A Royal Surprise: ( BWWM Romance )

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A Royal Surprise: ( BWWM Romance ) Page 5

by Tiana Cole

  “Hi Mr. Baez, you look very handsome today.” Megan stood with her clique of girls dressed entirely too maturely for fifteen year olds.

  “Hello girls. Enjoy the dance.” He smiled politely and found his way to the main ballroom. More streamers and balloons. Giggles sounded behind him, which he steadfastly ignored. Scanning the room slowly he searched for short dark hair and a sexy smile. She wasn’t there yet.

  Spotting Austin near the refreshments table flirting with the old biddies from the library, Alex went and said hello. “Hey man, how’s it going?”

  “Not too bad Austin.” He turned to the three grey haired librarians. “Ladies, you’re looking lovely this evening.” They smiled and tutted, blushing to their scalps.

  “Another charmer,” Mrs. Manchester said and gave him a smiling finger wag. “Hello Ms. Haze, you look lovely in your party dress.”

  “Thank you Mrs. Manchester, you do too, every bit the dowager.”

  Alex smiled at the older woman’s blush. “Hello Ms. Haze, you do look like a picture.” He turned his charm and his gaze on Amanda, happy to see her smiling and happy.

  “Thank you Mr. Baez. You guys enjoy yourself, I’m going to circulate.” The faculty were required to attend the first dance of the year, which meant at this time there were more adults than kids inside the ballroom.

  He watched her go, concealing a smile that he couldn’t afford for others to see. Not yet, anyway. But no matter where she went in the large overly decorated room, his gaze found her. Talking with some of her advanced placement students, laughing with Nancy probably about their shared love of mixed martial arts and going for a spin on the dance floor with old Mr. Henderson. The man was ninety if he was a day, and still taught physics five days a week. She’s magnificent.

  “Mr. Baez, we finally meet.”

  His thoughts—and his gaze—were interrupted by a tall blond with big green eyes, bigger breasts and a hungry gaze. “And you are?” He had a feeling he knew, but waited for an answer anyway.

  “Missy Stevens at your service.” Her smile was flirty and playful, seduction the goal of every move she made.

  “Right. Nice to meet you.” A small step to the side gave him back his view of the room at large but he lost Amanda.

  “I was thinking that you and I should get together, see the sights.” Her fingers lightly traced along her chest, attempting to draw his attention to her cleavage.

  “Thank you for the offer, but I’ll pass.” Her smile slipped, but not for long.

  “Oh come on, Mr. Baez, there’s no need to be coy.” She took hold of his bicep and squeezed, moving closer to him.

  Alex knew women like this. They were bold and sexually adventurous to reel you in, then they turned ice cold until jewels and money made an appearance. “I’m not being coy Ms. Stevens, I am simply not interested. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He was about to leave when he spotted Amanda off to the side. Wearing an angry scowl as she took in the scene before her.

  “We’ll see about that,” she told him and spun to Amanda. “Nice dress Ms. Haze, I think my grandmother has one just like it.”

  Amanda smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Perhaps you should have borrowed it from her instead of the hookers on Colfax.” Her gaze slid to the inappropriate dress the woman wore, turning her nose up and walking away.

  When she was gone he turned to Missy. “If you think that’s going to make me interested in you, think again.”

  “When you lose interest, I’ll be waiting. Maybe.”

  He shook his head, disgusted with the woman. “Don’t hold your breath.” He stomped off in search of Amanda.


  Amanda left the ballroom, feeling confident she’d put in more than enough face time at the damn dance, which she had been enjoying until Alex and Missy ruined it. Her colleagues, for the most part, were nice people who had welcomed her into the fold despite the giant age difference between them. The students were as decent as privileged teenagers could possibly be, which wasn’t saying much. Still she’d had fun, especially when Mr. Henderson took her for a spin on the dance floor. Despite his advanced years, the man had smooth moves she was sure had made him a hit with the ladies back in the day.

  Then Missy freaking Stevens had shown up. She barely knew the woman other than to say she was the school psychologist, but she had apparently rubbed her the wrong way because her snide remarks had become more obvious. And her words more cutting. Unfortunately for the plastic chested therapist, Amanda knew how to handle bullies and mean girls. And she’d scored a direct hit by going after that dress showed too much of everything for a room filled with children.

  Out in the cool Colorado night she lifted her head and took in the millions of stars twinkling in the blue velvet sky. This was why she’d come here to Elite Academy and to Colorado. The gorgeous views, the crisp high altitude air and the freedom to live her life the way she saw fit. With no family to speak of, she knew this chance for a better life was hit or miss. Her final foster family had been kind, but they had two toddlers to worry about so the only fallback plan Amanda had, was herself.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  She looked up at Alex with a smile. “Just admiring the night,” she said, surprised how easily the lie rolled off her tongue.

  “My view is better,” he insisted, and when her gaze clashed with his she saw raw heat and sensuality that shook her. “I hope you weren’t going to leave without a dance?”

  She had been planning just that. To slip out like a thief in the night and pretend the night has never happened. Not that anything bad had happened, but things just felt…different now. Missy had her eye on Alex as well and Amanda was past the point in her life when she felt the need to compete for a man. “I was. Sorry.”

  He frowned and moved closer. “Why?”

  She shrugged, unwilling to answer the question truthfully. “I prefer to have my evenings to myself, not attend required work events.” That was the truth and an excuse.

  “Yes but tonight, I’m here.” He smiled and she felt herself relax into him, felt her walls lower just a little. It wasn’t enough, but it was a start. At least she hoped it was. “And all week I’ve been thinking about holding you in my arms and swaying to the music.”

  She smiled, thinking of the way they’d done just that in her tiny apartment after she cooked dinner for him. “Have you?” He nodded, wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her close. “How about a moonlit dance under the stars?” When he pulled her close, Amanda’s whole body sighed, leaning into his hard body.

  “That sounds like the best offer I’ve had all night.”

  She looked up at him with a smirk. “I’m sure you’ve had plenty, Mr. Baez.”

  He smiled. “Yes well subtlety isn’t Missy Stevens’ strong suit.”

  “No kidding,” she laughed and pressed her face into his chest, inhaling his scent deeply. Sandalwood, earth and a hint of spice.

  “I don’t want her Amanda. I want you.” His blue gaze tore into her body, her heart right there under the big low hanging moon and she understood what he was saying. He felt how she felt.

  “I…,” she had no response. What was the proper response when the man you lusted after, crushed on and desired with the fire of one million licks of fire, told you he wanted you just as bad? Luckily for her Alex didn’t wait for a response, he pressed his mouth to hers and she lost herself. She let go, let his kiss, his warmth, his embrace consume her. This kiss is…everything.

  On and on it went, her hands fisted in his shirt while his hands roamed down her sides before grabbing her ass and gripping tight. Amanda moaned and Alex swallowed it, pulling her closer to him. She felt drunk on his kisses, her legs wobbled and Alex only held her tighter. Her mind swirled in a drunken passionate haze, and that’s when she saw it. Visions of the two of them, sweaty limbs entwined under a soft cool sheet. Breaths coming in hard and fast, faces smiling and sated.

  It was too much.

  It was
too soon.

  She pushed him back. “Stop, Alex.”

  “Sorry.” He raked a hand through his hair, panting and looking at her with worried blue eyes.

  “Don’t be, I wanted that kiss as much as you did. It was a hell of a kiss,” she smiled up at him. “But it was also heading someplace completely inappropriate for the EA campus.”

  Alex smiled at her, all cheeky and adorable and sexy as hell.

  “Stop that too!” Hands shaking with desire she shoved them behind her back. “I like you Alex, but I don’t know you well enough to sleep with you.”

  “I like spending time with you Amanda, and when you’re ready I’m sure I’ll really like having sex with you.”

  She smiled even though she really didn’t want to. “You’re completely impossible,” she admonished, smacking his hard stomach.

  “You like it.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, this one softer but just as intense. Maybe even hotter than the last, if that was possible.

  “I do. That’s the problem.”

  He smiled. “Not for me.” Grabbing her hand he twirled her around and dropped a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Now let’s go back inside, have a dance and pretend like we’re not crazy about each other.”

  Amanda smiled up at him. “That sounds like an excellent plan.”

  Chapter 6

  “Hey big brother, how’s it going?” Alex sat back on his stuffed leather lounger and smiled into the empty living room.

  “Pretty good baby brother. How is America treating you?”

  Alex smiled again, his brother Stefan was as serious as they came. He’d even fallen in love with a beautiful woman and done it with the utmost seriousness. “Pretty great, actually.” He told his brother all about Elite Academy, the horses and of course, Amanda.

  “Sounds like you’re making the most of your time away. I’m glad Mother and Father gave you permission to go. You deserve it.”

  That shocked him to his core. “Really? I would think the first born would need it. After all, now that you have a wife I don’t think kids will be too far off. You need a vacation yourself.”

  Stefan laughed, a deep rich laugh that was so similar to their father’s, Alex could close his eyes and see King Stefan laughing. “It’s funny you should say that because Elena and I are planning a trip to the Maldives in a month’s time. I must attend a conference in Switzerland so we will meet on the island.”

  Alex laughed. “You’re efficient if nothing else, brother. How is fair, Elena?”

  Stefan chuckled for the second time in one conversation and Alex thought maybe the newly crowned princess was a positive influence on his staid brother. “She’s great. Still learning the ropes, but Jean-Henri is driving Mother mad.”

  Alex let out a long, healthy laugh at his brother’s words. Jean-Henri was Elena’s best friend and he was as flamboyant as they came. Effective as hell, but too much for the Queen’s taste. “Well as long as he does a good job I guess she will accept it.”

  “Yes, I suppose. Tell me about your students and this woman you can’t stop talking about.”

  Alex did something he hadn’t done in ages. He leaned back and kicked his feet up, telling his older brother all about his new life in Elite. “She’s great Stef, smart and beautiful and so damn kind. She cooked for me, brother.”

  “Sounds like a keeper. At least until…,” he let the sentence fade away rather than finishing it, but Alex had a pretty good idea what he held back.

  Until he screwed it up. Or told her the truth. “I know. What do I do?”

  “If you trust her, tell her. If she talks then you can come home. Or try London or Sydney.”

  “Thanks Stefan.” He had no idea whether telling Amanda was the right thing or not, but he had a plan. “Kiss Mother for me. And Elena.”

  “Alexander,” Stefan admonished but there was affection in his voice. “Take care of yourself little brother. See you soon.”

  Alex set his phone down, a smile still splitting his face. Maybe absence does make the heart grow fonder, he thought because while he and Stefan had never been enemies, they had never been as close as they felt during that call. The distance from his family was hard, but he thought it might be necessary for his own peace of mind. He felt more independent here than at any other time in his life, but more than that he was no confident that he could stand on his own. Without a crown and without the aid of his status and wealth. And that made him a stronger man. A better prince.

  He had a feeling that knowing Amanda and having her in his life was also going to make him a better man. At least if she didn’t hate him when she found out the truth. But before he told her, he needed to make sure they were on the same page. She didn’t seem like a casual kind of woman, but he needed to know he wasn’t alone in this. And his brother had given him the perfect idea. “Amanda I’ve just had the most wonderful idea.” He hoped something brilliant would come to him before she hung up on him.

  “Oh yeah?” Her tone was teasing, flirtatious.

  “Yes. How would you feel about a weekend away from Elite and the nosy faculty?”

  “And adoring teenage girls?” He loved that she could so easily tease him and have fun. It was a rarity, one he intended to enjoy

  “I can’t help it if the ladies think they love me. I’m only interested in one lady in particular thinks.”

  “I heard she thinks you’re nuts.” Her sexy laugh grabbed him through the phone and kept him planted firmly in place. “But I happen to have it on good authority that she thinks you’re pretty great.”

  He smiled again, feeling like his face might crack if his smile got any bigger. “Really? That’s excellent to know because I happen to think she’s wonderful.” He smiled at the sexy little sigh that escaped her, instantly wishing he was in front of her instead of over the phone.

  “Good to know,” she whispered.


  “Sure Alex, I would absolutely love to go away with you. When and where?”

  He smiled, narrowly avoiding punching the air in victory. “Next weekend is when, but I’ll let the rest be a surprise for you.”

  She laughed again and Alex was pretty sure he’d become addicted to the sound of her husky laughter. “Suit yourself, Mr. Baez. Maybe I’ll have a surprise or two for you.”

  He loved the cheekiness she showed when they were together. Few women were bold enough to be sassy in front of him and when Amanda did it, it drove him crazy with wanting her. “I look forward to it.” That sharp intake of air told him she was affected too.”


  “See you tomorrow for your lesson, Amanda. Sweet dreams.” He disconnected the call and grabbed his laptop. Time to find a really great getaway for the woman who was coming to mean more to him than he ever thought possible.


  “A weekend getaway? Sounds serious.” Misty kept her voice purposefully blank and Amanda knew she was waiting to find out how she felt about it.

  The problem was Amanda didn’t know how she felt about it. On the one hand she was ecstatic that Alex was ready to take the relationship to another level, but on the other she couldn’t shake the feelings of unease over those guilty looks she’d seen. “It does.”

  “So what’s the problem? Based on how you were gushing over this guy I figured you’d be over the moon about this trip.”

  Amanda sighed because Misty was right. She should be happy. Instead she was…confused. “I’m scared,” she finally confessed and held her breath, waiting for her best friend’s reaction. “What if this all seems great now, but it isn’t?” What if she fell for Alex, gave him her heart and he shattered it to pieces?

  “Here’s a thought, what if it is?” Misty sighed and Amanda knew she was working on a different tact. “Look you obviously like this guy and so far there have been no red flags, so what’s the problem?”

  Amanda knew she needed to come clean. “A few times when he spoke about home and his family, I saw this flash of guilt. What’s it abou

  “Does he get along with his family?”

  She nodded even though Misty couldn’t see her. “Yes. It sounds like he loves them and they get along well, which is why I’m worried. What if he has a girlfriend or a fiancé at home? Or god, a wife?”

  “What if he just feels guilty about leaving them behind?”

  Her next argument died on her lips at Misty’s words. It could very well be what she saw, but Amanda didn’t think so. The question is, was it enough to override her strong desire to see where things went with Alex? Shaking her head unconsciously, she knew the answer. Despite her reservations, Amanda wanted Alex too much to not at least try. “This could be good, right? Tell me it could, Misty. I just need to know I’m not doing it again.”

  “You’re not doing it again, Amanda. It’s been, what nearly two months, and you haven’t even slept with him yet. Trust your instincts.”

  That was the problem, she didn’t trust them. At all. And now with her growing feelings for Alex, she trusted herself less than ever. But she couldn’t say that to Misty without sounding like a big ball of insecurity. “Okay. I’ll do my best.”

  “That’s my girl. Have fun and be sure to buy some sexy lingerie for the weekend. I’ve already added a little something into your shopping cart at Wild Lace.”

  That pulled a laugh from Amanda. “Of course you did because you’re the best damn best friend in the world.”

  “Damn straight, babe.” She chuckled and told Amanda all about her newest project at the marketing firm where she worked in Denver. “I need to get back to it, but I expect a full debriefing when the weekend is over, got it?”

  “Best friends’ rule number three,” she said, reminding Misty of the rules they’d come up with in college, making her laugh. “Alright then, talk to you later. Thanks Misty.”

  “Anytime. Love ya.” Then she was gone, back to conquering the world one campaign at a time.

  Long after the conversation ended Amanda sat in her living room starting at the black screen of the television, thinking. She had already agreed to go away with Alex but she couldn’t stop the niggling doubts in the back of her mind. She liked Alex a lot, more than was probably wise at this point so she was absolutely going away with him.


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