Cherish her: Laws of Seduction, Book 4

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Cherish her: Laws of Seduction, Book 4 Page 5

by Ava Hayworth

  Ignoring my question, James reaches up and touches my cheek. “I thought you would be madder.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “I’m withholding judgement. Now spill it.”

  James rakes his hand through his hair before moving to sit down on the edge of the bed. “Rex was arrested last night.”


  “You heard me. Rex was arrested, and I spent the night getting him out of jail.”

  I feel a terrible sinking sensation in my gut as I ask, “What did they arrest him for?”


  It takes me a few moments to process this. I had been expecting something like tax evasion or some other white-collar crime. “Of a prostitute?”

  “Yes, but it was a complete misunderstanding. I can explain later when we have some more time. I just wanted you to know there was a good reason for missing your dinner last night.

  He was right, of course, but it was going to kill me to go around all day not knowing the full story. “I guess hearing that your best friend was arrested for trying to pick up a hooker would not have made a good impression on my mother. What am I going to tell her?””

  “Tell her it was a family emergency.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that last night?”

  “I didn’t want you to worry.”

  His thoughtfulness makes my heart turn to mush. He’s right again. I would have worried. “Oh, before I forget.” James pulls a thin wallet from his pocket and takes out a card. ““I arranged a personal shopper for you and your mother at Barney’s. Maybe it can make up some for last night.”

  Taking the card, I see the appointment is in fifteen minutes. “Oh my God, why didn’t you tell me sooner? We are going to be late.”

  “Sorry, it slipped my mind. Enjoy yourselves.” He commands as I dash toward the door.

  Stopping at the threshold, I turn back. “Thank you. You’re the best. Get some rest, and we’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  At Barney’s, we are met by two enthusiastic personal shoppers. They tell us their names are Jeannie and Holly. They both take their jobs extremely seriously, and in short order they have both my mother and me trying on a series of gowns. At first my mother is quiet, going along with whatever Holly suggests, but as her confidence grows, so do her opinions. I can see that she is in her element

  After trying on what seems like a hundred gowns, I narrow my choice down to three. The first dress is a strapless black dress with clean lines. It is deceptively simple and makes me feel elegant. My second choice is a red gown that I love for its eye-catching color. The last dress is brown with a sweetheart neckline and satin folds that hug my body at all the right places. Although it is not a typical color for an evening dress, it makes me feel very feminine. I must admit the length and cut of the gown make me feel like a princess.

  I am standing in front of a three-sided mirror and am vaguely listening to my mother and Jeannie discuss the merits of each dress when out of the corner of my eye I see a man who strikes me as looking familiar. He also seems out of place in the evening gown department at Barney’s. Although he could be shopping for his wife or girlfriend, he doesn’’t appear to be interested in the clothing around him. Wracking my brain, I try to figure out where I have seen him before. I turn to my mother to point him out, but when I turn back around, he is gone.

  Pushing thoughts of the man aside, I return my attention to choosing a dress for the evening. I meet my mother’s eyes in the mirror. “What do you think?”

  “You have to take the brown. Look how it offsets your hair and eyes. You look beautiful.”

  I turn to see Jeannie nodding her head in agreement. I smile back at her. “It looks like this is the one.”

  “Wonderful, you have made an excellent choice.” I feel guilty for not even looking at the price tag. Once I have changed back into my clothes, Jeannie and Holly pack up the gown along with the light peach dress that my mother has chosen. They chatter away with my mother making decisions about shoes and accessories. I can’t stop thinking about the man I had seen.

  We are leaving the store when I finally remember where I had seen the man before. He had been at the tapas restaurant the night before. I recall seeing him seated at the bar. He was of medium stature and looked fairly ordinary, but I was positive it had been the same man. Once we reach the street, I look around quickly to see if I can spot him again. The sidewalk is packed with shoppers and tourists, but I see no sign of him.

  Unsettled by thoughts that someone may be following me; I search for a taxi to take us home. It has nearly stopped raining, but in bad weather taxis always seem scarce. It takes a few minutes until I spot one with its light on, indicating that it is available. I flag it down and whisk my mother into the backseat before climbing in behind her.

  “Lainey, aren’t you listening to me?”

  I become aware of the fact that my mother has been speaking to me, and I have not heard a word she has said. “I’m sorry. What were you saying?”

  My mother lets out a frustrated sigh. “It’s not that important. I was just saying it doesn’t make sense for them to deliver the gowns when we are going straight home anyway.””

  “You’re right, but I think they were following James’s orders.”

  I drop my mother at her hotel so she can start getting ready for the evening. I wait impatiently as the taxi sits in traffic. Taking out my phone, I consider calling James to tell him about the man that I thought was following me. Instead, I put my phone back in my bag. I would rather talk to him in person. I long to feel his arms around me again.

  I am stepping out of the taxi when my phone chimes with a text. Once I am on the sidewalk, I take my phone out and see that it is a text from James.

  Dealing with the Rex situation. Will see you in time for the party.

  Disappointed that I will not be getting together with him anytime soon, I continue on up to the apartment. Since it is getting late, I jump into the shower. I have just gotten out when the concierge calls to tell me that my shopping has arrived. He sends it up with one of the doormen. The garment bag seems heavy. I open it up and see not only the brown dress I had chosen for tonight, but the black and red dresses I had been considering as well. Looking into the other shopping bags, I find accessories to match each of the dresses. I don’t know what to think of this extravagance. The fact that James Is wealthy is something that I know on an intellectual level, but hadn’t really thought about how it would affect me. It was something I was going to have to think about.

  I take my time getting ready. After blowing my hair dry, I pull back the front pieces and fix it in the back with a clip. Satisfied with the results, I decide to go all out with my make-up. Several layers of mascara later, I step back to admire the results. Not bad if I do say so myself. Taking a look at the time, I see that it is almost time to leave, and there is still no sign of James. After putting a few things into the bag that I would be carrying, I walk into the living room wondering what I am going to do to fill the time.

  My stomach rumbles, reminding me that is has been a long time since the late breakfast I had shared with my mother. I walk over to the fridge in search of something to tide me over when my phone pings with a text. Fishing it out of my bag, I see that it is another message from James.

  I am running late. Will meet you at the party. I have a car downstairs waiting to take you to the party whenever you are ready XX

  Sighing, I send James a quick text letting him know that I will be leaving shortly. I find a Powerbar in the cabinet and stuff it into my bag before heading down to the lobby. When the doorman sees me, he pops open the umbrella he is holding and escorts me to the waiting car, which, it turns out, is a stretch limousine. Expecting to see Gary, I am surprised when the driver is someone I had never seen before.

  “Ms. Hart? I’m Dan and will be your driver tonight. Mr. McAlister said we would be picking up your mother and brother next.”

  “Yes, tha
t’s right, and please call me Lainey.”

  Dan tips his head in acknowledgement before closing my door. I wait as he settles into the driver’s seat and pulls out. The steady swish of the windshield wipers is the only sound as we make our way to the Midtown hotel where Jett and my mother are staying. I text Jett, letting him know that he can expect us in a bit, and when we pull up in front of the hotel, it is only a few moments before the door opens and Jett and my mother slide in.

  Even though I am his sister, I have to admit that Jett looks quite nice in his tux. My mother is also looking lovely in a pale peach tea-length gown with a lace overlay. They settle into the seat across from me, and it doesn’t take long until they are asking me about the conspicuously absent James. I fend off their questions as best as I can. I watch Jett for even a hint of schadenfreude that James is making such a poor impression on my mother by his multiple absences. The expression of polite inquiry remains fixed on his face and gives none of his thoughts away. I half-listen to my mother and Jett’s easy banter. Butterflies seem to have taken flight in my stomach as my nervousness about the impending party builds. I can’t help feeling a bit resentful of James for deserting me. Not only has he once again stood up my mother, but I am also going to have to face his mother and grandfather without his reassuring presence.

  Dan holds an umbrella over our heads as we step from the limousine onto the sidewalk in front of a building on Central Park West. I catch a glimpse of the Museum of Natural History as we hustle out of the rain and into the building through a canopied bronze door. I glance around at the elegant lobby, which is all dark-wood panels and marble. There are even two fiWiths surrounded by artfully placed furniture. We move to the elevator that stands waiting for us, and I press the button for the penthouse as the doorman had instructed. The chatting that had marked our car ride is gone, and we ride the elevator in silence. Either Jett and my mother sense my nervousness or they are feeling their own anxiety.

  The party is already in full swing. I glance over the guests, searching for a familiar face. My eyes land on Alana Ward, who is wearing a stunning midnight blue gown that fits her like a glove. At first I cannot see who she is talking to, but when the crowd shifts, I recognize Jenna Reardon. This evening is not getting off to a great start. Hearing a loud burst of masculine laughter, I turn to see Gordon Ward standing in a group of men. Deciding to get the introductions over with, I muster my courage and usher my mother and Jett in his direction. It’s polite to greet your host when you arrive, right?

  It takes several minutes, but Gordon finally turns his attention to us. I politely introduce him to my mother and Jett. Although Gordon’s demeanor is not what I would call warm, he is not overtly rude. Relieved to get the introductions behind us, I suggest looking for some refreshments. As we make our way through the palatial living room, I wonder what is keeping James. The bar is set up near the doors leading to the terrace. Most people have opted to stay inside due to the rain, but there are a few party goers standing out on the terrace under large umbrellas. Looking out past the guests, I see that the apartment has vast views of Central Park.

  Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Rory. Relieved to see a friendly face, I introduce Alana’s boyfriend to my mother and Jett. When Alana joins us, Jett leans over and whispers something about cradle robbers. I give him a look of admonishment, which he ignores. He continues to whisper unflattering taunts about the couple in my ear until I finally retaliate by stepping on his toes with my stiletto. He winces, which wipes the smirk off of his face. My bag vibrates and I reach in to pull out my phone. I hope it is a text from James telling me he will be here soon. When I see it is something from Mark, I almost decide to ignore it. Instead, I slide my finger across the screen to access the text.

  You’ll be happy to see that I am moving on.

  I look at the picture below the text and my heart skips a beat. The picture shows a glowing Mark with a smiling Becca in a selfie. I clutch Jett’s arm, and when he looks down at me questioningly, I tell him I have to make a call. I leave the group and go in search of a quiet place where I can call Mark. As I head toward a door that looks promising, I see the man. My heart stutters once again. Our gazes meet for the barest second before he turns his head and looks in the other direction. I realize that now would be the perfect opportunity to confront him. It was unlikely that anything would happen to me while surrounded by so many people. When he sees me change paths, he takes off in the opposite direction. I hurry to catch up to him, but he seems to disappear into thin air. After spending a fruitless few minutes looking for him, I give up.

  I pass through several rooms in search of somewhere private where I can call Mark. Seeing some wide, shallow stairs, I walk down a level. I open the first door I come to and am surprised to find a swimming pool: a lap pool with two long lanes. Since it is empty of guests, I step in and dial Mark’s number, which goes straight to voicemail. I try calling him two more times before finally leaving a voice message asking him to call me right away. As I open the door to return to the party, I hear voices coming from down the hall. Instinctively, I close the door again and wait for the voices to pass. Pressing my ear up against the door, I listen and am dismayed when they appear to have stopped in front of the door. Although I have nothing to hide, I decide I will wait a few moments rather than be seen coming out of the pool room alone.

  The voices are low, but it strikes me that one of the voices is familiar. It is Gordon. I am now glad that I had decided to stay put. It would have been just my luck to have Gordon find me wandering around his penthouse alone. I can hear them moving away, and remain a few moments longer after I can no longer hear them. When I am sure that they are gone, I cautiously open the door and step out. I am about to walk up the stairs when I see that someone else is coming down. To my horror I see that it is the man who has been following me. I quickly review my options. If I try to walk past him, he could grab me and pull me into an empty room. My only alternative is to go in the other direction.

  I turn around and hurry down the corridor. Now I am afraid that I am playing right into his hands by moving further and further away from sounds of the party. I quicken my pace. At the end of the hallway, there is another set of stairs. I am almost positive that the man called my name. Not sparing the time to look behind me, I turn right at the top of the stairs and run into a solid form. I gasp in surprise at the unexpected collision. Taking in the black formal jacket of a man’’s tuxedo, my eyes travel up past the black tie, which is tied to perfection, to the amused grin on Andries Van Cleef’s face. “You seem to be in a hurry.”

  Not wanting to appear ridiculous, I don’t mention the man following me. I make an effort at a calm tone. “I got lost. This place is huge.”

  “It can be overwhelming if you aren’t used to it.” I am not sure if he is trying to make some kind of disparaging statement about the differences between James’’s and my wealth. Painfully aware that the man could appear at any moment, I start walking. Andries turns and starts walking with me. His hand lands on the small of my back. Ignoring his overfamiliarity, I quicken my pace. He leans in closer and asks, “Did you get lost coming back from the ladies’’?”

  “No, I’m trying to avoid someone.”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  I flick him a dirty look. “No, not James.” Before I can think to object, Andries opens a door and whisks me into an empty room. “What are you doing?””

  His smile is placating, but it just serves to rile me further. “Helping you lose whomever you were looking to avoid.”

  When it seems like he is about to move in closer, I put my arm up between us. My palm lies flat against his chest, and he moves his hand over mine, keeping it in place. I speak to him in my firmest voice. “I don’t need your help. I’’m going back to the party.” I try to pull my hand away, but he wraps his fingers around my wrist.

  “I thought you were lost.”

  “I am sure I can find my way.” My phone buzzes in my bag, and I give
another tug on the hand that Andries holds captured against his chest. Instead of releasing me, he tugs back and I find myself propelled in his direction. Alarmed, I try to draw back, which knocks me off-balance, and I feel myself falling into his arms. Behind me I hear the door opening, but my back is to the door, and although I can’t see who it is, I definitely recognize the voice growling out my name. James.


  Andries releases me, and I turn to see James standing next to the man who had been following me. “You.” The man’’s expression remains impassive under my furious gaze. “Who are you and why are you following me?”

  James steps in front of the man before he can answer. “This is Paulson. I hired him to protect you.”

  This had never occurred to me. “You mean like a bodyguard?”

  “Yes, did you think I would just let you roam around the city with Becca doing who knows what next?”

  “Who’s Becca?” Andries asks.

  James and I both turn baleful eyes to our unwanted spectator. Andries shrugs. “I can tell when I’m not wanted.” He gives me a flirtatious wink. ““I’ll see you soon.”

  My hackles rise at his suggestive tone, and I feel James tense beside me. In a low, gravelly tone that I haven’t heard before, James addresses Andries: “If you lay so much as one finger on her ever again, I’ll make you wish you were never born.”

  Laughing, Andries walks out the door with Paulson following close behind him, presumably to give us some privacy.

  “What did I tell you about him?”

  “Oh no, we are not going down that road. You are the one who has some explaining to do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You had me terrified out of my mind that Paulson was following me for some nefarious reason. Why didn’t you warn me?”

  James has the grace to look sheepish. “I forgot.”

  “You forgot?”

  “Yes, it slipped my mind in the chaos of the last few days. Now back to Van Cleef. What were you doing coming in here alone with him?”


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