Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517) Page 5

by Savage, Michael

  You might assume relations with Israel would improve now that the people have spoken, but don’t count on it. Our passive-aggressive, academic president was so childish he neglected to call Netanyahu to congratulate him for several days after the election, breaking with all precedent. Obama cares as little for the Israeli electorate as he does for our own.

  Israel’s in for a bumpy ride for the next two years. Make no mistake about it: Obama’s true colors have come out on Israel. He is going to continue to disrupt our ally and pander to our enemies, regardless of elections or national security.

  Despite what he said in his speech, Netanyahu is not really free to act on his own against Iran, no matter how much he’d like to. Israel is a client state of the United States with regards to military hardware. He’s dependent upon the cooperation of the American government, and it doesn’t look like he’s going to get a lot of that.

  Yes, Israel has a hard army of men and women. The conscription in Israel is a requirement, unlike here. It’s not an all-volunteer army. Everybody in Israel has to go into the military. The ultrareligious were previously exempt, but this has changed recently, for the betterment of Israel. No one should get a free ride there.

  The United States is a different country, but there is a lesson for true American conservatives from the Israeli elections. The Republican Party has to run candidates who appeal to the center-right sentiments of the American voter and stop trying to pretend they appeal to everyone. They need to stop pandering to the left wing, stop pandering to the illegal aliens by talking about a bistate solution for America, meaning flooding America with 40 million illegal aliens.

  If someone stood up and said, “No, if I’m elected I am going to turn back the flood of illegal aliens. I don’t care what the president did with his pen. I am going to overturn him. I am going to save America. I’m going to preserve America’s borders, language, and culture because I am an American. I am not an internationalist.”

  If someone gave a nationalist speech like that, I can assure you the election would be a landslide victory for the nationalist candidate, just as it was in Israel.

  Americans have been sold down the river by the media, tricked into believing most people are liberals who don’t really care about the country and consider themselves “citizens of the world.” They’ve come to believe it. Joseph Goebbels said a long time ago when he worked for Hitler, “If you tell a big lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”

  Well, guess what? The truth will set us free. If you tell the truth often enough, it will set a nation free.

  The Chicken and the Egg

  Leadership is both an influence on and a reflection of society. There’s a chicken-and-the-egg kind of question: Do we have corrupt leadership because the people are corrupt, or do we have corrupt people because the leadership is corrupt?

  The answer is yes. One feeds upon the other. Only a corrupt people could elect a government like the one we have, which in turn leads the people into further corruption. After a while, the government takes on a life of its own, existing merely to perpetuate and grow itself, rather than benefit the people it governs. And the people become its slaves, fighting with each other over the handouts the government distributes from an increasingly smaller group of producers, whom the government both depends upon for its existence and holds up to contempt.

  This is how a mighty nation can rot from within and become weakened in the face of its enemies. Remember what I told you about the Roman Republic? The same thing happened there. They didn’t listen to Cicero. They eventually had internal division, demagoguery, and a large welfare state. They had Government Zero. They were weakened and overrun by barbarians. The same could happen to us if we continue down this road.


  Zero Strategy Against ISIS

  Islam Woven into the Fabric of America?

  In 2015, Obama held an extremism conference, at which he said things that are not only delusional, but frightening. If he actually believes what he said, he’s insane. He knows better. Consider this statement by the Marxist in chief:

  Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding generations.

  Really? Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding? I had no idea! I didn’t know that George Washington was secretly a Muslim and got on his knees on a prayer rug and prayed to Mecca at Valley Forge.

  I had no idea Ben Franklin did his experiment with the kite for Allah. I didn’t know he was secretly praying to Mecca every day and just didn’t want to shock those cracker colonists with their weird behaviors and worship of Jesus. So he kept it hidden.

  Even Betsy Ross, who made the American flag, had a burka hidden underneath the floorboards. Did you know that? She must have. Obama said Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding, so Betsy Ross must have had a burka somewhere in that old cottage of hers. She just couldn’t shock those cracker colonists by coming out and wearing it.

  I didn’t know any of this. I didn’t know the founders were secretly Muslim. It must be a product of my racist upbringing. I never learned in history class that Islam was woven into the fabric of America.

  Of course, I’m being sarcastic. All we have left is ridicule, scorn, and sarcasm, because we have no electoral power whatsoever. We’ve lost it. That’s Government Zero. We have zero representation.

  We elected an opposition party last November, which Obama nullified the next day with, as he put it, “my pen and my phone.” His arrogance and deceit have been upheld by Boehner and McConnell, who are nothing but turncoats. They’re wearing the red coats right now. They are the British. They are not American patriots.

  I agree 1,000 percent with Rudolph Giuliani that Obama does not love America the way we love America. The America he loves is a socialist, Islamist America, one that has had Islam woven into its fabric since its founding generations. Since that America doesn’t exist, he’s trying to remake the real America into it. Rewriting American history is just part of his plan.

  No matter how much damage this devious hater of America does to the nation, when I can’t take another minute of it, I go out on my deck and look at the birds. I feel better because I know we and the world will survive him. We will survive him because we have survived other evils. We will survive the evil emanating out of this man’s brain and the horrible people he brought with him to Washington, many of them worse than he is. We will survive it all.

  No matter how they hate America, no matter how they connive to put these boll weevils into every aspect of our lives, they will fail. They will fail because this country and its people are greater than those left-wing, communist, socialist Islamic fanatics. At least, that’s what I believe. I’m perennially optimistic about America in the long run.

  Showing Our Hand

  I’m optimistic despite news stories like one breaking at the time of this writing. It was titled, “Showing Our Hand? US Military Official Outlines Plan to Retake Iraqi City of Mosul.”1 Did you hear this story? Or didn’t it make it to the local newspaper covering homophobia or the wonders of global warming? Read this story from earlier this year:

  A U.S. military official on Thursday outlined plans to retake the vital Iraq city of Mosul from Islamic State terrorists as early as April—an unusual move that swiftly drew criticism that the Pentagon was revealing too much information to the enemy.2

  This was before plans to attack Mosul were eventually scrapped. Now, why would they have done this? Why would they have signaled to the enemy when they were going to do it and how many Iraqi brigades would be involved? Imagine if Dwight Eisenhower leaked a story telling Hitler, “D-Day’s coming June 6. Hey, Adolf, we’re going to have X number of boats, X number of planes, X number of gliders, and we’re going to be landing at this part of Normandy. Forget about that diversion on the coast of Belgium. We’re landing in Normandy. Okay, Adolf? Message received?”

  A U.S. military official told ISIS when and how he woul
d attack them and which of our allies would participate, including three brigades of Kurdish Peshmerga and five Iraqi Army brigades. In the past, this man would have been arrested and tried for treason for making these statements. What possible reason could Obama have for allowing this?

  I know. “Savage, you don’t understand. This is all fake. They’re feigning this attack to conceal the real one. They’re not really going to do it that way with that number of brigades. They’re going to attack but not from that side. They’re not actually going to take Mosul. They’re going to attack another city. Savage, you took it hook, line, and sinker.”

  Did I? Do you believe Obama is that smart? Is he the new Eisenhower? Ask yourself if that was the new Eisenhower in Libya or Egypt. Was that the new Eisenhower letting our people die in Benghazi? Not a chance.

  So why did Obama approve this? I don’t know. The same man who says Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding might have said, “Tell them what we’re going to do. We want them to be hit a little bit, but not too hard.”

  Or maybe the sorority girls running his administration told him, “Tell them that we’re coming, and maybe they’ll lay down their arms and start a business.” Yes, Marie Harf knows what she’s talking about. She went to a great university.

  Obama’s coalition of Iranian-backed Shiite militia eventually did attack and successfully recapture the lightly defended city of Tikrit. ISIS committed very little to it. But in case anyone actually believed this was some masterful strategic move by the Obama sorority, they didn’t have to wait long to be disabused. ISIS recaptured the much more important city of Ramadi.3

  The America Obama Loves

  Yes, Barack Obama does love America. There’s no question about it. Rudy Giuliani is under fire for saying he doesn’t and some pundits on Fox News are siding with the leftists. They’re running scared, saying, “Of course Obama loves America!” I think Martha Washington herself said it. Fox’s Blondie, Megyn Kelly, took that side. She didn’t want to be accused of hating the president.

  Barack Obama loves America and Western culture just like his father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., who was jailed in 1949 by the British while working in the Kenyan independence movement. That gave his son a hatred for Great Britain he still shows today.4

  Senior Obama wrote an eight-page essay, “The Problem with Our Socialism,” which asked, “How are we going to remove the disparities in our country, such as the concentration of economic power in Asian and European hands?” That was Daddy Obama.

  Obama loves America like his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who taught him in Indonesia to “disdain the blend of ignorance and arrogance that too often characterized Americans abroad.” That’s straight from Mama Obama’s lips. Her friends claim she was an atheist, a woman who challenged her son’s school curriculum with questions like, “What’s so good about democracy? What’s so good about capitalism? What’s wrong with communism?”

  These are the kinds of things he learned from his parents.

  He loves America like the people in his madrasa in Indonesia, where pro-American teachings are extremely hard to find. In an Indonesian madrasa, everything is taught according to how it will honor Islam. Now you understand why his extremism conference bent over backward to not say “Muslim.” The only prayer said at the conference was offered by an imam. No rabbis, priests, or Buddhist monks were allowed to pray.

  He loves America like his grandparents, who moved their daughter and grandson, Barack, to Seattle, specifically to attend Mercer Island High School. Maybe that was because the chairman of the Mercer Island School Board, John Stenhouse, testified before the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party. I kid you not. Look it up.

  Obama loves America like mentor and father figure Frank Marshal Davis, member of the Communist Party USA, whom Obama described as “being a decisive influence in helping him to find his present identity as an African American,” the most left-leaning and least anticommunist demographic group of any in this nation.

  He loves America like his preacher of twenty years and the inspiration for his book, The Audacity of Hope, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Wright married the Obamas. He also infamously asked that “God damn America,” saying the attack on 9/11 was America’s chickens coming home to roost.

  Yes, he loves America like his good friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who built bombs to attack federal buildings and police stations, killing innocent Americans.

  He loves America like his wife, Michelle, who was never proud of her country until 2008, when her husband won the presidency.

  Barack Obama loves America; it’s just not an America you or I are remotely familiar with. It’s the America founded on socialist, communist, Islamic, atheist, black liberation theology, and radical anarchist values. The real America’s enemies would also love the America Obama loves.

  What’s in a Name?

  There are actually a few representatives in Congress who recognize this. House Homeland Security Committee chairman Michael McCaul called Obama’s early 2015 extremism summit “a psychotherapy session without any substance.” He said the president continues to be politically correct by insisting the United States is not at war with Islam, but that ISIS not only says it is at war with the United States, it is fighting for religious reasons. “I think we are at war with Radical Islamists,” said McCaul. “I think it is important to define the enemy to defeat the enemy. But Obama’s trying not to offend the Muslim world.”

  Representative McCaul is right, but he’s only half-right. Obama may refuse to call ISIS an Islamic group, but that was not what the three-day conference was really about. It was really about what Obama and his leftist true believers consider “domestic terrorism.” In other words, it was about you, because you decided to read this book or listen to The Savage Nation.

  It was about those of you who attend church and believe in God, those of you who are willing to fight abortion, and those of you who believe in traditional family values. You are the enemy this group of characters who have taken over America are really concerned about.

  Perhaps you didn’t know the FBI Director James Comey was not invited to the White House summit on extremism. Maybe that didn’t make it to your local paper, either. This was the FBI director who said there are sleeper cells in every state of the Union except Alaska. That’s why Obama didn’t invite him. He can’t control him. The FBI director actually knows what’s going on and doesn’t fall in line like Jeh Johnson.

  Who is Jeh Johnson, anyway? Where did he come from? He’s supposed to be the secretary of Homeland Security. It was his department that broke our borders. They won’t acknowledge that Islamists are among us. That’s some homeland security. It sounds like they’re working for the other side.

  There’s a militant group running America. We know the enemy is ISIS, but they don’t even invite the FBI chief to a summit on extremism. Isn’t anyone else as concerned about this as I am?

  They did invite the FBI’s Russian counterpart, Alexander Bortnikov, to the meeting. That makes some sense, as the Russians are already fighting Islamist militants within their own borders. But it’s absolutely bizarre considering our own FBI chief wasn’t invited.

  Obama’s new Goebbels, Josh Earnest, says they didn’t invite FBI chief Comey to the summit because his boss, Attorney General Eric Holder, was invited. You know how American Holder is. You know how much he loves America. It was like inviting Al Sharpton to the meeting. Yes, he and Obama love America. It’s just Central America, not North America.

  So they put Holder there, a man who has been thrown out of office because of his extremist behavior, but not the head of the FBI.

  They did invite some FBI officials. I have their names. If you knew who they were, your hair would stand up. You would immediately understand why Obama permitted them to attend the meeting, which was largely attended by Muslims. And the band played on.

  “We wanted to make sure that there w
asn’t a perception that this conference was overly focused on law enforcement tactics,” said the new Goebbels.

  One day there should be war crimes trials, like the Nuremberg trials, where the administration’s sorority girls are tried. They should be forced to wear sackcloth and answer as to why they agreed to go along with undermining the pillars of our safety and freedom.

  The spokesgirl Earnest said the administration’s efforts to counter violent extremists are premised on the notion that local officials and communities can be an effective bulwark against violent extremism. But they won’t be looking for the Islamist terrorists FBI Director Comey said have already infiltrated those local communities. No, they will be looking for you, who are a “right-wing extremist” because you are Christian, believe in God, oppose abortion, or simply “talk about the Constitution.”

  Undermining Intelligence

  There has been a virtual coup in the intelligence communities. One of the first shots was fired by the queen of military contracting herself, Dianne Feinstein, when she undermined the CIA.

  I can’t tell. But it continues. Now, we hold summits on extremism and don’t invite the director of the FBI. We’d rather focus on local communities than the maniacs lopping off people’s heads and setting them on fire while they’re still alive.

  In the worst example of man’s inhumanity to man since Hitler, ISIS burned a Jordanian pilot alive. What a sad day it was for the human race. ISIS took that poor Jordanian pilot, put him in a cage, and burned him alive. And the best that our president could say is, “Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Lt. Kasasbeh and the Jordanian people.”


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