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Vendetta Page 19

by Jennifer Moulton

  Mark patiently waited, anxious to hear what he had to say.

  Dom’s hands shook as he took out a bottle of wine from his bottom drawer and quickly poured it into a glass that sat on his desk. He drank it immediately. He turned and grabbed another glass from the cabinet behind him. Mark tried to wave off the unspoken offering, but Dom poured him a glass and sat it down in front of him anyway.

  “Have a drink with me, Vincenzo,” Dom ordered. “You’re going to need it, for what you’re about to hear.”



  “Please, allow me to begin by simply saying, I am sorry for causing you such pain and anguish. My deepest, most heartfelt apologies go out to you and everyone else that were hurt. I feel so ashamed for hurting you in the process of aiding the Feds in this case. I feel such sorrow and shame, much more, than I am able to express to you now,” Dom said sincerely.

  “Let me also state, that I will never, under any circumstances, do anything that will harm or compromise your family in any way, ever again. For what it’s worth to you, you have my word on that,” Dom said honestly.

  “Thank you for saying that Dom, it‘s very much appreciated,” Mark said guardedly. “I accept your apology.”

  Dom placed his hand over his heart and breathed in a sigh of relief.

  “Thank you. That’s very good. That pleases me very much to hear. I appreciate your forgiving nature in these unfortunate of circumstances,” Dom proceeded.

  “I’m now going to tell you some things that few people know. I feel that now is as good a time as any to tell you where I come from and how I came to be here. It will perhaps, answer some of your many questions and shed some light on my involvement with the F.B.I,” Dom explained.

  Dom took a drink of his wine and continued.

  Mark took a sip too. Maybe he was going to need it after all. The fact that Dom had referred to him as Vincenzo hit a nerve. He hadn’t been called that in a long time. Dom continued.

  “Many years ago, I was a part of a crime family. It was a nicely operated organization, as far as things like that go. Unfortunately, things began to change as they always do and some members and I decided that we wanted to go another way. I personally, as well as a handful of others, didn’t like the road that the “family” was headed down. You see, many of us didn‘t want anything to do with the drug business, but this was not the case for “The Boss”. There was too much money in it for him to simply, give it up. He was more inclined to just get rid of us and continue his business relationships the drug dealers. Many close friends and their innocent family members were killed in cold blood, with no honor, or respect to their families. It was a massacre. It was so tragic… I couldn’t get over the betrayal and the loss of my own. I was overcome with anger, rage and grief… I went a little crazy, just as you were about to, Marko,” Dom spoke clearly and directly looked into Mark’s eyes.

  “I was not a cold blooded killer and had never been provoked like this before. There was nothing stopping me. I wasn’t half as smart or as sharp thinking as you are, Marko. There was nothing anyone could say or do to stop me. I could not see reason. My need for vengeance was blinded to anything else but retaliation,” Dom swallowed hard and continued.

  “I alone, murdered the men who had handled the hits on these innocents I speak of now and I was subsequently brought in by the F.B.I. a couple of days later. I wouldn’t make a deal until they picked up my sister and put her into Witness Protection. They promised safety and protection for her and a clean slate for me in return for my testimony in a court case to bring down “The Boss.”

  “The way I saw things was, I was a dead man, in or out of prison… it was only a matter of time. I decided I would do it. I would turn “rat”. I was quite determined to bring them all down, regardless of what ended up happening to me. The entire crime family had been torn apart already and everything it once stood for had been long ago disintegrated.”

  Dom’s forehead wrinkled. He had a look of pure disgust on his face. “I no longer cared. I felt no loyalty to them, anymore,” he said bluntly.

  Mark was intrigued by Dom’s admission. Part of it seemed vaguely familiar, but then again, Mark was from an Italian/Sicilian family and in New Jersey, the idea of having old mafia ties and connections weren’t unheard of. It was common knowledge.

  “So you were able to make the deal and go into hiding for yourself after the trial and they obviously brought you here,” Mark assumed.

  “Yes. I also managed to give up a few drug dealers and took them down also. That is how I was able to escape jail time. They offered me a life after relocation, but I was only able to bring my sister with me; Anita,” Dom said guiltily.

  Mark was suddenly sympathetic to Dom‘s story. “I’m very sorry for the loss of your friends and family. Criminals or not, no one deserves to lose their life.”

  Mark realized what he had just said. “What a hypocrite.” He thought to himself. He would have taken life. He would never understand the grey area of a justifiable homicide.

  “I’m glad that you were able to save yourself as well,” Mark commented.

  “Thank you for your kind words, Marko. That leads me to my next “truth” to tell.” Dom began to nervously wring his hands in front of him.

  Mark sat attentively listening to his old friend’s history.

  “Do you think it was a coincidence that you and Allie were brought here, to be relocated?” Dom asked.

  Mark was taken aback by Dom’s question.

  “I don’t know. I suppose not. Why, were we brought here to be near you, for some reason?” Mark asked, dumbfounded.

  “Yes, you were. You were placed here, so I could keep an eye on you. If something were to happen, I would be able to notify the F.B.I,” Dom said coolly.

  “Why? Are you some kind of F.B.I. bodyguard for the witness protection program?” Mark was confused. “I don’t understand what you’re getting at.”

  “No, I’m not exactly like a bodyguard. There is no one else around here, that I am aware of anyway, that has been relocated. I just have “connections” within the Bureau that would enable me to help and support you if you ever needed anything. Basically it was just more convenient in order to look after you and keep you safe,” Dom answered.

  It began to make sense to Mark now. Dom was the one who had employed him since the first week he arrived. He also promoted him quicker than any other worker.

  “Is that why you gave me all the raises and promotions? Did I not deserve it or earn it on my own?” Mark asked bluntly. He suddenly felt offended.

  “Of course you deserved it, Marko! You earned everything you got through your many hours of hard work and dedication. I was also very proud of you to have gone back to school to get your business degree. Don’t confuse that with what I’m trying to tell you. Please don‘t insult my intelligence,” Dom answered with a straight face.

  “Okay, fine. If I wasn‘t a special circumstance, does the F.B.I. treat everyone like this whose in the program?” Mark asked skeptically.

  “No. It was and still is a special circumstance, Marko, in a more delicate type of situation. I need you to understand one more thing, before I explain the reasons why,” Dom stated.

  Mark leaned back and crossed his arms, waiting for him to explain.

  “I want you to try and understand that my duties were pulled in opposite directions with this current ordeal. There was the F.B.I and there was you and Allie. I had to uphold my duties with the Fed’s and comply with their regulations, in order to make sure that you and Allie were both safe in the long run. That meant putting my personal feelings for Lucy aside, and focusing on you and at the same time helping the Fed’s with their ongoing case involving the “Information Leak” in the witness protection identification case.”

  “When Allie told me that Agent Slatter had contacted her, I was outraged. I wanted to end it all. I very easily could have lost all credibility and lost all footing in the investigative aspect of
the case. I made the decision that only I, and no one else, would handle Allie during the investigation and stay in it to the very end… for that reason alone,” Dom said adamantly. “That was for the soul purpose of watching over her.”

  That explanation surprised Mark. It actually made a lot of sense to him. He finally understood.

  “Make no mistake… you and Allie were always my top priority. Whatever professional decision I had to make, revolved around her safety. I had to give up my Lucy and get over that mess very quickly in order to trap her the way we did. It wasn’t pretty, but it was necessary. I would do it again in a New York minute to help you. My hope is that we can move past this confusing time and you will accept my apology for the mistakes that were made,” Dom said sincerely.

  Mark saw anguish in his old friend’s eyes. Torment, even.

  “Apology accepted. I understand now how difficult it must have been for you, in many different aspects. Thank you for watching over us the way you have, all these years, but there’s no reason for it any longer. Allie and I are not of your concern, so please don’t think you have to carry that burden any longer,” Mark said

  “What if I could have kept it all from happening? All of this could have been avoided,” Dom quietly asked.

  “How could it have been avoided? No one blames you for Lucy, Dom. That was all her. Don’t feel guilty for that.” Mark said seriously. “That woman is a certifiable whack job, who had us all fooled. It had nothing to do with you at all. That’s on Leo… he created that Monster by lying,” Mark said frankly.

  Dom stared at Mark for a moment, contemplating his next words, carefully.

  “I regret not being able to bring you with me in the first place. None of this would have ever happened. Alice would still be alive,” Dom said quietly.

  Mark was suddenly rattled. “What do you mean by that?” Mark blurted out. He looked at Dom angrily.

  “I tried to extend the witness protection deal with the F.B.I. to bring you all back with me. You were all in danger of being killed. I bargained and flipped on many people just to satisfy the agents involved, to bring back Anita. They were sympathetic to my plight, but said it could not be done for you,” Dom lowered his eyes in shame.

  “Are you talking about my mom and my sister? How does your story have anything to do with my family?” Mark asked frantically.

  Dom spoke slowly.

  “All these years later, when I found out about what happened to Alice, I was beside myself with guilt. I almost left the program. I wanted to run from the Feds and give it all up out of pure spite. Then they gave me you and Allie. They knew I wouldn’t leave or ever entertain the idea of trading there confidences anymore.”

  “Dom, answer me! How do you know us?” Mark demanded to know.

  Dom took a deep breath and collected his courage.

  “My given name, is Lorenzo Salvatore Santoro,” Dom said clearly.

  Mark stared in shock. His body went numb. The hair stood up on the back of his neck, as the tingle of goose bumps spread over his body. He studied Dom‘s face for a sign of truth. Although it was hard to remember much from his childhood, he would always remember his father’s last name.

  “Your father, Salvatore, was my oldest brother. I’m your uncle, Vincenzo,” His voice began to crack. “You are my blood.”

  Tears that had welled up in the old man’s eyes now flowed willingly. He quickly pulled out a kerchief from the inside of his jacket pocket and began to quickly wipe them away.

  “Please, excuse my tears,” Dom began to speak, but was caught off guard by the sudden rush of Marks body leaning over the desk to embrace him. Mark didn’t care if he cried in front of him, he hugged him tighter.

  “I remember you!” Mark cried happily. “You’re my Uncle, Enzo!”



  Mark strongly felt that in his heart, he knew that Dom was his uncle. He was overcome with emotion. Dom patted him hard on the back, as Mark gave a final squeeze before letting up.

  “Uncle, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Mark was bewildered. He sat back into his chair.

  “I couldn’t reveal my identity, same as you. That’s the basic rule of Witness Protection 101,” Dom joked.

  “I’m not supposed to disclose my identity or blow my cover as being an informant either. I guess I just decided that after these recent events, “To hell with them,” Dom laughed.

  “It doesn’t matter to me anymore, what they think. It was necessary for me to tell you. If they expected me to keep quiet after everything that has happened… then they simply have unreasonable expectations, don’t they?” Dom smiled.

  Mark laughed. “Oh, my good God, I can’t believe this.” Mark ran his fingers through his hair, scratching the back of his neck.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you… if that makes any sense! You look so different than what I remember. I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out sooner, or at least have an inkling of an idea,” Mark studied Dom’s face, for the first time it seemed. Mark looked puzzled.

  “You were very young the last time I saw you. Maybe, seven years old. No?” Dom guessed.

  “Yeah, I think that‘s about right. I haven’t seen you since before my father left,” Mark remembered. He took a drink of his wine now and sat back into the chair. He felt strangely lighthearted all of the sudden. It was a nice change in mood for once.

  “Well, I guess if I’m still Marko than I’ll keep calling you Dom!” Mark chuckled.

  “It seems so weird to me right now, to associate you and my Uncle Enzo as the same person,” Mark said. He was bursting at the seams. How exciting this was for him, he felt like a little boy again. He couldn’t wait to tell Allie about Dom and Anita.

  “Anita!” Mark shouted, as he suddenly remembered her. He hadn’t put that one together yet. Mark struggled to recall her from his childhood.

  “Antonia, my younger sister; she would often baby sit you and even helped your Mama to give birth to Alice,” Dom recalled. “We secretly reminisce together on occasion,” he smiled slyly.

  Mark pointed in the direction of the main dining hall, “And Sophia? She‘s really my cousin?” Mark was thrilled.

  “Yes, she is as a matter of fact. Anita was briefly married, but they divorced when Sophia was very young. I have taken care of her since,” Dom added.

  “You’re my Godfather, aren’t you?” Mark grinned.

  “It seems I am,” He laughed. “That’s what it’s all about, Marko. Taking care of the family isn’t so simple; it entails many things and many obstacles along the way.”

  His eyes glassed over and his mind seemed to wander. Dom became very serious.

  “The truth telling isn’t over quite yet, Marko. The rest is basically history, but important none the less. Do you want to hear it?” Dom cautiously asked. His expression seemed to warn Mark.

  Mark realized that he had all the answers he needed and more. He was more anxious to put all of this behind him than he ever thought possible. But he couldn’t resist. That’s just not how he was made. He wanted to know all there was left to know, every last detail.

  “Yes, please continue,” Mark sat quietly as Dom cleared his throat and situated himself in his chair.

  Dom acknowledged this last request and resigned within himself the fate of carrying on with the story.

  “I can’t allow you to go on in life, thinking that your father left you or abandoned any of you in any way. It is simply not the case,” Dom took a deep breathe, and exhaled slowly.

  “Your father, Sal, was one of the shot callers in our crime family. He had been quarreling with “The Boss” for months over a difference of opinion. When you add unwanted drug shipments and low life drug dealers in the mix, things get complicated. Your Father didn’t want drugs anywhere near his neighborhoods. Although we dealt our share of guns, dappled in gambling and other less than impressive illegalities, he didn’t want to be caught selling or distributing such vile, life threatening subs
tances. He felt very strongly about this,” Dom glared at Mark, sternly making his point.

  Mark nodded. His mind had already begun to put together the scenario, but hoped for a different outcome.

  “Sal put it out there on the street, that if he ever saw or heard of a single drug deal go down in his territory… he would kill them on the spot, personally. Many of us felt the same. We supported his decision,” Dom said passionately.

  “This angered the drug dealers, especially since “The Boss” had already made an agreement with them, a business arrangement of sorts. Sal and I, a good friend of ours from high school named Bobby, stayed true to our beliefs. There was a rift forming in our group and many were afraid to publicly agree with us. We suggested that we part ways, but “The Boss” said it wasn’t necessary. He just said he was going to squash the deal and we had nothing to worry about. We were all very skeptical of his sudden change of heart. Sal no longer trusted him.”

  “So, after a meeting one night with these drug dealers, “The Boss” decided that in order for things to run smoothly and keep his drug business profitable, he needed to get rid of us. “Thin the herd” so to speak,” Dom paused and looked at Mark. His heart sank.

  “Bobby and his wife were hit first. They were stabbed to death in their car, sitting in their driveway, just coming home from church,” Dom closed his eyes as he remembered.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Mark whispered. Mark had seen plenty of death and murder having been in the war and on the force, but you never get immune to hearing how shockingly cold blooded and sadistic some people can be.

  “Senseless,” Mark thought. “That’s incredibly senseless.”

  “Sal and I knew we were next. The end of the “family” was apparent and we knew we couldn’t trust anybody, but ourselves. Sal took a couple of the most loyal guys and went home to pack you all up and move you out of town. I returned home and found the housekeeper shot to death on the kitchen floor. I went to look for my wife and that’s when I discovered she had been gunned down in the bedroom,” Dom’s hand shook and he cleared his throat.


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