Love Interrupted

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Love Interrupted Page 10

by Eva Andrews

  Chris answered on the first ring.

  “Shayne!” He sounded so relieved.

  Instantly worried, “What’s wrong Chris?”

  “Okay, so, I know this is wrong and a total abuse of my power…but I put a trace on Derrick. He flew to New Orleans today; his flight information came through earlier today and I just got it.”

  “Chris! Why would you track him like that?” I accused.

  “You know why I did, and I don’t regret it. I wanted you to be prepared Shay.”

  “He’s here already? Can he find me?”

  “His flight arrived earlier this evening. It’d be hard for him to find you, but not impossible. Where is Cameron?”

  “What? Wait, how do you know him?”

  “Shayne, he and I were in the military together.”

  Immediately worrying that my brother asked Cam to babysit me, “Did you ask him to watch over me?” Fear crept in my heart that Cameron might have just been playing a roll, after all, my brother was a fucking ex-spy. If he and Cameron knew each other from the Army, it meant Cameron was probably an ex-spy too.

  “No Shayne Marie, I did not ask him to watch over you, but I’m going to now! I knew he lived next to the house you were going to be staying in, that is why I pushed so hard for you to take up residence there. Can you get him on the phone? I know you are both at his parents’ gala right now.”

  My brain kind of stalled when I thought of what else Cam might have been withholding from me, “Hold on,” I said, looking out the library door he was nowhere to be found. Looking for him, I saw him out in the garden with Lana- the very woman his sister and mother warned me about. That bitch was shamelessly flirting with him, needlessly touching him and leaning into him while they chatted with others.

  “He’s busy right now Chris.” I said blandly.

  “Fine I’ll call him myself.” I could tell he didn’t believe me.

  Sighing, “I’ll be okay Chris. I promise.”

  “Shayne I know how hard Derrick hurt you, not only with the cheating but also your money. I just want you to be prepared. I know you moved down there to start over, and I don’t want anything to fuck that up. Not him, or anything else. If you want, I’ll get on a plane tonight and come down there and deal with that cocky motherfucker myself.”

  Grinning into the phone, “Chris, you are my favorite brother.”

  “I’m your only brother, twerp.”

  Laughing, “I miss you.”

  “What do you say to Anna and I flying down next weekend to visit? We could use a little time away from our jobs, and well, I miss you too.”

  Instantly excited at the idea of seeing him and his girlfriend, “I would love that! Are you sure? I don’t want you to think I’m needy. The Carmichael family has been so gracious and welcoming, I’m not all alone down here.”

  “I’m sure kiddo. Anna and I have been so busy with our jobs we hardly see each other. A weekend away from D.C. will be good for us both.” He said genuinely. Chris and Anna had been dating for almost two years now. She worked at the Pentagon, and my brother worked for the CIA.

  Deciding to tell him now, rather than later, “Um, Chris?”

  “What is it Shayne?”

  Ha, he knew me so well.

  “Well, I figured I should tell you that, I think I’m dating Cameron.”

  “You think?” He asked incredulously.

  Sitting back down in the large leather chair I had sat in earlier tonight while having drinks with the Carmichael family, “Uh, yeah, I think. He brought me as his date tonight, and he never brings dates. Then he introduced me to everyone I met tonight as his girlfriend.”


  Smiling, “What is it Chris?”

  “Do you want to be his girlfriend?” He asked, interrogating me like he always did. In order to give me advice, he always asked questions first so he understood where my head was at.

  “Well I’m not entirely sure. I’m working for his parents through the museum, well you already know that part. I just feel like he’s out of my league, like, I don’t get what he sees in me.”

  “Oh shut the fuck up right now Shay! He is not out of your league, and you are being a serious idiot if you can’t think of one reason why he’d might like you. You are a fucking catch.”

  Closing my eyes, “Thank you Chris. I’m sorry you have to play the role of brother and father sometimes to me.”

  “Don’t you apologize Shayne, I love you. You are all I’ve got left. I’d do anything for you, just like I know you’d do anything for me. Don’t you dare doubt your self-worth. Cameron is a good man, I always wondered what type of woman would bring him to his knees.”

  Laughing, “Whatever, it is just a gala, not a wedding.”

  “Not yet, now get off your phone and get back to the party Cinderella, before Prince Charming realizes you are a giant pain in the ass and loses interest in you.” His teasing knew no bounds.

  “So are you okay with this?” I asked, worried he might not like Cameron. After Derrick, I vowed that my brother had to like anyone I seriously dated. I had learned my lesson the first time around.

  “About you and Cameron?” He tried to clarify before he answered.


  “I served with him for two tours, he saved my life twice. I would trust him with everything that I have, even you kiddo.”

  Tears brimmed in my eyes as I thought of a life without my brother, I just couldn’t even imagine it, “He’s never said anything.”

  “A lot of people don’t talk about their time in the service, don’t take that personal sweetie.”

  I knew that statement was true, Chris didn’t share much about his time in the military.

  “I can’t wait to see you Friday.”

  “Me either, now go back to your party darling. I’ve got to go book some flights. Love you.”

  “Love you.”

  Hanging up the phone I tossed it back in my purse and sat there for a moment. Gathering my thoughts, and trying to fan away the tears that had started. I walked out of the library and headed for the garden where I had seen Cameron standing earlier.

  Walking out into the sweet evening air, I saw Cam and Lana from a distance. The tall leggy redhead was dressed in a black silk dress that clung to her perfect figure. Watching them, it was clear she fucking wanted him. She didn’t try to hide it at all.

  Was this how she normally acted?

  She had her arm looped through his, leaning against him and Jesus fuck, giving him the biggest fuck me eyes I had ever seen. From what Addie had told me, Cameron and Lana had gone to college together. She had been with his company from the start, and the family disliked her greatly.

  Seeing Addie and Ashton standing next to her parents I turned in their direction and grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. Slipping in beside them, they all welcomed me back into the fold. With the night closing in on midnight, the fireworks were about to start.

  “This is my favorite part!” Addie shimmied with excitement.

  Standing in the middle of the group, I felt Jud wiggle his way behind me and hug me from behind as the countdown to fireworks began. The lights around the mansion dimmed as everyone came outside in anticipation of the show.

  Even though I hated it, I kept looking over at Cam, who was laughing with Lana as a couple of other beautiful women joined them. Lana linked arms with him and leaned into him, resting her chin on his shoulder like she fucking owned him.

  Jealousy ripped through me like nothing I had ever felt.

  Standing with his family, everyone was standing with their dates, except me. Mine was busy flirting with the office whore on the bridge, instead of standing with me. Trying to not to wear my heart on my sleeve I felt Jud lowered his head down and whispered, “He’s an asshole. I love you baby girl.”

  Reaching up, I hugged his arms, “Love you.”

  Letting me go as the fireworks went off, the night sky was lit up in a beautiful display of varying
fireworks that oohed and ahh'd the crowd for nearly twenty minutes before I heard Addie gasp.

  Worried about her, I looked over I saw Ashton go down on his knee in front of her with a giant glittering diamond ring as the fireworks burst in the sky above them.

  Watching with misty eyes, I couldn’t hear his words over the fireworks and music, but I could see her answer clearly as she nodded and tackled him into the ground in her beautiful blue gown.

  Looking over my shoulder one last time at Cameron, I was so fucking pissed he forgot about me, and worse, he was so fucking interested in those other people he missed his sister’s engagement.

  On the brink of tears, I felt a soft hand slide into mine.

  “Want some advice darling?” His mom asked me as she kissed the side of my temple.

  Nodding, I was curious what she was going to say.

  “Disappear. Have Miles take you home and shut your phone off. If he’s going to ignore you like that, he deserves it. If you wanted to know if he really cares,” she looked over at him, and then back at me, “You’ll have your answer well before morning.”

  “You are a bloody genius, you know that?” I said, with a grin.

  Nodding, “I am, I was once a young woman too sweetie. I remember how stupid men can be. He’s got to learn somehow Shayne, teach him. If he’s going to introduce you as his girlfriend, and then let Lana hang all over him, he’s got to weather the repercussions of his actions. I imagine if the roles were reversed, he’d be very displeased to have any man touching you in public.”

  Giving her a kiss, “Tell them all I said goodbye, and apologize for me.”

  “Psht, no need to apologize love, we are rooting for you. Go."

  Turning, I walked through the darkened house out to the round circle drive in search of Miles and shut my phone off. Lillian was right, I would have my answer soon enough.

  “Miss Shayne, can I help you?”

  Seeing the driver Lillian had brought with us when we shopped earlier this week, I walked towards him. “Miles, could you take me home?”

  “Of course, this way.” He offered his arm. Linking arms with him, he led me to a black tinted out Bentley and helped me in the back.

  “Thank you.”

  “No worries, we’ll have you home soon. Music?”

  “Yeah, dealer’s choice- whatever you’d like.”

  “Deal.” He said as he buckled up and turned on some good blues as he pulled out of the Carmichael estate without a further question. The best getaway driver, ever.

  I was so tempted to just text Cam to tell him exactly what I thought, but the other part of me wanted to see out how long it’d take him before he realized his date had left. Doing as Lilian suggested, I shut my phone off and tossed it back in my purse.

  Leaning my head back in the seat, I thought about how well tonight had been going. He had been attentive and affectionate all night. At the end, it was like he forgot I was there. It stung. After all the tender words and moments, it really stung.

  Maybe Lana was telling them all what I said, and they were laughing at how I thought I had Cameron leg shackled already.

  This is what you get Shay, what did you expect?

  Looking out the tinted window, I didn’t know what to do from here. What do I do tomorrow when I don’t hear from him? What do I do when I see him again? Fuck, my heart hurt.

  Getting back into town was much quicker than trying to get out at rush hour, pulling up to my house I looked at the illuminated foyer. My house seemed so big and lonely, I had such high hopes of how tonight would go. Shit, I had played it out in my head over and over since Cameron had left for Sweden. My dreams did not consist of me coming home alone to eat a half gallon of strawberry ice cream alone in a three thousand-dollar dress.



  “Would you mind walking me up? My brother called and said my ex-fiancé flew into town. I just…”

  “Sit tight dear.” Getting out of the car, he opened the door and held out his arm, “Of course I’ll see you up to the door safe Miss Shayne, what kind of driver do you think I am?” He said in his New Orleans draw that made me smile as I slid out and took his arm.

  Miles was ex-military, you could tell. He carried himself the way my brother did, and Cam too. He was the Carmichael driver, and bodyguard. The family trusted him with their lives, and I did too.

  Arm in arm with Miles, he and I were about halfway up the stairs when I heard Derrick’s voice calling from the other side of the street, coming towards us.


  Freezing instantly, my body stopped but my heart started to pound.

  “Go along inside Miss Shayne, I’ll see he leaves.” Miles said, gently pushing me gently towards the door, and then turned to face Derrick who was walking up my sidewalk.

  Fumbling with the keypad, my nerves were shot.

  “Shayne! Hey, let me see her. Get off me!”

  Turning, I saw Miles holding onto Derrick so he couldn’t get past him. My dumbass ex-fiancé was shouting and trying to over muscle Miles, which wasn’t going to happen. Miles looked like he was enjoying himself. Derrick’s athletic build wasn’t shit against Miles tall muscular frame; he was the text-book bodyguard build.

  In the distance, I heard a loud supercar rip through the streets. Looking up, I recognized the sound of that car as it kicked sideways and turned down my street and came to a screeching halt beside the Bentley.


  Getting out of the Maserati, he looked like James Bond as he walked past Miles and Derrick without a word and jogged right up the stairs to me, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. Coming chest to chest with me, he looked down as anger flared in his eyes.

  “Who would you rather argue with right now, him or me?” He asked in a low tone that simmered with anger, but only loud enough for me to hear.

  Looking up to him, “You.” I answered instantly.

  There wasn’t a damn thing I wanted to say to Derrick right now. I didn’t give a fuck he was here. The man I wanted to talk to was now standing in front of me, and looked just as pissed at me, as I was with him. We had words to say.

  “Good girl,” leaning forward he kissed my forehead and punched in the code, “Go inside and pour us a drink, I’ll be in in a moment.”

  Grabbing his arm as he turned around to face Miles and Derrick, “Cameron, don’t hit him. He’s not worth it, he’ll just sue you. He’s gotten enough of my money, don’t give him the pleasure.” I had to give him some sort of warning. Derrick was a leach, if he thought he could get money out of Cameron by pressing charges, he’d do it in a heartbeat.

  “Fine. No hitting.” He said darkly, and guided me inside as Derrick yelled in the background.

  Tipping up my chin with his finger, “Oh and Shay, don’t you dare change out of that dress.” Turning, he walked outside and closed my front door behind him softly.

  Blinking, I walked inside and went straight to the kitchen for the booze.

  Holy fuck, I got my answer.

  Now what that answer was going to hammer out to be, was to be determined. Did he come here just to tell me to fuck off, or was it something else? My heart and head battled with what the answer could be.

  Reaching up into my cabinet, I grabbed a bottle of Jameson and poured him a big drink, and then one for myself.

  Grabbing mine, I slammed the bottle down and leaned against my kitchen counter as I took one big swig and nursed the rest as he came walking into the dimly lit space. The shouting from the street was now gone, and here I was, alone with Cameron.

  Looking at me, his fingers twitched.

  Reaching out, he grabbed his drink and threw it back, swallowing it all in one gulp. Slamming his glass down, he poured a second drink, just as large and drank that one too. I watched as the powerful man, dressed in an Tom Ford tuxedo stood in my kitchen, ready to do battle.

  “You fucking left the gala without me, you didn’t even bother to tell me. You p
ut yourself in danger, knowing full well that your ex was back in town.”

  His anger pissed me off. He was angry because I left him there? These weren’t questions, they were accusations.

  Not even bother holding back, “I left because my date seemingly forgot, he had brought a date.”

  “Oh bullshit Shay, I was waiting for you- expecting you to come back.’”

  “You weren’t looking for me!”

  “Looking for you? You aren’t a goddamn child who needs help finding her way home! I had no idea how long your call would take with Chris. You told me to go, that you would meet me outside.”

  Fuck. He had a point.

  Pointing at me, he stood right in front of me, “Wait, you knew where I was…and watched me, instead of joining me?”

  “You had enough women on your hands, it didn’t look like you needed another.”

  “Oh fuck that, two of those women are a married lesbian couple who I do business with, the other is one of my directors…. if you didn’t like me being surrounded by women, why didn’t you walk up to me and lay claim to me?”


  “Maybe I should have vocalized this earlier, but if at any time you don’t like the way a woman is looking at me, or if she touches me…. if it ever makes you feel uncomfortable, I want you to come up and wrap your arms around me, whatever you need to do. Because if there was some man hitting on you, I’d be the first at your side laying claim to you.”

  “Jesus, what the fuck are we doing? Claim you? You aren’t property, and neither am I!” I shouted, breathing hard I went right back into it, “Speaking of that, you introduced me as your girlfriend all night! Didn’t you think to ask me before you just declared we were dating? How would you feel if you were in my shoes Cam? What if you came out of the house to see me watching fireworks with another man as he leaned his body against mine, and touched me?”

  “Lana is harmless Shay, that is just how she is.” His voice gave the first indication he was done arguing, it sounded like a statement he’s made before.

  “Fuck that. She fucking wants you Cameron. If you want to pretend you don’t see it, fine, but everyone else does. I don’t know what she has over you, but she wants your dick. I don’t do well with jealousy. Reverse the rolls, what if my very attractive coworker was all over me, how’d you like that? Would you buy the answer of ‘that’s just how he is?’ no, you wouldn’t.”


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