Wolf Warrior 03 A Viking's Vow

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Wolf Warrior 03 A Viking's Vow Page 4

by Rae Monet

  "Sable, look at me."

  Her eyes opened and she stared at him. He kissed her then as he pumped roughly in and out. He was about three pumps from spilling himself. The fight, the sight of her naked, claiming her in front of everyone, brought him to the peak of arousal. He wished he could bottle this feeling and release it every day of his life. Leaning down, he licked her bottom lip and whispered, “Are you all right,dýrr ? Do you feel this ... incredible?"

  Then she did something he never in a thousand lifetimes thought she would do. She smiled and winked.

  "Yes, I do."

  Eirik smiled back. His heart pounded so hard he thought it might burst. Her hips tilted into his as he thrust forward, in and out. He felt the muscles of her vagina squeeze his cock and she gave a small almost muted cry, as if she was trying to hold it back.

  Her pleasure heightened his. He was so close. He felt her squeezing his hands. Clenching hers back, he lost himself in her. His eyes closed. He gave two final thrusts, then arched up and howled as he came.

  The caveman yell heightened his orgasm. He had never spilled his seed with such force or passion. Sable stiffened beneath him and stifled a groan as she convulsed around his still-stiff cock. He leaned down and ravished her lips, swallowing her cry of fulfillment. She exhaled into his mouth. As he lifted his lips and nibbled hers, she smiled again. His lips quirked in mirth and he tried not to gloat. Raising his head, he yelled in Norse.

  Laughing and talking, the men dispersed.

  "What did you tell them?” Sable asked.

  Eirik released her hands, and she winced. He frowned. In his passion he had forgotten her palm was cut.

  "I told them the amusement was over,” he said has he pulled her up and scrutinized the cut on her hand. His expression darkened. “For the love of Odin, I swear to the gods I will kill the man who did this!"

  "Eirik.” She watched him cradle her hand to his chest. “May we please leave?"

  Eirik pressed his lips together. Reaching down, he lifted his beautiful naked woman into his arms and walked toward the tent. He leaned and picked up the fur without dropping her.

  "You did good,dýrr . Let's get you cleaned up.” Glancing around, he saw two female slaves tending the cooking pots. He ordered them to bring hot water to his tent.

  "Where is Midnight?"

  He looked down at her. She was so beautiful and alluring, he wanted her again despite the performance they'd just given.

  "I released her with instructions to return to her home."

  She dropped her head and let out a small cry. When she next raised her eyes, large tears formed in them and slid down her lovely face. “Thank you. You were never going to hurt her, were you?"

  He stepped through the entrance of his tent and glanced down at her. Those eyes, those tears ... Unable to stop himself, he leaned over and licked a tear from her cheek.

  "I would never have hurt her, but others would have. She's better off away from here."

  "As I would be?” she asked.

  He slid his lips over hers and kissed her, his tongue entering her mouth and tangling with hers. He let her body slide to the ground. Cradling her naked body against his, he buried his hands in the silk of her hair and began tasting her again. Her arms raised and circled his shoulder. He lifted his mouth.

  "I cannot release you, Sable."

  He lifted her back into his arms and took her to bed.

  Chapter Five

  Sable stood still while Eirik laced the vest to her body. He had given up one of his warm leather shirts. The brush of his fingers over her sent a shiver down her spine. They had spent the last two days sensually wrapped around each other in every way she could imagine, yet she still couldn't satisfy her need for him. He captured her body and now he was beginning to steal her heart. Along with their loving, they had talked, shared their life experiences, their memories. Bonded more than just sexually.

  His simple actions of assisting her dress made her want to reverse his progress and slide back into bed with him—on him. They had tried that position also, Sable riding Eirik for all she was worth. She trembled just thinking about it. He leaned down and picked up a fur jacket. Drawing it around her back, he slipped her arms into the sleeves. She had mapped every inch of his body, knew every scar, every sensitive area. He loved her to play with his nipples. She could send him soaring by sucking them with just the correct amount of force.

  "You will need this for the voyage. It will be cold."

  Sable cringed. She had vehemently protested returning with him to Iceland. She didn't want to be taken from Scotland, from her home, her people. He told her it was less than a two-night voyage and he was set on taking her. Nonsense about her being his slave, grumbles about his saving face with the other men. But every time she discussed it, he silenced her with his mouth, then stunned her quiet with his body. He had captured her, was holding her—keeping her safe he explained. Sable wondered why he was really holding her and was starting to think she was not the only one enslaved.

  "Please let me go.” She pleaded.

  He stepped into her space and crowded her against him. His arms slid around her and he placed a wet kiss on her jaw. She shivered in response, his smell, his hard body pushed against her, brought back all the memories of the past two passionate days. All he need do was barely touch her and he set her off.

  "I have explained, Sable. Why do you continue this?"

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  Yes, why do I continue this?

  Being with this man had been more satisfying than anything in her life. Why was she protesting? Something didn't feel right. If she had the freedom to leave, maybe she would feel different. Although, he had not bound her again, she knew what would happen should she attempt to escape. The six warriors who guarded his tent all around would not let her get far. She wasn't ready for that battle yet. She tried to quell her annoyance and enjoy him. He kissed up her jaw and claimed her lips.


  "Gods, we must leave. The others await us. It's a day's walk to the boat.” He shifted away and set a belt around her hips to hold the fur. He buckled it lightly leaving a gap, so she wouldn't get overheated walking to the boat. He had also dressed her in leather breeches, held up by a rope. She was bundled for warmth, for sure. He was also wrapped in fur from head to foot. His jacket gapped open allowing him some coolness until they reached the coast. His bare chest lay underneath, sculptured muscles standing out. He moved with a striking grace for such a large man. Gads, he made her knees weak.

  He is so sexy.

  "You remember..."

  "Yes, walk behind you, keep my head down, and mind everything you say. I remember. I'll be a good little slave.” She answered him.

  He sighed and shook his head.

  "You know..."

  She cut him off again, “I know, for my own good, keep me safe..."

  He actually rolled his eyes at her.


  She crossed her arms in front of her.

  "I am a Solarian Wolf Warrior, Eirik. Do you expect me to live the life of a slave with ease?"

  He ran his hand down her jaw to finger her pounding pulse.

  "Has your life as a slave been so bad? I have fed you, bathed you, kept you comfortable."

  Sable's face actually reddened when she thought back to her bath. He had bathed every curve of her body, intimately, dripping water down her abdomen to her center. After the bath, rather than towel her dry, he had licked the water off her skin, inch by sexy inch. Making her fly.

  "Ahhh, well.” She raised her hands up in a sigh of surrender. He laughed and hugged her. She surrendered and wrapped her arms him, burying her hands in his beautiful hair. She loved his hair. She ran her hands through the silky stands.

  "Come, let us go.” She nodded and followed him out the tent at least five feet behind, as instructed. It was so degrading. If she hadn't been so taken with the dammed Viking she would have attempted to escape long ago, despite those huge men
guarding the tent, she would have risked it. But that was the problem; she feared she had already lost her heart to him.

  His men had already exchanged their pelts for the King's bounty. The reason the Norsemen had sailed to Scotland. The pelt of a dead wolf was worth more than a year's harvest. He had explained the plight of his people. Ice was beginning to form in mammoth proportions around their beloved country, making it difficult for the longships to voyage. Without travel, the settlements were unable to trade. No trade meant starvation. Sable felt for his people, his family. But she couldn't endorse the killing of the wolves, the Solarians’ companions since the beginning of her race. The Norsemen had made an agreement with the Solarian leader in exchange for their lives. They agreed to leave Scotland. This meant Eirik was going home. After they gathered what wares they could, they were returning to their homeland. And she was going with them, much to her dismay.

  They walked throughout the day, through the purple fields of heather to the coastline outside of Inverness. To where the Norsemen had left their longship to shore.

  Sable stopped upon the rise of the cliff that overlooked the shallow cove where the boat was beached. She glanced down at the shoreline. To her amazement a sizeable longship rested there, as if it had never been left. It looked serene, almost as if lonely for the touch of the open water. The ship was incredible, a sturdy large mast stood tall in the middle of the ship, not even swaying in the wind. It looked to be about fifty feet long, maybe ten wide. The sides of the ship were low with benches lining the inside. The men trudged down the hill carrying whatever cargo they had been assigned. Every man was weighted down with a bounty. They began to load the cargo onto the ship.

  When she didn't move down the hill, Eirik approached her.

  "It is incredible, isn't it? It's an IcelandicKnorr . Made for cargo, mainly."

  She tore her gaze from the ship to answer his question.

  "Yes, it is. This ship will take us across the sea? It seems so shallow."

  He laughed and pointed toward the ship.

  "Yes, this ship will take us across the sea and much more. It is designed this way so we might access the shallow harbors, and allow our small group of twenty men to haul her to shore."

  "My father helped build this ship. She's a workhorse, she is,” he revealed. There was a certain pride in his voice.

  "Come.” He wrapped her hand in his, then helped her pick her way down the trail to the beach. When she reached the bottom a tortured howl caught her attention. At the top of the cliff was Midnight, howling her protest at Sable's departure. She stopped and looked at her wolf, the one that had been with her since the age of six. They had never been separated. Knowing how dangerous it was for her to be there, Sable spoke to Midnight with her mind sense. Every warrior and their wolves were connected with their minds.

  Go home, Midnight. I will be fine.

  She pawed the dirt and howled again.

  Sable squared her shoulders.Mind me, go!

  With that final order her wolf barked, Sable knew it was a canine's equivalent to a yell, then pivoted and left. Sable gave a sigh of relief.

  Once at the ship, Eirik handed her up to the man who had given her the knife. He led her to the back of the boat, where he pointed. Sable sunk down into the bottom of the craft. Eirik began a shouting cadence and all the men fell alongside the boat and literally lifted it into the water. At that precise moment it hit the water, they simultaneously hauled themselves into the boat. It was an intricate dance, which they had obviously mastered. Hooking their shields along the side of the boat to form a protection covering to those inside, several of them sunk down around the cargo to oar the ship into the water.

  Sable tugged the fur around her body and settled into the boat. She had two days with these men. Best to keep herself as small as possible.

  As soon as they were outside the cove, the men loosed the ropes and let he sail furl open. They maneuvered the boat into the wind to let the sail catch, which it quickly did. They began gliding toward their destination.

  I hope we get through this safe.

  Despite the fact these sailors appeared experienced, Sable was still apprehensive about the trip. And then there was the fact she was traveling as another man's slave. This also caused her concern. She frowned as she burrowed into her blankets. Eventually the smooth glide of the boat lulled her into a light doze. The feel of Eirik's arms sliding into her coat startled her awake. He slipped in tighter and reached up to drag a fur throw around the both of them. The temperature had definitely decreased. Sable welcomed Eirik's warmth.

  "Are you warm enough?"

  She smiled and snuggled into him, still sleepy from dozing. Sable realized he had loosened the belt on his jacket. She drew her hands along the edge and placed them on the warmth of his bare chest. Muscles contracted under her fingers.

  "Do you not have to row?"

  He chuckled at her sleepy question.

  "Nay, it is my rest time for the next three hours."

  Sable glanced around the boat. Seven of the men were oaring, while the remaining were wrapped in furs, much like Eirik and herself. Most were sleeping. Cargo surrounded them, giving them some semblance of privacy. The sun was beginning to sink underneath the horizon. The sight was spectacular, yellow filtered into red, when then melted into black.

  "It's beautiful."

  "Ah yes, there is nothing more beautiful than a sunset in the open waters, well that is ... except you,dýrr ."

  Sable turned her gaze towards his. He had that look, the darkening of his eyes, the hitch of his breath; his heart was pounding against her hand.

  "Do not think to charm me right now, Viking."

  His masculine laugh reverberated through her body. If it was possible he slid in closer, then he reached down and grabbed her ass, roughly pulling her against him, he draped her legs over his. He brought her vagina in direct contact to his bulging cock. His laces were undone, the heat of his penis pressed intimately against her. To her surprise, her breeches were also unlaced, the rope holding her pants gone. He made a quick move and her breeches dropped off her hips, gaping open.

  "God's Blood, Eirik!"

  He smiled at her. Gads, that dimpled smile turned her heart to mush every time.

  "Your men..."

  "My men can not see us. However, we are vastly more covered now than when my men previously saw us."

  She chuckled at his point.

  "True.” She stifled a moan when he probed her with his hard penis. Moving in and out, he was teasing her. He liked to arouse her that way, connected to her in the most intimate way. Her juices flowed onto him. Heat warmed her. It didn't matter how cold it was around them—she was burning, she groaned. She sucked in a breath when he kissed her to silence her. One of his wet, long, passionate kisses, that always sent her soaring.

  "Ah,dýrr , I want you. Want to bury myself in you and never come out."

  When he talked like that, told her how much he wanted her, she couldn't think—only feel. Her hips began to rotate against him. He slid his hands into her pants and cupped her bare ass. Dropping her pants, he had full access to her.

  "Do you want me, Sable?” he asked as he slid into her one millimeter at a time. She couldn't think, couldn't even answer him—that was, until he stopped. She gasped and let her head fall back to savor her enjoyment.

  "I want you, Eirik. Gods I want you.” She dropped her head into the curve of his neck, licking him. She felt him shiver. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her hips. She had never met a man who loved with such emotion. She was addicted to him.

  "Take me,” she whispered into his ear, as she positioned herself on his hardness and sunk down, at the same time he thrust up.

  "Ahhh.” She tried to muffle her pleasure, but her moan was forced out of her.

  "Enjoy me,dýrr . Take me.” Sable leaned forward and latched her lips on his, her tongue thrusting into his mouth. He groaned and tightened his hands on her ass and squeezed to the point of pai
n, yet not quite. She rode him, hard. Sliding up, anchored on his shoulders she used his tower of muscles to help her move. He growled and returned her kiss with fervor, his breath panting against her mouth between kisses. She knew he was aroused to the point of extreme pleasure. She could feel his response to their lovemaking, the sweat forming on his chest, and his heart was pounding against her hand. She released his lips and sucked on his neck where his pulse was throbbing. He groaned and leaned his head to the side to give her better access. Sable was beside herself; she loved it when he lost his control and the fact she could bring about that reaction in him. She nuzzled his jaw and moved up to his ear.

  She was so close to coming, so close. Moving faster she licked his ear, then slowly she nipped him. At the same time she could feel her orgasm taking over her body. She groaned and let herself fly, pushing her face into his neck, she moaned. He jerked against her as he also came, panting and groaning against her throat, he clenched his hands on her ass. She smiled against his ear. Obviously she had hit another of his erotic zones. The ear, who would have thought? He slid his hands from her ass to her back, hugging her into the warmth of his spent body.

  "Who just loved whom,dýrr ?” he asked into her hair.

  She smiled.

  "Yes, who?"

  He assisted her righting her clothing then wrapped her into his arms.

  "Sleep. I know you have to row in a few hours. I'll give you time to rest.” She smiled, when he grunted and pulled her into his body as he closed his eyes. He had a smile on his face when he drifted to sleep.

  So did she.

  Chapter Six

  Sable wrapped the extra fur closer to her body, and slipped the hood over her head. Her breath huffed out in a white mist. On their second day of travel, the temperature had dropped to a staggering low. A low fog had rolled in, making it difficult to see beyond the edge of the ship. Their progress was slow, yet steady. Most of the men were trying to work at a steady pace to keep warm. Eirik was oaring the vessel. His man, who finally introduced himself as Bjorn, stood next to her.


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