Operation: Tempt Me

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Operation: Tempt Me Page 8

by Christina James

  Damn right the man should feast on her! Cambrie succumbed to the wanton woman hiding inside her. She had everything to offer Miller, everything that any other woman had. Just so happened that she had Miller, too.

  Cambrie sucked in her breath. The cool wetness left behind on her simmering flesh by Miller’s kisses only made her whimper for more of the delightful contact.

  “Miller, what are you waiting for? This is pure torture.”

  His laugh should’ve irritated her, but it didn’t. She enjoyed his easy-going approach and patience. God, if only she could borrow some patience from him then she wouldn’t be squirming all over the bed, thrusting her hips into his to coax his cock into her throbbing pussy.

  “Maybe I’m waiting for you to beg me to fuck you, Cambrie. Or maybe I want to take my sweet time with you, enjoying every inch of your hot body. My God, I never expected this kind of sizzle.” His last words were rushed, like he couldn’t catch his breath.

  “Sizzle? What the hell is sizzle?” she demanded, looking over her belly. If she didn’t feel his cock inside her soon, she may very well find the strength to flip him onto his back and straddle him. Well, she could at least give it a good try.

  His smile lit up his face. The sharp angles had softened now with his focus on her. Nothing else mattered but her. The warm feeling left her oozing with giddiness, like a schoolgirl preparing for her first kiss, that awkward thrill of the unknown.

  “Sizzle,” he repeated. “A serious spark. Don’t you feel it?” He stared, waiting on her reply.

  “Feel it? Are you insane? I’m about to burst into flames and all you can talk about is sizzle?” She wrapped her legs around his hips. “Fuck me, now, Miller. You want begging? How about demanding?” His raised eyebrows earned a smirk from her. “That’s right, Miller. You put me into this state, now you can damn well finish the job.”

  “Is that so?” he asked, dry humping her, his engorged cock rubbing against her clit.

  She moaned some inaudible words before shrieking. “Miller! For God’s sake. Fuck me. Now! Oh, please,” she whimpered, her head thrashing side to side as a wall of pleasure built inside her, so deep she thought she’d melt into the bed before he finished with her.

  “Soon. Very soon. But first I want to taste you on my lips,” he said against her heated flesh as his mouth returned to her breast, sucked hard on the nipple for a few teasing seconds, before descending down her body with a trail of slippery kisses.

  His intention was obvious and Cambrie willed herself not to squirm out of his reach. But she feared she hadn’t hidden her nervousness when Miller looked up, his head hovering above her pelvis.

  “I’m guessing no one has ever gone down on you before.” His directness stunned her.

  “No. Never.”

  “Mmmm. Good. I like that I’m the first to taste this sweet pussy.”

  Before she could bask in the glory of his words, his mouth landed on her mound. He made no effort to hide his pleasure. Hot kisses smothered her pussy lips like she was a lollipop, his tongue stroking up and down her swollen lips, swiping the clit with the tenderest of touches.

  “Oh Christ, Miller!” Cambrie yelled, her nails digging into anything to keep her from launching off of the bed. Grasping the sheets, she made an effort to keep her hips settled for his mouth to continue its delicious feast.

  He interrupted his work to look up, his dark eyes dancing with lust. “I love that you shave your pussy, Cambrie. So smooth for me. So sweet. I think I’m already addicted to you, baby girl.”

  With a wink, he slowly lowered his head and focused on driving her to a place she never knew existed. A place where her mind hovered somewhere in the clouds and her body twisted in the greedy hands of lust, unwilling to fight free from the waves of pleasure enveloping her, yet unable to attain gratification.

  Keeping her head still did nothing to calm the dizziness rioting through her system. With her breathing out of control, her temperature continued to rise as her body ignited in too many places to count.

  Sounds of Miller indulging himself between her legs only drove her closer to the edge. He made no effort to hide his satisfied groans. Her pussy begged for the pleasure but she hesitated, not wanting to lose this feeling of floating between body and soul.

  “Oh, Miller. Oh, wow. I can’t. I mean…” She couldn’t even form a sentence and he didn’t stop to let her. His continued sucking and licking where no other man had tasted her, kept her in a dreamlike state, but far from the orgasm she so desperately needed.

  When his tongue darted from her aching pussy lips to torment her clit, she shot off the bed like a firecracker. The orgasm so powerful there was no preparing for it. Everything around her blurred as she rode the pulses within her core, bucking and twisting like a mad woman.

  Cambrie feared there’d never be another orgasm like this. Although, with her body reeling from the spasms deep within her pussy and on her clit, she wasn’t quite sure she could survive another orgasm. Coming this hard had never been possible with either man or machine. What would she do once Miller left?

  “Miller,” she managed the soft plea through ragged breaths.

  With her eyes half open, she watched as he rose above her, his sleek body moving over hers, his focus concentrating on her face. Her shaky hands reached for his arms, grasping onto the muscles in his forearms as the weight of him pressed her firmly into the mattress.

  She sighed with contentment, never wanting this moment to end. Never wanting to forget the lust filled gleam in the dark chocolate brown eyes that seemed mesmerized by her features.

  When his gaze met hers, it held. His cock nudged against her wet pussy. With the slowest movements, he inched inside her, his hips barely pressing into her. The tightness was immediate. Christ, how long had it been since she fucked someone? Too long to remember, and now Miller would think she was even more inexperienced than she had admitted.

  “Oh, my, God, Cambrie,” he said, his voice shaking, the first sign of emotion defeating his usual control. His arms trembled as he looked toward the ceiling. She almost expected him to howl or something.

  She didn’t know how to react to him. What was going through his mind? The nip of pain as his cock pushed deeper into her anxious pussy had her biting down on her lip in an effort not to cry out in pleasure for fear he would mistake it for pain and stop. Much larger than she expected, his cock stretched her pussy and the pleasure grew by the second.

  His warm gaze melted her heart with the intense focus he showered over her. “You feel so amazing, my sweet Cambrie. How can a guy be any luckier than me right now?”

  Miller had stopped thrusting and her pussy adjusted to the thick head of his cock. “Don’t stop. I want to feel you so deep inside of me, Miller. Don’t stop,” she whispered. Her lips found the side of his neck to nip and suck while her hips edged upward, encouraging his cock to bury itself deeper into her wetness.

  “Aw hell, Cambrie. I’m losing control here. I don’t want to come before I’m buried inside you. Christ.”

  She felt his pain, his anguish, having lived it moments before. The bite in his words revealed his frustration. Well, too bad. He had teased her enough tonight. It’s about time he got a taste of his own medicine, um, in this case, torment.

  “Payback sucks, doesn’t it?” she said against the side of his neck. Her words rushed out as she gasped for air, the weight of him making breathing a challenge, but she couldn’t bear for him move off and steal the warmth that encompassed her.

  He angled his head to stare at her. “Payback? And what’s that suppose to mean, darling?” There was a hint of machismo shining through his words. It didn’t mean shit, not after he’d put her through exquisite torture to give her the best orgasm of her life.

  “It means, how’s it feel to be driven wild? Just like you did to me.”

  Brown eyes danced as he spoke. “If I remember right, you were squealing with delight.”

  “And you will too, babe, if you move that cock.
Fuck me, Miller. Like you promised.”

  The corners of his mouth rose to form a giant smirk. “I have never squealed in my life.”

  With that declaration, he thrust his cock deep into her pussy until he was fully seated in her. Her cries echoed throughout the room. The tightness caught her off guard. But the glorious feeling of him filling her was worth it.

  Miller stilled instantly and glared. “Christ, you’re so fucking tight, honey. You sure you’re not a virgin?” Then he crooked his neck to the side to offer a few curses before turning back to her. “I swear to God, if you are and you let me fuck you this hard, I will paddle your ass until you can’t sit for a week.”

  God, didn’t he look like he meant that particular threat? She could only stare into his serious face. She probably should’ve been scared at his declaration. Maybe even fearful to continue. But something deep inside her, somewhere she’d only begun to discover, broke free and released a wildness that had been caged for too long. Yeah, there was no more room for any maybes.

  Cambrie simply opened her mouth and spoke slowly so she couldn’t be mistaken. “I’m not a virgin, just have a sad love life and, as a result, my pussy has lacked from any serious attention. Could I still get paddled?”

  Now Cambrie could’ve wagered on a multitude of reactions from Miller except the one she received. It appeared she was playing with fire and had better learn the game fast. And she was positive she would love to play the game!

  Miller growled, slammed his lips onto hers and devoured her mouth in the most demanding kiss she had ever experienced. Gone was the slow, calculated loving he had shown her so far. Replaced with an animalistic longing, a determination so powerful it stole her breath.

  But she matched his power and met his conquest with her own. Her tongue wrapped around his as his hips thrust into hers, pummeling her pussy walls with stroke after stroke of that magnificent cock. She screamed out with the building tension, but he only swallowed her cries.

  Her hands were most likely scratching him as she clawed at his back, but it was beyond her power to stop. If she didn’t cling to him, she feared she’d fall into the abyss hovering around her.

  The smell of hot male flesh tinged with a spicy aroma sent her senses into overdrive and spiraling out of control. With her lips locked with Miller’s, it prevented Cambrie from inhaling as deep as she wished to memorize the scent of this sexy, wild male in her arms.

  His hips, powerful and unstoppable, thrust into hers over and over, his cock swelling as each stroke became more sensitive than the last. She had to breathe. Breaking the kiss, she gasped, her lungs filling with much needed oxygen.

  “Miller! Oh, Miller.”

  “Ride me, Cambrie. Ride me hard.” Without effort, he rolled under her, dragging her on top of him, keeping his cock deeply seated in her throbbing pussy. Could she ever get used to his strength?

  She reveled in having control of the loving. Rocking her hips back and forth, she rode him as he had demanded, but she did it her way. Swiveling her hips in circles earned her a deep groan and flex of muscles as his upper body twitched off of the bed.

  “Christ, woman. You’re gonna kill me.”

  But he didn’t tell her to stop. Instead, he settled back down, sucking deep breaths through his lips, reminding her of a bull with a red flag in front of him.

  “I promise not to kill you, Lt. Daly. Maybe just brand you a little.”

  He laughed, between gasps. “God. Help. Me.”

  Feeling like a new woman, Cambrie rode his cock like she was riding the toughest bull around. She bucked and lifted, bucked and lifted, setting a pace that would surely destroy both of them if they didn’t come soon. Her gaze settled on Miller’s distorted face, his cool composure replaced with flushed skin and gritted teeth. Hell, yeah. She’d make damn sure he never forgot her.

  Pivoting her hips again allowed his cock to stroke a fascinating place just inside her vagina. God, had that spot always been there? How come she’d never felt it until now? Not wanting to lose the sensation, she fucked him harder and faster as his hips thrust upward.

  Her pussy tightened, sending shockwaves throughout her womb. Little spasms grew into massive ones until she screamed out, “Miller! Yes. Oh, yes.”

  His body tightened into one long stretch of muscles from toes to head, signaling his release. But she couldn’t hold on any longer and collapsed onto Miller’s chest, the fine mat of hair lightly dampened with perspiration. The coolness against her cheek was welcomed.

  “Cambrie. My God. Cambrie.” Miller chanted her name about a dozen times, each time thrusting and holding his cock deep inside her as his hands gripped her sides to keep her anchored to his hips.

  She regretted the need to use a condom, wondering what it would feel like to have him shoot his hot load into her aching pussy. To feel his wetness after he removed his cock from its place in her pussy.

  When his hips stopped flexing, his arms circled her back and just held her. Not tight. Not possessive.

  Just…intimately. That was the only way to describe it. The sheer romance of his embrace causing her to sigh when he urged her aside to clean up.

  Rolling onto her back, she felt no shame in lying on her messed bed completely naked because she didn’t have a lick of energy to make herself decent. Miller removed the condom and turned to her. “Bathroom?”

  “Second door on the right. Don’t worry. If you make a mistake, you’ll just end up in the linen closet.” He grinned when she laughed. “You can’t get lost in this small apartment.”

  “Baby, not to worry,” he said, taking two giant steps back to the bed before leaning down and kissing her lips with a loud smacking sound. “I can’t get lost with my training. I’ll always find a way back to you.”

  With that, he left her on the bed, feeling more alive than she ever had. And wondering what to do now about Lt. Miller Daly.

  Oh, Emma wasn’t going to believe how this was turning out.

  Chapter Nine

  Peering inside Cambrie’s small freezer, Miller made a mental note to hit the grocery store and prepare a real meal for the amazing woman sitting only inches away on a kitchen stool.

  “Told you,” Cambrie’s voice interrupted his perusal. “Choice of frozen pizza or mac and cheese. I never claimed to be a chef. Guess I should’ve warned you that there’d be no five-star accommodations if you came here. I’m sorry, Miller.”

  He shut the fridge door and faced her. Now didn’t she wear the cutest little pout? Although he really wanted to spank her for worrying like that. “Cambrie, I came to see you. Not your apartment, not your freezer. You, baby.”

  For emphasis, or maybe because he just couldn’t keep himself from touching her, he pulled her from the chair and into his arms, staring at her lovely face. Her long, dark brown hair was mussed from their lovemaking. He could imagine grabbing a fistful, tugging her head back to bare her slender neck and sinking his teeth into her delicate skin.

  Those light brown eyes staring up at him had been dancing all night with amusement and sparkling like stars. He loved that the most, mesmerized by just looking into the wide brown circles, knowing the lust was all for him.

  God, he would never think about librarians in the same way again! He liked the wild woman under that polished exterior. Thoughts of silently fucking her in the bookracks at her library roared his imagination to life.

  The sex toys’ empty box sat on the counter, and he could see it in his peripheral vision and remembered each toy awaited them in the bedroom. He looked forward to using each one of them with Cambrie.

  But first, they needed to fuel their bodies for the lovemaking he planned for the rest of the night. “I vote for pizza. Quick and easy,” he said.

  “I second that vote,” Cambrie replied, slipping past him to remove a box of French bread pizza from the freezer. “They’re microwavable so we’ll save some time.”

  “Oh?” He maneuvered his arms around her waist and kissed the indent between her shoulder an
d neck. “Save time for what?”

  The apartment was a bit chilly but the heat between their bodies was unmistakable.

  She giggled at his kisses, pressing her fingers on the keypad to start the microwave buzzing. When she turned into his embrace, a slap of lust hit him like a sucker punch to the gut. His cock had remained in a semi hard state since they’d left the bedroom and now came back to life, the hard length of him pushing against his boxers and into her belly.

  Her soft eyes studied him, a hint of confusion hidden in the frisky brown depths. “For making love again. Don’t you want to? I mean if you’re tired then, of course, we could just wait and—”

  He couldn’t listen to another word and swallowed the rest in a kiss. Was she insane? Why the fuck would he ever want to sleep when this gorgeous woman kept him in a state of constant arousal just by standing next to her? How the hell he was expected to sleep in her bed with her naked body—and she damn well would be naked—all cuddled against him was beyond him.

  She purred under his hold, the simple soft sighs reverberated through her sleek body and tickled his hands where they massaged her back. Her innocence shone through each touch like a bright beacon on the sea. But wasn’t that what drew him to her? How she could walk the fine line of classy and wild?

  Breaking the kiss, he stared at her. “Does that answer your question?”

  She licked her lips, the simple act stirring jealousy in his cock that those lips weren’t around the throbbing hard-on. “Um, no. I don’t think I quite have the answer. Maybe you’d better kiss me again just to be sure.”

  He laughed, not remembering when he had ever enjoyed a woman’s company more than now, standing in Cambrie’s simple kitchen with her sexy body begging to be dominated. The microwave chose that moment to ding. “We eat fast. Then I have many plans for you in the bedroom.”


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