toward the waiting room door. “Just take me to see my girl.”

  I walk with Kylee down the hallway, toward Mira’s room, when I notice a tall guy that I don’t recognize following behind us. I lean into Kylee, bump her shoulder and nod my head behind us.

  “Who’s the stalker?”

  Kylee turns her head around, smiles and motions for the stalker to step forward. He looks like a good enough guy and eyes Kylee like she’s the only one in the world. He places a kiss on the top of her head before he turns to face me.

  “Jacoby Roberts, nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” He extends his hand toward me.

  “Hey man. Skylar. It’s nice to finally meet you.” I take his hand in a firm ‘I’m the alpha male’ handshake.

  He surprises me when he returns the handshake with just as much strength. My uncle taught me at a young age that you can gauge a man by his handshake. If it’s too strong, he’s over compensating. If it’s too weak, he probably can’t be trusted.

  *Note to self* watch out for this guy.

  Releasing my hand from his death clutch, we continue walking down the hallway. Stopping just outside of Mira’s door, I pause and look back at Kylee, who is doing a happy dance all over the hallway.

  “Don’t just stand there, move the hell out of my way,” she says, pushing her way past me into the room. A blur of red hair flashes before my eyes and I notice it’s just Jacoby and me standing in the hall.

  I move to the side, allowing Jacoby space to follow Kylee before I cross the threshold and start moving toward my usual spot in the corner.

  I sit back in the chair and watch the girls reunite, trying to block out everything they’re talking about. To be honest, hearing Mira’s voice is driving me insane. I want to touch her. Feel her. Kiss her.

  “Sky, can you come over here and sit with me, please?” Mira asks, startling me from my trance. That’s the power this girl has. She can break through to me, no matter the circumstance.

  I stand up and shove my hands in my pockets; not trusting myself to not touch her. I walk to the end of her bed, and sit at her feet; as far away as I can possibly be. Mira angles herself in the bed so she is sitting straight up, staring at me with her emerald eyes.

  “I hate to run, but I have to get back to the office. Kylee, can you grab a ride home with Skylar or Danny?” The guy’s wearing a suit and tie, but the business day is over with. What would he need to do at the office?

  “I’m sorry, I’ve been so rude. I was so excited to see Ky, I didn’t get your name,” Mira says, looking like an angel. Okay, who am I kidding? The girl is a fucking angel. A tempting angel.

  “It’s okay; I know you’ve had a pretty exciting few hours. I won’t hold it against you. I’m Kylee’s boyfriend, Jacoby.”

  Instead of laughing at his attempt of a joke, Mira’s face turns white as a ghost. I’ve never seen someone lose all coloring so quickly. I immediately leap toward the head of her bed, pushing away Kylee who’s trying to give Mira a hug. I gently grab Mira by the face and force her to look into my eyes.

  “Mi, what’s wrong? Look at me, please,” I beg. Mira’s eyes are locked on Jacoby, pupils dilated so much that almost all the green is lost in a sea of black.

  Her eyes are wide as saucers when she finally looks away from Jacoby. When her gaze meets mine, the color starts coming back to her face and I can see the emerald color of her irises returning. I look over at the machine that is measuring her heart rate and blood pressure. From my earlier conversations with Nurse Amanda, I know that she will be here any minute. Mira’s blood pressure is really fucking high.

  “I’m fine, I’m sorry. I don’t know,” Mira says as she drops her head, looking at her lap.

  “Hey guys, do you think you can give us a minute? Let me talk to her and make sure she’s ok?” I ask Kylee and Jacoby, who look terrified. Kylee is picking at her nail polish like a child would when scared.

  “It’s no problem. I couldn’t wait to see you, Mi. Get some rest; I’ll catch a ride home with Jacoby now. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kylee says quietly, hugging Mira goodbye.

  After Kylee and Jacoby leave the room, I move to sit closer to Mira. Resting near her hips, with one hand on the bed, I pull her in for a hug. Mira nestles herself into my chest as if she’s trying to crawl inside. Whatever happened, she’s acting like she just woke up from a nightmare.

  “Mi, what’s going on? You looked scared and I don’t understand why. Please talk to me.”

  “This is all so weird, Sky. I feel like I know Jacoby. I’ve never met him before, but I have, if that makes any sense. He just looks so different to me.” If Mira has no idea what’s going on, how am I supposed to know? The confusion and tension in the room is palpable. I wish I could be inside her head.

  “Did you dream about him too, Mira?” I want to help her but I don’t know if I can handle the answer to the questions I’ve just asked.

  “If it was a dream, then yes, I ‘dreamt’ about him too. I just don’t know how.”

  “Kylee was up here a lot. We all talked to you for hours on end. Maybe she told you about him and you dreamed about him then,” I say, trying to calm her. Still holding onto her, I gently stroke her hair. Mira’s breathing has evened out and the machine measuring her vitals has moved back within normal range.

  “It wasn’t like that. Jacoby wasn’t with Kylee, he was kind of with me,” she says, trying to bury her head even further into my chest. A small portion of
her face is still visible and I can see a hint of pink between the locks of her hair.

  A sudden sting of jealousy hits me and it hits me fucking hard. I’m envious and she’s embarrassed … of a dream? Get a grip, dude.

  “What do you mean by he was kind of with you?”

  “We kind of fooled around a little bit. It just all seems so real, Sky. I don’t know what to think. In my dream, or whatever the fuck it was, I had tried to be with Jacoby to get over my feelings for you, but it didn’t work. All I wanted was you. You’re all that I want,” Mira admits, looking up through her long dark lashes with a tinge of guilt in her eyes.

  “What else did you dream?” I really don’t think I can take much more, but if she’s willing to talk, I have to let her.

  “I dreamt of our life, my life, your life; it was all such a weird experience.”

  “My life?” If this was her dream, how was she watching my life, or what she thought was my life?

  “You were trying to find a way to win me back. I wasn’t there though, it’s so crazy. It was like the scene in The Wizard of Oz when the Wicked Witch of the West was watching Dorothy, putting them all to sleep in the poppies. That’s the best way I can explain it. I know it happened, I dreamt it, but I wasn’t there.”

  “I’m going to give you some time to sort through everything, Sweets. You’re confused and I don’t want to add to the stress of you trying to get better. I’m sure the doctor is going to want to keep you here for a bit, so they can keep an eye on you. How about we talk more once you’ve had some time to come to grips with everything?”

  Mira’s expression quickly turns from guilt to anger in the blink of an eye. “What are you saying, Skylar? You’re not going to come see me? We’re not going to talk about this?”

  “Not yet. We both need to figure this out. I love you, you know that, but I can’t do anything about it until you get better. So please just let me take care of you and love you from afar. I promise everything will work itself out one way or another.”


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