Wolf Warrior 03 A Viking's Vow

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Wolf Warrior 03 A Viking's Vow Page 9

by Rae Monet

  He delved deeper into the forest, higher into the hills toward the sound of rushing water. Coming into a clearing, he was stunned to see a huge waterfall crashing into a pool. He lowered Sable onto a grassy embankment. He wanted to see if he could bathe her brow to try and bring down her fever. The water would help.

  Pulling a rag from his belt, he left Sable to soak it in the water. When he turned, he froze. Since leaving the sandy coastline, the feeling of being followed hadn't left him. Now the sense was getting stronger.

  Suddenly a huge black wolf bounded through the trees and ran toward Sable.Midnight.

  The wolf took a guarding stance in front of her, facing off with Eirik. Its teeth bared, the wolf growled, then lunged.

  The hair on the back of Eirik's neck stood on end. He crouched low and dropped his head in a sign of submission. Then he transported his thoughts to Midnight. Sable had told him had she had a special connection with her Wolf. Eirik had already proven to Midnight he had the same link.

  I will not hurt her. I am here to help.

  Midnight barked, not responding to Eirik's plea.Damn wolf . Stubborn just like Sable.

  Eirik brought his eyes up and locked gazes with Midnight, a sign of aggression, telling Midnight he was in charge. Slowly, inch by inch, he lifted to his full height. Not taking his eyes from Midnight's, he prepared to step forward.

  Let me help her, Midnight. I love her. I would never hurt her. I vow this to you.

  Before he could move, a bolt landed within millimeters of his foot. He halted, his head pivoting from left to right. This was the threat he had sensed, going beyond one simple, angry wolf.

  The entire Realm of Sable's people surrounded him. Wolf growls reverberated throughout the valley. These were Warriors in full battle gear and paint. They were ready to fight. Every place he looked, another Warrior stepped out of the trees, one at a time, until there were too many for him to count.

  "Disarm, Viking, or we will drop you where you stand."

  Another bolt flew, landing next to the first. A huge, dark-haired man stood at the top of the hill. His expression was as fierce as a mountain. He looked battle-trained and hungry for Eirik's blood.

  "The next will be in your heart,” he said.

  Eirik slowly reached behind his back and pulled out both his swords. He threw them as far as he could. Then he grabbed his long knife from the sheath at his waist. He chucked it into the trees. He reached down and plucked the dagger from his boot and threw it as well.

  A trio of warriors stepped from the woods, collected his weapons, and carried them away. Eirik shivered. He could very well die right here, right now. He needed to think.

  "I am here in peace. Sable has been injured.” He pointed to her slumbering form resting on the grass. “I came here for your help. I would never harm her."

  Brown hair flying, a beautiful female Warrior ran down the small embankment at breakneck speed. Though the warrior in charge called for her to stop, she kept running.

  "Sable!” she called. She drew up her crossbow as she went, pointing it directly at Eirik.

  The dark-haired man shouted one more time, then sprinted after her.

  Eirik recognized the man. He had called himself Roan during the last battle, identifying himself as the leader of the Solarians. The woman must be his mate. Obviously, he didn't have any more control over her than Eirik did Sable.

  "Step back now, Viking.” Roan ordered.

  Eirik paced back three steps as the couple approached Sable. They peeled back the blankets. The woman gasped and immediately stood and trained her crossbow on Eirik. He tensed. The look in her eye told him a story. She intended to kill him. She waved her hand, a signal of some sort.

  The warriors surrounding them moved closer. Some pulled swords, others pointed crossbows directly at him. He was doomed.

  "I told your man if Sable was hurt you would die!” she yelled.

  Roan came up beside her, the anger in his face stronger surpassing his mate's.

  Eirik lifted his head. He was prepared to die when he heard a faint cry.

  "Serena, no!"

  Roan's woman glanced behind her. With a wordless cry, she immediately dropped to her knees next to Sable.

  Eirik rushed forward, only to be stopped by a half dozen warriors. He struggled and cried out, “Let me go to her!” He tried to rip himself from their hands. Someone hit him on the back of the knees and forced him to the ground. Eirik growled and fisted his hands, preparing for hand-to-hand fighting.

  "No!” Sable's protest was weak, yet it sounded loud in the silence that followed.

  Warriors shifted to see Sable, inadvertently giving Eirik a direct view of Sable's lovely face. She stared at the woman she called Serena.

  "Do not harm..."

  She took a shaky breath and continued, her voice weak, “Do not harm him."

  Eirik yelled, straining against the arms holding him, trying to thrash his way out. With a wave of Roan's hand, the warriors released him. He stumbled toward Sable and dropped down on the opposite side of Serena, his breathing rapid, sweat beading his brow. He tucked the blankets back around Sable and gently stroked her cheek.

  "Do not talk,dýrr . Rest.” He leaned down and kissed her lips. “All will be well. You are home now."

  "Eirik.” Her faint voice was like a whisper of the wind. She very slowly lifted her hand. Eirik clutched it in his.

  "If I don't make it, I want to tell you how much..."

  She broke off, as if a full sentence cost her too much. Her eyes pleaded with him to understand. “I love you, Eirik."

  Eirik released the breath he had been holding. He needed to get her to a healer's care.

  "I love you also,dýrr ."

  She blinked rapidly, as if she could no longer hold her eyes open.

  "Now rest,” he murmured. “I will be here when you awaken."

  She nodded and closed her eyes. Eirik held her close and prayed. Then he released her and glared at the couple next to him.

  "She needs a healer. Now! What happened to get me here is not of importance,” he yelled, glancing at her still body.

  Midnight came to Sable's head, licking her cheek and whining. Eirik thought the corners of her lips curled upward.

  "Agreed.” Serena shot into action, motioning several warriors forward.

  Eirik stopped them with a simple look. He stooped down and gently lifted Sable into his arms.

  "Show me where to take her,” he demanded.

  Roan pointed to the hill.

  "Let's move out,” Eirik said.

  And so they led him through the falls, to the forbidden Realm of Solaria.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Sable awoke she felt different. Stronger. Cooler. Most of all,alive.

  A sense of surprise filled her. She had thought surely this time her luck had run out, yet she wasn't dead. Shifting on the bed, she winced. Looking down, she saw her shoulder was covered with a bandage, as well as her leg, and both throbbed with a dull pain. She almost felt glad for the pain. Only the dead felt nothing.

  A groan sounded to her right. She turned toward the noise to see Eirik slumped in a wooden chair. His head bent to his chest, he was lightly snoring. His face was covered with a fine sheen of blond whiskers, like new grass growing in the spring.

  She smiled. He appeared a little worse for wear.

  A smaller snore brought her gaze to the floor. Midnight was also blissfully snoozing away. When Sable stirred, her wolf shifted her head, her eyes opening. She stared at Sable and whined, a happy sound, as if she welcomed Sable back. A smile lit Sable's face. It was good to see her companion. It felt as if a missing piece of her soul was back in place.

  Go back to sleep, my friend, I am fine.

  Midnight laid her head back down and gazed adoringly at her.

  Glancing around, Sable recognized the Solarian design on the rug on the floor. She'd thought she saw Roan and Serena in a dream, but it must have been real. She was home.Home. This was why the pa
in in her body murmured instead of shouted. Some said Solarian healers had magic in their fingers and could bring the dead to life. She believed every word.

  She tried to move her leg and the pain made her groan. Eirik's eyes popped open. His beautiful blue orbs were bloodshot.

  Gods, he looks awful.

  "Sable.” He was on his feet in an instant. Leaning over her bed, he held his hand to her brow. His lips followed to touch her forehead.

  As he bent over her, Sable took in his scent. He smelled like one beautiful man. She smiled and nuzzled her cheek against his, planting a kiss at the corner of his mouth.

  He cried out and wrapped his hand around the back of her neck. Raising her lips to his, he consumed her with one his mind-numbing kiss. He was so passionate, so hot, Sable felt as if her fever was returning. He released her and leaned his forehead against hers.

  "Thank the Gods,” he murmured, his voice thick.

  Wetness fell onto Sable's cheek.He was crying for her . Surprise flooded through her. Her heart warmed with love for this strong man who wasn't ashamed to cry.

  "How long have we been here?” she asked as he pulled his chair next to the bed.

  "We came to the Realm over five days ago. It has been seven days since you were shot."

  She gasped. How could she lose so many days?

  "You were with fever. Your healer, Angus, is more skilled than any I've encountered. He cauterized and treated your wounds."

  Sable struggled to lean up. Eirik's arm looped around her back. He helped prop her up on the bed, then returned to his chair.

  She tilted her head and studied him. He was so handsome; his blond hair was tied back behind the back of his neck, accenting his regal jaw line. Even tired and rimmed with red, his blue eyes were striking. Licking his full lips, he stared back into her eyes, as if he wanted to eat her up.

  He was made for her, she thought. And she wanted to keep him. But she needed to know his plans. Whether he was committed to a relationship between them.

  "What will you do now?” she asked.

  He frowned and pulled on his ear lobe. “What do you mean?"

  "Will you return to Iceland? Where are your men?"

  He propped his head in his hand and stared intently at her. “My men are in the process right now of moving my settlement to Norway."

  His declaration didn't surprise her. In light of his father's death, his decision made sense. Sable was happy for his people. The situation in Iceland had become dire. If they had continued as they were, they would have surely died.

  Dropping her eyes, she plucked at the blanket, fearing the answer to her next question. She looked up.

  "When will you be joining them?"

  He studied her with a lazy wolf-watching-its-prey expression. He remained silent for a long moment. She tensed, waiting for his response.

  "I will not be joining my people,dýrr. "

  Sable furrowed her brow. “What?” she asked. Where was he to go then? Was there a chance for them?

  "I have asked Roan and Serena for permission to stay, which they have graciously granted."

  Sable's eyes met his. She saw the determination in his expression. She sucked in her breath.

  "I will remain here and teach the Solarians how to build ships. Some day I hope to be reunited with my mother and sister, but only to visit."

  Sable released the breath; it whooshed out. He continued.

  "I will stay in the Realm, we will marry.” He pointed to her, then to himself. “And you will bear me many sons.” He flicked his finger back toward her.

  Sable crossed her arms best she could. Sitting back against the pillows, she tried to toughen her facial features but knew it wasn't working. The happiness inside her kept wanting to bubble out. Looking pointedly at him, she tried another tact.

  He watched her, his expression fierce, as if he expected her to protest and was ready to fight.

  "Well.” She rolled her eyes, then looked straight into his. “That was quite a romantic proposal, Viking. Do you think you can order a Wolf Warrior about?"

  "Ruff,” Midnight said, as if agreeing with her.

  She smiled but Eirik pointed at her Wolf. “You keep quiet."

  Midnight whined and flopped her head back down.

  "I think,” he rose and bent over her, “you are going to mind what I tell you, slave, or you will pay the consequences."

  His teasing words washed over her like a smoothing salve, healing her wounds and heating her heart.

  "You know...” She smiled as he repositioned her, then laid down next to her on the bed. He spooned behind her, his erection apparent. Careful not to touch any of her injuries, he gently wrapped his arms around her.

  "If I am your wife, then how can I be your slave,” she asked.

  She felt the rumble of his chest as he laughed. He nuzzled the curve of her neck, kissing her, then he gently sucked.

  Sable's heart kicked against her chest. She loved the feel of him surrounding her, his mouth touching her skin. There was nothing that could heal her better than feeling his love

  "It could be fun to be my slave at times. Remember the claiming ceremony?"

  Sable exhaled when he sucked a particular sensitive area of her neck. Just remembering that ceremony made her wet and aching to feel his cock slide into her.

  "Oh, yes, I remember.” She gasped when his hand slid around her body to cup her sex. He slowly thrust against her.

  "I love you,dýrr. Please consent to be my wife."

  Sable's heart filled with love. “I love you, Eirik. I will be your wife. Bear your children and occasionally,” she brushed her hand over the one holding her, “I will even be your slave."

  He chuckled and hugged her against him.

  "What more could a Viking ask for,” he commented. “But,dýrr , I will tell you something once and never again. I'm the one who has become enslaved."

  She smiled. His admission didn't surprise her. She was, after all, a Wolf Warrior.

  The End

  About the Author:

  Rae Monet writes sensual historical paranormal romance novels and some contemporary for www.LiquidSilverBooks.com and www.Triskelionpublishing.com. If you like strong female characters, lots of action, and hot romance, then you'll enjoy her books. Please take some time to surf her website www.RaeMonet.com and join her world.

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