Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517) Page 7

by Savage, Michael

  So, maybe he didn’t attend for a couple of reasons. One, to watch a basketball game. Two, out of narcissism. But the third reason is what bothers me: to send a signal to the Islamists. Even I don’t want to let my thinking go there, but how can I avoid it? Even the liberal Daily News said, “He let the world down.”

  This is a breach that no American should ever forget. But the 47 percent who do nothing, who sit on their behinds and collect government checks, couldn’t care less whether this doofus went to Paris or not. Do you think they care?

  If you were to confront even a college-educated woman who worships Obama, like the average, self-satisfied woman on New York’s Upper East Side, and say to her, “You’re a liberal. How do you feel about your president not going to Paris when four million people were there marching for free speech?” Do you know what she’d say? “Drop dead. He has his reasons.” That’s the zombie world we’re living in.

  Finally, Obama’s spokesmouth, a man who will go down in history as the second coming of Joseph Goebbels, finally comes out with this:

  Some have asked whether or not the United States should have sent someone with a higher profile than the ambassador to France. And I think it’s fair to say we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there.

  That was very nice, Josh. Where did you get that? Which sorority girl gave you that one?

  Islam’s Thousand-Year War on the West

  What does it all mean? I’ll tell you. We’re living in very dangerous times. It’s clear as a bell to many of us who actually studied the Crusades, which, contrary to what the imam in chief told you, were initiated by Muslims trying to dominate the Christian world. You didn’t learn that in public school. You learned exactly the opposite. You learned the Christian crusaders were the villains and the poor Muslims were only defending themselves.

  Were the Muslims defending themselves at Vienna? Were they defending themselves in medieval Spain? Maybe Islam was woven into the fabric of Spain since its founding generations, just like in America. It must have been woven into Italy’s fabric, because the poor Muslims in Sicily had to defend themselves from those awful, oppressive, Christian Sicilians.

  Islam has been at war with the world for 1,400 years. That’s a fact. I didn’t make it up. It’s not racist; it’s not sexist; it’s not homophobic; it’s not fattening. It’s true. It is the most intolerant of all the world’s religions, especially the virulent, Salafist version of Islam that is currently plaguing the earth.

  The Muslims were eventually defeated and thrown out of Europe. They were stopped at Vienna in 1529. They were defeated and expelled from Spain and Italy. They were driven back into the Middle East and northern Africa. It was these victories that made the West safe for the Renaissance, out of which all of modern civilization sprang. Religious and political freedom, private property, free enterprise, and free trade all flourished in the West after the defeat of the Muslims in Europe.

  Now they’re marching against civilization again, and the West seems to want to let them overturn the West’s previous victories. The Obama administration is in denial just as Neville Chamberlain was at Munich, refusing to recognize the forces of evil for what they are.

  For the president to not even understand the history of his own religion, or at least his father’s religion, is very worrisome. This is the man who told us during his presidential campaign in 2007 that his “intimate understanding of the Muslim world [would] make us safer.” How’d that work out in Iraq? How about in Libya or Egypt?

  A wise man said, “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” I certainly don’t want to see history repeating itself. The Muslims were already defeated by the West once. We shouldn’t have to fight them again. Had Obama not left a vacuum in Iraq, there would be no ISIS. If he recognized them for what they are now and did what any other president would have done to them, they would no longer be a threat.

  Instead, he gets up there at his extremism summit and talks about terrorism in these minimalist, academic phrases that I thought went out of style a long time ago. When I heard him give that speech, I was relieved in one sense. I realized then that he was not a Muslim Brotherhood double agent. He couldn’t be. They wouldn’t let him in. He isn’t smart enough.

  No, he’s not a double agent. Maybe he’s just a stupid, liberal college teacher who was pushed ahead and became president. I don’t know if that means we’re in more trouble or less. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It could be that Obama is just a good liberal who is dragging the world to hell through sheer stupidity.

  Then again, maybe he’s not so stupid. It’s hard to believe even an academic could be making the strategic mistakes Obama is making with Iran. This crazy, dictatorial, narcissistic, anti-American maniac has threatened all of Congress, including most of the Democratic Party that’s sane, that if they should dare put sanctions on Iran, he will veto the bill.

  Take a guess who was standing alongside him, saying “Amen,” with this dictator. It was none other than the reincarnation of King George III, David Cameron. How do you feel living in America and having a British prime minister dictating American policy? President Obummer, joined by British dictator King David Cameron III, sharply warned Congress not to dare pursue sanctions on Iran.

  Does anyone believe that Obama is not owned lock, stock, and barrel by Iran? Why does Obama insist that Iran can be trusted? Even one of the leading Democrats, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, has said that if Obama waited as he wants to, sanctions will not be able to be imposed quickly enough if the talks collapse.

  Direct Action for a Nuclear Iran

  So you have to ask yourself, why does Obama want Iran to get a nuclear weapon? I’ll tell you. I’ve studied this man’s behavior for all the years he’s been in office and I understand what he does. He’s an extremist. He’s an activist. He’s using a technique known as direct action. The radical left uses direct action to make their policies faits accomplis. The opposition is nullified before they can even respond.

  For example, he violated the Constitution by flooding America with illegal aliens over the summer. What happened? Nothing. They’re here. They’re near. They’re everywhere. The illiterates do not even read or write in their own language. He flooded America with them, many of whom were diseased.

  That’s why we had TB breaking out in Lynn, Massachusetts. That’s where the killer flu is coming from. If you don’t believe me, investigate for yourself how many children have become paralyzed or have died from this virulent flu strain and this virus, brought in with these so-called “Obama’s kids” on the trains last summer from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. We had an election in which we said, “We want the borders protected.” Obama responded, “Okay, yeah, right, work it out because I’m letting them in anyway.”

  That’s direct action. He goes ahead and does what he wants first, then says, “It’s too late to stop me. I’ve done it. Now, what are you going to do about it?” It leaves the opposition with no choice but to make the best of things afterward, instead of preventing a bad situation in the first place. It’s a known radical tactic, which is why the radical community organizer in the White House keeps using it.

  Now, he wants Iran to have the bomb, so he’s saying, “Delay on the sanctions and we’ll talk to them and blah, blah, blah, then we’ll come back to you.” Meanwhile, they’ll have the bomb and he’ll say, “Oh, well, now we can’t stop them. The cat is out of the bag.”

  It’s just more direct action, directly opposite the wishes of the American people. This is what he’s doing.

  So, why does Obama want Iran to have the bomb, if they’re so bad? The answer is Israel. It always comes back to Israel and the Jews. Israel is the bad boy to Obama and the anti-Semitic sorority girls. Once Iran has the bomb, he can blackmail Israel into giving up Judea and Samaria for a Palestinian state. This is one of his top agenda items, on his mind from the day he left Punahou High School.

  It’s one of the radical leftis
t dreams to cut Israel in half and make it indefensible. Obama wants to destroy it as a Jewish state, just as he’s destroying this nation as a fundamentally Christian nation. He wants to turn America into a multiculturalist hodgepodge, even if it means flooding us with as many unproductive Mexicans, Hondurans, or even Muslims as he can.

  He would also like to see Israel turned into something other than a Jewish state. That’s the goal of the new world order. They do not want any nations built upon a single religion, unless, of course, they’re Muslim. Muslims can do as they wish, at least while they’re useful in bringing down Judaism and Christianity. But as far as any state in their new world order, there can be no borders, culture, or language. The whole world must be transformed into a multicultural, polyglot state.

  So Obama wants Iran to have the bomb. That’s why he threatened Congress with a veto. Once Iran has the bomb, he’ll blackmail Israel into giving up Judea and Samaria, allowing them to be absorbed into a Palestinian state. That will be one more step toward Israel not being Jewish and, eventually, the United States not being Christian.

  Not only do they hate the traditional, Judeo-Christian values that Israel and America were founded upon, but to liberals like Obama, the anti-Zionist, anti-Jew Jimmy Carter, and his fellow travelers in the universities of America and Europe, Israel is the reason the Muslims are on the warpath. This is one of the great lies you’d expect from Adolf Hitler’s ministry of propaganda.

  Denying the Global Threat

  There are Muslim wars around the world right now, including in Afghanistan, Burma, Pakistan, the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Algeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Chechnya, Dagestan, Russia, Iraq, Syria, Israel, and Yemen. Around the world, wherever you look, there are Muslims at war with their neighbors.

  Some people say they’re not a threat to the United States, so why should we care? They’re forgetting quite a bit of history. The Muslims weren’t a threat to Italy and Spain when they were still fighting other tribes around Mecca. They weren’t a threat to Austria until they laid siege to Vienna and almost broke through to conquer the rest of Europe.

  The Mongols were nobodies once, too. Do you remember learning about the Mongols in high school history class? They are a pretty good model for the modern variety of Islamic murderers. A very good comparison can be made to the Mongol conquests of the 1300s under Genghis Khan and his successors.

  Wherever the Mongols went, they either assimilated or massacred the local population. That’s exactly what ISIS is doing now. That’s what they will do in France. That’s what they will do here.

  The Charlie Hebdo murderers were the advance team. They were like cockroaches sent out on a test case to see how far they could go. They got into that hall of journalism and slaughtered at will. The test went very well indeed. Despite all the braying by the sheeple in Paris, the antigun liberals who attack conservatives who would defend them, it looks like the sheeple are just waiting for the slaughter. They’re just like the sheeple slaughtered throughout history, by the Mongols and other barbarians.

  Just like in Nazi Germany, the Jews are the canary in the coal mine. Oh, I’m sorry. You probably didn’t know that the people murdered in the Paris delicatessen were Jews. How would you know? The president described them as just some “folks in a deli” shot in a random act of violence by some “zealots.” Thank goodness for Jonathan Karl, one of the rare journalists in the media who actually does his job. He called Josh Goebbels Earnest on the big lie:

  “This was not a random shooting of a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris. This was an attack on a kosher deli. Does the president have any doubt that those terrorists attacked that deli because there would be Jews in that deli?”6

  No, the president didn’t see the perpetrators as Muslims or the victims as Jews. The victims were “folks,” Obama’s word for anyone who doesn’t have an identity. When a black man is shot by a police officer, whether justified or not, he’s a black man. When a Jew is murdered by an Islamic terrorist specifically because he’s Jewish, he’s just one of the folks, the nobodies, the people who don’t matter.

  Islam is at war with the rest of the world, including any moderate Muslims who won’t bow to the caliphate. ISIS has declared war against the United States, just as the Pasha of Tripoli did when Thomas Jefferson took office. They have captured and killed American citizens, just as the Muslim Barbary pirates did in 1800. Jefferson sent in the Marines, and that war ended in victory for America.

  But we don’t have Jefferson in the White House. We have a pedantic, academic socialist who was educated in an Islamic madrasa, mentored by a black American communist leader, and married by a black liberation theology preacher who wants God to “damn America.” He is a president who won’t even say the words Islamic or Muslim and pretends he doesn’t know who ISIS is. He has a worshipful media that lets him get away with it.

  This is why we live in dangerous times. Civilization itself is under attack and we don’t have the knowledge, the will, or the leadership to defend it. We have progressive idiots running the country who would risk letting ISIS continue to rampage unchecked to further their own war against American values. We have a compliant media who supports them, feeding propaganda to a nation of zombies who can’t do more than bay like sheep waiting for the slaughter.

  We need to replace a nation of zombies led by a pedantic, academic socialist with a nation of patriots led by a warrior king. It’s our only hope.


  Zero Military

  The Purges Continue

  Joseph Stalin executed his generals in the 1940s out of fear they were plotting a coup against him, which they were not. As a result, the Soviet military was unable to operate effectively. Similarly, other dictators have purged the military in paranoid fits. Today, we are witnessing a similar purge, carried out not with bullets but with smears, innuendo, and spurious legal charges. But it is a purge of senior military officers nevertheless.

  In my last book, Stop the Coming Civil War, I told you about the hundreds of high-ranking officers dismissed from the military for failing to comply with the Progressive-Islamist takeover. Gen. David Petraeus, Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, Vice Adm. Timothy Giardina, and Gen. Stanley Allen McChrystal were just a few of the heroes purged from the new progressive military.

  This was by no means the end. The administration has continued from right where my last book left off, with each attack upon our military even more outrageous than the last.

  Lt. Comm. Wes Modder is a nineteen-year veteran of the U.S. military. He is a highly decorated former Marine who did tours with the Eleventh Marine Expeditionary Unit and Naval Special Warfare Command. He was a force chaplain for the Navy SEALS.1 He served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. At any other time in American history, he would be considered a hero.

  He’s about to be kicked out of the Navy.

  No, Chaplain Modder is not accused of dereliction of duty. He didn’t walk off his post and join the enemy, nor was he involved in any type of scandal. The same commanding officer who last reviewed Modder as “the best of the best,” and a “consummate professional leader worthy of an early promotion” has now written him up for discrimination “against students who were of different faiths and backgrounds.”2

  That doesn’t mean he actually discriminated against anyone. Chaplain Modder did not recommend anyone not be promoted or in any other way affect the lives or careers of his accusers. All he did was answer questions honestly about his Christian faith. He accurately represented the Bible’s teaching on extramarital sex and homosexuality. For that, he’s been cashiered.

  Chaplain Modder was the victim of the same kind of ambush perpetrated against the owners of Memories Pizza in Indiana. Unbeknownst to Modder, his assistant chaplain was a homosexual man, married to another man. This assistant relentlessly plied Chaplain Modder with questions about homosexuality in a deliberate attempt to entrap him into saying something objectionable by pro
gressive standards. That wasn’t particularly difficult. All the chaplain had to do was quote the Bible.

  This is just another wrinkle in the ongoing purge and reconstruction of the military. The Obama administration continues its quest to transform the military from an institution of patriotic warriors, largely inspired by Christian principles, into an atheist, multicultural, progressive bureaucracy.

  Not only do they purge competent, battle-hardened officers and replace them with progressive academics, they also purge chaplains committed to their faith and replace them with pseudochaplains who are willing to accept the progressive worldview, regardless of their faith. They are expected to be enthusiastic about Islam, even though it’s the ideology inspiring the maniacs our military is fighting.

  It’s all part of the Progressive-Islamic takeover of America. In the private sector, they relentlessly attack small businesses run by Christians. In the military, they attack patriotic warriors and Christian chaplains. In both cases, anyone who resists their agenda must be destroyed.

  What never ceases to amaze me is the lead role played by gay activists. One would think they would be the first to oppose the Islamofascists, as homosexuals are among the first tortured and executed under Islamic rule. These are the maniacs who throw homosexuals off rooftops, stone them to death, and commit all manner of atrocities against them.

  Yet, here they are, participating in Obama’s purge of the military, at least in the case of Chaplain Modder. You would think they would be seeking to strengthen our military against the barbarians who would kill them first, but they don’t. They will launch an all-out war against a Christian restaurant that refuses to cater a gay wedding, but not a word of protest against those who would behead the couple if they had them under their power.


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